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《发布》江苏省苏锡常镇四市2020届高三第二次模拟考试(5月) 英语 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2020届高三模拟考试试卷英语2020.5本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题共85分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。()1. What does the man think of Sue?A. She is a competitive coworker. B. She i

2、s too young to be promoted.C. She is an experienced employee.()2. What does the doctor advise the woman to do?A. Do the first test only. B. Give up the two tests. C. Do the tests tomorrow.()3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Waiter and guest. B. Colleagues. C. Neighbours.()4. Wh

3、at are the speakers talking about?A. Wedding dress. B. Wedding hotel. C. Wedding preparation.()5. How far is the shop?A. Two blocks away. B. Three blocks away. C. Four blocks away.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出

4、5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。()6. Why has the flight been canceled?A. The weather of the day is awful. B. Something is wrong with the plane.C. The airport is closed for emergency.()7. What does the man think of the womans second option?A. Acceptable. B. Ambiguous. C. Unreasonable.听第7段材料,回答第8至1

5、0题。()8. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a library. B. In a bookshop. C. In a supermarket.()9. How can people find the books they want?A. By checking the online catalogue. B. By searching books on the phone.C. By putting in author names online.()10. In what situation will the ma

6、n get charged?A. When he borrows the books without his ID card.B. When he doesnt have the membership card.C. When he keeps the books without renewing them. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。()11. What does the man want to do?A. Open a credit card account. B. Check his credit report.C. Pay off credit card debt.()12.

7、How many valid credit cards does the man have now?A. None. B. One. C. Five.()13. What caused the mans problem?A. He had unpaid debts. B. He was unable to pay. C. He failed to pay on time.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。()14. What might be responsible for Alices headache?A. Lack of sleep. B. Tiredness. C. Stress.()

8、15. What does Alice probably do?A. Shes a student. B. Shes a housewife. C. Shes an employee.()16. Whats the mans suggestion to the woman?A. Changing her job. B. Forgetting her todolist.C. Relaxing herself with what she likes.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。()17. What has happened to South Howe Broch?A. It has com

9、pletely disappeared. B. It has been falling into the sea.C. It has been protected by a sea wall.()18. Which of the following sites has been badly affected by severe weather events?A. Midhowe Broch. B. The Orkney Islands.C. The University of the Highlands and Islands.()19. Which period does the Midho

10、we Broch belong to?A. The Iron Age. B. Viking rule. C. The Middle Ages.()20. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Climate has greatly changed in Scotland.B. Climate change threatens Scottish historical structures.C. Ancient British structures remain after severe climate change.第二部分:英语基础知识运用(共两

11、节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。()21. The beautiful scenery was_before the travelers when they reached the top of the hill.A. laid out B. given out C. sent out D. turned out()22. She and her best friend felt sad when they heard I_for New York the next day.A. ha

12、d left B. was leaving C. left D. has left()23. _many different viruses, wildlife can potentially infect human beings and should be banned for trade.A. To carry B. Carried C. Having been carried D. Carrying()24. A special committee of scientists _ to study AIs effects on economy in the years ahead.A.

13、 have established B. will be establishedC. are established D. is establishing()25. He flashed me a quick smile but rapidly swallowed it _ he saw my expression.A. when B. unless C. if D. until()26. This part of the book isnt very interesting, so Im going to _ it.A. deny B. cancel C. skip D. digest()2

14、7. I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint _ they like in my place.A. whenever B. however C. whatever D. whomever()28. I know I was _, so I will apologize to Sara today.A. at risk B. at fault C. at ease D. at random()29. To improve learning efficiency, students must spend more time foc

15、using on the skills _ they are weak in.A. what B. where C. when D. which()30. If it _for the joint efforts made by the whole nation, we couldnt have contained the coronavirus in such a short time.A. hadnt been B. shouldnt have been C. hasnt been D. wouldnt be()31. None of these arguments are _in tha

16、t they are unconvincing and impossible to justify.A. vague B. arbitrary C. valid D. absurd()32. Designing a powerful beginning is crucialnot only does it make readers stay with your story, _ you develop the plot.A. does it also help B. it also helps C. does also help D. also helps()33. The compositi

17、on seems imperfect but you should make _ for the fact that the author is only seven.A. appointments B. assumptions C. allowances D. arrangements()34. Local governments will step up efforts to keep employment stable, with allround measures _ more jobs.A. being created B. created C. having been create

