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2022四年级英语下册 阅读专项突破卷 人教精通版(三起).doc

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1、阅读专项突破卷 时间:60分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分一、根据短文内容,判断正“T”误“F”。(10分)Do you like animals?Do you like animals? I like animals. My brother likes them too. My brother likes pandas best. Pandas have two big black eyes. They are funny. I like monkeys. I also like the elephant. It has a long nose. But COVID19 (

2、新型冠状病毒肺炎) is breaking out(爆发) now. We cant go to the zoo to see them. I wish we can get it over quickly. ()1. I like animals. ()2. My brother likes monkeys best. ()3. The elephant has long ears. ()4. COVID19 isnt breaking out now. ()5. We cant go to the zoo to see the animals now. 二、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。(

3、10分) Hello!My name is Li Hua. This is my family photo. They are my grandfather,grandmother,father,mother,sisters,and I. My grandfather and grandmother are teachers in Beijing. My parents are doctors in Wuhan. I have two sisters. They are twins. We are students in the same school in Shanghai. I am in

4、 Grade Three. They are in Grade Five. ()1. There are_people in Li Huas family. A. sixB. sevenC. eight()2. His parents are_. A. doctorsB. teachersC. students()3. His parents are in_. A. BeijingB. ShanghaiC. Wuhan()4. There are_girls in Li Huas family. A. fourB. threeC. two()5. They_in the same school

5、. A. areB. arentC. am三、根据短文内容,补充表格。(10分)Hello,my name is Peter. Im a boy. Look!This is my family. The man is my father and the woman is my mother. My father likes coffee. My mother likes grapes. My brother likes candy. My sister likes mangoes. Do you want to know what I like? My favorite is doughnut

6、s. Lets eat them!四、根据短文内容,判断正“T”误“F”。(10分)Hello,Im Lisa. Im twelve. I like apples. I have many pencils. This is my classroom. Whats on the desk? A Chinese book and an English book. Whats on the chair? A storybook and a textbook. ()1. This is Kates classroom. ()2. There is an exercise book on the des

7、k. ()3. Lisa is twelve. ()4. Lisa has many pens. ()5. Lisa likes apples. 五、根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。(10分)Amy:Whats the time?Mum:Its nine oclock. Amy:Shall we watch TV now?Mum:No. Its late. Dont watch TV. Amy:Can I read storybooks now?Mum:No. Dont read books now. Amy:Can I drink some juice?Mum:No. Its time to

8、go to bed. Amy:All right. Good night. ()1. Whats the time?A. Its nine oclock.B. Its nine thirty.C. Its nine thirteen. ()2. Is it late?A. Yes,its late.B. No,it isnt.C. Sorry,I dont know. ()3. Amy wants to_. A. draw a TVB. watch a filmC. watch TV and read books()4. Mum wants Amy to_. A. watch TVB. rea

9、d booksC. go to bed()5. Amy wants to read_. A. storybooksB. textbooksC. notebooks六、根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。(10分)Sam:Good morning!Can I help you?Ann:Good morning!I cant find my sweater. Sam:What colour is your sweater?Ann:Its pink. Sam:Is that your sweater?Ann:No,it isnt. A rabbit is on my sweater. Sam:Oh!It

10、must be this one. Ann:Yes,thank you. I like it very much. Sam:Youre welcome!()1. Anns sweater is_. A. pinkB. yellowC. red()2. _cant find his/her sweater. A. SamB. AnnC. A rabbit()3. _helps Ann find her sweater. A. AnnB. SamC. Anns father()4. Its_. A. afternoonB. eveningC. morning()5. _likes the swea

11、ter very much. A. SamB. AnnC. Sams brother七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)Hello!My name is Kate. I have two grandpas and one grandma. Emily is my mother. Lucy is my mothers mother. Mike is my fathers father. Tom is my mothers father. We all like fruit. Two grandpas like bananas. Grandma and Mum like bananas,too

12、. Dad and I like oranges. Fruit is healthy(健康的). Do you like fruit?()1. Kate has two_. A. grandfathersB. grandmothers()2. Kates grandma is_. A. LucyB. Emily()3. Kates mothers father is_. A. MikeB. Tom()4. Two grandfathers like_. A. B. ()5. Dad and Kate like_. A. B. 八、读句子并观察图片,想想图片中的人物会说些什么,选一选,组成一段完

13、整的对话。(10分)(一)A. Do you like ice cream?B. No,I dont. I dont like apples. C. Yes,I do. Ice creams are yummy!Do you like grapes? D. Yes!I like grapes!E. Do you like apples,Jack?(二)A. eleven? I see twelve!B. Oh,you are right! C. Wow,so many balloons!D. 1,2,3 11!I see eleven. E. How many balloons do you

14、see?九、阅读理解,判断下列句子是()否()与短文内容相符。(10分)Mary is Sams sister. Mary is eight. Shes tall and thin. Shes in Class 6,Grade 3. She likes playing with her doll. Sam isnt eight. He likes flying the kite. Mary and Sam like helping their father and mother do some housework(家务). They are good children. ()1. Sam is

