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2021届高考二轮英语写作突破学案:第3讲 多样句式摆脱单调俗套 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、第三讲多样句式,摆脱单调俗套1用不定式或动名词作主语写句子Doing the same sports on the playground gives us the opportunity to promote our friendship.在操场上做同样的体育活动给我们提供了促进友谊的机会。Learning/To learn English well is a must if you want to be admitted to a key college.如果你想上一个好的大学,学好英语是一件必需的事情。Taking exercise regularly will do a lot of g

2、ood to our health,which can also help us learn more effectively.经常锻炼身体对我们的健康有好处,还可以使我们学习更高效。To share with you my opinions on how to get along well with our parents is my honour.It is my honour to share with you my opinions on how to get along well with our parents.(it 作形式主语,不定式是真正的主语)我很荣幸与你分享如何与父母相处

3、好的观点。2用非谓语动词作表语写句子My hobbies are listening to music and playing football.我的爱好是听音乐和踢足球。My duty is taking care of all these flowers.我的职责是照看所有这些花。In my opinion,the most important duty for you today is to learn knowledge and learn how to deal with different difficulties at home and at school.依我看来,当今对你来说

4、最重要的职责是学知识,学会如何处理家中和学校中出现的不同困难。3用不定式或动名词作宾语写句子She pretended not to see me when I passed by.我走过的时候,她假装没看见。I have decided to try my best to catch up with others.我下决心尽我最大努力赶上别人。Because of the rain,I failed to get there on time.由于下雨,我没能按时到达那里。I would appreciate receiving your reply soon.能快点收到你的回复,我将不胜感激

5、。I turned to our teacher for help,and he suggested practising speaking English every day.我向我们的老师求助,他建议我每天练习说英语。When it comes to learning English,everyone has his own method.当谈到学英语,每个人都有自己的方法。4用非谓语动词作定语写句子Id appreciate it if you can attend the party to be held in the meeting room on Saturday.如果你能参加星期

6、六在会议室举办的晚会我将感激不尽。The best way to solve the problem is to depend on yourself.解决这个问题的最好办法是依靠你自己。There stands an old temple at the top of the hill dating back to the Ming Dynasty.山顶上有一个追溯至明朝的古老寺庙。I am writing to apply for the position advertised in yesterdays China Daily.我写信申请昨天中国日报上所登广告的那个职位。Two third

7、s of the students interviewed say they are in favour of the idea.三分之二被采访的学生说他们赞成这个主意。5使用非谓语动词作状语,写高级句式Last Friday, our class invited an old craftsman to teach us how to make Chinese knots,aimed at promoting the Chinese culture.上周五,我们班邀请了一位年老的工艺师来教我们如何做中国结,旨在弘扬中国文化。Faced with such a difficult situati

8、on, Im at a loss what to do next.面对这么一个困境, 我不知道下一步做什么。As a result,he did very well in the exam,ranking first in his class.因此,他这次考试考得非常好,在班级排第一名。 Having seen the film twice, I refused his invitation to see the film.看过两次了,我拒绝了他去看这部电影的邀请。Given another chance,I can do better.再给我一次机会,我会做得更好。6使用非谓语动词作宾语补足

9、语写句子Dont leave the water running when you leave.在你离开的时候,不要让(自来)水流着。I will have someone pick you up at the airport.我将派人去机场接你。We ask more to be done to prevent such things from happening again.我们要求采取更多的措施来阻止这样的事情再次发生。7运用独立主格结构,写高级句式There being no classes last Saturday,we paid a visit to the Great Wall

10、.上周六没有课,我们去参观了长城。Our schoolyard is very beautiful,flowers smelling sweet and birds singing happily.我们的校园非常美丽,花儿香,鸟儿唱。The weather being bad,we had to give up the plan to climb up to the top of the mountain.天气很糟,我们不得不放弃爬上山顶的计划。8运用非谓语动词的特殊结构,写高级句式(1)with宾语宾语补足语。Similarly,with living standards improving

11、,people tend to provide their children with material comforts.同样地,随着生活水平的提高,人们趋向于给孩子们提供舒适的物质条件。With so much housework to complete every day,I feel exhausted physically and mentally.每天有如此多的家务做,我感到身心疲惫。(2)by doing .“通过做”。Only by making greater efforts can he make greater progress.只有更加努力,他才能取得更大的进步。(3)

