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2018版高中英语外研版选修7学业分层测评:MODULE 5 SECTION Ⅳ WORD版含解析.doc

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1、学业分层测评.完成句子1当问到她未来的计划时,这个女孩说她想成为一名教师。(用分词短语作状语)_,the girl said that she wanted to be a teacher.2他大叫起来,好像被蛇咬了。(用省略的状语从句作状语)He began to cry _.3他严格教育孩子们。He _ his children strictly.4在一些国家,人们正在利用地球中心的热能。In some countries,people are _ the heat in the center of the earth.5考试就要来临,学生们正忙于复习功课。The exam is comi

2、ng,so the students are busy _ their lessons.【答案】1.When asked her future plans2.as if bitten by a snake3.brought up4.making use of5going over.阅读理解AJermaine Washington,26,did something that amazes many people.He gave an important organ to a woman who he describes as “just a friend”Jermaine met Michell

3、e Stevens,23,when they began working together in Washington DC.They used to have lunch with one another and chat during breaks.“He was somebody I could talk to.” says Michelle.“One day,I cried on his shoulder.I had been on the kidney (肾) donor waiting list for 11 months,and I had lost all hope.”She

4、told Jermaine how sad it was to spend three days a week,three hours a day,on a kidney dialysis (透析)machine.“I saw my friend dying before my eyes,”Jermaine says.“What should I do? Sit back and watch her die?”Michelle s mother,who was suffering from an illness,was unable to donate a kidney.Her two eld

5、er brothers were reluctant.“I understood,” says Michelle,“They said they loved me very much,but they were just too afraid.”The operation at Washington Hospital Center had a lot of painful procedures (步骤),but Jermaine never changed his decision and never regretted what he had done for Michelle.Today,

6、both Michelle and Jermaine are fine.Three times a month,they get together for what they call a “thankyou lunch”Though their friends hope they will get married,a romantic relationship is not what they want.“We are thankful for the beautiful friendship that we have,”Michelle says.“We dont want to mess

7、 up a good thing.”1According to the first paragraph,in many peoples opinion,Jermaines deed is very _.AbraveBsurprisingCacceptableDstupid【解析】细节理解题。由第一段第一句“Jermaine Washington,26,did something that amazes many people.”中的amazes(令人吃惊)可知答案为B。【答案】B2Why did Michelle,tell Jermaine about her illness?ABecause

8、 Jermaine wanted to know everything about her.BBecause everybody else around her had already heard her sad story.CBecause Jermaine was someone with whom she could share her pain.DBecause she wanted to ask Jermaine to give his kidney to her.【解析】细节理解题。由第二段中的“He was somebody I could talk to.”可知Jermaine

9、 Washington是Michelle谈得来的人,因此C项正确。【答案】C3We learn that when Michelles brothers learnt about her illness,_.Athey offered to help herBthey pretended not to know anythingCthey were unwilling to give their kidneys to herDthey lied that they could not donate their kidneys【解析】推理判断题。由第四段中的“Her two elder brot

10、hers were reluctant.”可知答案为C。【答案】C4It is implied in the passage that _.AMichelles father died when she was youngBMichelle is Jermaines only friend at workCMichelle was always sure that she would find a kidney donorDboth Michelle and Jermaine just want to stay good friends【解析】推理判断题。尽管朋友们都希望他们两个结婚,但是他们

11、不想发展成为恋人关系。“我们对自己所拥有的美好的友谊充满了感激”Michelle说,“我们不想玷污一件美好的事。”【答案】DBWhats On?Electric_Underground730pm1.00amFree at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know whos playing in your area? Were bringing you an exciting evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands.Are you interested in becoming a musici

12、an and getting a recording contract(合同)? If so, come early to the talk at 7.30pm by Jules Skye, a successful record producer.Hes going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.Gee_Whizz830pm10.30pmComedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform.Hes the funniest sta

13、ndup comedian on the comedy scene.This joyful show will please everyone, from the youngest to the oldest.Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7.00pm for drinks and snacks (快餐)Simons_Workshop500pm7.30pmWednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wan

14、ts to learn how to do comedy.The workshop looks at every kind of comedy, and practices many different ways of making people laugh.Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years experience of teaching comedy.His workshops are exciting and fun.An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be f

15、unny.Charlotte_Stone800pm11.00pmPizza WorldFine food with beautiful jazz music;this is a great evening out.Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new bestselling CD, with James Pickering on the piano.The menu is Italian,with excellent meat and fresh fish,pizzas and pasta (面食)Book early to get a

16、 table.Our bar is open all day,and serves cocktails, coffee, beer, and white wine.【语篇解读】本文是一篇由四则广告组成的应用文。分别介绍了一个讲座、一个喜剧演员的演出、一个喜剧演员的工作室以及一个有爵士乐和美食的好去处。5Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?AJules Skye.BGee Whizz.CCharlotte Stone.DJames Pickering.【解析】细节理解题。从题干的have your music prod

