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1、山东省威海市2020-2021学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题(含解析)本试卷共 10 页。满分 150 分。考试用时 120 分钟。注意事项:1. 答卷前,务必用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考试号填写在答题卡上。2. 选择题,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。笔答题,用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意:回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡

2、上。第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the speakers at the moment?A. In a forest. B. In grasslands. C. On a mountaintop.2. How much longer will it take the speakers to find the orchestra?A. 5

3、minutes. B. 8 minutes. C. 15 minutes.3. What problem may the woman be faced with?A. Being short of money.B. Spending money unwisely.C. Being uncertain of her property.4. Whats the reason for the man to refuse the election?A. He has no time for it. B. He considers it stressful. C. He lacks required a

4、bilities.5. When will the treasure hunt start?A. At 12:00 a.m. B. At 1:00 p.m. C. At 1:30 p.m.第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 题。6. Why does the woman star

5、t the conversation?A. To do a survey for her project.B. To prepare for her life abroad.C. To solve problems for foreigners.7. How do people probably behave while communicating in the womans country?A. Touching each other a lot.B. Standing closer to each other.C. Keeping a distance from each other.听下

6、面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 10 题。8. Where will the girl work if she gets the job?A. At a magazine. B. In a natural park. C. In the southern wetlands.9. What does the job involve?A. Taking tourists on a boat tour.B. Looking after plants and animals.C. Collecting information about living things.10. What may help q

7、ualify the girl for the job?A. Being an eco-volunteer. B. Taking a relevant course. C. Doing some research.听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 13 题。11. What might be the reason for the mans being late?A. Getting a wrong address. B. Taking a wrong turn. C. His car breaking down.12. What distracted the man while drivin

8、g?A. Making a phone call. B. Listening to music. C. Checking the directions.13. What suggestion did the woman offer for driving?A. Rely on APPs. B. Avoid multi-task. C. Use a hand-free kit.听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 16 题。14. What are the speakers talking about?A. Improving memory. B. Singing. C. Teaching.15.

9、 What is the woman going to do next?A. Ask for more tips. B. Raise questions. C. Answer the calls.16. Who is the program intended for?A. Teachers. B. Students. C. Parents.听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 题。17. Whats the topic of the text?A. College life. B. Work efficiency. C. Time management.18. What should we

10、 do before we start work?A. Keep relaxed. B. Know our aims. C. List experts suggestions.19. Why must we have a start date according to the text?A. To act more effectively.B. To keep us more focused.C. To know the completing time.20. What is the purpose of a short walk?A. To refresh the brain. B. To

11、control the results. C. To figure out vital points.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAll living organisms are uniquely adapted to the environment in which they live. Scientists are studying the design and the biological processes o

12、f these organisms to get ideas for products and technologies. This field of study is called biomimetics. Here are two examples.Toucan Bills and Car SafetyToucan usually has enormous bills. Scientists have found that the toucans beak is designed to be both strong and light. The surface is made of ker

13、atin, the same material in human fingernails and hair. But the inside of the bill has a foam-like structure and is made up of a network of light, thin pieces of bone. It contains a lot of air, and some areas are hollow, not solid. This design makes the bill hard but very light.The design of the touc

14、an bill can be used to make cars and planes safer. Studies show that the beaks structure can absorb high energy impacts very well. Car body panels that mimic toucan bills may offer better protection to motorists involved in crashes.Shark Scales and SwimsuitsShark skin may look smooth, but its actual

15、ly rough. Sharks are covered in scales made from the same material as their teeth. Viewed up close, the scales actually look like tiny teeth. These scales protect the shark and help to keep it clean. They are also flexible and can turn or bend in the water. This movement reduces the waters drag on t

16、he shark and helps it to swim quickly.Scientists discovered that the shortfin makos scales vary in size and flexibility over its body. For instance the scales on the sides of the body are tapered wide at one end and narrow at the other. They can turn up or flatten to adjust to the flow of water arou

17、nd the shark and to reduce drag.Scientists believe that shark scales can inspire designs for machines that experience drag, such as airplanes. Designers are also getting ideas from shark scales for designing swimwear and coating ship bottoms.1. Why do car body panels copy the design of toucan bill?A

18、. To better protect passers-by.B. To reduce the injury to drivers.C. To decrease the chances of crashes.D. To make cars lighter and easier to control.2. What product or technology is inspired by shark scales?A. Coating for ship bottoms to run faster.B. Coating for airplanes to experience drag.C. The

19、 panel that makes the plane safer.D. Swimwear that is smooth to keep itself clean.3. Whats the purpose of the text?A. To present two innovative products.B. To introduce biomimetics by example.C. To show the unique adaptations of animals.D. To discuss the link between humans and animals.【答案】1. B 2. A

20、 3. B【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了仿生学的概念以及两个用到了仿生学的例子。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“The design of the toucan bill can be used to make cars and planes safer. Studies show that the beaks structure can absorb high energy impacts very well. Car body panels that mimic toucan bills may offer better protection to motorists invo

21、lved in crashes.(巨嘴鸟喙的设计可以用来使汽车和飞机更安全。研究表明,喙的结构可以很好地吸收高能冲击。模仿巨嘴鸟喙的汽车车身面板可能会为驾驶者提供更好的撞车保护)”可知,汽车车身面板复制巨嘴鸟的设计是为了减少对司机的伤害。故选B。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段“Scientists believe that shark scales can inspire designs for machines that experience drag, such as airplanes. Designers are also getting ideas from shark sca