12、疑问词to do。How to stop polluting rivers is a big issue.如何停止对河流的污染是一个大问题。We must know what to say at the meeting.我们必须知道在会议上说些什么。(4)only to do/to be done“结果却”。He hurried to the post office,only to find it was closed.他匆忙赶到邮局,却发现关门了。(5)when/while/once/unless/although .doing/done .“当/一旦/除非/虽然做/被做”。When off

13、ered help,people often say “Thank you” or “Its kind of you”当被提供帮助的时候,人们常说“谢谢”或“你真好”。While crossing the street,you should be careful.你过马路的时候小心点。按要求句型转换。1这儿的人都喜欢汤姆写的那本小说。All the people here like the novel. It is written by Tom.All the people here like _(过去分词作定语)2这是一家工厂。月产成千上万辆小汽车。This is a factory. It

14、 produces thousands of cars a month.This is a factory,_(现在分词作状语)3消防队员及时赶到。他们对我们帮助很大。The firefighters came here in time. They helped us a lot._ helped us a lot. (动名词作主语)4我们应该多讲英语。我们认为这是很重要的。We should speak more English. We think it is very important.We think _. (不定式作真正宾语)5我们应该如何提高我们的英语口语水平?这是个问题。How

15、should we improve our spoken English? It is a question._ is a question.(特殊疑问词不定式短语作主语)The question is _. (特殊疑问词不定式短语作表语)6由于老师的帮助,我的英语进步了。Because my teacher helps me, my English has greatly improved._, my English has greatly improved. (with复合结构作状语)答案:1.the novel written by Tom2producing thousands of

16、cars a month3The firefighters coming here in time4it very important to speak more English5How to improve our spoken English how to improve our spoken English6With my teacher helping me1用as、which引导非限制性定语从句写句子(1)which引导非限制性定语从句,意为“这”。Firstly,we will never forget those happy scenes of studying and livi

17、ng together with you, which will benefit us a lot in the future.首先,我们绝不会忘记和你们一起学习与生活的幸福情景,这会使我们在以后的生活中受益匪浅。Our teachers encourage us to take part in some social practice in our summer holidays, which they think can help us get fully developed.老师鼓励我们暑假积极参加社会实践, 他们认为这有助于我们全面发展。(2)as“正如,正像”,即可位于句首也可位于句

18、末。As the old saying goes,. “常言道,”。Just as the saying goes,“One tree doesnt make a forest.”Our success is based on cooperating with others.正如谚语所言:“独木难成林。”我们的成功是建立在与别人合作的基础上的。As we all know, ./As is known to us all, ./It is known to us all that .“众所周知,”。As is known to us,smart phones have become an im

19、portant part in our daily life. We need them to chat, to surf the Internet as well as entertain ourselves.众所周知,智能手机已成为我们生活中重要的一部分。我们用手机聊天、上网、娱乐。As is often the case,.“是常有的事”。As is often the case,people tend to talk loud in public places, annoying others around.人们倾向于在公共场所高声谈话干扰周围的人,这是常有的事。As is shown

20、 in the chart,.“正如图表所显示的那样,”。As is shown in the chart,the air quality of the city has become worse and worse in the past two years.正如图表所显示的那样, 这个城市的空气质量在过去的两年越来越糟糕。as sb puts it,.“正如某人所说的那样,”。As our coach often puts it,everything is possible if we keep on.正如我们教练常说的那样,只要我们坚持,一切皆有可能。2使用非限制性定语从句写高级句子Ou

21、r school,which is located in the northwest of Jinan,has a history of thirty-four years.我们的学校位于济南的西北角,有34年历史。As far as I know, the old lady has two sons,both of whom has gone abroad for further education.据我所知,这位老太太有两个儿子, 都去国外深造。There are more than 4,000 students in our school,the majority of whom put

22、 their hearts into their studies.我们学校有4 000多名学生,大多数都能用心学习。(2019南宁两校第二次联考)The annual campus book fair aims to provide a platform,where students can have a chance to exchange and make use of their books.每年一度的校园书展目的是提供一个平台, 在这个平台里学生有机会交换使用他们的书籍。My hometown isnt what it was ten years ago,when there were

