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1、七年级英语下册语法用法专项练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、名词( ) 1. I want something to eat. Please give me a _.A. book B. watch C. shirt D. cake( ) 2. - Whats the _ like today? - Cloudy.A. sky B. air C. land D. weather( ) 3. Which is the _ to the bus stop, please?A. road B. way C. street D. address( ) 4. _ that pair of new _ Ma

2、rys?A. Is, shoe B. Are, shoe C. Is, shoes D. Are, shoes( ) 5. Im very thirsty. May I have _, please?A. two cups of teas B. two cups of tea C. two cup of teas D. two cup of tea( ) 6. March 8 is _ Day.A. Womans B. WomansC. Woman of D. Womens( ) 7. We should keep our _ clean.A. tooth B. tooths C. tooth

3、es D. teeth( ) 8. There are _ workers in the factory.A. thousand B. thousandsC. thousand of D. thousands of( ) 9. Wu Dong won the girls _ race in the school sports meeting last week.A. 100 metres B. 100-metresC. 100 metre D. 100-metre( ) 10. How many _ can you see in the picture?A. tomatos B. tomato

4、es C. tomato D. the tomato二、冠词( ) 1. She is _ girl. She is _ English girl.A. aa B. an.a C. a.an D. a./( ) 2. Tom is _ English. He is _ English boy.A. an.an B. /.an C. / D. aa( ) 3. _ live in Room 208.A. The Green B. Green C. The Greens D. Greens( ) 4. January is _ first month of the year.A. a B. / C

5、. an D. the( ) 5. We should think of _ old and _ sick.A. a.a B. ana C. the.the D. /./( ) 6. _ number of the students in our class is 52.A. A B. An C. The D. /( ) 7. She can play _ piano, but she cant play _ football.A. thethe B. the/ C. /the D. a.a( ) 8. There is _ s in the word six and _ s is the f

6、irst letter of the word.A. athe B. a.an C. anthe D. aa( ) 9. A horse is _ useful animal.A. an B. a C. the D. this( ) 10. He has already worked for _ hour.A. an B. a C. the D. three三、代词( ) 1. This is my book. _ are over there.A. Your B. Yours C. You D. mine( ) 2. Help _ to some fish, Jenny.A. yoursel

7、ves B. yourself C. himself D. herself( ) 3. _ is wrong with my watch. It has stopped _.A. Something, working B. Something, to workC. Anything, working D. Anything, to work( ) 4. Whose radio is it? Its _.A. her B. hers C. she D. herself( ) 5. The children heard _ on the island.A. something strange B.

8、 anything strangeC. strange something D. strange anything( ) 6. I have three pens. One is red, _ two are black.A. Another B. other C. the other D. the others( ) 7. There is _ in todays newspaper, is there?A. something important B. anything importantC. nothing important D. important nothing( ) 8. I a

9、sked Jim and Bob to my house for a meal, but _ of them came.A. both B. nor C. none D. neither( ) 9. The man has two sons, and _ of them are strong. One is tall and _ is short.A. All, another B. Neither, the other C. Both, another D. Both, the other( ) 10. The man downstairs found _ very difficult to

10、 get to sleep.A. that B. them C. it D. its四、数词( ) 1. There are about _ students in our school.A. two thousand of B. two thousandsC. two thousands of D. two thousand( ) 2. There are _ students in our grade.A. three hundreds and forty-fiveB. three hundred and forty fiveC. three hundred forty-fiveD. th

11、ree hundred and forty-five( ) 3. Sunday is _ day of the week.A. the first B. one C. he seventh D. the seven( ) 4. Please come to my office _.A. at half past eight B. at half passed eitherC. in half past eight D. on half past eight( ) 5. If you want to go to the cinema, take _.A. bus No. the ninth B.

12、 the No. 9 busC. No. 9 the bus D. No. the ninth bus( ) 6. The Greens came to China _.A. in 1984 October 27 B. in October 27, 1984C. on 27, 1984 October D. on October 27, 1984( ) 7. The story took place in _.A. nineteen centuries B. nineteen centuryC. the nineteenth century D. nineteenth century( ) 8

13、. I was told they would stay in China for _.A. one and a half years B. one and a half yearC. one and half years D. one half and one year( ) 9. Tomorrow we are going to learn _.A. Lesson Second B. the Lesson TwoC. Lesson Two D. second lesson( ) 10. I think that the first day of spring is _.A.twenty-t

14、wo of MarchB. twenty-second on MarchC. twenty-two in MarchD. the twenty-second of March五、介词( ) 1. Its hot _ summer in Beijing.A. by B. on C. at D. in( ) 2. The desks and chairs are made _ wood.A. from B. of C. by D. in( ) 3. China is famous _ her Great Wall.A. as B. for C. to D. of( ) 4. What do you

15、 mean _ saying so?A. with B. of C. for D. by( ) 5. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.A. in B. to C. on D. at( ) 6. Our teacher told us to look _ the new words in the dictionary.A. for B. up C. at D. into( ) 7. She was born _ September, 1990.A. at B. on C. in D. to( ) 8. These coats are different _

16、the coats over there.A. in B. on C. at D. from( ) 9. Thank you very much _ leading the eraser _ me.A. for, at B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for( ) 10. Since you are _ trouble, why not ask _ help?A.in, for B. in, to C. with, for D. with, to六、形容词和副词( )1. Which is _ Lesson Five or Lesson Six?A. Interesti

17、ng B. more interestingC. most interesting D. the most interesting( ) 2. Sorry, I cant answer your question. I know _ about the news.A. a little B. little C. few D. a few( ) 3. Of all the shoes in your shop, is this pair _ one?A.very good B. much betterC. a cheaper D. the cheapest( ) 4. I think the s

18、ong in the film “Titanic” is one of the _ film songs.A. the most beautiful B. most beautifulC. much more beautiful D. a beautiful( ) 5. Just a moment, please! Ill finish in _ five minutes.A. another B. other C. more D. less附:参考答案5一、名词( D ) 1. ( D ) 2.( B ) 3.( C ) 4.( B ) 5. ( D ) 6. ( D ) 7.( D ) 8

19、.( D ) 9. ( B ) 10.二、冠词( C ) 1. ( B ) 2. ( C ) 3. ( D ) 4. ( C ) 5.( C ) 6. ( B ) 7.( C ) 8. athe B. a.an C. anthe D. aa( B ) 9. ( A ) 10. 三、代词( B ) 1.( B ) 2. ( A ) 3. ( B ) 4. ( A ) 5. ( C ) 6. ( C ) 7. ( D ) 8. ( D ) 9. ( C ) 10. 四、数词( D ) 1. ( D ) 2. ( A ) 3. ( A ) 4. ( B ) 5. ( D ) 6.( C ) 7.( A ) 8.( C ) 9.( D ) 10.五、介词( D ) 1. ( B ) 2. ( B ) 3. ( D ) 4. ( A ) 5.( B ) 6.( D ) 8. ( C ) 9. ( A ) 10. 六、形容词和副词( B ) 1.( B ) 2.( D ) 3. ( A ) 4. ( A ) 5.


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