22、les for designing swimwear and coating ship bottoms.(科学家们相信,鲨鱼鳞片可以启发设计那些经受阻力的机器,比如飞机。设计师们还从鲨鱼鳞片中汲取灵感,设计泳装和船底涂层)”可知,可以使船跑得更快的船底涂层是受到了鲨鱼鳞片的启发。故选A。【3题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“All living organisms are uniquely adapted to the environment in which they live. Scientists are studying the design and the biological pro

23、cesses of these organisms to get ideas for products and technologies. This field of study is called biomimetics. Here are two examples.(所有的生物都能独特地适应它们所生活的环境。科学家们正在研究这些生物体的设计和生物过程,为产品和技术提供思路。这个研究领域被称为仿生学。这里有两个例子)”结合文章主要介绍仿生学的概念以及两个用到了仿生学的例子。可推知,这篇文章的目的是举例介绍仿生学。故选B。BThe sun was rising as we drove acro

24、ss the Minnesota state line to New York for my new Ph.D. program. The move was good for me professionally, but I worried about my husband and daughters. I also feared that I wouldnt be able to give my kids the childhood they deserved.Anne, our first daughter, came into the world when I was a junior

25、majoring in biology in college. It was challenging to balance classes, work schedules, and being a mom. But I got through it, finding moments of joy along the way. On the nights when I was home, Id read my class notes out loud with my daughter. Shed respond by asking questions, such as “Mom, what ar

26、e bacteria?” It helped us both learn.After I graduated, I knew that I would need a Ph.D. to land the kind of job I wanted. I arrived in New York feeling more than the usual new-grad-student anxiety. I also suffered from a more personal fear that I was being selfishthat my decision to invigorate my c

27、areer was going to have long-term negative impacts on my kids.Over the past year, though, Ive started to let go of some of this worry. Ive realized that we have not only adapted to our new situation, but things are getting better. My husband landed a job that he is happy with. Anne dreams of becomin

28、g a marine biologist. Recently, while driving past the cancer institute I work at, Anne said, “Thinking about people having cancer is so sad, but I feel better knowing that you are researching it to help.”Navigating academia as a young mother is hard, but its also rewarding. My kids are learning to

29、look at the world through the lens of science, and watching their mom succeed inspires them. I look forward to seeing them follow my footsteps, whatever path they choose.4. How did the writer feel about the move for her Ph.D. program?A. It was fruitful but exhausting.B. It was the last thing she wou

30、ld do.C. It was hopeful but challenging.D. It was promising for the whole family.5. Which can best replace the word “invigorate” in Paragraph 3?A. boost.B. change.C. create.D. choose.6. What could be inferred from Annes words in Paragraph 4?A. People are afraid of having cancer.B. Cancer is health e

31、nemy No.1.C. Her mother takes her job seriously.D. Anne is proud of her mother.7. What might be the best title of the text?A. Onwards and UpwardsB. Double Gains of Mums PursuitC. Like Mother Like DaughterD. Generation Gap Narrowed by Love【答案】4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者对学业和家庭的双重追求和收获的故事。

32、【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中“The move was good for me professionally, but I worried about my husband and daughters. I also feared that I wouldnt be able to give my kids the childhood they deserved.( 搬家对我的职业生涯有好处,但我担心我的丈夫和女儿。我也担心我不能给我的孩子应有的童年。)”可知,作者认为因她的博士项目而搬家既是充满希望的,也是具有挑战性的。故选C项。【5题详解】词句猜测题。根据第三段中“After I

33、graduated, I knew that I would need a Ph.D. to land the kind of job I wanted. (毕业后,我知道我需要一个博士学位才能得到我想要的工作。)”可知,作者决定读博士来获得自己想要的工作,由此可知,这个决定是为了促进自己事业发展的,因此猜测划线词invigorate意为“促进,帮助”,可用动词boost替换。故选A项。【6题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段中“Recently, while driving past the cancer institute I work at, Anne said, “Thinking abou

34、t people having cancer is so sad, but I feel better knowing that you are researching it to help.”(最近,当开车经过我工作癌症研究所时,安妮说:“想到人们得了癌症让我很难过,但知道你在研究它来帮助他们,我感觉好多了。”)”可推知,安妮以她的母亲为荣。故选D项。【7题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段“The sun was rising as we drove across the Minnesota state line to New York for my new Ph.D. program. The

35、 move was good for me professionally, but I worried about my husband and daughters. I also feared that I wouldnt be able to give my kids the childhood they deserved. (当我们驱车穿过明尼苏达州州界去纽约攻读我的新博士学位时,太阳正在升起。搬家对我的职业生涯有好处,但我担心我的丈夫和女儿。我也担心我不能给我的孩子应有的童年。)”,倒数第二段的“Over the past year, though, Ive started to le

36、t go of some of this worry. Ive realized that we have not only adapted to our new situation, but things are getting better. My husband landed a job that he is happy with. Anne dreams of becoming a marine biologist.”(然而,在过去的几年里,我已经开始放下这些担忧。我意识到我们不仅适应了新的环境,而且情况也在好转。我丈夫找到了一份满意的工作。安妮梦想成为一名海洋生物学家)和最后一段中“

37、Navigating academia as a young mother is hard, but its also rewarding. (作为一个年轻的母亲,在学术界航行是困难的,但它也有回报。)”可知,本文主要讲述了作者为了攻读博士学位搬家,但她担心丈夫和孩子不适应新环境。但最后的结果很好,丈夫找到了新工作,女儿也在她的影响下有了梦想和追求,自己也在工作领域发展得很好。因此文章的最佳标题是选项B“妈妈追求的双重收获”。故选B项。CBarton Seaver is a chef and conservationist who wants our help to save the ocea

