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2016-2017学年高中英语选修六(人教版)练习:UNIT 4 GLOBAL WARMING3 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language课时训练基础夯实.单词拼写1.She doesnt want to make a big emotional (承诺)to Steve at the moment.答案:commitment2.He tried to sound (漫不经心的),but I knew he was worried.答案:casual3.Our washing machine needs a new (发动机).答案:motor4.Put the fish in the (微波炉)and itll only take

2、5 minutes.答案:microwave5.It was such a hot night that I had a cold shower to (使振作) myself.答案:refresh6.The (核的) accident affected our country even though we were hundreds of miles from the reactor.答案:nuclear7.I have a(n)(倾向)to talk too much when Im nervous.答案:tendency8.There is a (普遍的) use of chemical

3、s in agriculture.答案:widespread9.The (平均的)cost of making a movie has risen by 15%.答案:average10.Today there are less than 100 copies of the book still in (存在).答案:existence.选词填空put up withunder no circumstanceson behalf ofon an averageand so onon the whole1.I dont know how you can their endless quarrel

4、s every day.答案:put up with2.He made a speech at the conference his school.答案:on behalf of3.You can do things for your health in the way of diet,exercise,not smoking .答案:and so on4. will China be the first country to use nuclear weapons.答案:Under no circumstances5.,a storm moves at about 56 miles an h

5、our and a hurricane at 90.答案:On an average6.,the damage to the house is not serious and it could be repaired.答案:On the whole.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1.The city is searching for the ways to reduce air (pollute).答案:pollution2.Weve seen enormous (grow) in the number of businesses using the Web.答案:growth3.The coo

6、ker isnt working because of an (electricity) fault.答案:electrical4.Professor Taylor is generally recognized as one of the states most respected (educate).答案:educators5.The school sees its job as preparing students to make a (contribute) to society.答案:contribution6.Use a computer to help with the spel

7、ling and (present) of the report.答案:presentation7.Weve had a few (agree),but were still good friends.答案:disagreements.翻译句子1.我谨代表全家感谢大家。(behalf)答案:On behalf of my family,I would like to thank you all.2.只要你穿上外套,你就可以出去。(so long as)答案:You can go out so long as you wear an overcoat.3.我在工作的时候不能忍受喧闹声。(put)

8、答案:I cant put up with noises while I am working.4.餐桌上摆满了香蕉、苹果等。(and so on)答案:The dining table was loaded with bananas,apples and so on.5.他提出明智、可行的建议。(put)答案:He put forward wise and practicable proposals.6.你无论如何都不该把钱借给他。(circumstance)答案:Under no circumstances should you lend him the money.能力提升.阅读理解Fr

9、om the Sydney Opera House to San Franciscos Golden Gate Bridge,iconic structures went dark as people switched off lights in their homes and skylines dimmed around the world on Saturday to show concern about global warming.Up to 30 million people were expected to have turned off their lights for 60 m

10、inutes by the time “Earth Hour”which started in Suva in Fiji and Christchurch in New Zealandcompleted its cycle westward.More than 380 towns and cities and 3,500 businesses in 35 countries signed up for the campaign that is in its second year after it began in 2007 in Sydney,Australias largest city.

11、“Earth Hour shows that every day people are prepared to pull together to find a solution to climate change.It can be done.”said James Leape of WWF International,which was running the campaign.Lights at Sydneys Opera House and Harbour Bridge were lowered as Australians held candle-lit beach parties,p

12、layed poker by candlelight and floated candles down rivers.In Bangkok,some of the citys business districts,shopping malls and billboards went dark,although streetlights stayed on.One major hotel invited guests to dine by candlelight and reported brisk business.In Copenhagen,the Tivoli Gardens and th

13、e Royal Palace and the opera darkened for an hour,along with many streetlights.In Britain,26 town and city councils signed up to switch off nonessential lights as several historic buildings did,including Prince Charles private residence Highgrove House,London City Hall,Winchester Cathedral and the G

