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1、东莞市第一中学2011-2012学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题一 听力(共两节,满分15分)第一节听力理解 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第12题。1. How long will the mans journey take?A. Eleven hours and ten minutes. B. Twelve hours and twenty minutes. C. Twelve hours and ten minutes. 2. How much does the man pay for h

2、is tickets?A.$900. B.$450 C. $350听下面一段对话,回答第34题。3. Where will the party be given?A. At the mans home. B. At the womans home. C. In a hotel. 4. When will the part come to an end?A. At about 7:30pm B. At about 10:00pm C. At about 9:30pm 听下面一段独白,回答第57题。5. What did Sam and Joe think of the trip?A. Safe.

3、 B. Exciting C. Tiring6. Why did Joe go outside when they were in space?A. To make some repairs. B. To collect some stones. C. To take some pictures.7. Why didnt Joe want to work with Sam again?A. Sam didnt keep his word. B. Sam didnt have too much skill. C. Sam was very slow and possibly stupid.听下面

4、一段对话,回答第8-10题。8. What does the woman want the man speaker to do?A. Get the bottle on the top shelf. B. Get her a bottle of sauce. C. Remove the top of the bottle. 9. Where did Alex go?A. To a supermarket. B. To the cleaners. C. To his office. 10. Whats the weather like this summer?A. It rains much.

5、B. Its too hot. C. Its very cool. 第二节听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面一段独白, 从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入标号为11-15的空格中。Color blindnessI: Differences between men and womenMen: _11_%Women: 0.5%II: FormsUnable to see deep _12_Unable to tell the difference between _13_ and greenIII: ReasonsCones help differ colors in _14_ l

6、ight Rodshelp see _15_ at night二 完形填空 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)I climbed the stairs slowly,carrying a big suitcase,my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor,I was16and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still,Dad17 a step and fell,sending my new suitcases 18 down th

7、e stairs. “Damn!” he screamed,his face turning red. I knew trouble was ahead. Whenever Dads face turns red,19 !How could I ever20 him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls,girls I would have to spend the rest of the 21 with?Doors were open

8、ing and faces peering out(探出),as Dad walked with difficulty close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n)22 start.“Enter the room quickly,”I thought. “Get him into a chair and calmed down.” But then again,would there be a chair in Room 316?Or would it be a(n)23 roo

9、m?Finally I turned the key in the lock and 24 the door open,with Dad still 25 about a hurting knee or something. I put my head in,26 the worst. But to my27 ,the room wasnt empty at all!It had furniture,curtains,a TV,and even paintings on the walls.And there on a wellmade bed sat Amy,my new roommate,

10、dressed neatly. Greeting me with a nod,she said in a soft voice,“Hi,you must be Cori.” Then,she28 the music and looked over at Dad. “And of course,youre Mr.Faber,”she said,29 .“Would you like a glass of iced tea?”Dads face turned 30 less red before he could bring out a “yes.”I knew then that Amy and

11、 I would be friends and my first year of college would be a success.16AhelplessBlazy CanxiousDtired17AtookBmindedCmissedDpicked18AfallingBrollingCdroppingDcoming19Ago aheadBlook outChold onDgive away20AleadBhelpCencourageDget21AyearBseasonCmonthDday22AfreshBlateCbadDunfair23AsmallBemptyCnewDneat24Ak

12、nockedBforcedCpushedDtried25AthinkingBcomplainingCtalkingDarguing26AexpectingBcatchingCfindingDforgetting27AregretBdisappointmentCastonishmentDknowledge28Aturned onBturned downCturned upDturned away29AquestioningBwonderingCsmilingDguessing30AhelplesslyBhurriedlyChappilyDobviously三 阅读理解(满分50分)第一节 阅读理

13、解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AChristopher Thomas, 27, was a writer by night and a teacher by day when he noticed he was always tired and was losing weight fast. Diagnosed with diabetes(糖尿病), Thomas would need to inject himself with insulin(胰岛素) three times a day for the rest of his life or risk nerve damage,