15、 Marys brother. ()2. Sam is eight years old. ()3. Mary is in Class 3,Grade 6. ()4. Mary likes flying the kite. ()5. Sam and Mary are good children. 十、阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)(In the zoo)Jack:Hi,Peter!Look at the panda. Peter:Oh,it is so cute. I like it. Jack:Whats that? Is that a monkey?Peter:Yes. It

16、 is eating bananas. Jack:And it has a long tail and a big mouth. Peter:Yes. Its cute,too. ()1. Peter likes the panda. ()2. The panda has a long tail. ()3. There are (有)some pandas and monkeys in the park. ()4. The monkey is eating bananas. ()5. The panda is eating bananas. 阅读专项突破卷一、1. T点拨:文章第二句 “I l

17、ike animals. ”表明该句子正确,故填T。2. F点拨:文章第四句 “My brother likes pandas best”,表明该句子错误,故填F。3. F点拨:文章第九句“It has a long nose. ”,表明该句子错误,故填F。4. F点拨:文章第十句表明该句子错误,故填F。5. T点拨:文章第十一句“We cant go to the zoo to see them. ”,“them”指“animals”,表明该句子正确,故填T。二、1. B点拨:关键词“people” , “李华家有_人” ,文章第四句,及第七句表明有七口人,故选择B。2. A点拨:关键词“p

18、arents” ,“他父母是_”,文章第六句表明是doctors ,故选择A。3. C点拨:关键词“parents”,“他的父母在_” ,文章第六句表明在Wuhan,故选择C。4. C点拨:关键词“girls”,“李华家里有_个女孩子” ,文章第七句表明有两个姐姐,故选择C。5. A点拨:关键词“same school”文章第九句表明在相同学校,故选择A。三、1. coffee点拨:关键词“father”,文章第六句 “My father likes coffee. ”故填写coffee。2. mother点拨:关键词“grapes” ,文章第七句 “My mother likes grape

19、s”,故填写mother。3. candy点拨:关键词“brother”,文章第八句“My brother likes candy”,故填写candy。4. mangoes点拨:关键词“sister”,文章第九句 “My sister likes mangoes”,故填写mangoes。5. Peter四、1. F点拨:文章第一句“Hello,Im Lisa. ”,表明该句子错误,故填F。2. F点拨:文章第七句“A Chinese book and an English book. ”表明该句子错误,故填F。3. T点拨:关键词“twelve”,文章第二句“Im twelve. ”故填T。4

20、. F点拨:关键词“pens”,文章第四句“I have many pencils. ”表明该句子错误,故填F。5. T点拨:关键词“apples”,文章第三句“I like apples. ”故填T。五、1. A2. A点拨:关键词“late”,文章出现“Its late. ” ,故选择A。3. C点拨:提问 “Amy想_” ,第三句、第七句、第十句表明Amy想看电视、看故事书、喝果汁,故选择C。4. C点拨:“妈妈想让Amy去_” ,第十二句表明“到睡觉的时间了”, 故选择C。5. A点拨:“Amy想看_书” ,第七句表明Amy想看故事书,故选择A。六、1. A点拨: “Ann的毛衣是_”

21、 ,第六句,表明是粉色,故选择A。2. B点拨: “_找不到他/她的毛衣” ,第四句表明是Ann ,故选择B。3. B点拨: “_帮Ann 找到了她的毛衣” ,通过对话可知是Sam,故选择B。4. C点拨:“现在是_”,第一句表明是morning。故选择C。5. B点拨: “_非常喜欢这件毛衣”,第十三句表明是Ann,故选择B。七、1. A点拨:“Kate有两个_”,文章第三句表明有“two grandfathers”两个祖父,故选择A。2. A点拨:“Kate的外祖母是_” ,文章第五句表明“Lucy 是我妈妈的妈妈”,故选择A。3. B点拨:“Kate的妈妈的爸爸是_” ,文章第七句表明是

22、Tom,故选择B。4. A点拨:“两个祖父喜欢_” ,文章第九句表明喜欢香蕉,故选择A。5. A点拨:“爸爸和Kate喜欢_” ,文章第十一句表明“爸爸和我喜欢橙子”,故选择A。八、(一)1. E2. B3. A4. C5. D (二)1. C2. E3. D4. A5. B九、1. 点拨:文章第一句“Mary is Sams sister. ”表明该句子正确。2. 点拨:文章第六句“Sam isnt eight. ”表明该句子错误。3. 点拨:关键词“Class. . . Grade. . . ”,文章第四句“Shes in Class 6,Grade 3. ”表明该句子错误。4. 点拨:文

23、章第五句“She likes playing with her doll. ”和第七句“He likes flying the kite”表明该句子错误。5. 点拨:关键词“good children”,文章最后一句“They are good children. ”,故该句子正确。十、1. T点拨:Peter说“I like it. ”,表明该句子正确。2. F点拨:对话第九句表明猴子有长尾巴,所以该句子错误。3. F点拨:对话一开始交代地点(In the zoo),该句子错误。4. T点拨:关键词“eating bananas”,文章第五、六、七、八句表明该句子正确。5. F点拨:关键词“eating bananas”,文章第五、六、七、八句表明该句子错误。


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