38、ns. He believes that our eating choices have a direct impact on the oceans health. In this interview, Seaver discusses how individuals can make a big difference by making informed choices.Q: Should people stop eating seafood?A: There are certain species that have been over fished and that people sho

39、uld definitely avoid. But I dont think we need to stop eating seafood altogether. I believe that we can save the oceans while continuing to enjoy seafood. For example, some types of seafood, come from well-managed fisheries. And others, such as farmed mussels and oysters, actually help to restore de

40、clining wild populations and clean up polluted waters.Q: What kind of seafood should people eat? What should they not eat?A: My general advice is to eat fish and shellfish that are lower on the food chain and that can be harvested with little impact on the environment. Some examples include farmed c

41、lams and oysters anchovies, sardines, and herring. People should not eat the bigger fish of the sea, like tuna, shark, and swordfish. Otherwise, we will face severe shortages of these species and upset the balance of life in the oceans.Q: Why did you choose to dedicate your life to the ocean?A: I be

42、lieve that the next great advance in human knowledge will come from learning how we relate to our natural world. I have dedicated myself to helping people understand our place on this planet through the foods that we eat.Q: Why do you believe people should care about the health of the oceans?A: The

43、health of the oceans is directly linked to the health of people. The ocean provides most of the air that we breathe. It has a big effect on the weather. It also provides a necessary and vital diet for billions of people on the planet. So I am indeed trying to save the vital things that we rely on th

44、e ocean for.8. Which statement might Barton Seaver agree with?A. Fish farming is bad for the ocean.B. Fish higher on the food chain should be eaten.C. Overfishing has caused great damage to all species.D. Its OK to eat seafood from well-managed fisheries.9. Whats Barton Seavers main message in the i

45、nterview?A. We can understand our planet through the foods we eat.B. We need to protect the ocean because of its supply of food.C. Individuals right food choices can impact the ocean positively.D. People should stop eating seafood to restore the ocean ecosystem.10. In what TV program will the interv

46、iew appear?A. Science and Technology.B. Man and Nature.C. Mystery of the Ocean.D. Codes of Best Cuisines.11. Which words can best describe Barton Seaver?A. Devoted and farseeing.B. Flexible and competitive.C. Brave and risk-taking.D. Ambitious and creative.【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A【解析】这是一篇应用文。文章是一份采

47、访稿,主要讲述了作为主厨和环保主义者的Barton Seaver在采访中讨论了个人如何通过做出明智的饮食选择来做出重大改变,并希望我们能帮助拯救海洋。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据第一个问题答案中的“I believe that we can save the oceans while continuing to enjoy seafood. For example, some types of seafood, come from well-managed fisheries.”(我相信我们可以在继续享用海鲜的同时拯救海洋。例如,有些来自管理良好的渔业的海产品。)可知,Barton Seave

48、r认为来自管理良好的渔业的海鲜产品是可以的。故选D。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段的“In this interview, Seaver discusses how individuals can make a big difference by making informed choices.”(在此次采访中,Seaver讨论了个人怎样通过做出明智的选择来(对海洋)做出巨大影响。)可知,在这个采访中Barton Seavers 想要传达的主要内容是:个人明智的食物选择会对海洋产生积极的影响。故选C。【10题详解】推理判断题。根据第三个问题答案中的“I believe that the n

49、ext great advance in human knowledge will come from learning how we relate to our natural world.”(我认为人类知识的另一个巨大进步将来自于了解我们如何与自然世界相处。)和第四个问题答案中的“The health of the oceans is directly linked to the health of people.”(海洋的健康直接关系到人类的健康。)可知,本文主要讲述了人类的活动会对海洋造成影响。由此推知,这篇采访可能出自于“人与自然”类的电视节目。故选B。【11题详解】推理判断题。根据

50、第三个问题答案中的“I have dedicated myself to helping people understand our place on this planet through the foods that we eat.”(我一直致力于通过我们吃的食物来帮助人们了解我们在这个星球上的位置。)可推知,Barton Seaver对环保十分专注;根据第四个问题的答案“The ocean provides most of the air that we breathe. It has a big effect on the weather. It also provides a nec

51、essary and vital diet for billions of people on the planet.”(海洋提供了大部分我们所需要的空气。它对气候有很大影响。它为这个星球上数十亿人提供了必要和至关重要的食物。)可知,Barton Seaver看到了海洋对空气、气候和食物的影响,由此推知,他有远见。综上所述,Barton Seaver是一个专注环保,且有远见的人。故选A。DOn a Sunday afternoon, the sun was burning in eastern Singapore, and a group of young Singaporeans were

52、busy laying out scissors, electric razors, brushes, mirrors, aprons and chairs. They were here to volunteer with the community initiative Backalley Barbers(BAB), which has been snipping away at social barriers since 2014 by offering free haircuts to the discriminated and the poor.Among them is Cai Y

53、inzhou, the young man who heads BAB. He was inspired to take barbering matters into his own hands after befriending a group of migrant workers. “I was playing badminton with a group of workers who lived behind my house. And one of the workers, whose father had a health issue, was working very hard.

