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2019-2020学年人教版英语选修九同步练习:UNIT 3AUSTRALIA 3-2 WORD版含答案.docx

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1、Section Learning about Language一、根据汉语提示写出单词的适当形式1.The number of people employed in (农业)has fallen in the last decade.答案:agriculture2.We have been in (通信)for months.答案:correspondence3.The number of students of this school has(缩减).答案:shrunk4.He was (绝望的) when he lost all his money.答案:desperate二、同义句转换1

2、.A:In spite of the bad weather,we enjoyed ourselves indeed. B: the bad weather,we enjoyed ourselves indeed.答案:Despite2.A:We sent him many presents because of respect.B:We sent him many presents .答案:out of respect3.A:The earthquake survivors are in great need of help.B:The earthquake survivors are in

3、 need of help.答案:desperate4.A:Tom observed Mary enter the office.B:Mary was the office by Tom.答案:observed to enter三、改正下面句子中的错误1.All we need to consider now is carry out the plan.答案:carrycarrying或to carry2.Compared with other players,the coach is more satisfying with Toms performance.答案:satisfyingsat

4、isfied3.He is more possible to stay here for another three weeks. 答案:possiblelikely4.This is which I really mean:each failure leads us closer to deeper knowledge.答案:whichwhat5.If you feel tired and sick of fat food,that is you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination. 答案:that is后加when6.S

5、ome parents try to do everything for their children,which I think is just what they are mistaken.答案:whatwhere7.Seeing what happened,the old man felt very angrily.答案:angrilyangry8.Soon they all became interest in the subject.答案:interestinterested9.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easie

6、r,not making it more difficult.答案:not makingnot to make10.Longjing tea,Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous,but which is tasted best?答案:is tastedtastes11.The meeting was put off,which was exactly that we wanted.答案:thatwhat12.The question is if it is worth visiting.答案:ifwhether13.The reason for th

7、is phenomenon is because students have not enough time for a rest.答案:becausethat14.China is no longer that she used to be.答案:thatwhat15.What is really worrying us is how can we deal with so much electronic waste.答案:how can wehow we can四、完成句子1.Whether we can settle the problem (仍然不清楚).答案:remains unkn

8、own/unclear2.Her job is (照顾孩子们).答案:looking after the children3.How can the water in the sea (保持清洁)?答案:stay clean4.What Id like to see is (结束战争).答案:putting an end to the war5.It sounds (好像一列火车正从房子下面经过).答案:as if a train is passing under the house6.The news that our team won the game (令人鼓舞).答案:is encou

9、raging7.Her expenses (与她的收入不符). 答案:do not correspond with her income8.That champion (几乎破了世界纪录).答案:all but broke the world record五、完形填空1.Imagine a people whose language has no word for “marriage”or“husband”.Just such a tribe lives in the mountains of southeastern China.Lake Lugu,known as the“Country

10、of Women”,is home to the Mosuo.It is one of the few 1 matriarchal(母系的)societies in the world which manage to 2through thousands of years.Mosuo culture goes around women:the women make all the important 3,control the familys resources,and pass their 4 onto their children.5 marrying,a Mosuo woman take

11、s many lovers over her lifetime,and the resulting children will6 live with her.7 the Mosuo language has a word for “mother”,there is 8 word for“father”and Mosuo children 9 all older men as“uncle”.Getting to Lake Lugu isnt easy,which helped the tribe keep their customs and 10.A generation ago,few out

12、siders had ever 11 Lake Lugu or the Mosuo.But in recent years,word 12 about the value of their culture and the beauty of the lake.These reports attracted travelers and,13,this once-isolated paradise seems filled with tourists whove come to see the locals.Along with the visitors 14 stories of the out

13、side world,15 the young to leave home for the 16 in search of new opportunities.For better or worse,the unique world of the Mosuo people is 17.Many of the older Mosuo women 18 the old days,before the outsiders came with their strange clothing and stranger19.But most agree that change is necessary.An

14、d some of the younger Mosuo women are speaking openly about getting 20,a word their grandmothers still dont understand.1.A.lostB.leftC.remainingD.imaginable答案:C解析:由上下文可知是“保存下来的母系社会之一”。remaining 可作前置定语,表示“保存下来的”,而left只能作后置定语。2.A.surviveB.leaveC.proveD.continue答案:A解析:经过几千年“幸存”下来。3.A.plansB.decisionsC.

15、clothesD.notes答案:B解析:根据前面的“Mosuo culture goes around women”可知,在摩梭人中,一切重大决定都由妇女作出。4.A.full namesB.middle namesC.nicknamesD.surnames答案:D解析:surname指“姓”,这里是说母亲把自己的“姓”传给下一代。5.A.Rather thanB.Other thanC.More thanD.Better than答案:A解析:由下文的“a Mosuo woman takes many lovers over her lifetime”可推知,摩梭人并不结婚。rather

16、than表示“并非,而不是”。6.A.neverB.seldomC.sometimesD.always答案:D解析:从母系社会的特征可推知孩子一直跟着母亲。7.A.BecauseB.WhenC.UnlessD.While答案:D解析:这句话的两个分句之间是让步关系。句意:尽管摩梭人的语言中有“母亲”一词,但却没有“父亲”。选项中只有while可表示让步关系。8.A.oneB.someC.noD.proper答案:C解析:由上一题解析可推知答案。9.A.refer toB.makeC.lookD.pretend答案:A解析:refer to sb.as.相当于consider sb.as.,意为

17、“把某人称作”。10.A.habitsB.cultureC.artsD.science答案:B解析:句意:帮助他们保持自己的风俗和文化。11.A.thought ofB.spoken ofC.heard ofD.admitted of答案:C解析:考查语境理解。此句和前句的“Getting to Lake Lugu isnt easy”相对应。句意:很少有人听说过泸沽湖或摩梭人。12.A.took outB.broke outC.went outD.sent out答案:C解析:消息传出来。go out意为“(消息或新闻)发布,公布”;word在此有“消息”之意。13.A.at timesB.

18、in no timeC.at a timeD.in time答案:A解析:at times是固定搭配,意为“有时”。14.A.goB.takeC.bringD.come答案:D解析:此句是一个倒装句,正常语序应是“Stories of the outside world come along with the visitors”。come along with表示“和一起来”。15.A.makingB.forcingC.attractingD.advising答案:C解析:attract表示“吸引”,这里指来自外面世界的故事吸引着这里的年轻人出去寻找机会。16.A.villagesB.citi


20、.dressedD.married答案:D 解析:以前的摩梭妇女是不结婚的,但现在她们开始谈论这个以前从不涉及的话题。六、语法填空10.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mum:(putting on her coat)Im going to have to go down to the shop for more bread.Alan:Why?Mum:Im not sure what 1(happen).I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table 2 I went to ans

21、wer the phone.But someone must have taken them because theyre 3(go).Alan:Oh,it must have been Dad.Im sure he was in the kitchen 4(early).Mum:No,he went off to his tennis match before I finished 5(make)them,so he couldnt have done it.6,he couldnt carry a plate of sandwiches as well as all his tennis

22、stuff,so Im sure 7 wasnt him.Alan:(opening the fridge door)Well,it wasnt me.But Mum,look!Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of 8 fridge?Mum:Are they there?Oh,my goodness.I 9(put)them in there when the phone rang.Oh,dear.I really must be losing my 10.Now,why did I put on my coat?答案:1.happened2.when3.gone4.earlier5.making 6.Anyway7.it8.the9.must have put10.mind/memory


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