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1、题型组合练(五)(对应学生用书第177页).单项填空1(2017江苏省如皋中学高三上学期教学质量调研(三)Jack doesnt smoke now,but he_for almost twenty years.Awas smokingBhas smokedChad smokedDsmokedD考查时态。句意:Jack现在不抽烟,但是他抽过几乎20年的烟。根据Jack doesnt smoke now,可知,他抽烟的20年是过去的时间,用一般过去时。2(2017江苏省苏北四市(淮安、宿迁、连云港、徐州)高三上学期期中考试)Owing to the speeding up of urbaniza

2、tion and improvement of living standards,peoples consumption patterns_ in the last few years.AchangedBchangeChad changedDhave changedD考查动词时态。句意:由于城市化的快速发展和人民生活水平的改善,在过去的一些年里,人们的消费模式也发生了变化。in the last few years“在过去的几年中”,这一类的时间状语常常与现在完成时连用。3I love the weekend,because I _ get up early on Saturdays and

3、Sundays.AneedntBmustntCwouldntDshouldntA考查情态动词。句意:我喜欢周末,因为周六周日我不必(neednt)早起。A项neednt意为“不必,没有必要”,符合语境。mustnt禁止;wouldnt不愿意;shouldnt不应该。4(2017江苏省如东高级中学、前黄高级中学、栟茶中学、马塘中学四校高三12月联考)Despite his death,Castros courage and wisdom are always believed_a new generation of political leaders in Latin America.Ato i

4、nspireBinspiringCto have inspiredDhaving inspiredC考查非谓语动词。句意:尽管已经去世,但是人们认为卡斯特罗的勇气和智慧将永远激励拉丁美洲新一代的政治领导人。非谓语动词inspire这一动作发生在谓语动词所发生的动作之前,所以要用不定式的完成式作宾补。5(20162017学年江苏省启东中学高三上学期第一次月考)How was the televised debate last night?Super! Rarely _so much media attention.Aa debate attractedBdid a debate attractC

5、a debate did attractDattracted a debateB考查倒装。句意:昨晚的电视辩论怎么样?超级棒!很少有辩论能引起如此多的媒体关注。rarely意为“很少地,罕有地”,是表示否定意义的副词,置于句首,句子用部分倒装。6(20162017学年江苏省启东中学高三上学期第一次月考)Almost 90% of the most popular video games contain violence,and much of _ is extremely violent.AwhichBitCthemDthoseB考查代词。句意:90%最流行的视频游戏都包含暴力,其中很多是极其

6、暴力的。it指代不可数名词violence。7(20162017学年江苏省南通市如东县、徐州市丰县高三10月联考)As is often the case,teachers _ with parents involve complaints about childrens misbehavior and laziness in school.AacquaintanceBnegotiationsCconferencesDconsultationsC考查名词辨析。句意:情况经常是这样,老师和家长的会议包含孩子在校的不良行为和懒惰的抱怨。acquaintance“熟人”;negotiations“谈

7、判”;conferences“会议”;consultations“商讨会”。8(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(八)Making your potential employer honest and _to you can give you insights into how happy youll be as one of their colleagues.Acall outBmake upCopen upDget throughC考查动词短语辨析。句意:让你的潜在雇主讲诚信且对你开诚布公会让你知道成为他们的同事之一是多么幸福的事情。根据题干中的“honest”可知,open up“直

8、抒胸臆,畅所欲言”符合语境。call out意为“大声叫喊,呼唤”;make up to sb.意为“奉承/讨好某人”;get through to sb.意为“使某人理解(所说的话)”。9(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(八)A clever man never _in matters that do not concern him! Mind your own business,Jim!AinvestsBinterestsCinterruptsDinterferesD考查动词辨析。句意:聪明的人永远不会介入与他无关的事!别多管闲事,吉姆!根据句意,尤其是句中的“Mind your o

9、wn business”可知,此题选D项,表示“干预,干涉,介入”。invest“投入,投资”;interest“使感兴趣”;interrupt“打扰,打岔”。10(20162017学年江苏省南通市如东县、徐州市丰县高三10月联考)In order to find a _ solution to this longterm problem,countries need to develop so that they can either grow the food they need,or have enough money to buy this food on the world mark