14、overnment Communication Headquarters radio monitoring station.The south coast town of Brighton turned off the lights on its pier.The movement crossed the Atlantic to the United States and Canada,where the 553-meter CN Tower in Toronto and the surrounding skylines were plunged into temporary darkness

15、.1.In the first paragraph,the underlined word “dimmed” might mean “”.A.got brightB.got clearC.got flyingD.got dark 答案:D解析:词义猜测题。根据语言环境,本文谈论人们为了保护地球防止全球气候变暖开展了一项“地球一小时”的活动,具体做法是熄灯一小时,上文提到当人们把灯熄灭后一些图标变暗,据此,熄灯后天际的轮廓肯定“变暗”。2.Which of the following is NOT true about the two cities:Bangkok and Copenhagen?

16、A.Many places in Bangkok went into darkness.B.There were streetlights lighting in the darkness of the two cities.C.In Copenhagen,the opera and the Royal Palace were in darkness for an hour.D.Both of them were in full darkness during the Earth Hour.答案:D解析:推理判断题。D项错在were in full darkness,根据原文即便在“地球一小时

17、”活动中“In Bangkok,some of the citys business districts,shopping malls and billboards went dark,although streetlights stayed on.”和“In Copenhagen,the Tivoli Gardens and the Royal Palace and the opera darkened for an hour,along with many streetlights.”可知选D项。3.According to the passage,the main purpose of

18、the campaign “Earth Hour” is .A.developing the world economyB.saving the energy and controlling global warmingC.controlling global warming and developing the world economyD.saving the electricity and protecting the environment答案:B解析:推理判断题。通过熄灯一小时可以节约能源,同时防止散发过多的热量,减少全球气候变暖的程度。故选B项。4.The main idea of

19、 this passage is that .A.saving the electricityB.many cities all around the world turn off lights for saving the electricityC.many cities all over the world turn off lights for an hour for the Earth HourD.people all over the world contribute to the environment protection答案:C解析:主旨大意题。纵观全文可知本文谈论的是人们为了

20、保护地球防止全球气候变暖世界各地的城市开展的熄灯一小时的活动,故答案为C项。.完形填空(导学号51970057)The ice sheets in the poles and glaciers on the high mountains are melting and the world is in danger of 1.While you are surprised by the special 2,you know that it is just a made-up story and there will be a hero to save the world.But what if

21、the ice sheets are really 3?Can anyone save us?4 to a scientific study last Monday,Arctic ice will completely 5 in the summers by the end of this century unless carbon dioxide emissions are greatly 6.“The big melting has begun,” said Jennifer Morgan,from the Climate Change Campaign for the World Wil

22、dlife Fund (WWF).Arctic 7 are rising at twice the global 8 and could rise seven degrees centigrade by 2100.The melting will cause sea levels to rise 9one metre,forcing many coastal populations10.“The polar bear is one 11of an animal that could become extinct by the end of this century,” the WWF said

23、.12,on the positive side,rising sea levels13open up new areas for fishing and oil and gas exploration.“Industrial countries are14an uncontrolled experiment to study the effects of 15change.The Arctic is their first victim,” Morgan said.Russia 16 the Kyoto Protocol,an agreement to cut production of s

24、ix greenhouse gases.But the US,the biggest polluter,17 to do so.In 2002,104 countries,18 China,accepted the agreement.The new 19 is sponsored by a group of industrial countries,including the US and Canada,20 produce almost 30 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions.1.A.snowingB.floodingC.watering

25、D.raining答案:B解析:由and前的句子可知极地的冰盖和高山的冰川正在融化。由此带来的后果应是地球面临着被洪水淹没(flooding),而不是snowing(降雪),watering(浇水)和raining(下雨)。2.A.catastropheB.luckC.movementD.existence答案:A解析:地球面临着被淹没的危险,这是一种灾难。因此本题应选择catastrophe(灾难)。luck “运气”;movement “运动”;existence “存在”。3.A.smellingB.smokingC.cookingD.melting答案:D解析:由该段首句中的“The

