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《新设计》2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修三练习:UNIT 1-3 WORD版含答案.docx

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1、Section Grammar课后篇巩固提升一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.These are the (origin)designs of the house,but we changed them later.答案original2.We should develop the (agriculture)science and technology to increase farmers income.答案agricultural3.After many years fighting,the small country gained (independent) at last.答案indep

2、endence4.The pupils are filled with (admire)for the great scientists and heroes.答案admiration5.My father is as (energy)as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.答案energetic6.They want to hold a party in (celebrate) of their parents fiftieth wedding anniversary.答案celebration7.Never

3、 take anything without (permit),even if you know that your friend will be okay with it.答案permission8.We all hope for the (arrive) of the good news that our team has won the match.答案arrival9.The chairman delivered his speech on the (believe) that the rich want to help the poor.答案belief10.(obvious),wh

4、at he said just now is wrong.答案Obviously二、单句改错1.It was the last day of school,but the teacher said that we cant leave early.答案cantcouldnt2.There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party.You should come,but why didnt you?答案在should后加have3.“You neednt smoke in the bedroom,” Rose said to her husband and pus

5、hed him out of the room.答案needntmustnt4.I can hear the water running in the bathroom,so Tom might be taking another shower.答案mightmust5.I have asked her,but she shall not help us.答案shallwill6.You mustnt be hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago!答案mustntcant三、完成句子1.那不可能是汤姆,他在医院。That Tom.He is

6、 in the hospital.答案cant be2.你没有必要告诉老师这件事情。我已经告诉他了。You the teacher about it.I have told him.答案neednt tell3.祝你成功,我亲爱的朋友。 ,my dear friend.答案May you succeed4.杰克,你一定不要在课堂上睡觉。Jack,you in class.答案mustnt sleep5.为什么偏偏是星期天下雨?Why on Sunday?答案must it rain四、完形填空Valentines Day was coming.Little Thomas had 1 to se

7、nd a good many valentine cards to the girls and boys he knew;so,quite early one morning,he 2 to go to the nearby shop.It was then that he heard a 3 from the playroom.Peep,peep,peep.Thomas knew that he must not buy cards if his pet 4 was hungry.He found that it needed fresh water to drink,and the bir

8、ds cage needed 5 too.When he had done all these and filled the seed box,his mother 6 him.“I want two more yards of lace for the babys dress,Thomas.Will you please go to the store and 7 it for me?”“Oh,yes!”Thomas said,for he thought that he should be able to buy his cards at the same time.But just 8

9、he was going out of the door,his mother said,“Come right home as 9 as you can.I want to finish the babys dress so that she can 10 it this afternoon when we pay a visit to Aunt Lucy.”Thomas got the lace and hurried home with it.“I can go 11 the cards this afternoon,”Thomas thought.But right after lun

10、ch his mother dressed the baby and 12 for Aunt Lucys house.“I may not be back until five oclock,Thomas,”his mother said as she kissed him goodbye.“You wont leave dear 13 alone,will you?”“No,mother,”Thomas said;but when he thought about going with his grandmother,he felt 14 as he wouldnt have any tim

11、e to buy cards for his playmates.He knew that Saint Valentines Day was the holiday when one expresses ones 15.In the evening,his mother and baby sister 16 came home.Then she went up to the attic(阁楼) and came back with a 17 in her hand.“I mean to give these to you this morning,Thomas,”she said.“They

12、are just as good as new and much prettier than the ones in the shops now,I think.They are the valentine 18 that I had when I was a little girl.”The box was filled with valentine toys!There were enough there that Thomas could 19 every child in the neighbourhood.He felt quite 20 with what he would giv

13、e them.1.A.askedB.promisedC.suggestedD.planned答案D解析根据前一句情人节快到了,可以推断小托马斯计划给每个他认识的男孩和女孩送贺卡。plan意为“计划”。promise意为“许诺”,一般情况下是与人事先商量好一定会去做的事情,在此处不符合语境。故选D项。2.A.decidedB.usedC.forgotD.managed答案A解析根据前文可知他想要送小伙伴贺卡,由此可以推断他决定一早就去附近的商店。decide意为“决定”,符合语境。used与to do搭配意为“过去常常做”;forget意为“遗忘”,不符合语境;manage与to do搭配意为“

