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2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Grammar and usage教案 牛津译林版选择性必修第二册.doc

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1、Unit 2 Living with technologyGrammar and UsageI. Learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. master the form of the future continuous tense; 2. understand the distinctions between the future continuous tense and the simple future tense; 3. learn to use the future continu

2、ous tense in different situations;4. write a short article using the future continuous tense.II. Key competence focus1. Master the form of the future continuous tense; 2. Use the future continuous tense in different situations.III. Predicted area of difficulty1. Know the distinctions between the fut

3、ure continuous tense and the simple future tense; 2. Write a short article using the future continuous tenseIV. Teaching proceduresT greets the class.T: Class begins, boys and girls! Good morning/afternoon!Step 1 Revising the simple future tense and the present and past continuous tenseT: Read the f

4、our sentences and fill in the blanks with their proper forms.1. The speaker _ (analyse) the problem step by step in tomorrows lecture.Answers:1. will analyse2. He predicts that the government _ (finance) the building of the new roads.2. will finance3. Right now the group _ (urge) scientists to work

5、out plans to send humans to Mars.3. is urging4. The fire _ (threat) the residents, so the government urged them to leave.4. was threateningT: The tense in the first two sentences is future. So the answers are “will analyse, will finance”. Of course, you can replace them with “is going to, be to, etc

6、.”, which are other forms of simple future tense. So the form of the simple future is “will/shall/be going to/be to/ be about to + v (root form)”.T: There are signal words “Right now” in sentence 3, so the tense is present continuous. Its form is “is/am/are + present participle”. The right answer is

7、 “is urging”. The second part of sentence 4 “the government urged them to leave” suggests that the action happened in the past and the fire “was threatening” the residents. So the tense in sentence 4 is past continuous tense. Its form is “was/were + present participle”.【设计意图:将来进行时是一种合成时态,包括进行时和将来时,利

8、用本单元词汇analyse, finance, urge, threaten结合进行时和将来时导入新课,一举两得。】Step 2 Exploring the rules of the future continuous tenseT asks Ss to go through the text in A P48.T: Open your books at page 48 and read through the text. And then find out the sentences in future continuous tense. T asks some students to pi

9、ck out relevant sentences.Answers: 1. Today Ill be speaking to you about drones, also known as UAVs.2. It can be predicted that before long many people will be using drones to deliver daily supplies like food and drink.3. We can assume that with improved technology in passenger drones, we will be en

10、tering the age of personal flying vehicles.4. Whatever happens, well all be interacting with drones on a daily basis.【设计意图:利用AP48篇章语境导发现新知识,导入将来进行时的用法,在理解课文的同时自然引入语法知识。】Step 3 Working out the rulesT asks Ss to work out the form of future continuous tense.T: Look through the four sentences in the tex

11、t. Find out the usage and the common form of them.T: We use the future continuous tense to talk about a future action that will be in progress over a period of time to come or a future action which is the result of a routine or arrangement. We also use the future continuous tense to express _. T: Th

12、e right answer is “predictions”.T: We form the future continuous tense by using “_ + verb-ing from”.T: The right answer is “will be”.T: Do keep the form of future continuous tense in mind: “will/be going to + be + present participle”. For example:We will be monitoring the situation on the ground in

13、the next week.【设计意图:此节旨在通过课文中四个句子,让学生总结将来进行时的结构。】Step 4 Understand the differences between simple future tense and the future continuous tenseT: There are some differences between the future continuous tense and the simple future tense.1. T shows the following example: We will be meeting at the airp

14、ort this time tomorrow.T: The signal words “this time” are the certain point in time and “tomorrow” suggests that the action will happen in the future. The simple future tense cant be used here. T: The future continuous tense indicates an action that will occur at a certain point in time in the futu

15、re.2. T shows the following examples: 1) I hope it wont rain tomorrow.2) Its raining again. I hope it wont still be raining tomorrow.T: The first sentence means it will rain tomorrow, and the second sentence emphasizes that it should not continue to rain tomorrow.T: The general future tense indicate

16、s an action or situation that will occur in the future, while the future continuous tense emphasizes the continuation of the action.3. T shows the following examples:1) When will you finish the report? (Direct inquiry)2) When will you be seeing Mr. Jackson? (More politeness)T: The first sentence is

17、a direct inquiry, something like a boss to his employee. The second sentence seems to be asking someone politely.T: The future continuous tense is more euphemistic, while the general future tense indicates the speakers intention directly.【设计意图:这一步骤是本节课的难点,通过实例和讲解让学生明白一般将来时和将来进行时的区别。如果此处学生仍有疑问,可结合观看微

18、课讲解。】Step 4 Applying the rules1 T: Complete the conversations with the correct expressions in the brackets in B1.Answers: B1 1. (a) has made (b) will be seeing2. (a) Will you be visiting (b) am looking forward to3. (a) will be giving (b) have been making 2. T: Fill in the blanks with the correct exp

19、ressions in the box in B2.Answers: B2 1. will be flying 2. will be getting 3. are taking off 4. will be using 5. are developing3. B3 T: Write down your prediction about technological development using the future continuous tense. Sample answers:I predict that in 50 years time, everyone will be ridin

20、g in self-flying cars.I predict that in the future children will be studying at home using virtual reality headsets.【设计意图:这个环节是运用将来进行时,教材中B1B2B3设计步步提高,恰好用于将来进行时的升级训练。】Step 5 B3 P47 Writing T: In lesson 2, the author quotes Steph Hawkings warning, “The development of full artificial intelligence coul

21、d spell the end of the human race.” Its an effective way to support his/her ideas. T: Heres your homework. Write a short article to predict AI machines in the future. T: Use quotes from famous people to support your idea and use the future continuous tense as much as possible.【设计意图:这个环节是将来进行在篇章中的运用,

22、也为课外作业做准备。设计的练习是将第二课的B3和第三课的B3整合,话题关于对未来智能机器人的观点,将名人名言和将来进行时整合进来。】V. Homework1. To revise the usage of the future continuous tense, watch the micro video: The Future continuous Tense. (Optional)2. Finish off writing B3P47 using the future continuous tense as much as possible.Sample answer: As far as

23、 I am concerned, AI machines will be living in harmony with human beings, working to our advantage. Though AI machines may become very intelligent and even outsmart human beings, I think they will be supporting and helping human beings. The mathematician and electrical engineer Claude Elwood Shannon

24、 once said, “I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans. And I am rooting for the machines.” This humorous quote shows why we do not need to be afraid of powerful AI: as AI develops, it will be developing a strong bond with humanity, similar to the relationship between humans and dogs, one of loyalty and friendship


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