18、d D. to create()35. Kobe Bryant was a basketball star with strong fighting spirit._. Hes always a role model for youngsters.A. I couldnt agree more B. I cant help itC. I couldnt be bothered D. I beg to differ第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。It all started with a com

19、mercial. I watched the baby take his first _36_ on TV, right before his family left for a trip to Disney World. An idea came to my mind: I wanted to go to Disney World. For most young kids, its a(n)_37_ request, but for me, it is unique. I was born with cerebral palsy(脑瘫), which doesnt _38_ me to wa

20、lk on my own. Over the next three years or so, I worked with physical therapists and practiced walking, standing, and balanceall _39_ that I would need to turn my goal into a reality.I remember the feeling when my legs would _40_ doing any more work, practically turning to jelly(胶状物). _41_ this, eve

21、ryone else told me I could do it, so I persisted. I walked, stood, balanced, until the _42_ came. On June 9, 2008, I stood in the tunnel leading into Main Street, looking around at my adoring fans, otherwise _43_ as my family and friends. My dad asked me if I wanted any help doing this thing. I prom

22、ptly replied, “NO!” and situated myself _44_ the end of the tunnel, feet _45_ firmly, heart most likely beating out of my chest. Step, step, step, step, bump. I _46_ quickly what had happened: I _47_ my momentum(冲力) and my focus, bumping into something. _48_, we had practiced this type of _49_ befor

23、ehand. Holding fast onto the handlebars, I gathered all of my sixyearold _50_ and straightened out, _51_ my pace once again. It wasnt too long before the _52_ became louder because I had made it to the end, where my mom was waiting with tears in her eyes.Looking back on that experience, I realize so

24、mething thoughtful. Every once in a while, life will _53_ a few bumps in the road. _54_ it may set you back for a bit, dont let it _55_ you. Pick yourself back up and finish. Its worth it.36. A. steps B. risks C. photos D. chances37. A. official B. blind C. explicit D. normal38. A. leave B. require

25、C. allow D. expect39. A. skills B. possibilities C. answers D. features40. A. delay B. protest C. admit D. miss41. A. Besides B. Against C. Despite D. Beyond42. A. time B. help C. memory D. person43. A. appointed B. evaluated C. emphasized D. known44. A. searching B. missing C. facing D. overlooking

26、45. A. planted B. controlled C. buried D. tied46. A. explained B. realized C. confirmed D. proved47. A. sustained B. lost C. gathered D. acquired48. A. Partly B. Luckily C. Alternatively D. Abruptly49. A. technique B. involvement C. situation D. intention50. A. patience B. curiosity C. dignity D. st

27、rength51. A. laughing at B. worrying about C. picking up D. looking for52. A. cheering B. explosion C. shout D. scream53. A. guarantee B. spread C. distribute D. throw54. A. Until B. Unless C. Since D. Though55. A. threaten B. push C. stop D. cheat第三部分: 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、

28、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ANorthern Lights in a SuperjeepTour Operator: Superjeep.is Travel method: Jeep/4x4 Region: Capital_RegionThe northern lights are a natural wonder, ethereal sheets of green and blue lights swaying across the starry night sky.To see the lights, you need to get out of the city lights on

29、 a clear winters night. The northern lights guides are experts at finding the best spot for viewing the elusive(难以得到的) lights, giving you the very best chance possible to see them. Travelling in a small group means that your moment under the northern lights will be intimate and personal and the stur

30、dy vehicle also allows for a greater range of movement. The superjeep drivers can get off the beaten path and take you to places where its just you, the Icelandic nature and the northern lights.Important informationThis tour lasts 34 hours. Free pickup from your hotel in the capital area begins at 2

31、0:00.From 15/0931/09 and 15/0315/04. The pickup starts at 21:00 due to a longer daylight.It is vital to wear comfortable and appropriate clothing like waterproof, walking shoes, dress in layers to be able to enjoy your journey to the fullest.AttentionThe Northern Lights Superjeep tour is dependent o

32、n the weather and sky conditions and we reserve the right to cancel at any time. If the evening tour goes ahead and the Northern Lights are not seen, we will offer the trip again for free!We make the decision around 17:00 every day if the tour is on or not, due to weather conditions. Please contact

33、us around 17:00 on the day of your tour to confirm the forecast is good and tour is ON at infosuperjeep.is or call 00 354 569 8000.Dress for the worst, hope for the best and prepare to be surprised )()56. Why is joining in the Northern Lights Superjeep tour a good choice?A. Because it helps tourists