23、 old houses everywhere and people could hardly feed themselves.我的家乡已不再是10年前的那个小村庄了,那时到处都是旧房子,人们食不果腹。用定语从句翻译下列句子 。1不努力学习的学生不会通过考试。 _2她上周买的房子非常好。 _3这就是他爸爸工作的地方。 _4你们已经取得了很大的进步,这使老师非常高兴。 _5众所周知,吸烟有害健康。 _6北京是中国的首都,它是一座美丽的城市。 _7鲁迅的原名(real name)是周树人。他一生中写了很多小说。 _8杰克来自加拿大,他在我们学校已经学习了三年。他不仅经常帮助我们学英语,而且中文也讲得

24、很不错。 _答案:1The students who dont study hard will not pass the exam.2The house, which she bought last week, is very nice. 3This is the place where his father works.4You have made great progress, which makes your teacher very happy.5As is known to us all, smoking is harmful to our health.6Beijing, whic

25、h is the capital of China, is a beautiful city.7Lu Xun, whose real name is Zhou Shuren, wrote many novels in his whole life.8Jack comes from Canada. He is a student of our school where he has studied for three years. Not only does he often help us learn English but he speaks Chinese fluently as well

26、.1I hold the view/belief that .“我持观点/我认为”。We hold the firm belief that the visitors will know more about Chinese traditional culture and at the same time enjoy the beauty of it.我们坚信游客会了解更多的中国传统文化, 与此同时享受中国传统文化的美。2(1)What impresses/excites/disappoints . me most is (that).“最令我印象深刻/兴奋/失望的是”。What impres

27、ses me most is that our teacher always creates a kind of atmosphere where we can voice our opinions freely.给我印象最深的是,我们老师总是营造一种我们可以自由交流的氛围。(2)What I want to tell you is that/. “我想告诉你的是”。What I want to tell you is that it is common for Senior Three students to have an experience of depression.我想告诉你的是高

28、三学生有情绪低落期是正常的。3I wonder if . “我想知道是否”。Im a student who will graduate from a high school. Ive learnt English for 10 years and I can speak English fluently,but I wonder if there are any further requirements.我是一名即将高中毕业的学生,我学了10年英语因此会说一口流利的英语,但是我还是想知道是否还有更多的要求。4(1)The problem with . is that .“的问题是”。But

29、the problem is that a number of middle school students are growing increasingly addicted to phones.但问题是许多中学生沉溺于手机。(2)The truth is that .“事实是”。The truth is that everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you dont have to worry so much.事实上每个人都有似乎诸事不顺的一段时期,因此你没有必要太担心

30、。The most important factor is that .“最重要的因素是”。The most important factor is that I have a good command of English and have a lot of teaching experience. 最重要的因素是我精通英语并且拥有丰富的英语教学经验。(3)This is because/why .“这是因为/这就是为什么”。As we all know,reading classics is of great importance. This is because it can not o

31、nly improve our studying career but also enrich our everyday life. 众所周知, 阅读古典文学对我们来说非常重要。它不但能改善我们的学习事业而且能丰富我们的日常生活。5(1)However,some students think that .“但是,一些学生认为”。However,some students do not think that social practice is important and regard it as a waste of their time and consider their study as

32、 the most important thing.然而,一些学生认为社会实践并不重要,他们认为这是浪费他们的时间,学习才是最重要的事情。(2)I sincerely hope that .“我真诚地希望”。We sincerely hope that all students will provide original artworks to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our school. 为庆祝我校60周年校庆, 我们真诚地希望所有的学生提供原创艺术品。(3)I know that . “我知道”。I know that Beijing and

33、Sydney bid for the Olympic Games together then.我知道那时北京和悉尼一起参加申奥。6No one can deny the fact that.“没有人能否认的事实”。No one can deny the fact that smoking leads to lung cancer.没有人能否认吸烟能导致肺癌这一事实。7Word came that .“消息传来说”。Word came that you are coming to our school as a teacher and we are looking forward to your

34、 coming.消息传来说您要来我校当老师,我们都盼望着您的到来。8whatever/whoever 引导名词性从句。Whatever she says will not make any difference to our arrangements.无论她说什么都不会影响我们的安排。Whoever breaks the school rules will surely receive punishment.无论是谁违背学校规章制度一定会受到惩罚。9(1)It isimportant/necessary/strange .that . “重要的/必需的/奇怪的是”。It is importan