14、设法做”,与下文不符。故选A项。3.A.cryB.soundC.songD.shout答案B解析后一句“Peep,peep,peep.”是描述声音的拟声词。cry意为“哭喊声”;sound指所有的声音;song意为“歌曲”;shout意为“喊叫声”。故选B项。4.A.birdB.fishC.catD.dog答案A解析根据下一句中的the birds cage可以得知是他养的宠物鸟。故选A项。5.A.buildingB.decoratingC.cleaningD.removing答案C解析根据主语the birds cage与选项的搭配,可以推断鸟笼也需要清理。故C项符合语境。6.A.hugge

15、dB.blamedC.shoutedD.called答案D解析根据下一段母亲让他去买蕾丝可以推断:当他做完所有的事情,他的母亲又喊他。故选D项。7.A.makeB.designC.buyD.sell答案C解析根据上文母亲的话“I want two more yards of lace for the babys dress.”可知,母亲让他去商店买蕾丝。故选C项。8.A.asB.untilC.unlessD.if答案A解析根据he was going out of the door与his mother said的时间关系可以推断,母亲说话与他正要走出家门是同时发生,故选A项。9.A.slow

16、lyB.quicklyC.regularlyD.frequently答案B解析根据设空前的Come right home以及下文“Thomas got the lace and hurried home with it.”可以推断,母亲让他尽快回来。故选B项。10.A.put onB.dressC.have onD.wear答案D解析根据上下文可知,妈妈想尽快为孩子做完衣服,那样去露西阿姨家的时候可以穿。put on表示“穿上”的动作;dress作为及物动词的时候宾语只能是“人”;have on意为“穿着”,但是代词“it”应该放在have与on之间;wear意为“穿着”。故选D项。11.A.

17、inB.withC.outD.for答案D解析根据前文可以得知小托马斯没有时间买贺卡,所以推断他想“我可以下午去买贺卡”。介词for表达目的;go in意为“进入”;go with意为“和一起去”;go out意为“出去”,后面不能接名词。故选D项。12.A.made upB.set outC.set downD.made out答案B解析根据设空前的内容可知吃完午饭他的妈妈给孩子穿好衣服,由此可以推断她们就要动身前往露西阿姨家了。make up意为“组成;构成”;set out意为“动身前往”;set down意为“记下;写下”;make out意为“辨认;识别”。故选B项。13.A.sis

18、terB.grandmotherC.grandfatherD.brother答案B解析根据“You wont leave dear alone,will you?”及下文“when he thought about going with his grandmother”可以推断,母亲不让他把祖母独自留在家里,此处是原词重现,故选B项。14.A.excitedB.interestedC.sadD.curious答案C解析根据设空后的“as he wouldnt have any time to buy cards for his playmates”可以推断,他感到很伤心,故选C项。15.A.l

19、oveB.joyC.interestD.trouble答案A解析他知道情人节就是向别人表达爱意的节日。故选A项。16.A.finallyB.naturallyC.normallyD.formally答案A解析根据上文可知母亲说过5点钟之前她们不会回来,所以推断晚上他的母亲终于带着他的妹妹回家了。故选A项。17.A.cardB.flowerC.boxD.toy答案C解析此处是原词重现。根据最后一段中的“The box was filled with valentine toys!”可以得知母亲拿着一个盒子回来,故选C项。18.A.picturesB.toysC.cardsD.chocolates

20、答案B解析根据最后一段中的“The box was filled with valentine toys!”可以得知母亲说这些是她小时候收到的情人节玩具,故选B项。19.A.hugB.lendC.askD.give答案D解析根据上文可知母亲把她小时候的玩具送给了他,所以他获得了足够多的礼物来送给他的朋友。故D项符合句意。20.A.angryB.disappointedC.happyD.anxious答案C解析根据上文“They are just as good as new and much prettier than the ones in the shops now(这些玩具和新的一样,比

21、如今商店里的那些更漂亮)”及“There were enough.”可以得知他感到相当高兴,故选C项。五、选词创境运用下列写作词汇,自己创设一个语境,形成一个小语段。(35句)look forward to,have fun with,keep ones word,apologize,play a trick on参考范文My friend Li Hua is a young man who keeps his word.I have fun with him every time he comes to see me.Yesterday evening I looked forward to his coming because he promised to visit me,but he didnt.Did he want to play a trick on me? Just then Li Hua called me and apologized to me for his not coming.


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