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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc

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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc_第6页
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2016-2017学年高中英语(江苏)译林版选修11学业分层测评 MODULE 1 SECTION Ⅱ WELCOME TO THE UNIT & READING—LANGUAGE POINTS WORD版含解析.doc_第7页
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1、学业分层测评.单项填空1Finding a job in China that Tom is_ is difficult,for he knows little Chinese at all.Arelated toBaccustomed toCdevoted to Dsuited to【解析】根据句意“想在中国找一份适合汤姆的工作很难,因为他几乎不会汉语。”可知选D。be related to意思是“和有关”;be accustomed to意思是“习惯于”;be devoted to意思是“致力于”;be suited to意思是“适合于”。【答案】D2_you may be right,I

2、 cant agree completely.AWhile BAsCIf DSince【解析】while用作从属连词时,可表示“尽管;虽然”,引导一个让步状语从句。【答案】A3Some people work well _ while others get nervous and do badly.Aunder way Bunder controlCunder pressure Dunder repair【解析】根据句意“有些人在压力下也能很好地工作,而其他人会变得紧张并且做得很糟糕。”可知C项正确。under pressure在压力下;under way在进行中;under control在

3、掌控中;under repair在修理中。【答案】C4(2016无锡高三调研)Its a difficult job unless you _it in a right way.Ago by Bgo outCgo about Dgo away【解析】根据句意,这里应填表示“着手干”的意思。go about表示“开始,着手(工作)”。go by表示时间的“过去,流失”;go out表示“出去,熄灭”;go away表示“离开”。【答案】C5Now that weve discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions _?Atake

4、 BtakingCtaken Dto take【解析】根据从句的时态可知,问题已经讨论完,take与decisions之间是被动关系,故选C项。【答案】C6Happiness doesnt always_money.Ago through Bgo in forCgo with Dgo over【解析】句意:幸福未必总是伴随金钱而来。go through经历;go in for参加,喜欢;go with伴随;go over重温,检查。【答案】C7The hostess started_ the house immediately the last guest left.Apicking up B

5、turning upCclearing up Dputting up【解析】pick up捡起,学会,接某人;turn up调高,出现,露面;clear up整理,清理,收拾;put up张贴,挂起。根据句意:最后一位客人一离开女主人就开始收拾房子。可知选C。【答案】C8In that school,English is compulsory for all students,but French and Russian are _.Aspecial BregionalCoptional Doriginal【解析】special特别的;regional地区的;optional可选择的;orig

6、inal最初的。根据句意可知,在那所学校,英语是必修课,紧接着后面用but进行转折,由此可知法语和俄语不是必修课而是可以选修。【答案】C9(2016浙江高考)Silk _ one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.Ahad become Bwas becomingChas become Dis becoming【解析】考查时态。句意:到约公元前100年时,丝绸就已成为丝绸之路沿线交易的主要货物之一。by表示“到某一时间为止”,是过去完成时的标志,故选A。【答案】A10We should know th

7、at we can only reach the top if we are ready to _and learn from failure.Adeal with Bdepend onCcarry on Dgo with【解析】考查动词短语的意义区别。A项的意思是处置,处理;B项意思是依赖、依靠;C项的意思是进行下去,继续开展,坚持下去;D项的意思是伴随,与相配,与持同一看法。根据语境可知答案选A项。【答案】A11There is no _but _stick to our original ideal.Aselection;to Bchoice;/Coption;to Doption;/【

8、解析】have no option but to do sth.have no choice but to do sth.别无选择只好干某事。【答案】C12She has already tried her best.Please dont be too_about her job.Aspecial BresponsibleCunusual Dparticular【解析】be particular about.对挑剔。句意:她已经尽了最大的努力。请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。【答案】D13Everyone likes the stranger,but_he is a criminal.Ain se

9、cret Bin detailCin preparation Din reality【解析】根据句意“每个人都喜欢这位陌生人,但实际上他是个罪犯。”可知D项正确。in reality事实上,实际上;in secret秘密地;in detail详细地;in preparation在准备中。【答案】D14Her speech _the occasion.Asuited Bsuits forCfits Dis suitable for【解析】suit和fit均可作及物动词,fit一般用作sth.fits sb.,此处be suitable for符合句意。【答案】D15Every _space on

10、 the wall was covered with newspapers.Aavailable BvaluableCordinary Dcomfortable【解析】available可利用的;valuable有价值的;ordinary普通的;comfortable舒适的,根据题意应选A项。【答案】A.阅读理解AAre you fresh out of college,looking to start a career?Have you recently started your very first job? Here are some nice tips to guide you thr

11、ough the first few days.1Listen more than you talk.Collect the information about how the organization works,and the reasons why,before you offer “helpful” advice.2Dont segregate yourself with people in your age group.Get to know older workers,too.The young group may be more fun for happy hours,but t

12、hose who are a decade or more older than you can possibly help with your career.And you might find out you enjoy the company,too!3Take mistakes seriously.Theres nothing more disappointing than a worker who made a mistake and doesnt seem to think its a big deal.When you make a mistake,immediately be

13、responsible for it,figure out how youre going to fix it,and make it clear that you understand its seriousness.Responses(回复)like “my bad” or worse,no response at all,signal that you dont take work seriously.4Take notes.Your boss expects you to remember the special instructions you were given.For most