10、et.AcurrentBpermanentCimpressiveDpatientB考查形容词辨析。句意:为了找到一个长期问题的永久的解决方法,国家需要发展,这样它们要么能种出它们需要的食物,要么有足够的钱在世界市场上买这些食物。current“现在的”;permanent“永久的”;impressive“印象深刻的”;patient“耐心的”。11(20162017学年江苏省南京师范大学附属实验学校高三第一学期期中检测)Scientists generally agree that Earths climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 year

11、s _it has warmed in the 20,000 years since the Ice Age.Aas long asBas much asCas soon asDas well asB考查状语从句。句意:科学家们普遍认为,在未来50到100年内,地球的气候将像冰河世纪以来的20 000年那样变暖。这是一个同级比较的比较状语从句,因为比较的对象是上升的温度,所以B项最佳。12(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(七)Though you have made a great effort to collect writing materials,_,I think you sho

12、uldnt publish such articles dealing with sensitive topics.Ain other wordsBto be honestCto be exactDon the contraryB考查插入语。句意:虽然你已为收集写作材料付出了巨大的努力,但老实说,我认为你不应该发表这类涉及敏感话题的文章。 in other words“换句话说”;to be honest“老实说”;to be exact“准确地说”;on the contrary“相反”。根据句意可知选B。13(20162017学年江苏省启东中学高三上学期第一次月考)Im sure youd

13、 rather she went to school by bus,_?Ahadnt youBwouldnt youCarent IDdidnt sheB考查反义疑问句。句意:我相信你宁愿她坐公共汽车去上学,是吗?在既有主句又有从句的时候,如果主句部分是I think,I suppose,Im sure,其反义疑问句须与从句的主、谓语保持一致。故在该题中,反义疑问句要和从句youd rather she went to school by bus一致,根据前否后肯的原则,该反义疑问句应为wouldnt you。14(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(九)Tom failed in the

14、final exam.Didnt you hear this?_? He has always been studying hard.A.So whatBHow comeCWhat ifDGuess whatB考查交际用语。句意:汤姆在期末考试中不及格。你没听说这件事吗?怎么会呢?他一直都很努力学习的。根据语境可知,应选How come“怎么会呢”。So what“那又怎样”;What if“倘若会怎么样”;Guess what“你猜怎么着”。15(2017江苏省高考名校联考信息优化卷(三)Whats up,dear?I really _after I lost the bicycle rac

15、e to a 10yearold girl.Akilled the fatted calfBhad egg on my faceCwashed my hands offDgot off my high horseB考查习语辨析。句意:亲爱的,怎么了?当我在自行车竞赛中输给了一个10岁的小女孩之后,我真的感到很丢脸。kill the fatted calf“盛宴款待”;have egg on ones face“丢脸,出丑”;wash ones hands off“洗手不干”;get off ones high horse“放下架子,不再生气”。根据句意,应选B项。.完形填空议论文(2017南京

16、、盐城、连云港高三二模)Order is the best manager of time.It illustrates many subjects.Thus,obedience to the natural law is order.Virtue is order.The world began with it._16_was once common before its establishment.The merchant,the clerk and the laborer are all of the same_17_,born with the same expectations an

17、d affected by similar influences.They are,it is_18_,born in different positions,but it _19_ with themselves whether they shall live nobly or evilly.They may not have their choice of riches or poverty,but they have their_20_of being good or evil.People of the highest position,_21_culture and educatio

18、n,have often as great hardships as the common people.They have to make their incomes go much further.They have to_22_their social status._23_their incomes may be less satisfactory,they are desperate to_24_and bring the children up as gentlemen.Hume,a famous historian,was a man of good family but his

19、_25_were very small when he was young.In his autobiography,he uses his own case as a(an)_26_of the advantages of frugality(节省)Despite a considerable debt,his mother,a widow,_27_met the difficulties and eventually overcame them.Though her income was less than that of many highly paid men,she educated

20、 her children well and brought them up_28_Hume says,“While studying in France,I_29_that plan of life which I have steadily and successfully pursued.I determined to make a_30_frugality supply of my shortage of fortune and to_31_my independence.” At thirtysix he thought himself rich.These are his own