54、to try to save money to send back home,” Yinzhou recounts. “Why not learn how to cut my own hair and offer him a free haircut? It was a very small thing that I could do for him. That was how BAB started.”Till now, volunteers have styled more than 2,200 heads, picking up their skills from professiona

55、ls. “Our volunteers come from various kinds of background,” says Yinzhou. “The common heart is people who are willing to serve. With collective people working towards a common goal, we can change communities. Thats a great starting point.”Beyond the free haircuts, conversations form the root of BABs

56、 mission. “We learn about the sacrifices migrant workers have made, the challenges they have at work. And some of them with issues, for example, injuries, or salary claim problems, we refer them to the relevant authorities for help. But the baseline is really making friends with them first,” Yinzhou

57、 said.Yinzhou believes these friendships are invaluable, as they foster cultural understanding. “People come together although we are different, realising that we have the potential to help one another.”Yinzhou says.12. How does the author start the passage?A. By stressing the significance of BABs w

58、ork.B. By referring to social problems in Singapore.C. By describing the scene of BABs voluntary work.D. By praising young Singaporeans for their kindness.13. What can we know about BAB in Paragraph 2?A. Its birth.B. Its founder.C. Its goal.D. Its service.14. What does “a great starting point” in Pa

59、ragraph 3 refer to?A. Taking to professional hairdressing.B. Volunteering for a better community.C. Befriending people with different backgrounds.D. Becoming a worldwide non-profit organization.15. Whats the core factor to push BAB forwards according to Yinzhou?A. Offering free haircuts.B. Solving s

60、ocial problems.C. Holding conversations.D. Forming true friendships.【答案】12. C 13. A 14. B 15. D【解析】本文为新闻报道。本文讲述了“Backalley Barbers”(BAB)的志愿者们自2014年组织成立以来一直在消除社会障碍,为受歧视者和穷人免费理发。【12题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“On a Sunday afternoon, the sun was burning in eastern Singapore, and a group of young Singaporeans were b

61、usy laying out scissors, electric razors, brushes, mirrors, aprons and chairs.( 周日下午,新加坡东部阳光明媚,一群年轻的新加坡人正忙着把剪刀、电动剃须刀、刷子、镜子、围裙和椅子摊开。)”可知,作者在本段中首先描述了BAB的志愿者工作场景,以引入话题,故选C。【13题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段“Among them is Cai Yinzhou, the young man who heads BAB. He was inspired to take barbering matters into his own h

62、ands after befriending a group of migrant workers.( 其中就有BAB的青年团长蔡银洲。在与一群外来务工人员交上朋友后,他受到启发,决定自己动手理发。)”和“Why not learn how to cut my own hair and offer him a free haircut? It was a very small thing that I could do for him. That was how BAB started.”(为什么不学学怎么给自己理发,然后免费给他理发呢?这只是我能为他做的一件小事。这就是BAB的由来。)”可知

63、,本段讲述了BAB的由来。故选A。【14题详解】词句猜测题。根据“With collective people working towards a common goal, we can change communities. Thats a great starting point. ( 通过集体为一个共同的目标努力,我们可以改变社区。这是一个很好的起点。)”可知,“a great starting point”是指为更好的社区服务,故选B。【15题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段“Yinzhou believes these friendships are invaluable, as th

64、ey foster cultural understanding. “People come together although we are different, realising that we have the potential to help one another.”Yinzhou says.( Yinzhou认为,这些友谊是无价的,因为它们促进了文化理解。“尽管我们各不相同,人们还是走到一起,意识到我们有可能互相帮助。”Yinzhou说。)”可知,Yinzhou认为,建立真正的友谊是推动BAB前进的核心因素,故选D。第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

65、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。将相应选项的标号(A、B、C、D、E)涂在答题卡上。In 2010, a huge earthquake hit Haiti, causing the deaths of over a hundred thousand people and millions of dollars worth of damage._16_On this occasion, funds were raised with amazing speed-within a week of the quake, the American Re

66、d Cross had raised $22 million. The reason? People were donating via their mobile phones._17_ Gone are the days when people donated door by door. In todays world of computers, smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, charities can now reach more people than ever before.Social media in particular has

67、had a great impact on charity._18_ This enables charities to raise money extremely quickly, as in Haiti. And the quicker aid can be delivered, the more lives can be saved. Individual fundraising has also benefited. Most people are now so well-connected through sites like Facebook that asking people

68、to contribute to your chosen cause is easier than ever.New, innovative ways of donating are being thought up all the time. For example, if you want to support a good cause and keep fit at the same time, you can use an app called Charity Miles._19_ For every kilometer you cover, the apps sponsors wil

69、l make a donation to a charity of your choice. Theres also Snapdonate, which allows users to donate simply by taking a photo of a charitys logo with their smartphone. The app recognizes the logo and allows users to immediately make a donation through their phones. This cuts out the need for entering

70、 payment details on charity websites, and makes the process of donating small amounts to multiple charities much simpler.Apps like these are growing in number, and that can only be a good thing._20_A. People were eager to aid others in trouble.B. The app can track the distance you run or cycle.C. Ne

71、ws of disasters spreads quickly around the world.D. Charity helps to refresh the development of social Media.E. Technological advances have changed how charities work.F. The international community jumped into action to provide aid.G. In future, we could support our chosen cause more easily and more

72、 often.【答案】16. F 17. E 18. C 19. B 20. G【解析】这是一篇文说明。文章主要介绍海地地震后的慈善事业的发展和变化。【16题详解】下文“On this occasion, funds were raised with amazing speed-within a week of the quake(在这个时候,地震发生的一周内,基金以很快的速度被筹集起来)”是震后采取的措施的结果。F项“The international community jumped into action to provide aid.(国际社会迅速采取措施提供援助)说明了震后采取的措施

