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1、X8U31But once_picked_up,_they tried to bite me.但是它们一被捡起来,就试图咬我。 (1)once作为连接词引导时间状语从句时,后面可接现在分词或过去分词。Once opened, the museum will be very popular with the citizens.博物馆一旦开放,肯定会受到市民的欢迎。(表被动)Once talking with him, youll find him an easygoing man. 一旦与他交谈,你就会发现他是一个随和的人。(表主动) (2)once 引导的从句中,要用一般时代替将来时。Once

2、 you have grasped English, youll be easy to get a wellpaid job.一旦你掌握了英语,你就会很容易找到一份报酬很高的工作。(现在完成时代替将来完成时)Once he arrives, we can start.他一到我们就可以开始。(一般现在时代替一般将来时) 即境活用1(2007福建) You will be successful in the interview _ you have confidence.AbeforeBonceCuntil Dthough答案:B解析:考查状语从句。once “一旦”引导时间状语从句。before

3、“在以前”;until “直到”;though“虽然”。2Remember to include one change to your invention in_case it doesnt work the first time.记住对你的发明要有变化的余地,以防它第一次不起作用。in case(以防)万一in case 后可接从句,也可置于句末。in case of 要是;在时候(后接名词或代词)in this case 如果这样的话in that case 如果那样的话in any case 无论如何in no case 决不(位于句首,句子应使用倒装语序)Take your umbre

4、lla in case it rains.拿着你的雨伞以防下雨。In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.如果我忘记了我的诺言,请提醒我。 In case of fire, open this safety door.一旦发生火灾,打开这扇安全门。In no case may you leave the baby alone at home.你决不能把孩子一个人留在家里。 即境活用2(2007北京)Leave your key with a neighbor _ you lock yourself out one day.Aever si

5、nce Beven ifCsoon after Din case答案:D解析:A项意为“自从以来”,B项意为“即使”,C项意为“不久之后”,D项意为“以防;以免”。句意为“留一把钥匙给邻居,以免有一天你把自己锁在门外”。X8U41Its raining heavily now, isnt_it?现在雨下得很大,不是吗?这是一个反意疑问句,使用反意疑问句需注意以下几点: (1)反意疑问句一般结构:“肯定陈述句否定的附加问句”和“否定陈述句肯定的附加问句”。The clock is slow, isnt it?这钟慢了,对不对?We cant take the book out, can we?这

6、些书我们不能拿出去,对吧? (2)回答这类问题时,答案是肯定的用 yes,否定的用 no。You are not going out today, are you?你今天不出去,是吧?Yes, I am. (我今天要出去)No, I am not. (我今天不出去)He wasnt there that day, was he? 他那天不在那儿,是吗?Yes, he was. (他在)No, he wasnt (他不在) (3)如果陈述部分中含有 no, never, hardly, scarcely, seldom 等词,这部分就算否定,后边要用肯定的疑问尾句。You have no cla

7、sses tomorrow, have you?你明天没课,是吧?You were hardly twelve then, were you?你那时几乎不到12岁,是吧? (4)当主语为 none, everyone, somecone, no one 等时,正式语体中常用 he,非正式语体中常用 they。None of the boys can do it, can he?没有一个男孩子能做这件事,不是吗?Everyone enjoyed the party, didnt they? 每个人都在晚会上玩得高兴,不是吗?(5)当主语为 nothing, something, anything

8、, everything 等时,后面尾句的主语多用 it。 即境活用1I dont think a warm winter always has a negative influence on our life, _?Adoes it Bdont IChasnt it Ddo I答案:A解析:“I think/suppose/believethat 从句”的反意疑问句的主语和谓语应与 that 从句一致。I dont think/suppose/believe that. 属于否定前移现象,因此其反意疑问句用肯定形式。2But they betray themselves every_time

9、 they open their mouths. 但他们每次开口说话就会露馅。every time 等表示时间的短语可作为连词用,引导一个时间状语从句,这类词语还有:the instant, the moment, directly, the day, the year, next time, the first (second, third.) time 等。Youre welcome to come back any time you want to.你想什么时候回来,我们都欢迎。He called me the first time he came to Nanjing.第一次来南京时,

10、他给我打了电话。Next time you come, youll see him.下次来时,你就会见到他。 即境活用2Do not stop _ you come to a word or a phrase you do not know.Afor the first time BbecauseCevery time Dsince答案:C解析:考查 every time “每一次”引导时间状语从句。2. 反意疑问句的用法应用2(1)(2009上海卷)Sallys never seen a play in the Shanghai Grand Theatre, _?Ahasnt she Bha

11、s sheCisnt she Dis she答案:B解析:句中陈述部分是现在完成时的否定句,故反意疑问句选B。 (2)(2009辽宁卷)Its the first time that he has been to Australia, _?Aisnt he Bhasnt heCisnt it Dhasnt it答案:C解析:反意疑问句的构成需依据主句的主语和谓语而定。 (3)(2009河北唐山调研)The women carrying babies, come in first, _?Awill you Bwill theyCdont they Ddont you答案:A解析:该句陈述部分是祈