34、 find the only viewing spot of the northern lights.B. Because it provides tourists with a smallgroup personalized experience.C. Because it allows travelling with many friends or companions around.D. Because it ensures an amazing trip with a limited range of movement.()57. From the advertisement we k

35、now that _A. a free pickup in the capital area is available at 20:00 every dayB. dressing formally is important for tourists to fully enjoy the tripC. tourists are supposed to confirm the trip is on as early as possibleD. weather conditions are a great concern for the tour operatorBMother Nature has

36、 it figured out. Shes designed a master scheme that connects plants and animals, all working in concert to keep every living thing in balance.This is especially obvious in places like central Africa and in South American tropical rainforests where certain animals help keep trees safe and healthy, wh

37、ich is critical as trees absorb vast amounts of planetwarming carbon pollution.Recent research warns that losing the creatures that nurture trees puts forests in danger. This, by extension, is helping to accelerate dangerous climate change.In central Africa, for example, elephants eat fastgrowing tr

38、ees, making room for those that grow more slowly. The slowgrowing treeswith their very dense woodstore more carbon than the thinner, fasterdeveloping ones. Without elephants, more carbon would accumulate in the atmosphere, worsening climate change, according to a new study that used computer models

39、to project what could happen if elephant populations continue to decrease or become extinct.“Africa may once have contained 10 million elephants from the Mediterranean to the Cape, in every habitat except extreme desert. In 1970, there may have been a million left. By the end of the 1980s, there wer

40、e half that number, mostly killed for the ivory trade,” said Stephen Blake, assistant professor of biology at St. Louis University.By killing elephants, poachers(偷猎者) rob slowgrowing trees of their guardian. They also slow the growth of new trees. Elephants blaze(开辟) trails and disperse(散播) seeds as

41、 they look for food “Elephants are basically the gardeners of the forest,” Blake said. “They disperse over 100 species of seeds, and disperse more of them over longer distances than other dispersers.”Blake, who has spent nearly 20 years in Africa working in elephant research and conservation, mourns

42、 their fate, describing them as “a complex society of intelligent, caring emotional animals who respect their grandmothers and mourn their dead,” and condemns those who neglect their duty to save them.“We will go to Marsthere is no doubthumans are too smart not to,” he said. “Yet we do not have the

43、wisdom to protect elephants and their forest environment that do so much for our physical, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing.”()58. Elephants help keep slowgrowing trees safe and healthy by _A. providing living space for themB. dispersing seeds when searching for foodC. decreasing in number and red

44、ucing carbon accumulationD. protecting them in the forest from being cut down()59. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. The world is changing at a faster speed than before.B. People are intelligent enough to protect the environment.C. What we have done to protect elephants is far from satisf

45、actory.D. Animals are so smart that they care much about the wellbeing of humans.()60. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. Elephants are in danger of dying out in the near future.B. Elephants are fighting climate change in ways humans cant.C. Animals are assumed to be the gard

46、eners of the forest.D. Animals are accelerating dangerous climate change.CLondon, New York, Tokyo and Paristhese famous cities have a commanding influence on the world economy and are home to millions of people, as well as internationally famous arts, culture and educational institutions. But they a

47、re hardly representative of the rest of the worlds cities. While 54% of the global population live in cities, around half of those live in cities that have 500,000 inhabitants or fewer.These “ordinary” cities can be overlooked by politicians, investors, researchers and big businesses. But they are d

48、ynamic places with many layers of social, cultural and economic significance. After experiencing a period of postindustrial decline, many such cities are considering urban regeneration(再生) programmes.But that doesnt mean they have to follow the same path as other urban areas. In fact, the research i

49、nto urban development has found that ordinary cities can avoid some of the illeffects of regeneration, by embracing what makes them unique.At the turn of the century, city leaders became increasingly interested in the idea of the “creative city”. The idea was to encourage a “creative class” of talen

50、ted workers to make their homes and businesses in cities, by creating urban spaces that are open, inclusive and diverse, as well as attractive and technologically advanced.“Regeneration” became a buzzword associated with these types of strategies, which seek to repurpose seemingly disused or rundown

51、 spaces to support an economy led by creative and technological industries. The apparent success of creative city policies was seen in postindustrial centres such as Detroit, US, following investments in cultural, artistic and musical urban renewal.Such policies swiftly became the goto strategy for