21、words:“My appointments,with my frugality,had helped me reach a fortune which made me_32_”Goethe says,“It doesnt matter within what circle an honest man acts,provided he knows how to_33_that circle.” “What is the best government?” Goethe asks,“That which teaches us to_34_ourselves! Let everyone only

22、do the right in his place,without_35_himself about the confusion of the world.” 【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。主要阐述了社会上的每个人,不分贵贱,都应该遵守秩序,并用它约束自己的必要性。16A.ChaosBOffenceCPunishmentDCondemnationA在秩序建立之前,混乱一度是司空见惯的事情。chaos“混乱”;offence“冒犯”;punishment“惩罚”;condemnation“谴责”。Chaos和上文的order(秩序)对应。17A.originBraceCnatureDintere

23、stCof the same nature“具有相同的特征”。nature“特征,本质”;origin“起源,出身”;race“种族”;interest“兴趣”。18A.hopefulBstrangeCvitalDtrueDit is true充当插入成分,表明所说的话是正确的。19A.agreesBrestsCcorrespondsDconflictsB但生活的高贵还是邪恶取决于他们自己。rest with“取决于”,符合语境。agree with“和一致,同意,适合”;correspond with“与某人通信,和一致”;conflict with“与冲突”。20A.ideaBoption

24、CfreedomDintentionBoption和上文的choice相对应。idea“想法”;option“选择”; freedom“自由”;intention“意图”。21A.in defence ofBin course ofCin anticipation ofDin respect ofD在文化和教育方面职位最高的人和普通人所经历的困难通常一样。in respect of“关于”,符合语境。in defence of“为了捍卫”;in course of“在的过程中”;in anticipation of“期待”。22A.give upBdepend onClook forDkeep

25、 upD他们得保持他们的社会地位。give up“放弃”;depend on“依赖”;look for“寻找”;keep up“保持,维持”。23A.SinceBThoughCUnlessDWhenB尽管(Though)他们的收入可能不是很令人满意,但他们一心要教育好他们的孩子,把他们培养成绅士。24A.educateBencourageCblameDspoilA参见上题解析。educate(教育)和bring up(培养)对应。spoil“宠坏”。25A.ambitionsBachievementsCmeansDcontributionsC但他年轻的时候财富少得可怜。ambition“抱负”

26、;achievement “成就”;means“金钱,财富”;contribution“贡献”。下文的“Despite a considerable debt”“her income was less than .”是提示。26A.assuranceBconsequenceCillustrationDcriterionC他用自己的情况作为例证来说明节约的好处。illustration“说明,例证”,符合题意。assurance“保证”;consequence“结果”;criterion“标准”。27A.bravelyBstubbornlyCsharplyDtentativelyA勇敢面对并最终

27、克服困难。bravely“勇敢地”;stubbornly“固执地”;sharply“剧烈地”;tentatively“踌躇地”。28A.faithfullyBplainlyCgratefullyDvirtuouslyD她把孩子教育得很好,把他们培养成有道德的人。virtuously“有道德地,正直地”,符合题意。faithfully“忠诚地”;plainly “朴素地”;gratefully“感激地,感恩地”。29A.proposedBmadeCdiscussedDapprovedBmake a plan“制订计划”。30A.rigidBcasualCliberalDflexibleA我决心要

28、以刻板的节俭来应付我那有限的财产,以此保持我的独立自主。rigid“刻板的”;casual“随便的”;liberal“自由的”;flexible“灵活的”。31A.balanceBrestoreCvalueDmaintainD参见上题解析。maintain“保持”,符合语境。balance“平衡”;restore“恢复”;value“重视”。32A.attractiveBproudCindependentDknowledgeableC我的预约和节俭帮助我积累了财富,这让我能够独立。independent(独立的)和上文的independence对应。33A.fit inBmove inCend

29、 inDengage inA如果他知道如何适应那个圈子。故选A。move in“搬进,搬入”;end in“以结束”;engage in“参与”。34A.protectBjustifyCgovernDdisplayC(政府)教我们管好自己。protect“保护”;justify“证明正当”;display“展示”。35A.questioningBtroublingCscoldingDabandoningB让每个人在他的位置上只做正确的事情,而不用担心世界的混乱。trouble oneself about“担心”。question“质疑”;scold“训斥”;abandon“抛弃”。 【导学号:

