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2021届高考二轮复习英语时文热点之特训4:(阅读理解 语法填空) WORD版含解析.doc

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2021届高考二轮复习英语时文热点之特训4:(阅读理解 语法填空) WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、时文热点04序号题型内容1阅读理解中国加强稀有资源的保护2阅读理解拼多多一名22岁女性员工,在凌晨1点半下班途中猝死,事件在网上引发关注。3语法填空四只熊猫萌宝全球征名4语法填空疫情不会出现大幅反弹Passage1China will reinforce the protection of its rare earth resources, strengthen full industrial chain regulation and establish a mechanism under the State Council to decide and coordinate on major

2、policy measures, according to a draft guideline published on Friday Jan,15.The guideline was published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and will be kept open for public opinion till Feb 15,2021. Rare earths are important strategic resources that are not renewable

3、, and it is necessary to reinforce the full industrial chain regulations targeting activities that are currently disrupting the healthy development of the industry and damaging the environment, such as illegal, destructive, unplanned and excessive mining, and illicit trading, the ministry said.The g

4、uideline aims to regulate the rare earth industry under the framework of laws and regulations, the ministry said. A group of 17 metallic elements that have distinctive properties such as electrical conductivity and magnetism, rare earths are used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from cellp

5、hone batteries, computers, wind turbines and televisions, to fiber optics and missiles, and are widely considered important strategic resources.Stating the prized resources irreplaceable significance for the upgrade of traditional industries, and the development of emerging industries and the nation

6、al defense industry, the guideline said special measures must be taken to protect the resources. It mentioned administrative license and project approval procedures for rare earth mining and the process of smelting and separation, and quotas respectively for mining, and for smelting and separation.A

7、ccording to the guideline, any organization or natural person is prohibited from purchasing or selling rare earth products that are illegally mined, or smelted and separated.It also stressed that rare earth import and export enterprises must abide by the foreign trade and export control laws and reg

8、ulations. As the worlds largest rare earth supplier, China produces around 80 percent of the worlds total supplies. However, the countrys rare-earth industry faces problems such as smuggling, illegal mining and environmental damage issues.To protect the important strategic resource, the rare earth i

9、ndustry should have more precise rules and regulations, and the government should encourage innovation and development of high-end rare earth products such as new materials to move up the global value chain, said Bai Ming, deputy director of the Institute of International Market Research at the Chin

10、ese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce.1.The following aspects will China stress except_,according to a draft guideline published on Friday.A . a mechanism under the State Council to decide and coordinate on major policy measuresfull industrial chain

11、regulation B. the protection of its rare earth resourcesC. the amount of homework of primary studentsD. full industrial chain regulation2. What time is suitable for me to hand in my opinion about the guideline? A. any time B.Feb 16,2021C.March 1,2021 D. January 25,20213. The word “it” in the last se

12、ntence refers to_._.A.China B. an administrative licenseC. an organization D.the guideline4. This article/text/passage mainly tells that _.A. it is important to protect the resource aound usB. none is allowed to purchase or sell rare earth products C. China is to step up protection of rare earth res

13、ourcesD. the environmental problems China is facing are rather hard to deal with Passage2A 22-year-old female surnamed Zhang, who is an employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while returning from work at 1:30 am on Dec 29 and later died in hospital. As the incident went viral, on Mo

14、nday an account registered as the company posted a comment on saying, Everybody is trading life for money; You can choose to stay comfortable but you must bear the result.The comment was deleted within 30 seconds, but a snapshot of it has gone viral, triggering fierce discussions online. Pinduoduo a

15、pologized saying it was not their view, but that of an individual who acted irresponsibly, even promising action against whoever was responsible.Shanghai labor security department started an investigation on Pinduoduos employment conditions on Monday, according to the Beijing Youth Daily. We live in

16、 an age when everyone is struggling for a better life, mostly by laboring. It is positive and healthy for society to praise the struggling spirit, because that is how wealth is created and society moves forward. However, the struggling spirit should never be interpreted as “trading life for money”.