35、t that you should have a good command of English.重要的是你应该精通英语。(2)It is/was过去分词that.It is said that Mary is leaving for London tomorrow.据说玛丽明天要动身前往伦敦。10(1)It is widely believed/acknowledged that .“人们普遍相信/认为”。It is widely believed that through constant efforts, good learning habits will lead to greater

36、 success.人们普遍相信,通过不断的努力,好的学习习惯会使人们取得更大的成功。(2)It is strongly recommended that .“强烈建议”。It is strongly recommended that the school should give students more free time to take part in sports activities.强烈建议学校应给学生们更多的自由时间参加体育活动。用名词性从句连接下列句子。1That famous athlete had an operation and has recovered. That is

37、 reported._2He made a decision. He would accept his ugly wife._3Could I recognize him as he came in the room? That was the problem._4When will she recover? She had no idea._5We should practise oral English for an hour every day. That is our rule._6He can have one million pound, which is what he real

38、ly wants._答案:1It is reported that that famous athlete had an operation and has recovered.2He made a decision that he would accept his ugly wife.3Whether I could recognize him as he came in the room was the problem.4She had no idea when she will recover.5We made it a rule that we should practise oral

39、 English for an hour every day.6What he really wants is that he can have one million pound.1时间状语从句(1)when/while“当时候”。When we are tired of studying,we can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature, breathe fresh air and relax ourselves.当我们学习疲倦时,我们可以去一个美丽的地方欣赏大自然的美,呼吸新鲜空气,放松自我。(2)as.“当时候;

40、一边一边; 随着”。As the world is becoming a global village,English is getting more and more important. So mastering English means we can see the world through a new window.随着世界变成一个地球村,英语变得越来越重要,因此,掌握英语意味着我们可以通过一个新窗口看世界。(3)It wont be long before .“不久就”。It wont be long before I become an adult, so I feel ver

41、y excited as well as a bit nervous.不久我成为成年人, 因此我既兴奋又有点紧张。(4)as soon as/the moment/the instant/immediately/directly/ instantly“一就”。The moment I came into the classroom, I saw the sentence on the blackboard.我一走进教室,就看到了黑板上的这个句子。(5)the first/second/last time.“第一次/第二次/最后一次”。I remember you showed me some

42、photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.我记得上次你访问我们学校时, 你让我看了有关那个主题的照片。(6)not .until . “直到才”。I didnt realize what a mistake I had made until my teacher had a talk with me heart to heart.Not until my teacher had a talk with me heart to heart did I realize what a mistake I had made.直到

43、老师跟我谈心之后,我才意识到我犯了多么大的一个错误。2条件状语从句(1)as/so long as (on condition that).“只要”。So/As long as you stick to your plans for your study, you are sure to make great progress.只要你坚持你的学习计划,你一定会取得巨大的进步。(2)if引导条件状语从句。If you have any opinion about the film,please send emails to studentunion.如果你对这部电影有任何意见, 请发邮件到stu

44、dentunion。(3)once.“一旦”。Once he has made up his mind,nobody can change it.一旦他下定决心,没有人能改变。3目的状语从句(2018全国卷)Youd better arrive a bit earlier so that you can get a good seat for seeing.你最好早点到,以便于你能有个好座位观看电影。4地点状语从句The little girl who got lost decided to remain where she was and wait for her mother.那个迷路的小

45、女孩决定待在原地等她的母亲。5让步状语从句(1)no matter疑问词,“无论”。Every student,no matter how talented or hardworking,will come across difficulties in his or her study.每位学生,不管他或她有多么聪明、多么努力,在学习中总会遇到困难。(2)while/although/though.“虽然,尽管”。While/Although it can be difficult to team up with someone I dislike,I can always learn to

46、put up with some of his shortcomings and try to discover his advantages.尽管与我不喜欢的人合作有一定困难,但我总会学着去忍受他的一些缺点并努力发现他的优点。(3)whether .or .“无论”。All the students,whether their academic performances good or not,are all preparing themselves for the coming exams.所有的学生,不管他们的学业成绩是好是坏,都在为即将到来的考试做准备。6原因状语从句(1)now th

47、at. “既然”。Now that we all live under one roof,we should learn how to get along well with each other.既然我们住在同一个屋檐下, 我们应该学会如何彼此相处。(2)as/because “因为”。In my opinion,you should apologize to your mother,as she has done nothing wrong to prevent you from Internet addiction.依我看来,你应该向母亲道歉,因为阻止你的网瘾她没有做错事情。First