52、seemingly “ordinary” postindustrial cities around the world, even resulting in new rankings that pit cities against each other, based on criteria including entrepreneurship(创业精神), urban leadership and “liveability”. Having plenty of former industrial spaces that can be adapted for new uses, and a de

53、sire to be noticed on the national or global stage, encourages investment in urban regeneration from both public and private sources.Yet regeneration programmes inspired by the creative city agenda can cause problems. Property developers(地产开发商) and foreign investors have recognized the economic pote

54、ntial of real estate(房地产) in “creative” cities. This has led to rocketing land costs, and many lowincome residents have felt the effects of being displaced from their homes.Yet as more cities seek to emphasize their cultural assets(资产), city leaders and policy makers must be aware of the negative im

55、pacts that can arise if local residents are not central to the decisionmaking process. This emphasizes the need to consider local contexts and communities before operating copycat creative policies.()61. Some famous cities cant represent the rest of the worlds cities in that _A. they are always igno

56、red by politicians, researchers and businessmenB. they accommodate millions of people but dont contribute to the world economyC. about a quarter of global population live in middlesized and small citiesD. not all famous arts, culture and educational organizations are distributed there()62. What meas

57、ure was probably taken by cities like Detroit to promote city development?A. Using culture and art as a driving force.B. Forcing lowincome residents to move.C. Following the same path as some big cities.D. Encouraging industrial investment continuously.()63. What does the author want to stress in th

58、e passage?A. Cities should copy regeneration programmes.B. Cities should compete with each other based on some criteria.C. Cities should seek financial support from sources around the world.D. Cities should consider regional factors before using creative policies.()64. What does the passage mainly t

59、alk about?A. Ordinary cities successfully avoid illeffects of development.B. Ordinary cities dont have to copy trends to regenerate.C. Ordinary cities are trying to recover from postindustrial decline.D. Ordinary cities are dynamic places with social importance.DThe professor“A teacher affects etern

60、ity(永恒); he can never tell where his influence stops.”Henry AdamsHe was eight years old. A telegram came from the hospital, and since his father, a Russian immigrant, could not read English, Morrie had to break the news, reading his mothers death notice like a student read in front of the class. “We

61、 regret to inform you.” he began.On the morning of the funeral, Morries relatives came down the steps of his tenement building on the poor Lower East Side of Manhattan.At the cemetery, Morrie watched as they shoveled dirt into his mothers grave. He tried to recall the tender moments they had shared

62、when she was alive. She had operated a candy store until she got sick, after which she mostly slept or sat by the window, looking frail and weak. Sometimes she would yell out for her son to get her some medicine, and young Morrie, playing stickball in the street, would pretend he did not hear her. I

63、n his mind he believed he could make the illness go away by ignoring it.How else can a child deal with death?Morries father, whom everyone called Charlie, had come to America to escape the Russian Army. He worked in the fur business, but constantly out of a job. Uneducated and barely able to speak E

64、nglish, he was terribly poor, and the family was on the public assistance much of the time. Sometimes, to make money, Morrie and his younger brother, David, would wash porch steps together for a nickel(镍币)One morning, David couldnt move. He had polio(小儿麻痹症)For a long timeas his brother was taken bac

65、k and forth to a special medical home and was forced to wear braces on his legs, which left him limpingMorrie felt responsible.So in the mornings, he went to synagogue(犹太教会堂) and he stood among the swaying men in their long black coats and he asked God to take care of his dead mother and his sick br

66、other.And in the afternoons, he stood at the bottom of the subway steps and sold magazines, turning whatever money he made over to his family to buy food.In the evenings, he watched his father eat in silence, hoping forbut never gettinga show of affection, communication, warmth.At nine years old, he

67、 felt as if the weight of a mountain were on his shoulders.But a saving embrace came into Morries life the following year: his new stepmother, Eva. She was a short Romanian immigrant with plain features, curly brown hair, and the energy of two women. She had a glow(光) that warmed the otherwise murky

68、 atmosphere his father created. She talked when her new husband was silent, she sang songs to the children at night. Morrie took comfort in her smoothing voice, her school lessons, her strong character. When his brother returned from the medical home, still wearing braces from the polio, the two of

69、them shared a rollaway bed in the kitchen of their apartment, and Eva would kiss them goodnight. Morrie waited on those kisses like a puppy waits on milk, and he felt, deep down, that he had a mother again.There was no escaping their poverty, however. Because of the Depression, Morries father found