17、uced判断本题的答案出处在第一则广告,该广告说,“你是否有兴趣成为音乐人,得到录制唱片的合同?”然后说晚上7点半有Jules Skye的报告,因此选A项Jules Skye。根据本广告最后一句话也可得出答案。【答案】A6At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?AThe Cyclops Theatre.BKaleidoscope.CVictoria Stage.DPizza World.【解析】细节理解题。带着题干的“不同年龄的人欢笑”这个信息,我们去这几则广告中寻找相关信息。答案在第二则广告里,该广告说,G

18、ee Whizz是最滑稽的单口喜剧演员(standup comedian),他的表演能够让所有人快乐,下至孩童上到老人(from the youngest to the oldest)。表演的地点是Kaleidoscope,因此选B项。【答案】B7What do we know about Simons Workshop?AIt requires membership status.BIt lasts three hours each time.CIt is run by a comedy club.DIt is held every Wednesday.【解析】细节理解题。本题涉及第三则广告

19、的相关信息。从5.00pm7.30pm Wednesdays at Victoria Stage可以判断,该活动每个星期三举办,故D项正确。每次两个半小时,排除B项;文章没有提到需要有会员资格,排除A项;也没有提到喜剧俱乐部,排除C项。【答案】D8When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?A5.00pm7.30pm.B7.30pm1.00am.C8.00pm11.00pm.D8.30pm10.30pm.【解析】细节理解题。从题干可知解本题的信息来自最后一则广告,该广告开头就交代了时间:晚上8点到11点,因此选C项。【答案】C.语法填空What de

20、fines a healthy city?Is it a place with a lot of open spaces 1._ people can exercise and enjoy the fresh air?A place with little or no pollution?A place in which people can 2._(free) socialize and express their ideas? Perhaps,its all that plus more.Other considerations are the availability of health

21、 and fitness facilities,an excellent healthcare program and sincere efforts by 3._ local government to actively promote health and wellness among its citizens.Of all the cities in the world,one of the top six 4._ (healthy) cities is Copenhagen,Denmark.Copenhageners love to walk.Foot traffic accounts

22、 5._ 80% of all traffic in the Copenhagen city center.Those who prefer it can also bike.It is estimated that more than a third of all work trips in Copenhagen 6._ (carry) out on a bike.As for the climate here,the city does not have the blessing of pleasant weather all year round.7._ everything start

23、s to freeze,it turns several city squares into huge skating fields.The frozen parts of the city also make it easier for residents 8._(skate) around.The city also has museums and art galleries for the kids and 9._(grownup)It has the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and the Royal Library housed in a

24、rather grand building 10._ (call) the Black Diamond.【语篇解读】 本文讲述了世界上最健康的六大城市之一哥本哈根。1where考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,先行词为open spaces,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where。2freely考查副词。修饰动词短语“socialize and express their ideas”,应用副词freely。3the考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处表特指。4healthiest考查形容词的最高级。此处表示“最健康的六大城市之一”,应用形容词最高级。5for考查介词。步

25、行占交通总量的80%。account for “占(一定数量或比例)”,是固定短语。6are carried考查动词时态和语态。work trips与carry out存在动宾关系,空处应用被动语态;根据文章的整体时态可知,空处应用一般现在时;由“a third of all work trips”可知,空处应填are carried。7When/As考查连词。当开始上冻的时候,一些城市广场就变成了巨大的溜冰场。when/as“当时候”,引导时间状语从句。8to skate考查不定式。分析句子可知含有“for sb.to do sth.”结构。9grownups考查名词的数。本处and 连接两

26、个并列的名词kids和grownups。10called考查非谓语动词。call与被修饰的名词building之间为动宾关系,应用过去分词作定语。.短文改错My uncle,who had been working in a hospital in our city,is great success as a doctor.Last night I went to visit him and told him I was in low spirits because he had failed the maths test again.After hearing that I said,he

27、told me that when he was at school,he wanted to be a doctor.He had worked very harder at his lessons and tried to enter to a university.However,something unhappy happened to his family,it forced him to work for a life.But he spent his spare time studying or finally became a doctor.“The secret of suc

28、cess,” he said,“are to never give up whatever difficulty you may meet with in the future.”【答案】My uncle,who been working in a hospital in our city,is great success as a doctor.Last night I went to visit him and told him I was in low spirits because had failed the maths test again.After hearing I said

29、,he told me that when he was at school,he wanted to be a doctor.He had worked very at his lessons and tried to enter a university.However,something unhappy happened to his family, forced him to work for a .But he spent his spare time studying finally became a doctor.“The secret of success,” he said,“ to never give up whatever difficulty you may meet with in the future.”


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