48、of all, youd better arrive on time because it is good manners to be punctual in China.首先, 你最好按时到, 因为在中国准时是有礼貌的。We are supposed to learn English well because having a good command of English means more opportunities in the future.我们理应学好英语,因为精通英语意味着在将来有更多的机会。用状语从句的知识完成下列句子。1无论我说什么,他总认为是我错。_,he always

49、thinks Im wrong.2他每次进城,总要来看看我们的学校。_,he would visit our school.3可能的话,我想要两本。_, Id like to have two copies of it.4结果不如我预料的那么好。The result was not as/so good _5你最好在有问题的地方做记号。Youd better make a mark _. 6只要我们不灰心,我们就能找到克服困难的方法。_, well find a way to overcome the difficulty.7他没把时间计划好,结果没按时完成这项工作。He didnt plan

50、 his time well,_8既然大家都来了咱们就设法做一个决定吧。_, lets try and reach a decision.答案:1.No matter what I say2Each time he came to town 3If (it is) possible4as I had expected5where you have any question 6As/So long as we dont lose heart 7so that he didnt finish the work on time 8Now that/Since you are all here1使用强

51、调句型使句式富于变化(1)It is/was被强调部分that/who其他。It is the people who obey the rules that matter.遵守这些规则的人们才是至关重要的。It is our parents that we can always depend on when were in trouble.当我们遇到麻烦时,我们总可以依靠的是我们的父母。It is your efforts,not your intelligence that determine your success.是你的努力,而不是你的智力决定你的成功。(2)It is/was not

52、 until .that .It was not until 8 oclock that he realized he had spent the whole day on the Internet.直到8点钟,他才意识到自己一整天都在上网。It was not until my son had entered the university that he realized the importance of time.直到我儿子上了大学他才知道时间的重要性。(3)强调谓语时,借助于“do/does/did动词原形”。We study as a group and all of us do e

53、njoy ourselves.我们以小组为单位学习,而且大家确实非常开心。I do sincerely hope you take part in the speech contest.我的确希望你参加这次演讲比赛。He did return the book to me yesterday.I might have put it somewhere else.他昨天确实把书还给我了。或许,我把它放到别的地方了。2使用部分倒装使句式富于变化(1)Only状语/状语从句.(部分倒装)“只有”。Only when we think more for others can we create a h

54、armonious environment.只有当我们更多地为别人考虑的时候,我们才能创造一个和谐的环境。Only by spending at least two hours learning English every day can you improve it quickly.只有通过每天花费至少两个小时学英语,你才能快速提高它。(2)not only .but also . “不仅还”。Not only can it make our class more lively,but it also can help us learn more effectively.它不仅可以使我们的课

55、堂活跃,而且可以帮助我们更有效地学习。Not only has the two-week communication helped us Chinese students have a better understanding of English culture,but it also has made us become good friends.两个周的交流不仅帮助我们中国学生对英语文化有了更好的理解,它还使我们成了好朋友。(3)not until . “直到才”。Not until we lose our health do we realize its value.直到失去了健康,我

56、们才明白它的价值。(4)as.“尽管”。Quiet student as he may be,he talks a lot about his favourite singers after class.尽管他可能是个沉默寡言的学生,但课下谈论喜爱的歌手时,他却话很多。Try as he would,he might fail again.尽管他还会尝试,但可能还会失败。(5)so形容词/副词that .“如此以至于”。So fast did he run that he was far ahead of others.他跑得很快,远远领先于其他人。So cold was the weathe

57、r that we had to stay at home.天气太冷,我们只好待在家里。(6)hardly .when ./no sooner .than .“一就”。Hardly had we arrived there when we divided this activity into three parts.我们一到那里,就把这项活动分成了三个部分。No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off.我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。(7)were/should/had . “如果”。Were I you,I wouldn

58、t do that.如果我是你,我就不会那样做。Had you worked hard,you would have finished it early.要是你工作努力的话,你早就完成了。3使用全部倒装使句式富于变化(1)up/down/in/out/now/then .(或介词短语位于句首)全部倒装。For a moment nothing happened. Then came voices all shouting together.有一会儿什么也没发生,然后传来了大家的喊叫声。(2)in front of/at the foot of .全部倒装。At the foot of the