70、even less work in the fur business.Still, despite their circumstances, Morrie was taught to love and to care. And to learn. Eva would accept nothing less than excellence in school, because she saw education as the only antidote to their poverty. She herself went to night school to improve her Englis

71、h. Morries love for education was hatched in her arms.He studied at night, by the lamp at the kitchen table. And in the mornings he would go to synagogue to say Kaddishthe memorial prayer for the deadfor his mother. He did this to keep her memory alive.“What will you do?” Eva would ask him.“I dont k

72、now,” he would say. He ruled out law, because he didnt like lawyers, and he ruled out medicine, because he couldnt take the sight of blood.“What will you do?”It was only through default that the best professor I ever had became a teacher.()65. Why didnt Morrie respond to Mothers yelling for medicine

73、?A. He didnt know how to help his mother.B. He was too focused on playing stickball.C. He was lost in tender moments they shared in the past.D. He was too young to understand what was happening to his family.()66. After Eva joined in the family, Morrie _A. began to enjoy a materially rich lifeB. wit

74、nessed his father changing the atmosphereC. partly recovered from the sufferings in his lifeD. was forced to pursue academic achievements()67. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “antidote”?A. Alternative. B. Credit. C. Exception. D. Solution.()68. What gives Morrie t

75、he initial affection for education?A. His stepmothers influence. B. His desire for knowledge.C. His experience at school. D. His memory of Mother.()69. Which of the following can best describe Morrie?A. Innocent and adventurous. B. Energetic and ambitious.C. Responsible and diligent. D. Optimistic a

76、nd religious.()70. What can we learn from the story?A. Every cloud has a silver lining. B. No man is wise at all times.C. Time and tide wait for no man. D. Well begun is half done.第卷(非选择题共35分)第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。The story of the emperors

77、new clothes is one of Andersens bestknown fables. Conmen fool the monarch into believing they have made him a fabulous suit that the unworthy will be unable to see. Courtiers dare not say that the emperor is naked; it takes a child to point out the obvious.The moral is that people are often too hide

78、bound(迂腐的) by social convention to state their views. How many companies have ploughed ahead with expensive projects that were favoured by the chief executive, even when other managers have had doubts? In his new book Rebel Ideas: The Power of Diverse Thinking, Matthew Syed argues that the key to de

79、aling with this problem is “cognitive diversity”, in other words, assembling a team of people with different perspectives and intellectual backgrounds. It is not just about selecting people for teams from both sexes and various ethnicities. Hire only Cambridge politics graduates or Harvard MBAs or S

80、tanford software engineers and they will have studied under the same professors and absorbed similar world views regardless of their gender or skin colour.There is another element to selecting a good team: ensuring that those viewpoints are heard and respected. That may not happen if those in charge

81、 are overbearing(专横的). A study of over 300 projects by the Rotterdam School of Management found that those led by junior managers were more likely to succeed than those led by senior managersmaybe because other team members were less scared about pointing out potential dangers to someone lower down

82、the pecking order(权势等级)The ability to speak up within an organization, without fear of punishment, is known as “psychological safety”. Mr. Syed cites a study of teams at Google, which found that selfreported psychological safety was by far the most important factor behind successful teamwork at the

83、technology giant.One way to overcome shyness while brainstorming, for instance, is for everyone to write down their ideas but ensure their names are never known. That way opinions about thoughts are less closely tied to the seniority of the thinker and can be tested against each other with less fear

84、 or favour.Increasing the number and range of ideas on offer may be the secret of success. As Mr. Syed writes, the willingness to share knowledge pays off in a world of complexity. Another advantage of diversity is that outsiders can spot profitable opportunities that insiders may miss. Immigrants a

85、ccount for 13% of the American population but 27.5% of those who start a new business. By their nature, migrants have more getupandgo than the average personotherwise they wouldnt move. Some may start businesses because existing ones wont hire foreigners, but Mr. Syed is probably right that experien

86、cing more than one culture is a competitive advantage.The Power of Diverse ThinkingMain pointsDetailed informationTwo (71)_ to introduce the problemWhen the emperor is convinced that hes wearing a fabulous suit, none but a child dares to point out the fact, (72)_ of being regarded as the unworthy.(7

87、3)_ to the situation in the story, many managers dont dare to voice their doubts about some projects, which are being pushed ahead with just because of the chief executives favour.Mr. Syeds solution to the problem: cognitive diversityA team of people with diverse viewpoints and intellectual backgrou