30、25874093】.阅读理解科普知识(2017苏锡常镇高三三模)Scientists should be allowed to change a persons DNA in ways that will be passed on to future generations,but only to prevent serious and strongly heritable(遗传)diseases,according to a new report from the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicin

31、e.However,making changes to these genes in order to improve or change traits such as strength,intelligence or beauty should remain offlimits,the report authors concluded.Changing the socalled germline(种系)is illegal in the United States.It has largely been considered ethically offlimits here as well,

32、at least while bioethicists and scientists considered the unforeseen effects and unexamined moral dilemmas of using new geneediting technologies.However,scientists have moved forward aggressively to explore the possibility of changing disease genes in other adult human cells with a revolutionary tec

33、hnique known as CRISPRCas9.It is widely believed that gene editing of this sort could treat patients with metabolic(新陈代谢的)disorders,certain cancers,and a range of other diseases that arise from genetic mutations(突变)without changing the germline.Last year,Chinese scientists launched a trial that uses

34、 CRISPRCas9 in a treatment for lung cancer.While the trials outcome is awaited with high anticipation,scientists outside China have expressed concern that ethical reservations in the United States and Europe will put them at a disadvantage.CRISPRCas9 makes gene editing more straightforward,more prec

35、ise and far more widespread.As such,the National Academies report acknowledges that changing heritable DNA in eggs,sperm and early embryos is fast becoming “a realistic possibility that deserves serious consideration”The 22member panel of scientists and bioethicists who produced the report completed

36、 a comprehensive review of the issues raised by that prospect.Clinical trials involving germline editing should only be pursued to treat diseases that cannot be improved with “reasonable alternatives”, the 22member panel of scientists and bioethicists said.In addition,they added,scientists should co

37、nvincingly demonstrate they are targeting a gene that either causes or strongly makes a carrier likely to suffer from a serious disease or condition,and that they have weighed the likely risks and benefits of changing that gene.Finally,scientists should conduct longterm followup studies to know how

38、gene editing affects the next generations.Public debate and discussion about the technology should continue,the panel added.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。本文主要介绍了基因编辑技术新的发展概况以及人们对此的一些担忧。36In what circumstances can scientists change a persons DNA?AMaking a person look much younger.BProtecting future generations from

39、 some heritable diseases.CUsing the most advanced geneediting technologies.DChanging the germline for a better function.B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“.only to prevent serious and strongly heritable(遗传)diseases”可知,在将防止把严重的、遗传性较强的疾病传给下一代作为出发点的前提下,科学家可以改变一个人的DNA,故B项正确。37What is the advantage of CRISPRCas9?AIt can

40、treat diseases more precisely without changing the germline.BIt can successfully cure people of most deadly diseases.CIt can change genes in adult human cells.DIt can stop genetic mutations.A细节理解题。根据第三段的内容,尤其是最后一句中的“without changing the germline”可知,CRISPRCas9这种基因编辑技术可以在不改变种系的情况下用于治疗疾病;再根据第五段的第一句“CRI

41、SPRCas9 makes gene editing more straightforward,more precise and far more widespread”可知,CRISPRCas9这种基因编辑技术可以更为准确地治疗疾病。综上可知,A项正确。38What possible conclusion can be drawn according to the passage?AFuture generations will live longer and become more intelligent.BChinese scientists created CRISPRCas9 and

42、 put it into use.CThe gene editing is strictly forbidden for moral dilemmas.DThe gene editing research is still at the primary stage.D推理判断题。根据第二段及第五段的内容可知,基因编辑的技术(发展)在很大程度上受到了限制,且改变可遗传的DNA目前只是“一种值得认真考虑的现实可能性”;再结合第六段中的“prospect”、第七段中的“the likely risks and benefits of changing that gene”及最后一段的内容提示可推知,

43、基因编辑的研究仍处于初级阶段,故D项正确。39What does this report mainly talk about?AA new geneediting technology and concerns about it.BA germlineediting technology and approval for it.CClinical trials of gene editing and social values of them.DSome germline clinical trials and scientific effects of them.A主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一项名为CRISPRCas9的基因编辑新技术及人们对基因编辑技术的担忧,所以A项最能概括本文大意。 【导学号:25874094】


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