14、 blindness, and even death. And if that werent bad enough, he had no health insurance. After a month of feeling upset, Thomas decided hed better find a way to fight back. He left Canton, Michigan for New York, got a job waiting tables, nicknamed himself the Diabetic Rockstar, and created , a free on

15、line community for diabetics and their loved onesa place where over 1,100 people share personal stories, information, and resources. Jason Swenckis son, Kody, was diagnosed with type diabetes at six. Father and son visit the online childrens forums(论坛) together most evenings. Kody gets so excited, w

16、riting to kids from all over, says Swencki, one of the sites volunteers. They know what hes going through, so he doesnt feel alone. Kody is anything but alone: Diabetes is now the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, with 24 million diagnosed cases. And more people are being diagnose

17、d at younger ages. These days, Thomass main focus is his charity(慈善机构), Fight It, which provides medicines and supplies to people225 to datewho cant afford a diabetics huge expenses. Fight-it.org has raised about $23,000in products and in cash. In May, Thomas will hold the first annual Diabetic Rock

18、star Festival in the Caribbean. Even with a staff of 22 volunteers, Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause, while still doing his full-time job waiting tables. Of the diabetes charities out there, most are putting money into finding a cure, says Bentley Gubar, one of Rockstars origi

19、nal members. But Christopher is the only person I know saying people need help now.31. Which of the following is true of Christopher Thomas?A. He needs to go to the doctor every day. B. He studies the leading cause of diabetesC. He has a positive attitude to this disease.D. He encourages diabetics b

20、y writing articles.32. D was created for _. A. diabetics to communicate B. volunteers to find jobs C. children to amuse themselves D. rock stars to share resources.33. According to the text, Kody _. A. feel lonely because of his illness B. benefits from C. helps create the online kids forums D. writ

21、es childrens stories online34. What can we learn about Fight It?A. It helps the diabetics in financial difficulties.B. It organizes parties for volunteer once a year.C. It offers less expensive medicine to diabetics.D. It owns a well-known medical website.35. The last paragraph suggests that Thomas

22、_.A. works full-time in a diabetes charity B. employs 22 people for his websiteC. helps diabetics in his own way D. tries to find a cure for diabetesBEvery American family has its own traditions on Thanksgiving Day, and mine is no different. Once the national holiday arrives, my mom rises early to m

23、ake the meal. She puts a turkey in the oven, chops carrots and bakes pies. Im sorry to say that the men in the family-my dad, my younger brother and myself-rarely pitch in to help. Our job is to wash the mountain of dirty dishes after the meal is over.Around 2 p.m. every Thanksgiving Day, family mem

24、bers seat themselves around the kitchen table. Plates of turkey, vegetables, salad, rolls and pies cover it. At this point, we can hardly keep ourselves from drooling (流口水) all over our fancy clothes, but its not yet time to eat.First, we must bow our heads, close our eyes and say a prayer of thanks

25、 aloud to God for giving us everything we have. Under normal circumstances, I would have no problem making a list of things I am thankful for. I grew up in a loving family. My parents, who arent wealthy, took out loads to help me for university.But, the funny thing is, every time I sit down for than

26、ksgiving dinner and try to say a prayer of thanks, my mind usually goes blank. I think it has something to do with my growling(咕咕叫) stomach and all of that food sitting right there under my nose.Eventually, though, we all finish our short prayers and dig in. To be sure, the day includes other highli

27、ghts-visiting with family and watching football. But usually around 6 p.m. we are all ourselves stuffed like turkeys and thankful to have a nice warm bed to sleep in.36. The purpose of the text is to _.A. tell what the family prepare for Thanksgiving Day.B. tell how the family spends Thanksgiving Da

28、yC. introduce foods served on Thanksgiving DayD. introduce the American Thanksgiving Day37. On Thanksgiving Day the authors family do the following except_.A. watching a movie B. making visits C. having a big meal D. watching football38. Why does the authors mind usually “go blank” when saying a pra