88、nds should be (74)_.1. People of both sexes and various ethnicities dont (75)_ compose a good team while those with different academic backgrounds are more likely to.2. Make sure different viewpoints are heard and respected, which may possibly happen when someone less (76)_ is in charge.3. Some spec

89、ial approaches like ensuring people to express ideas (77)_ their names unknown to others can be adopted to increase members psychological safety.Some (78)_ of diverse thinkingThe more ideas are collected and the (79)_ their range is, the higher the chance of success is.(80)_ profitable opportunities

90、 is a relatively easy job for people with diverse thinking.第五部分:书面表达(满分25分)请阅读下面文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。WeChat is testing a new feature that allows public bloggers to add paywalls to their posts, the company said Wednesday.Qualified bloggers can charge readers up to 208 yuan($30) for each article, a

91、nd WeChat will charge the bloggers a technical service fee.WeChat, the most popular social media app in China with 1.15 billion monthly active users, said the feature aims to motivate original content publishers to produce more posts with higher quality.Public blogging accounts, which can be run by

92、individuals or companies, currently make money from inapp advertisements, which are negotiated directly between advertisers and blog owners, with WeChat not taking a cut. Readers can also voluntarily tip bloggers directly via a function called Zan Shang.Android users can pay with WeChat Pay, Tencent

93、s mobile payment method. Users with iOS, however, must use Apples inapp purchase service, meaning that Apple will take a cut of as much as 30% for each transaction.Its unclear how bloggers and readers will respond to the new feature as Chinese users are used to large amounts of free content shared o

94、n the social media platform.【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词概括上述信息的主要内容;2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1) 支持或反对这种收费;(2) 用23个理由或论据支撑你的观点。【写作要求】 1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3. 不必写标题。【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。 2020届高三模拟考试试卷(苏锡常镇)英语参考答案及听力材料听力15BCBCB610BAAAC1115AACCC1620CBBAB单项填空2125ABDBA2630CDBDA3135CBCDA完形填空364

95、0ADCAB4145CADCA4650BBBCD5155CADDC阅读理解5657BD5860ACB6164CADB6570DCDACA任务型阅读71. examples72. afraid/scared/frightened73. Similar74. assembled/selected75. necessarily76. overbearing77. with78. advantages/benefit(s)79. wider/broader80. Spotting书面表达Possible version 1:WeChat will allow bloggers to charge ce

96、rtain fees with different methods, depending on working systems of phones. Its unclear whether its users are willing to accept the proposal.As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Therefore, I applaud the plan. First and foremost, each article calls for considerable endeavors of

97、writers, thus deserving to be protected by the platform. Whats more, getting some rewards can motivate the writers to compose more original articles with critical thinking instead of following others blindly, which is in consistent with our national policy of stimulating social creativity. Last but

98、not least, provided that articles can be downloaded for free, it will invade writers copyright. Copyright is an essential component of human rights and has a profound influence both on individuals and the whole nation.In a word, only if the writers right is well guaranteed can WeChat enjoy a healthy

99、 and stable development.Possible version 2:WeChat will allow bloggers to charge certain fees with different methods, depending on working systems of phones. Its unclear whether its users are willing to accept the proposal.Sharing is a wise policy for both individuals and society. Therefore, I am opp

100、osed to this plan. In the first place, charging fees will inevitably block the widespread of some instructive opinions and articles. Secondly, reading is important to everyone. Nobody should be deprived of the right to gain access to reading and education, including those who are even struggling wit

101、h survival. Last but not least, the bloggers and platform operators cannot turn a blind eye to their social responsibility when faced with economic interests. Since they are the communicators of public order and social value, they have no excuse to avoid shouldering their duty.In conclusion, it is a

102、 critical moment for WeChat to have a second thought about its plan.听力材料Text 1W: Have you heard Sues got a promotion?M: Really? She is too young, and has only worked here for no more than half a year.W: Yes, but she is really very capable and outstanding.Text 2W: Good afternoon, Doctor. Ive come her

103、e for some blood tests.M: Let me have a look. The first test is no problem, but the second one has to be done on an empty stomach. So I suggest you come back tomorrow morning.Text 3W: The service at our companys staff canteen is just excellent! Dont you think so, Jim?M: Are you kidding me, Cathy? I