14、 people,that means taking notes.And while a good manager is happy to answer questions,she wont be if the questions are ones she already answered when you werent bothering to pay attention.5Be open to learning.College gave you theory;work is going to give something entirely different.So stay modest a

15、nd realize your first job is going to be largely about learning.6Thank people who help you.When your boss or another coworker(同事)takes the time to help you with something,give them a sincere “thank you”People who feel appreciated are more likely to go out of their way for you again.If you dont seem

16、to care,they probably wont bother again.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。文章向刚刚走出大学校门,准备找工作或刚开始工作的毕业生提供了6条实用且有效的建议。1The passage is written for_.Afresh graduatesBcompany leadersCold workers Dnew advisers【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段可知,本文是向刚刚走出大学校门,准备找工作或刚开始工作的毕业生提供一些建议。故答案为A。只要准确理解第一段段意,此题就不会误选。【答案】A2If you made a mistake you should

17、_.Athink its not a big dealBtry to fix it at onceCsay something like “my bad”Dgive no responses at all【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段可知,一旦犯错,立刻承担起自己的责任,尽快找出解决的方法。只是说“是我的错”或者更糟糕的是,完全没有任何反应,表现出你完全不把你的工作当回事。故答案为B。其他选项都是不应该做的。【答案】B3If you want to remember something that has been given,you had better _.Alisten more than

18、 you talkBtake mistakes seriouslyCtake notesDbe open to learning【解析】细节理解题。根据第五段可知,如果你要详细记住给你的指示或老板已经说过的话,你一定要记笔记。故答案为C。【答案】C4From the last two paragraphs we can learn _.Awork can also give us some theoryBwe should often help our coworkersCwe shouldnt bother to appreciate othersDwe should care for ot

19、hers help【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,他们得到感谢后,你再次遇到困难时,他们是更乐于伸出援助之手的。如果你不把别人的善意当回事,那很可能下次他们也不再理你。由此可判断出“我们应该尊重别人的帮助”。故答案为D。其他选项与最后两段的内容不相符。【答案】DB(2016福建省高中毕业班质量检查)This summer I volunteered at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in Sichuan and had a once in a lifetime chance to get w

20、ithin three feet.Born and raised in America,very rarely had I ever seen a panda.I had expected this moment ever since my mother told me that we would be volunteering at the Center.When my cousin and I arrived at the Center and received our uniforms and gloves,any nervousness I had felt during the ca

21、r ride quickly faded and changed into excitement.Our first task was to clean up the pandas cage.Although it was a boring job,it was interesting to be in the pandas living area and see how big the animals really are.Pandas actually fear heat,so the Center provides each animal with an ice block to kee

22、p it comfortable.When it was time to feed the pandas,the keeper gave us five pieces of food each,which consisted of bamboo,carrots,or bread to feed a oneyearold male.Never having dreamed of being so close to a panda,I was delighted by the action and after listening to it munch(用力嚼) on the food,I hur

23、riedly offered a piece more.Next,we watched a video on Chinas goal to help giant pandas back into the wild.It explained Chinas efforts to raise them to increase the population,and detailed measures taken to train the pandas to enter their nature reserve once again.The workers had to spend lots of ti

24、me teaching the animals how to live in nature and guaranteeing their safety at all times.I am grateful to have been able to volunteer for a day and will treasure the experience for the rest of my life.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。“我”成了一名志愿者,和堂哥一起去四川大熊猫研究中心喂养大熊猫。5How did the writer feel on the way to the Center?AE

25、xcited.BNervous.CBored. DCalm.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句中的“any nervousness I had felt during the car ride quickly faded and changed into excitement”可知,在乘车前往研究中心的路上,“我”感到紧张,故B项正确。A项意为“兴奋的”,C项意为“厌烦的”,D项意为“平静的”,都与语境不符。【答案】B6Which of the following is delightful to the writer?AWearing uniforms.BCleaning the cage

26、s.CFeeding the panda.DWatching the video.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中的“Never having dreamed of being so close to a panda,I was delighted by the action and after listening to it munch(用力嚼)on the food”可知,当“我”喂大熊猫吃东西时,“我”感到很高兴,故C项正确。【答案】C7Why does the Center raise the giant pandas?ATo attract more volunteers.B

27、To keep them comfortable.CTo help them back to nature.DTo gain more experience.【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段的第一句“Next,we watched a video on Chinas goal to help giant pandas back into the wild”并结合该段其他内容可知,研究中心饲养大熊猫的目的是帮助它们重归自然,故C项正确。【答案】C.翻译句子1你的行为不合时宜。(suited)_【答案】Your behaviour isnt suited to/for the occasion.2她

28、喜欢物理,而我喜欢英语。(while)_【答案】She likes physics,while I like English.3我知道如何处理这件事。(deal with)_【答案】I know how to deal with this matter.4尽管缺钱,他的父母还是想办法让他上了大学。(though分词) 【导学号:22380030】_【答案】Though lacking money,his parents managed to send him to university.5由向导带路,我们毫不费力地找到了那个村庄。(with复合结构)_【答案】With the guide leading the way,we had no difficulty in finding the village.


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