17、We struggle for better lives of the people, ourselves included; the people are the ends, not means, of that struggle. If life is being traded for money, then the wealth created and accumulated this way is of no use. The phrase “trading life for money” is rather weird because life can never be traded

18、 for money. It is important for the laborers to know their rights and never compromise(妥协). Enterprises must honor the law and respect their employees rights. For society, it is necessary to legislate more good laws and strictly enforce them, so that laborers get better protection. Laborers create w

19、ealth, and they should enjoy the wealth they create.1. Why is Pinduoduo pushed to the hotline recently? A. because of its length of working timeB. because of its high profitsC. because of its improper remarksD. because of the death of a 22-year-old employee 2. The word “weird”could best be replaced

20、by which of the following?A. ridiculous B. reasonableC. beneficial D.harmful3. The writers purpose in writing this story is _EXCEPT.A. to call on laborers to know their rights and not compromiseB. to wish companies to obey the law and respect their employees rights.C. to call society to make more go

21、od laws and strictly follow themD. to wish laborers create more wealth in any casePassage3PublicinvitedtonamepandacubsAgiantpandabreedingbaseinNorthwestChinasShaanxiprovinceisinvitingthepublic_1_(give)namesforfourpandacubs_2_werebornlastyear. Peoplecansend_3_(they)suggestionsviaemailtorcqgpanda_4_Ja

22、n31,withthefinalnamesbeingunveiled(公布于众)inearlyFebruary,theQinlingpandabreedingandresearchcentersaid._5_(Participate)inthecampaignwillhavetheopportunitytointeract_6_pandas inthecenteratcloserange.In2020,fourpandacubswereborninthecenter,_7_(include)twincubs.Giantpandasareoneoftheworldsmost_8_(endange

23、r)speciesandlive_9_(main)inthemountainsofnorthernSichuanprovince,aswellasin_10_(south)partsofGansuandShaanxiprovinces.Passage4COVIDresurgenceinChinaunlikelyItishighly_1_( unlike )ChinawillexperienceamajorresurgenceofthenovelcoronavirusduringtheupcomingSpringFestival,giventhatthenationhascreatedconta

24、inmentmeasures_2_(identify),isolateandcontrolanypossibleoutbreaks,ahealth_3_( office)saidonWednesday.FengZijian,deputydirectoroftheChineseCenterforDiseaseControlandPrevention,saidthecenterhasgainedmore_4_( understand )ofthenovelcoronavirusinthefight_5_theepidemicovermorethanayear.Largepopulationmove

25、mentsandconcentrationsduringSpringFestival,and_6_increasingnumberofparcels_7_( deliver,)willaddtotheriskofCOVID-19infection.However,_8_epidemiccontainmentmeasuresare_9_( strict )implemented,therewillnotbealargeresurgenceoftheCOVID-19epidemic,hesaidatanewsconference_10_( hold )bytheJointPreventionand

26、ControlMechanismoftheStateCouncil.【参考答案】Passage1【答案】14CDDC1.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题,从第一段“China will reinforce the protection of its rare earth resources, strengthen full industrial chain regulation and establish a mechanism under the State Council to decide and coordinate on major policy measures,”这句话可知。2.【答

27、案】D【解析】细节理解题,从“The guideline was published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and will be kept open for public opinion till Feb 15,2021.”这句话可知。3. 【答案】D【解析】词义猜测题,从According to the guideline, .可知。4. 【答案】C【解析】主旨大意题,从通读全文可知。Passage21.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题,从第一段“A 22-year-old f

28、emale surnamed Zhang, who is an employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while returning from work at 1:30 am on Dec 29 and later died in hospital.”可知答案。2. 【答案】A【解析】词义猜测题,从本段可知, “If life is being traded for money, then the wealth created and accumulated this way is of no use. The phra

29、se “trading life for money” is rather weird because life can never be traded for money.” 如果用生命换取金钱,那么用这种方式创造和积累的财富是毫无意义的。“用生命换取金钱”这句话相当离谱,因为生命永远不能用金钱来换取,由此可得出答案为A.3.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题,从最后一段可知“It is important for the laborers to know their rights and never compromise(妥协). Enterprises must honor the law a

30、nd respect their employees rights. For society, it is necessary to legislate more good laws and strictly enforce them, so that laborers get better protection. Laborers create wealth, and they should enjoy the wealth they create.”即劳动者要了解自己的权利,决不妥协。企业必须遵守法律,尊重员工的权利。对于社会来说,有必要制定更多的法律并严格执行,使劳动者得到更好的保护。劳动者该享受自己创造的财富。Passage3【答案】1. togive 2.that 3.their 4.before 5.Participants6.with 7.including 8.endangered 9.mainly 10.southernPassage4【答案】1. unlikely 2.toidentify 3.official 4.understanding 5. against6. an 7. beingdelivered/delivered, 8. if 9.strictly 10. held


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