104、waited for 20 minutes before I got a coffee.Text 4M: How are your wedding plans going?W: Ive prepared the church, transport, hotel, honeymoon. everything. The only thing that isnt ready yet is my wedding dress.Text 5W: I know a place on the Fifth Street where you can get your camera repaired.M: How

105、far is it?W: Keep on walking ahead about two blocks, and youll see a bank. Go ahead and continue for another block. The shop is right there at the corner.Text 6W: Im sorry, sir. This flight has been canceled due to some mechanical problems.M: Canceled? Oh, what a day! What should I do then?W: We apo

106、logize for any inconvenience that may be caused by this. If your flight is urgent, I can put you on a waiting list for another flight this evening, but its on a first come first served basis, so there is no guarantee that you will be able to take that flight.M: Can I have some other options?W: You c

107、an. If you are willing to wait until tomorrow, we will put you up in a hotel for today and you can take scheduled flight for tomorrow morning.M: Thats fine. Ill do that then.W: Thank you for your understanding, sir. I will book your flight now.Text 7M: Wow! Look! So many books! I bet I can definitel

108、y find my book here!W: Shhh! Please keep your voice down. There are people reading and studying here.M: Oh, Im sorry. Are you the librarian? Maybe you can help me. I am looking for some books.W: No problem. You can check our online catalogue to search the book you want based on the title. If you kno

109、w the author, I can point you towards the right direction.M: I am looking for books written by Charles Dickens.W: That would be in our literature section. The bookshelf there on the right.M: OK, found them finally. Id like to check out these books.W: Do you have a library card?M: Oh, no. How can I g

110、et one?W: Just show me your ID card or driving license.M: Wait a minute. Here you go.W: So you are all set. You can have these books for two weeks. If you need to have them longer, you can bring them here to renew them. If you dont, you will get charged ten cents a day for each book.M: OK, I see. Th

111、ank you!Text 8M: This is the second time Ive been turned down for a credit card in a month. I dont know what Im doing wrong.W: Have you checked your credit report recently? Maybe you have a bad credit record.M: I have a fulltime job with a good income; they can easily confirm it. And I dont have any

112、 unpaid debt. So what could be the problem?W: Have you ever had a credit card?M: Yeah.W: Did you always make your payments on time?M: Well, no.W: Then that may be the problem. It makes a big difference if you miss payments or are late.M: You mean if I were late a few times, I wouldnt be able to get

113、another credit card?W: A few times? How many times?M: Well, five actually.W: Why do you need another credit card now that youve already had one?M: I had one, but it was canceled by the bank.W: Ah ha! I think weve just found the answer to the problem.Text 9M: Alice, whats wrong? You dont look so good

114、 today. Are you alright?W: No. Ive had a headache for three days. It just wont go away!M: Sorry to hear that. But have you tried any medicine for it?W: I visited the doctor and he gave me some painkillers. But those pills make me really sick and I even have a stomachache now.M: Are you feeling tired

115、?W: Not really. Ive been getting seven or eight hours of sleep every night, so I dont think its sleeprelated.M: Are you feeling stressed? Stress can also cause headaches.W: Maybe a little bit. You know Im in an online education program. Im working full time. I live away from my family. Ive been sick

116、 most of the year. So yes, stressed! But what can I do about that?M: Basically, when I feel stressed, I review my todolist. I only focus on the things that need to be done first, rather than move blindly from one task to another. And I only do things I enjoy, say walking, reading or listening to mus

117、ic.Text 10Historians are warning that some ancient British structures are being threatened by climate change.One of the most affected places is around the Orkney Islands, which are off the northern coast of Scotland. The area is home to more than 3,000 historical places. But, the islands have been s

118、eriously affected by severe weather events in recent years. Some structures on the islands were built during the Iron Age, Viking rule and the Middle Ages.Experts say that about 1,000 historical sites are under threat. One of them is the Iron Age building South Howe Broch on the island of Rousay. No

119、w, its main wall has started falling into the sea. Julie Gibson is with the University of the Highlands and Islands. She fears the whole structure will one day completely disappear.A few hundred meters away from South Howe Broch is Midhowe Broch. This Iron Age building is still in good condition bec

120、ause it has been protected by a sea wall built in the 1930s. But experts say even this site faces risks if climate conditions continue to worsen.It is reported that the average rainfall has risen 27 percent in Scotland since the early 1960s. This increases the chances of water entering deeply into structures and causing damage. Over time, such damage can cause structural collapse.- 15 - 版权所有高考资源网


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