73、,故选F项。【17题详解】下文“Gone are the days when people donated door by door.(人们挨家挨户捐赠的日子一去不复返了)”说明捐助的方式发生改变。E项“Technological advances have changed how charities work.(技术的进步已经改变了慈善机构工作的方式)”是本段的中心句,是对本段的概括,与下文内容一致,故选E项。【18题详解】上文“Social media in particular has had a great impact on charity.(尤其是社交媒体也对慈善机构有巨大的影响。

74、)”指出社交媒体影响着慈善机构。下文“This enables charities to raise money extremely quickly, as in Haiti.(即使在海地,这也使慈善机构迅速筹集大量的资金。)”C项“News of disasters spreads quickly around the world.(灾难的新闻迅速传到全世界)”说明社交媒体对慈善机构的影响大,使集资更快,承上启下,故选C项。【19题详解】上文“For example, if you want to support a good cause and keep fit at the same t

75、ime, you can use an app called Charity Miles.(例如,如果你既想支持慈善事业又想保持健康,你可以使用叫作Charity Miles的软件)”介绍了Charity Miles的软件。B项“The app can track the distance you run or cycle.(这个软件可以追踪你跑步或者骑车的距离。)”具体介绍Charity Miles软件,其中The app与上文一致,故选B项。【20题详解】上文“Apps like these are growing in number, and that can only be a goo

76、d thing.(像这样的软件正在大量发展中,并且那真是一件好事情)”说明支持慈善事业的软件在不断发展中。G项“In future, we could support our chosen cause more easily and more often.(将来我们可以更容易、更频繁的支持我们所选择的慈善事业)”是根据软件发展的情况,对将来的设想,故选G项。第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Hunter Leininger, f

77、rom Georgia, USA has been adventure racing(探险速度赛) since he was seven years old. Now, at age 19, he has set world records, traveled around the globe, and_21_ over 50 races! And he is now on a mission to_22_ other young people to follow their own _23_.Hunter became interested in adventure racing throu

78、gh his dad. While playing football, Hunter was looking to_24_ something new. He asked his dad if he could_25_ him in an adventure race, and he went on to complete his first race in about 6 hours.He has learned a lot of perseverance through adventure racing. There can be a lot of _26_ in a race, but

79、if you drop out, your whole team will have to_27_. This is unlike other team sports, where you can stop and be _28_ by another player. In racing, and in his life, the sport has_29_ Hunter to keep going when times get_30_.As reported by the USARA, Hunter wants to inspire young people that they can_31

80、_ incredible things at whatever_32_ and that they dont have to_33_ until they get older. _34_ people put off their dreams at a young age, they tend to never come back to them, which _35_ them never accomplishing anything. The best time to do something is now, so go after your dreams before its too l

81、ate! 21. A. missedB. reportedC. organizedD. completed22. A. inspireB. inviteC. adviseD. order23. A. interestsB. dreamsC. pathsD. rhythms24. A. tryB. discoverC. createD. share25. A. helpB. meetC. accompanyD. join26. A. funB. harmC. painD. cooperation27. A. restartB. stopC. changeD. struggle28. A. rep

82、lacedB. supportedC. encouragedD. caught29. A. requiredB. forcedC. attractedD. taught30. A. betterB. tougherC. specialD. strange31. A. acceptB. imagineC. chooseD. achieve32. A. ageB. levelC. degreeD. status33. A. waitB. practiceC. performD. compete34. A. UnlessB. AlthoughC. OnceD. Because35. A. avoid

83、sB. preventsC. results inD. objects to【答案】21. D 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. C【解析】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了美国乔治亚州现在19岁的亨特莱宁格已经创造了世界纪录,环游世界,完成了50多场比赛。冒险赛车让他学会了坚持不懈的精神。他激励其他年轻人追随自己的梦想,在任何年龄都能实现不可思议的事情。【21题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,19岁的他已经创造了世界纪录,环游世界,完成了50多场比赛!A. mis

84、sed错过;B. reported报道;C. organized组织;D. completed完成。根据“he has set world records, traveled around the globe”可知他完成了50多场比赛。故选D。【22题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他现在的使命是激励其他年轻人追随自己的梦想。A. inspire激发,鼓舞;B. invite邀请;C. advise建议;D. order命令,整理,订购。根据“he is now on a mission”和下文“to inspire young people that they can”可知他现在的使命是激励其

85、他年轻人追随自己的梦想。短语inspire sb. to do sth.“激励某人做某事”。故选A。【23题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:他现在的使命是激励其他年轻人追随自己的梦想。A. interests利益,兴趣;B. dreams梦想;C. paths路径;D. rhythms韵律。根据下文“Hunter became interested in adventure racing through his dad.”可知这是他的梦想,所以此处是激励其他年轻人追随自己的梦想。故选B。【24题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:在踢足球的时候,亨特想尝试一些新事物。A. try尝试;B. disco

86、ver发现,发觉;C. create创造;D. share分享。根据“ something new”可知亨特想尝试一些新事物。故选A。【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他问他的爸爸是否可以和他一起参加冒险比赛,他继续在大约6小时内完成了他的第一次比赛。A. help帮助;B. meet遇见;C. accompany陪伴;D. join参加。根据“ in an adventure race”和“complete his first race”可知他问他的爸爸是否可以和他一起参加冒险比赛。故选D。【26题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:比赛中可能会有很多痛苦,但如果你退出,你的整个团队将不得不停