26、ice sheets in the poles.are melting”可知此处应选择melting,表示“假如冰盖真的融化了,那该怎么办?”。4.A.AccordingB.Looking forwardC.UsedD.Seeing答案:A解析:据上周一发布的一项科学研究。according to.“根据”,为固定搭配;look forward to“盼望着”;used to “过去常常”;see to “处理,照管”。5.A.renewB.manageC.awaitD.disappear答案:D解析:renew “再生”;manage “设法”;await “等待”;disappear “消

27、失”。本文谈论冰盖融化,最后的结果应是北极冰盖的消失,应选disappear。6.A.increasedB.reducedC.diedD.raised答案:B解析:从unless 看出,此处是否定的假设。increase “增加”;reduce “减少”;die “死亡”;raise “抬起”。北极冰盖的消失应在二氧化碳排放量不能大幅度下降的前提下。7.A.sizeB.temperaturesC.lengthD.weight答案:B解析:size “大小,尺寸”;temperature “温度”;length “长度”;weight “重量”。由下文的“rise seven degrees c

28、entigrade”可知此处谈论的是温度。8.A.specialB.normalC.averageD.abstract答案:C解析:到2100年,北极有可能上升7摄氏度。special “特殊的”;normal “正常的”;average “平均的”;abstract “抽象的”。此处表示北极温度正在以全球平均气温两倍的速度上升。9.A.byB.onC.inD.to答案:A解析:介词by表示升降的程度。句意为“冰盖融化将导致全球海平面上升1米”。10.A.to be movedB.moveC.to moveD.moved答案:C解析:force sb.to do sth.“逼迫某人做某事”。1

29、1.A.patternB.modelC.styleD.example答案:D解析:pattern “样品”;model “模型”;style “风格”;example “例子,实例”。北极熊是可能在本世纪末灭绝的极地动物中的一个例子。12.A.ButB.AndC.SoD.Or答案:A解析:从on the positive side看出,此处是转折关系。but 表示转折关系;and表示并列关系;so表示因果关系;or表示逆向假设关系。13.A.shouldB.willC.mayD.ought to答案:B解析:现在冰盖并没有完全融化,海平面正在逐渐上升,新的渔场、油气资源等的开辟还没有展开,因此

30、应用一般将来时。14.A.carrying forwardB.carrying outC.carrying onD.carrying about答案:B解析:发达国家正在进行另外一项实验。carry forward “发扬;推进”;carry out “开展,实现”;carry on “继续开展”;carry about “随身携带”。15.A.skyB.weatherC.climateD.atmosphere答案:C解析:sky “天空”;weather “天气”;climate “气候”;atmosphere “大气”。此处指长期的天气现象气候。16.A.acceptedB.receive

31、dC.gotD.pushed答案:A解析:accept “接受”;receive “收到”;get “得到”;push “推;按”。此处表示俄罗斯接受(签署)了京都议定书。17.A.agreedB.refusedC.decidedD.wanted答案:B解析:句意为“而世界最大的污染国美国却拒绝加入该协议”。从but推断出美国和俄罗斯的行为是相反的。18.A.as wellB.exceptC.withoutD.including答案:D解析:为削减全球6种温室气体的排放量,许多国家签署了京都议定书。2002年包括中国在内的104个国家接受了京都议定书。B、C两项意义相同,故排除;as well“也”,后不接宾语。故选D项。19.A.studyB.learningC.knowledgeD.understanding答案:A解析:study “研究”;learning “学习”;knowledge “知识”;understanding “理解”。许多国家发起的应是对气候变化的研究。20.A.whereB.whenC.howD.who答案:D解析:句意为“全球近30%的二氧化碳排放量来源于美、加等发达国家”。who引导一个非限制性定语从句。从句中缺少主语,四个选项中,只有who可以作主语。


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