12、使句,其中The women carrying babies为称呼语,故反意疑问句选A。X8U51It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England.我很高兴遇见你们这些来自英国的学生pleasure 本来是抽象名词,在此句中具体化,意思是“乐事;快事”。Its a pleasure to meet you.认识你是十分高兴的事。She has few pleasures left in life.她生活中已没有什么乐趣了。拓展:抽象名词的具体化是高考的常考点之一,现总结如下:(1)表示具有某种特性、状态、特点、情感、情绪的人或事,

13、且表示变化了的词义时,这类抽象名词由于已具体化,故可变为可数名词。如:a pleasure 乐事 a success 成功的人或事a surprise 奇异的事 a failure 失败的人或事a pity 可惜的事 a must 必要的事a worry 令人担忧的事 a wonder 奇迹a great help 有帮助的人或事 a youth 年轻人a danger 危险的人或物 a beauty 美人 (2)表示抽象的特性、状态、思维、行为的一次、一种、一类、一下、一顿等意思时,常可组成“a/an抽象名词”或“a/an形容词抽象名词”结构。如:have a sleep 睡觉die a d

14、eath 死take a great interest 表现极大的兴趣 take a look 看get a high opinion 得到很高的评价make an apology 道歉have a good time 玩得高兴an art 一种艺术a delicious breakfast (lunch, supper) 可口的早餐(午餐、晚餐)即境活用1She is _ success, _ woman as she is.A/; /Ba; aC/; a Da; /答案:D解析:考查冠词。第一空填a,表示“一位成功人士”;第二空 as引导让步状语从句时,句子需倒装且名词前不填冠词。2We

15、have_been_excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter.我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚,这意味着他们可能整个冬天都在烧火。 (1)句中的have been doing是现在完成进行时。完成进行时是现在完成时的强调形式,表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要继续下去,通常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:for hours, since this morning等,其构成是“h

16、ave/hasbeen现在分词”。I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still havent found it.我已经花了三天的时间找我丢失的书,但还没有找到。【注意】现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别:二者都可以表示动作的延续,区别在于:前者更强调动作的延续性,可以说是后者的强调形式。We have been living here for ten years.(强调还要继续住下去)We have lived here for ten years.(不知道是否已经结束)在无时间状语的情况下,前者表示动作仍在进行

17、,而后者则表示动作在过去已结束。The students have been preparing for the exam.(还在进行)The students have prepared for the exam.(已经结束) (2)句中的suggest含义为“暗示,表明”,后面接从句时不用虚拟语气。His pale face suggests he is in bad health.他面色苍白,说明他身体不好。当suggest含义为“建议,提出”时,后面跟从句时要用虚拟语气that sb. should do。I suggested to him that we should handle

18、 the problem another way.我向他建议我们用另一种方式处理这个问题。The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day.牙医建议她改天再来。 即境活用2(1)The two countries _ to maintain their military equation for many years.Atried Bwas tryingChave tried Dhave been trying答案:D (2)The suggestion that the mayor _ the prizes was accept

19、ed by everyone.Awould present BpresentCpresents Dought to present答案:B3Abruptly she sat down, only_to_be_scooped_up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.她突然坐下,结果被她又笑又嚷的妹妹鲁娜抱了起来。only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna是不定式做结果状语,多表示意料之外的结果。He hurried to the station only to find th

20、at the train had left. 他匆匆忙忙地赶到车站,结果发现火车已经开走了。提示:ing 形式做结果状语多表示由于前边的动作自然而然地导致后边的结果。如:They can eat a person in two minutes, leaving only bones. 它们可以在两分钟之内把一个人吃光,只剩骨头。European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most popular sport.有80多个国家踢欧式足球,这使得它成为最流行的运动。 即境活用3The news report

21、ers hurried to the airport, only _ the film stars had left.Ato tell Bto be toldCtelling Dtold答案:B解析:onlyto do 常做结果状语,故排除C、D两项。根据句意可知是“别人告诉记者”,the news reporters 做主语,需用被动式。3. 现在完成进行时应用3(1)Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.I think so. He _ for it for months.Ais preparing Bwas prepar

22、ingChad been prepared Dhas been preparing答案:D解析:从语境可知 prepare 这一动作从过去一直持续到说话时。故用 have been doing。 (2)She ought to stop working. She has a headache because she _ all day long.Ahas been reading Bhad readCis reading Dread答案:A解析:主句用了一般现在时,从句强调到现在为止,一直在读书,所以用现在完成进行时。 (3)Cathy is taking notes of the gramm

23、atical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _ English for a year.Astudies BstudiedCis studying Dhas been studying答案:D解析:凯茜正在阳光学校记语法笔记,她一直在那里学英语,到现在一年了。 (4)Ever since the Greens moved to the country a year ago, they _ better health.Aare enjoying Bhave been enjoyingCcould have enjoyed Dhad enj

24、oyed答案:B解析:ever since (自从以来)引导从句时,主句要用完成时态。本句强调“一直进行”,所以选B。 (5)Did you find the missing couple in the mountain yesterday?No, but we _ to get in touch with them ever since.Ahave tried Bhave been tryingChad tried Dhad been trying答案:B解析:从情景可知,句子的谓语应使用现在完成时态,排除C、D两项。现在完成时表示动作到现在结束;现在完成进行时则表示动作持续到现在并且要延续到将来。运用到本题表示“过去一直并且以后也要尽力去取得联系”。


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