87、止。A. fun乐趣;B. harm伤害;C. pain痛苦;D. cooperation合作,协作。根据“but if you drop out”可知比赛中可能会有很多痛苦。故选C。【27题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:比赛中可能会有很多痛苦,但如果你退出,你的整个团队将不得不停止。A. restart重新启动;B. stop停止;C. change改变;D. struggle奋斗,挣扎。根据下文“This is unlike other team sports, where you can stop and be 8 by another player. ”可知如果你退出比赛,你的整个团队

88、将不得不停止。故选B。【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:这不同于其他团队运动,你可以停下来,然后由另一名运动员取代。A. replaced取代,替换;B. supported支持;C. encouraged鼓励;D. caught捕捉。根据“by another player”可知是由另一名运动员取代。故选A。【29题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论是在比赛中,还是在他的生活中,这项运动都教会了亨特在困难时期坚持下去。A. required获得;B. forced强迫;C. attracted吸引;D. taught教会,教授。根据“to keep going ”可知这项运动教会了亨特坚

89、持下去。故选D。【30题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:无论是在比赛中,还是在他的生活中,这项运动都教会了亨特在困难时期坚持下去。A. better更好的;B. tougher较坚强的,较艰苦的;C. special特别的;D. strange奇怪的,陌生的。根据上文“He has learned a lot of perseverance through adventure racing. ”可知是在困难时期坚持下去。故选B。【31题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:亨特希望激励年轻人,他们可以在任何年龄实现不可思议的事情,他们不必等到自己变老。A. accept接受;B. imagine想象;

90、C. choose选择;D. achieve取得,获得,实现。根据“incredible things”可知实现不可思议的事情。故选D。【32题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:亨特希望激励年轻人,他们可以在任何年龄实现不可思议的事情,他们不必等到自己变老。A. age年龄;B. level水平;C. degree程度,等级;D. status地位,状态。根据“ they dont have to13 until they get older”可知亨特希望激励年轻人可以在任何年龄实现不可思议的事情。故选A。【33题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:亨特希望激励年轻人,他们可以在任何年龄实现不可思议的事

91、情,他们不必等到自己变老。A. wait等待;B. practice练习;C. perform执行,完成;D. compete竞争,比赛。根据“ until they get older”和下文“people put off their dreams at a young age”可知是不必等到自己变老。故选A。【34题详解】考查连词词义辨析。句意:一旦人们在年轻的时候推迟梦想,他们往往就不会再去实现它,这导致他们永远无法完成任何事情。A. Unless除非;B. Although即使;C. Once一旦;D. Because因为,由于。根据“they tend to never come b

92、ack to them”可知一旦人们在年轻的时候推迟梦想,他们往往就不会再去实现它。故选C。【35题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦人们在年轻的时候推迟梦想,他们往往就不会再去实现它,这导致他们永远无法完成任何事情。A. avoids避免;B. prevents阻止;C. results in导致,结果是;D. objects to对.反对。根据“never accomplishing anything”可知人们在年轻的时候推迟梦想导致他们永远无法完成任何事情。故选C。第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确

93、形式。In the early 1990s, something happened to Indias vultures(秃鹰). In less than a decade, the three most common Indian vulture species declined by 95 percent. The white-backed Indias vulture population,_36_ was once the most common large bird of prey on earth, fell by an incredible 99.9 percent. It w

94、as one of the fastest _37_ (collapse) of any bird species in history.Scientists eventually traced the cause to_38_ pain-killing drug called diclofenac, which was used _39_ (treat) sick livestock. Although safe for cows, it is deadly to vultures. To stop the decline, Indias government_40_ (ban) the d

95、rugs use on animals in 2006. Today, Indian vulture decline is slowing.Conservationists are now worried something similar may be happening in Africa. The continent has already lost one of _41_(it) eleven vulture species with seven others _42_ (endanger). As with India, a major threat is poisoning. In

96、 rural communities, when a lion attacks a cow, the farmers often put poison in the cows dead body. However, vultures also die from the poison when _43_(get) food from a poisoned dead body._44_ (hope), Africa can learn from Indias recent successes. Vultures are one of natures most important scavenger

97、s. _45_ protection, Africas vultures may be extinct within the next 50 to 100 years.【答案】36. which 37. collapses 38. a 39. to treat 40. banned 41. its 42. endangered 43. getting 44. Hopefully 45. Without【解析】这是一篇说明文。本文介绍了印度秃鹰濒临灭绝的现状,分析了其原因并采取了措施放缓了数量减少的速度。无独有偶,非洲大陆11种秃鹰种中就有1种已经灭绝,还有7种濒临灭绝,希望自然保护者能够汲取经

98、验和教训来保护这些动物。【36题详解】考查定语从句。句意:曾经是地球上最常见的大型猛禽的白背印度秃鹰数量下降了令人难以置信的99.9%。分析句子成分可知,“_1_ was once the most common large bird of prey on earth”是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词“The white-backed Indias vulture population”,该先行词在定语从句中作主语,指物,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,用which引导该从句,故填which。【37题详解】考查名词复数。句意:这是历史上任何鸟类物种中垮掉最快的物种之一。分析句子成分可知,所设空