59、mountain stands an old temple,which takes on a new look.一座古老的寺庙屹立在山脚下,呈现出一番新景象。In front of the teaching building stand two huge trees,which add to the beauty of our schoolyard.在我们的教学楼的前面矗立着两棵大树,它们使得我们的校园更加美丽。(3)表语位于句首倒装。In the picture,standing in the middle of the first row is my grandpa,who was in

60、his sixties at that moment.相片上站在第一排中间的是我爷爷,他当时六十多岁。Injured in the accident were two students,who were on their way to school when the accident happened.在事故中受伤的是两位学生,当事故发生时他们正在去上学的路上。根据括号内的提示改写下列句子。1He was devoted to his study and cared little about his clothes.(用省略的状语从句)_ his study,he cared little a

61、bout his clothes.2Tom was our monitor. He encouraged me to go on with my experiment.(用强调句)_,(who was) our monitor,_encouraged me to go on with my experiment.3As soon as Mr Smith arrived at our school,he was warmly welcomed.(用倒装句)_ had Mr Smith arrived at our school _ he was warmly welcomed.4He didnt

62、 come here until yesterday afternoon.(用强调句和倒装句)_ yesterday afternoon_ he came here._ yesterday afternoon _ here.5If you are not invited to speak,you should keep silent at the meeting.(用unless及省略句)_ to speak,you should keep silent at the meeting.答案:1.Devoted to2.It was Tomthat/who3.No sooner/Hardlyth

63、an/when4.It was not untilthatNot untildid he come5.Unless invited1There is no denying (the fact) that . “无可否认”。There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem: the government should take strong measures to deal with it.无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:政府应该采取有力措施来解决它。2There is no d

64、oubt that . “毫无疑问”。There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming.毫无疑问,地球正变得更加暖和,全球变暖正是人类活动所致。3It goes without saying that . “毋庸置疑”。It goes without saying that getting up early and going to bed early is of great benefit to our he

65、alth.毋庸置疑早起早睡对我们身体有益。4It is a virtue and tradition for sb to do sth “做某事是某人的优良传统和美德”。It is a virtue and tradition for us Chinese people to help those in need.帮助需要帮助的人是我们中华民族的优良传统和美德。5Its really a pity that . “的确遗憾的是”。Its really a pity that I cant make it to communicate with you face-to-face,and Im s

66、orry for that.的确遗憾的是没能与你面对面交流,为此我非常抱歉。6if not/so/necessary/possible省略结构,意为“如果不是这样/如果这样/可能”。If its convenient for you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.If not,let me know what time suits you best.如果你方便的话,我们8点半在学校大门外面见面。如果不方便,请让我知道什么时间最适合你。7When/While doing sth “当做某事时”(省略句)。While travelling a

67、long the way,we can enjoy the beautiful scenery as well as the new looks of the villages and towns.在沿途旅行中, 我们能欣赏大自然的美和村庄城镇的新面貌。8There be.“有”。There is a short English filmGrowing Together this weekend, which is mainly related to the development of our school.这个周末有一部主要关于我校发展的英文短片Growing Together。9Ther

68、e is no need to do sth“没有必要做某事”。In our life we may meet many failures. As long as we try our best,there is no need to feel regret for these failures.生活中我们可能遇到许多的失败,但只要我们尽了力,就没有必要为失败而后悔。10There is a famous saying that.“有句名言说”。There is a famous saying that “Good habits lead to good endings”, which sho

69、ws the importance of habits.有句名言说:“好习惯带来好结果。”这表明了习惯的重要性。11It is/was no surprise/wonder that.“不足为奇”。She is warmhearted, so it is no surprise/wonder that she always helps those who are in trouble.她是一个热心肠的人,因此她经常帮助那些处于困境中的人们就不足为奇了。12主语think/believe/feel/make/finditadj./n.(of/for sb)to do sth.it替代动词不定式短

70、语作形式宾语。I think it good manners to say hello to your teachers whenever you meet them.我认为每当你遇到老师时向他们问好是礼貌的行为。13Id/Ill appreciate it if .“如果我将感激不尽”。Id appreciate it if you could give us your personal advice after reading it.在阅读之后给出你个人的建议我将感激不尽。14When it comes to .“当谈到”。When it comes to improving spoken

