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2022四年级英语下册 Module 8模块知识梳理卷 外研版(三起).doc

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1、Module8模块知识梳理卷班级_姓名_得分_ 时间:30分钟满分:100分基础知识梳理一、单词过关(英汉互译)(12分)1. 优美地, 动听地 2. 游戏; 比赛 3. 饮料 4. 在那儿, 往那里 5. 忙的, 忙碌的 6. 告诉, 告知 7. 非常好的, 令人愉快的 8. 一段时间 9. last 10. fun 11. delicious 12. poster 二、核心短语(英译汉)(7分 )1. lots of delicious food 2. take pictures 3. have a good time 4. make a poster 5. have a busy day

2、 6. play games 7. go there 8. last Sunday 三、重点句子(英汉互译)(5分 )1. 我们乘公共汽车去了那里。2. 他们唱得很动听。3. 我拍了一些照片。4. Tell me about your picnic. 5. I took some pictures and I made a poster. 6. We ate lots of delicious food. 四、核心语言点(26分)常用动词的过去式1.drink-_2.make-_3.take-_4.eat-_5.listen-_6.sing-_7.see-_8.go-_大显身手:1. Gran

3、dma _ to music yesterday. 2. I _ some pictures last Sunday. 3. He _ a poster about his picnic yesterday. 4. They _ beautifully yesterday. 5. We _ some food yesterday. 模块强化检测五、单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. We ate lots _ delicious food. A. ofB. forC. about( ) 2. My brother _ last Sunday. A. swimB. went swimmingC.

4、swum( ) 3. They _ milk yesterday morning. A. drankB. drinkC. drinking( ) 4. Linlin _ her kite to the park yesterday. A. takesB. tookC. taking( ) 5. They sang _. A. goodB. cuteC. beautifully六、情景交际。(10分)( ) 1. 当你想夸奖对方刚才唱得很好听时, 应该这样说:_ A. You sing beautifully. B. You sang beautifully. ( ) 2. 当你想问对方“(活动

5、)有趣吗? ”时, 应该这样说:_ A. Was it fun? B. It was fun. ( ) 3. 当你想告诉奶奶“我们也帮妈妈了”时, 应该这样说:_ A. We helped Mum. B. We helped Mum too. ( ) 4. 当你想说弟弟昨天吃了很多米饭时, 应该这样说:_ A. My little brother eats lots of rice. B. My little brother ate lots of rice yesterday. ( ) 5. 当你想让对方告诉你他的假期时, 应该这样说: _A. Tell me about your holi

6、day. B. I will tell you about my holiday. 七、图文搭配。选一选。(10分)( ) 1. I saw some children in the park. They played games. A.( ) 2. He ate lots of food and drank lots of drinks yesterday. B.( ) 3. I made a poster about my friends holidays. C.( ) 4. The beautiful bird sang beautifully. D.( ) 5. I went to t

7、he park by bus last Monday. E.八、按要求完成下列句子。(10分)1. my, went, I, mother, by, there, and, bus(. )(连词成句)_2. Amy goes to school by bike. (改为过去时)_3. We ate some food and _ some _. (用drink的正确形式填空)4. They will play games in the park tomorrow. (改为一般过去时)They _ _ in the park yesterday. 5. This girl is _. She s

8、ang _.(用beautiful的正确形式填空)九、阅读短文, 判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。(10分)Yesterday was Sunday. It was sunny. Sam and Bob went to the zoo by bike. They saw many animals there. The pandas are cute and fat. The monkeys are clever and naughty. They ate Sams bananas and apples. The birds sang in the tree and they sang bea

9、utifully. Sam and Bob walked in the zoo. Then they had bread and milk for lunch and took some photos with animals. ( ) 1. It was sunny on Sunday. ( ) 2. Sam and Jim went to the zoo by bike. ( ) 3. The monkeys are clever and fat. ( ) 4. Sam and Bob had bananas and apples for lunch. ( ) 5. Sam and Bob

10、 took some photos with animals. Module 8模块知识梳理卷 基础知识梳理: 一、1.beautifully2.game3.drink4.there5. busy6.tell7.great8.time9.最近过去的10.有趣的事11.美味的,可口的 12. 海报,招贴画二、1.很多美味的食物2.拍照3.过得愉快4. 制作一张海报5.度过忙碌的一天6. 玩游戏7.去那里8.上周日三、1.We went there by bus.2. They sang beautifully.3. I took some pictures.4. 告诉我有关你的野餐。5. 我照了

11、一些照片并且做了一张海报。6. 我们吃了很多美味的食物。四、1.drank2.made3.took4.ate5. listened6.sang7.saw8.went大显身手: 1.listened2.took3.made 4. sang5.ate模块强化检测: 五、1.A点拨: lots of很多。2. B点拨: go swimming去游泳。句中时间状语为last Sunday,表示过去。3. A点拨: yesterday morning昨天上午,故描述的是过去发生的事情。4. B点拨: 由时间状语yesterday可知描述的是过去发生的事情。5. C点拨: beautifully优美地, 副词,用来修饰动词。六、1.B2.A3.B4.B5.A七、1.C2.D3.A4.E5.B八、1.My mother and I went there by bus.2. Amy went to school by bike.3. drank; drinks4.played games5. beautiful; beautifully九、1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T


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