99、处作表语,根据其前的“one of the fastest”可知应用名词复数形式,构成“one of + 形容词最高级 + 可数名词复数”,表示“最.之一”,故填collapses。【38题详解】考查冠词。句意:科学家们最终将病因追溯到一种名为双氯芬酸的止痛药物,这种药物被用来治疗生病的牲畜。根据语境可知,“一种名为双氯芬酸的止痛药物”是首次提及且表泛指,pain-killing是以辅音音素开头的词,所以应用不定冠词,故填a。【39题详解】考查不定式。句意见上。该句中使用了常用搭配“use sth. to do(用某物做某事)”,此处应用不定式作目的状语,故填to treat。【40题详解】考

100、查一般过去时。句意:为了阻止这种下降,印度政府在2006年禁止在动物身上使用这种药物。分析句子成分可知,所设空处作谓语,根据时间状语“in 2006”可知,应用一般过去时态,故填banned。【41题详解】考查形容词性物主代词。句意:非洲大陆已经失去了11种秃鹫中的一种,还有7种濒临灭绝。根据句意,所设空处作定语,表示“它的”,所以应用形容词性物主代词,故填its。【42题详解】考查形容词。句意见上。分析句子成分可知,所设空处作后置定语修饰其前的代词“seven others”,所以应用形容词,根据所给提示词,“endangered(adj. 濒临灭绝的)”符合语境,故填endangered。

101、【43题详解】考查现在分词。句意:然而,秃鹫从中毒的尸体上获取食物时也会中毒而死。分析句子结构,when 8(get) food from a poisoned dead body.是分词作时间状语,get与其逻辑主语vultures之间是主动关系,用现在分词,故填getting。【44题详解】考查副词。句意:希望非洲能从印度最近的成功中学到东西。分析句子结构可知,所设空处作状语,修饰整个句子,所以应用副词形式,根据所给提示词,“Hopefully(adv. 有希望地)”符合语境,故填Hopefully。【45题详解】考查介词。句意:如果没有保护,非洲秃鹫可能会在未来50到100年内灭绝。根据

102、句意可知,“没有了保护”和“非洲秃鹫会消失”为条件和结果的关系,分析句子成分可知,“_10_ protection”作状语,根据其后的名词“protection(保护)”,可知所设空处应为介词,“without((表条件)若非,如果没有”符合语境,故填Without。第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(满分 20 分)46. 生活教会我们成长。某英文网站“青春论坛”专栏正在征集成长故事。请你发帖分享你的亲身经历,并谈谈感想。注意:1 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 不得透露个人及学校真实信息。【答案】范例 1:Last year, I first l

103、ogged in to my account on WeChat. Its convenience and instant updates in the Moments soon intrigued me. As a result, I gradually became addicted to WeChat. I spent so much time chatting with my friends or checking the comments that I stayed up late and left homework unfinished nearly every day.It wa

104、s not until one day when I fell asleep in class again that I realized I had gone too further. I must learn to control myself. Then I locked the phone in the drawer during the weekdays and always made study a priority. It was tough but I made it. Practicing self-control helped me grow into a better s

105、elf.范例 2:The winter holiday of 2020 was undoubtedly the most unforgettable holiday I had spent. With the outbreak of COVID-19, everyone was engaged in the battle against the epidemic. Inspired by volunteers and medical workers, I took the initiative to participate in the battle of anti-epidemic. I b

106、riefed my relatives and friends on the situation and called on them to stay at home. I also volunteered to help in my community. I was proud that I could make a difference.Instead of having others take care of me, turning 18, I began to feel more aware of other people and to develop a stronger sense

107、 of social responsibilities.范例 3:Growing up means more responsibilities.One day during the lockdown of COVID-19, I joined my parents in doing voluntary work in our neighborhood community. Standing in the chilly cold, we were occupied with registering every car and person walking through the gate and

108、 took everyones temperature. Exhausted and hungry, we worked for the whole morning until other volunteers came to relieve us.Although what I did was nothing compared with the heroes fighting against the virus, I still felt proud of myself. This special experience will be kept in my memory forever be

109、cause it has witnessed my growth, proving that young as I am, I can still be a responsible member of our society.范例 4:One winter morning, when I was in Grade 6, on my way to school, an old lady of over 80 asked if I would walk with her to the local clinic since the street was a bit icy. Hesitating f

110、or a second, I took her arm in my hands, though worried about being late for school as she snailed her way step by step. The moment she safely went into the clinic, I rushed out and flew my way to school. With the ringing for class, I took my seat, quite out of breath. Never did I regret my decision

111、 on that winter morning. And Im thankful for the old lady to help me grow into a better person.范例 5:When lending others a hand in tough time, I will always think of a special scene Mum and other parents standing in deep water volunteered to help us struggle forward one by one when rainstorm struck o

112、ur town and flooded the street outside our school.While growing up I have learned a lot,but what Mum did and said matter most. She came to my assistance whenever I needed a helping hand. Her motto - Many hands make light work - has become mine.Following in her footsteps, I have been the one giving h

113、elping hands.【解析】【分析】范例 1 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给英文网站“青春论坛”专栏发帖,就“生活教会我们成长”为话题分享你的亲身经历,并谈谈感想。【详解】第一步:审题体裁:应用文时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般过去时。结构:总分法内容:1. 分享亲身经历;2. 谈谈感想。第二步:列提纲log in to account; intrigue sb.; become addicted to; spend time doing sth; chat with sb.; check the comments; stay up late; leave homework unfin

114、ished; fall asleep in class; control oneself; lock the phone in the drawer; make study a priority; make it; practice self-control; grow into a better self第三步:连词成句1. Last year, I first logged in to my account on WeChat. 2. Its convenience and instant updates in the Moments soon intrigued me. 3. As a