71、 English,my advice is that you should listen to English every day and practise speaking it whenever possible.当谈到提高英语口语水平时,我的建议是每天尽可能地多听、多练习说英语。15It is no use/good doing sth“做某事没有用处/好处”。In fact,it is no use complaining that you dont have an opportunity to get an ideal job.事实上,你抱怨得不到理想工作的机会是没有用的。16It

72、happens/happened that.; Sb happen(s)/happened to do .“偶然;碰巧”。Talking of energy saving and greenhouse reductions,it happens that I have read a report on this topic in a newspaper.谈到节能减排,我碰巧在一份报纸上看到了有关这一话题的报道。翻译句子。1你精通的词汇越多,你的阅读能力就越好。(the more.the more)_2如果可能的话,我会毫不犹豫地寻求你的帮助。(if possible)_3有许多学生在校外上课。

73、_4毫无疑问,他失去了它。_5我们不仅要面对困难,而且我们应该克服困难。(not only.but also)_答案:1The more words you master,the better your reading ability will be.2I would not hesitate to ask you for help if necessary.3There are many students having lessons out of school.4There is no doubt that he lost it.5Not only should we face the d

74、ifficulties but also we should overcome them.名言和谚语是人类智慧的结晶, 其语言精练, 含义丰富。引经据典是英语作文中常用的写作方法。恰当地使用英语名言和谚语能让阅卷老师眼前一亮, 是提升英语作文成绩的一大法宝。1引用谚语的常用表达(1)As the saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle.”正如谚语所说的那样:“良好的开端是成功的一半。”(2)Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power.”弗朗西斯培根曾经说过:“知识就是力量。”(3)As w

75、e all know, books are the ladder of human progress.众所周知,书籍是人类进步的阶梯。(4)As a famous saying goes, “A friend is a present you give yourself.”正如一句著名的谚语所说的:“朋友是你给自己的礼物。”(5)My favourite proverb is “Everything comes to him who waits”我最喜欢的名言是“功夫不负有心人”。(6)It also helps me understand the proverb “Practice make

76、s perfect”它也帮助我理解了这句谚语:“熟能生巧。”(7)Above all, diligence is the mother of success.总之,勤奋是成功之母。(8)Mother told me that where there is a will, there is a way.母亲告诉我:“有志者事竟成。”(9)Some old people say, “The happiness will come when the pain leaves.”古人说得好:“苦尽甘来。”(10)If you “Do as the Romans do when in Rome”, you

77、ll enjoy more of your stay here.如果你“入乡随俗”,你会更好地享受这里的生活。2常见常用的谚语(1)关于学习的谚语。Knowledge starts with practice.知识来源于实践。Never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。Consider the past, and you shall know the future.温故而知新。(2)关于交友的谚语。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。A friend is a second

78、self.朋友是第二个自我。A friend is easier lost than found.朋友易失不易得。A friend without faults will never be found.世上没有十全十美的朋友。(3)关于健康的谚语。Health is better than wealth.健康胜过财富。Sports is good for life.生命在于运动。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生远离我。(4)关于成功的谚语。A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。Failure

79、 is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。No pains, no gains.不劳无获。Talents come from diligence, and knowledge is gained by accumulation.天才在于勤奋,知识在于积累。(5)关于毅力的谚语。Life is great, if you dont weaken.有了坚强的意志,才有伟大的人生。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要

80、肯攀登。Little by little and bit by bit.坚持就是胜利。Constant dropping wears away a stone.水滴石穿。(6)关于帮助的谚语。He is truly happy who makes others happy.使他人幸福的人才会真正幸福。It is love that makes the world go round.爱心是永恒的力量。Its better to give than to receive.给予总比接受好。(7)关于时间的谚语。Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。He that g

81、ains time gains all things.赢得时间就赢得一切。Time is money.时间就是金钱。Lost time is never found again.时如东流水,一去不复返。As every thread of gold is valuable, so is every moment of time.一寸光阴一寸金。(8)关于合作的谚语。One tree cant make a forest.独木不成林。For better or for worse.同甘共苦。Union is strength.团结就是力量。Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮。Both together do best of all.人心齐,泰山移。翻译句子。1常言道:“活到老学到老。”_2有句谚语是这样说的:“患难见真情。”_3她肯定不会再游泳了所谓一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。_答案:1As the saying goes,“Never too late to learn.”2There is a saying going like this,“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”3She certainly wont swim againonce bitten,twice shy.


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