29、yer of thanks?A. He is too thankful to say a wordB. His mind is on the food before himC. He feels too excited to speakD. He is shy to speak in public39. The underlined phrase “dig in” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to “_”A. chat with others B. make a hole C. mix things up D. start eatin

30、g 40. What can we conclude from the text?A. On Thanksgiving Day, men do nothing but eatB. The author is a middle school studentC. The authors family is not rich, but its a loving one.D. Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth Thursday of December.CWith large and small keyboards everywhere, neither chil

31、dren nor adults need to write much of anything by hand. Thats a big problem. Study after study suggests that handwriting is important for brain development helping kids get fine motor skills and learn to express and create ideas. Yet the time devoted to teaching penmanship in most schools has shrunk

32、 to just one hour a week. Is it time to give up handwriting? Have a look at the link between the brain and penmanship, and you may get the answer.A test among students in grades 2, 4 and 6 found that they not only wrote faster by hand than by keyboard, but also created more ideas when composing essa

33、ys with handwriting. And other research shows that the finger movements required to write by hand activate brain areas involved with thought, language, and short-term memory.A recent Indiana University study had one group of children practice writing letters by hand while a second group just looked

34、at those letters. Then, both groups of kids entered a functional MRI (核磁共振)that scanned their brains as the researchers showed them the same letters. Researchers found that the brain activity in the first group was far more advanced and “adult-like”.Handwriting also affects other peoples way they th

35、ink of adults and children. Several studies have shown that the same average essay will score much higher if written with good penmanship and much lower if written out in poor handwriting. These studies have also found that people judge the quality of a persons ideas based on his or her handwriting.

36、 And the consequences are real: On standardized tests with handwritten sections, like the SAT, all essay that is considered hard to recognize gets a big zero.Studies show that this isnt only an English-language phenomenon. Chinese and Japanese youths are suffering from “character amnesia”. They cant

37、 remember how to write characters, thanks to computers and text messaging. Some experts fear that Chinese writing and reading are so closely linked in the brain that Chinas reading ability as a nation could suffer.41. According to the passage, it can be learned that _.A. many researches have been do

38、ne on handwritingB. essays cant be composed without handwritingC. all children write faster by keyboard than by handD. most schools are trying to teach more handwriting42. What does the Indiana University study imply?A. Children should practice writing lettersB. Handwriting can increase brain activi

39、tyC. Its good for children to enter a functional MRI.D. Letters should often be shown to children43. What does the 4th paragraph mainly talk about?A. Handwriting affects both adults and children.B. Handwriting helps a person write better essays.C.SAT should be done with good handwriting.D. Good hand

40、writing makes a person seem smarter.44. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Essays written with keyboards will get lower scores.B. The quality of your ideas depends on your handwriting.C. Chinese and Japanese youths dont know how to write.D. Less handwriting may affect Chinas reading abilit

41、y.45. The passage tries to tell us that _.A. keyboards are more popular than handwritingB. we shouldnt judge people by their handwritingC. handwriting is of great importanceD. its time to give up using keyboardsDSomewhere before Ive heard the saying, “The best gift parents can ever give to their chi

42、ldren is to love each other.” Ive had the pleasure of witnessing the truth of this statement for over 40 years. From as far back as I can remember, Mom and Dad were a team, a great partnership. They were more than just a partnership. It was as if they were one person. They could drive us kids crazy

43、sometimes, because they were always together “against us.”They were really just together in their love “for us”, making sure their brood understood the difference between right and wrong and the foundational principles of honesty, trustworthiness, and respect. Sure, they argued (although, not that m

44、uch), but there was never any doubt in our minds that any disagreements would be worked through and resolved. Most of my friends, unfortunately, didnt feel that same sense of security when their folks argued.Mom and Dad began their married life poor, but they worked hard and, over the years, built a