115、result, I gradually became addicted to WeChat. 4. I spent so much time chatting with my friends or checking the comments that I stayed up late and left homework unfinished nearly every day.5. It was not until one day when I fell asleep in class again that I realized I had gone too further. 6. Then I

116、 locked the phone in the drawer during the weekdays and always made study a priority.7 Practicing self-control helped me grow into a better self.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。第四步:连句成篇1.表文章结构顺序:first, then 2.表并列补充关系(供参考):What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition As well as, not onlybu

117、t (also), including,3.表转折对比关系:but 4.表因果关系:As a result 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰。【点睛】高分句型1 I spent so much time chatting with my friends or checking the comments that I stayed up late and left homework unfinished nearly every day.(本句使用了so that引导结果状语从句)高分句型2 It was not until one day when I

118、fell asleep in class again that I realized I had gone too further(本句使用了强调句型、定语从句和宾语从句)第二节(满分 20 分)47. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。Onions are known for flavoring those delicious dishes, but did you know that they were also nutritious? Its true! These flavorful onions contain a ton of nutrients that a

119、re important for our overall well-being. Lets see more about onion nutrition and why theyre so good for you.Here are the nutrition facts for onions, according to the USDA. Onions are very low in calories and do have a little bit of carbohydrates and natural sugars thats why they get sweet when you c

120、ook them. Heres what you get in one medium onion.Calories44Cholesterol0mgSugars5gTotal Fat0gSodium4mgProtein1gSaturated Fat0gTotal Carbohydrates10gCalcium25mgTrans Fat0gDietary Fiber2gPotassium160mgOnions contain several vitamins and minerals and they have been shown to promote health in many ways.

121、In ancient times, onions were used for food when food sources got low, and for medicinal purposes to treat illness such as headaches, colds, and heart disease.Onions contain anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce the attack of high blood pressure. One of powerful antioxidants that is resp

122、onsible for this health benefit is quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant that has been associated with decreasing the risk of heart disease.For centuries, onions have been used to fight off dangerous bacteria(细菌). Quercetin, is also responsible for this bacteria-fighting benefit. According

123、 to recent studies, the growth of bacteria, like H. pylori and MRSA were controlled when they were paired with quercetin taken from yellow onions.Research indicates that onions may help people with diabetes(糖尿病) lower their blood sugar. This is due to the sulfur compounds found in onions, specifical

124、ly S-methylcysteine and quercetin. These compounds have been associated with regulating ones blood sugar.Eat an onion. Well, maybe not a whole onion at one sitting, but definitely try adding them to your next recipe.【答案】范例 1:Onions are not only making dishes delicious, but also extremely nutritious

125、with vitamins and minerals which help to promote impressive health benefits. They can help to improve heart health, fight off dangerous bacteria and regulate blood sugars. So adding more onions to your diet is a great way to benefit your overall health.(53)范例 2:Apart from being a natural flavor, the

126、 onion is a promoter to our health because its rich in vitamins and minerals but low in calories. Certain substance in onions, like quercetin, can reduce high blood pressure, fight against the bacteria, and regulate blood sugar effectively. Thus, onions are highly recommended to be included in your

127、diet.(56)范例 3:Rich in nutrition, onions are beneficial to peoples health. With rich vitamins and minerals, they were used to treat illnesses in ancient times. Nowadays, quercetin-the anti-bacteria substances in onions helps fighting against bacteria, reducing high blood pressure and heart disease. B

128、esides, the sulfur compounds in onions is helpful to people with diabetes. So, why not add onions to your recipe! (60)范例 4:Onions not only flavor delicious dishes but also are nutritious. Low in calories and sugar but rich in vitamins and various minerals, onions do great good to our health. For exa

129、mple, onions can be used to reduce the attack of high blood pressure, fight off dangerous bacteria and lower blood sugar of people with diabetes. As a result, onions are recommended in your daily recipe. (64)范例 5:Onions are rich in nutrients, like vitamins and minerals, but low in calories, which is

130、 good for health. Thats why onions can be used as medicines besides flavor and food. They can reduce the risk of heart disease, kill bacteria and help control blood sugar. Next time add onions to your recipe. (52)【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了洋葱的营养以及为什么它们对健康有好处。【详解】(范例1)1.要点摘录Onions are known for flavoring

131、those delicious dishes, but did you know that they were also nutritious? Onions contain several vitamins and minerals and they have been shown to promote health in many ways.Quercetin is a flavonoid antioxidant that has been associated with decreasing the risk of heart disease.For centuries, onions

132、have been used to fight off dangerous bacteria(细菌). Research indicates that onions may help people with diabetes(糖尿病) lower their blood sugar. Well, maybe not a whole onion at one sitting, but definitely try adding them to your next recipe.2.缜密构思将第1、2两个要点进行重组,将第3、4、5,6四个要点进行整合。3.遣词造句Onions are not o

133、nly making dishes delicious, but also extremely nutritious with vitamins and minerals which help to promote impressive health benefits. They can help to improve heart health, fight off dangerous bacteria and regulate blood sugars. So adding more onions to your diet is a great way to benefit your ove

134、rall health.【点睛】高分句型1 Onions are not only making dishes delicious, but also extremely nutritious with vitamins and minerals which help to promote impressive health benefits.(运用并列短语not onlybut also对原文第一、二、三段进行了概括。其中which引导了非限制性定语从句)高分句型2 So adding more onions to your diet is a great way to benefit your overall health.(使用了动名词作主语)


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