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2022六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear第4课时教案 外研版(三起).doc

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2022六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear第4课时教案 外研版(三起).doc_第1页
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1、第4课时【教学目标】1. 通过唱歌曲,进一步巩固本模块的知识要点。2. 能够掌握一般过去时的一般疑问句及其肯定、否定 回答。3. 能够通过对任务的了解,掌握句型:When was he born?【教学重、难点】1. 掌握句型:Did you + 动词原形? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. When was he born? Where was he born?2. 运用一般过去时来讲述过去发生的事情。【教学准备】多媒体、磁带、录音机等。教学过程批注Step 1: Warming up1. T: Who can tell the story about Helen Kel

2、ler? 让学生以讲故事的形式复述Part 2课文内容。2, 写岀下列动词的过去式。can become have draw learn. travel Step 2: PresentationListen and say. Then sing.1. 教师在大屏幕上呈现歌词,让学生了解歌词意思,然后教师领读。2. 教师循环播放录音,让全班学生跟唱歌曲。Say and guess.T: 1 went to a place on Saturday. I saw lots of animals there. Do you know where 1 went? S1: The zoo?T: No.S2

3、: The forest?T: No. Lets look at the book, and find out where 1 went.3. 让学生认真读课文,理解对话内容。4. 教师领读,然后学生分角色表演对话。5. 教师把Part6部分的内容呈现在大屏幕上,让学生了解他的事迹。教师对重点句型进行讲解。Step 3: Summing up掌撞句型:Did you + 动词原形?,Yes, 1 did. / No, 1 didnt.,When was he born?, He was born., Where was he born?, He was born in/at. oStep 4:

4、 Homework熟唱英文歌曲 “Look up at the spaceships” 。【板书设计】Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.第4课时一Did you +动词原形?一Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.When was he born?He was born.Where was he born?一He was born in/at.【教学反思】本节课以游戏的形式复习单词,让学生在愉快的氛围中学习知识,调动了学生们的积极性。通过小组活动,使学生们都参与到活动中来,培养他们小组合作意识和语言运用能力。通过表演对话,培养学生说英语的习惯,同时提高语言交际的能力。


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