45、 very successful business. They each had their strengths and weaknesses, but from the way they worked together, you never saw the weaknesses, just the strengths. Dad was the outgoing, more public person with whom people met and right away fell in love. Everyone knew Dad! Then, when they got to meet

46、Mom, they felt the exact same way about her as well. Mom, although not at all shy, was more comfortable being the person behind the scenes. More detail oriented, she ran the books and, according to Dad, she was the one who “really made the business work”.I remember one night at dinner I asked Dad ho

47、w much money he made. Dad simply replied, “I dont know. Mama handles all that.” I looked at Mom and asked, Is that true? Dad really doesnt know how much money he makes?” she replied, “Yes, he has never known, and he never asks.” All three of us kids looked at Dad for an explanation. His approach was

48、 a simple one: “If we want to buy something and Mama says we can afford it, we can afford it.”46. What can we know from the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?A. Parents love is the best gift to their children.B. Parents and their childrens loving each other is the best gift.C. Parents lovin

49、g each other is the best gift to their children.D. Childrens loving each other is the best gift to their parents.47. The writers parents sometimes could drive the kids crazy because .A. they loved them very much.B. they were always together “against them”C. they were a partnershipD. they were very s

50、trong.48. From the second paragraph we know that the writers parents .A. never arguedB. sometimes argued but not that much C. often arguedD. argued like other parents49. Which of the following could best describe the writers father?A. Considerate B. Open-minded C. Shy D. Outgoing50. What can we infe

51、r from the last paragraph?A. The writers father earned little.B. The writers father was afraid of his mother.C. The writers mother was in charge of the familys money.D. The writers mother cared much about his fathers earning.第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。以下是礼物

52、的信息:A. Disney Stock in SilverLeafFrameDisney Stock in SilverLeafFrame-$127. This Disney Stock Certificate features Walt Disney himself, surrounded by characters from his famous imagination. This is one of the most colorful stock certificates ever created - the perfect Disney Collectible gift for any

53、one who is young at heart! B. One Share of DreamWorks Animation StockDreamWorks Animation Stock in GoldLeafFrame-$121. The DreamWorks Stock Certificate features the head of Shrek - its most beloved character - in full color! The companys logo is also displayed amidst a blue sky and dreamlike clouds.

54、 Owning DreamWorks Stock is owning a piece of Hollywood history. C. One Share of Harley-Davidson StockHarley-Davidson Stock in SilverLeafFrame-$147. A framed Harley-Davidson Stock Certificate would compliment any proud Hog owners wall. This certificate changed in 2003 and features a contemporary des

55、ign with company logo. D. One Share of Tiffany & Co. StockMy First Tiffany Stock in SilverLeafFrame-$146. The Tiffany & Co Stock Certificate is in the green color of their famous blue boxes. This framed certificate would make an excellent gift for anyone who appreciates Tiffanys classic design. E. O

56、ne Share of Wal-Mart StockCertified Wal-Mart Stock in SilverLeafFrame-$144. Although it is now an creative global operation, Wal-Mart is still a traditional company at heart. Wal-Mart Stock Certificate features the classic vignette of a goddess and the finely engraved steel etching along the certifi

57、cate border. This certificate is a great teaching tool for a childs investment education. F. One Share of Coca-Cola StockCoca-Cola Stock in SilverLeafFrame-$156. The Coca-Cola Stock Certificate is the ultimate Coca-Cola collectible, a classic, complete with ornate scripophily. Without a doubt, one o

58、f the most unique pieces of Coca-Cola memorabilia one can own! Great for Coke fans.以下是礼品赠送者的话语,请匹配赠送者与他们所赠送的礼品:51. Amy from Florida says, “My brother is an avid Harley Davidson fan. For Christmas last year, I bought him a framed share of Harley stock - he couldnt have been more excited! Although he

59、received stock from the company when he bought his motorcycle, he never received the paper certificate.” 52. Bill from Georgia says, “Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary. Id ordered a share of Wal-Mart as we were shopping there often for Debbies birthday in August. Not being able to wait that

60、long I decided to give it to her for our anniversary. ” 53. Becky from Illinois says, “Well give our granddaughter a share of DreamWorks Animation Stock for her baptism(洗礼). It is my son (her Dad) who is really thrilled! Hes been collecting DreamWorks items since he was a child”. 54. Lisa from Washi

61、ngton says, “My niece will be two this August. Shell be receiving a share of Disney stock. Ive already received it and have it wrapped for her birthday party. Happy birthday, my niece!” 55. Pat from Virginia says, “On our tenth wedding anniversary my husband thrilled me with a beautifully framed sha

62、re of Tiffany Stock. We both have bikes and love to ride. He really impressed me with a simple and touching message: Ten years ago we made the best investment of our lives. Im very pleased! ”四 单句语法填空(15小题,每小题1分)56. So many thousands of _ (terrify) people died.57. His wound became _ (infect) with a n

63、ew virus.58. Now when people refer to England you will find Wales _ (include) as well.59. _ (worry) about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.60. The missing boy was last seen _ (play) near the East Lake.61._ (judge) from his reactions, he couldnt have known about the death of his do

64、g.62. He didnt want _ (attack) by the Christian Church, so he only published it as he lay dying in 1543.63. The broken windows left us _ (expose) to the sub-zero temperatures.64. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom _ (enjoy) and .worthwhile.65. The y

65、oung man gave a colorful _ (describe) of his journey.66. Her first delight was _ (go) to the Tower.67. At first my new _ (surround) were difficult to tolerate.68. The card _ (constant) reminded him of the holiday in England.69. Soon I was back _ my feet.70. They wanted to break away _ the Union.五 句子

66、考查 (每空0.5分,满分15分)71. We followed them to the stadium, but _ _ _ _ (看不见他们) when they joined the crowd of people.72. _ _ _ _ (他们不愿意)invest any money in the project.73. All the words below can _ _ _ _ (代替) said.74. _,(实在累坏了) I _ _ _ (溜上床)and fell fast asleep.75. _ _ _ _ _ _ three zones. (为方便起见,英格兰可以划分为

67、)三个地区。76. Here, read this sentence. _ _ _ _ _ _.(好像一点也讲不通)77. What do you study _ _ (除了)English?高二月考参考答案16-30 DCBBD ACBCB ACBCD高二英语参考答案15 CABCB 610 ACCBA11. 10 12. red 13. blue 14. bright 15. shapes16-30 DCBBD ACBCB ACBCD3135 CABAC 3640 BABDC 4145 ABDDC 4650 CBBDC5155 CEBAD56. terrified57. infected5

68、8. included59. Worried60. playing61. Judging62. to be attacked63. exposed64. enjoyable65. description66. going67. surroundings68. constantly69. on70. from71. lost sight of them 72. They are/were unwilling to 73. take the place of 74. Exhausted, slid into bed 75. For convenience England is divided in

69、to 76. It doesnt seem to make sense. 77. apart fromPossible version:During the “Earth Hour”, people in Sydney will have a one-hour blackout activity throughout the city, the purpose of which is to make people be aware of energy saving better.I am strongly for this activity, which is really meaningfu

70、l and helpful for preventing our earth from getting warmer. Besides, it can improve peoples awareness of environment protection.As for me, I will tell my family and people around about Earth Hour and try to ask them to join in it, for just one hours blackout may not affect our life much, but it will

71、 help them know more about low carbon life and saving energy.As a student, I will make great efforts to help protect our environment. I wont ask my father to drive me to school but take buses or just ride my bike. When doing shopping, I will try to use a cloth or paper bag instead of plastic ones.Every little counts, why not join us!分析:(1)概括关键信息主题:the “Earth Hour”范围:people in Sydney目的:energy saving(2)延伸关键信息个人态度:be strongly for原因:reasons做什么:what to do


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