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1、高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家活页练(十六)Test 1A high school history teacher once told us,“If you make one close friend in school,you will be most fortunateA true friend is someone who stays with you for life” Experience teaches that he was _1_Good friendship is just not easily _2_It is possible that we simply do no

2、t stay in one place long enough for a _3_ friendship to develop_4_,there can be no disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kind of friendship _5_ wantTo most of us,friendships are _6_ very important,but we need to have _7_ in our minds the kinds of friendship we wantAre

3、they to be close or _8_ at arms length? Do we want to share ourselves or do we want to walk on the _9_? For some people,many friendships on the surface are _10_ enough and thats all rightBut at some point,_11_ to make sure that our expectations are the same as our friends expectationsThe _12_ of per

4、sonal experience including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the _13_ way to deepen friendshipsBut it must be developed slowly and _14_ only if there are signs of interest and action in returnWhat are some of the _15_ of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expect too much too soonAno

5、ther “major difficulty” is the selfishness to one “possess” the other,_16_ his time and attentionDeep relationships _17_ time_18_,friendships in returnIn other words,you must give as much as you take_19_ there is a question of taking care of them_20_ you spend reasonable time together,talking on the

6、 phone,writing letters,doing things together,friendships will die away1Awrong BhelpfulCright Dsuccessful2Aunderstood BformedCrealized Dproduced3Atrue BcommonCshort Dwhole4ASo BHoweverCAnd DBut5Ayou BweCthey Dour friends6Amade BconsideredCexplained Dremained7Amuch BstrongCclear Dclean8Aremained Bleft

7、Ckept Dstayed9Amud BsurfaceCice Dfeet10Along BeasyCquite Dnot11Ait needs Bwe need Cone needs Dthey need12Aspreading BsharingCseeking Dshowing13Aeasiest BlatestCworst Dsurest14Awatched over Bturned awayCbroken down Dcarried on15Adifficulties BdifferencesCadvantages Dtypes16Aincluding BincludedCexcept

8、 Dcontaining17Aspend BaskCcost Dtake18ASurprisingly BFortunatelyCSimilarly DFrequently19AFinally BGraduallyCObviously DCuriously20AThough BUnlessCSince DWhen211工程(优秀生选做题) 2vocabulary:(1)possess v拥有;占有_ n拥有in possession of拥有in the possession of被所占有我掌握一些信息。(一句多译)A:_B:_C:_(2)in return作为回报in return _作为对

9、的回报in _ for和交换1What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?_1How to deepen friendship according to the passage?_Test 2Living ones life is really like driving on a highwayFirst,to make a good driving,the driver must carefully examine the _1_ of his car,just as he cares for his health f

10、or a good lifeOnce he enters onto the highway,he must follow certain _2_ for his own safetyIt also can be said that he must obey certain rules in _3_ when living as a decent (体面的) adultFor example,on the highway,he is required to keep a _4_ speed that can be compared with his _5_ activities through

11、his lifeNeither driving nor living must be taken at too _6_ a speed nor at too slow a speedIf he drives too speedily,the police will give him a ticket,_7_ he will be arrested when he breaks the law_8_ too conservatively (保守地),he will be called an outofdate person _9_ the others driving at the proper

12、 speedWhen he wants to change his lanes,he must _10_ careful attention to every direction of his carIt is _11_ dangerous to change the way of life _12_ he can be sure of completion by doing soHe should not make any _13_ changing of lanes that give him only dangerFinally,he must discover _14_ he is n

13、ow by recognizing some signs appearing now and thenIf he takes the wrong _15_,he must return to the right as _16_ as he canBut he may thus lose _17_ and energy both on the road and in lifeOn the whole,driving on a highway and living _18_ life are both hard workBut if he is _19_ and serious enough,he

14、 will provide himself _20_ pleasure1Aseat BconditionCpetrol Dpassenger2Apolicemen BadviceCcustoms Drules3Asociety BschoolCgroup Dhighway4Afull BconstantCslow Dinconstant5Abroken BoutdoorCgood Dcontinuous6Alarge BhighClimited Dexpected7Ajust as Bas ifCas Dlike8ADoing BActingCGoing DWorking9Apersuadin

15、g BgettingCinterrupting Drefusing10Agive BdrawCmake Dget11Aalways BsometimesCcertainly Dhardly12Aif BwhenCunless Dbecause13Aunnecessary BnecessaryCpossible Dimpossible14Awhen BthatCwhere Dwhat15Aseat BcarCpassenger Dway16Apossible BsoonCmuch Dhard17Amoney BluckCtime Dtrust18Aones ByourChis Dher19Aha

16、ve BcarefulCclever Dstrong20Amuch BmanyCless Dfew211工程(优秀生选做题) 2vocabulary:(1)care for喜欢;照料care _介意;在乎_ care小心take care of照顾(2)on the whole总的说来as a whole总体上;整个看来总的说来,他觉得这个报告很公正。_1从文中找出与下句意义相近的句子You must keep a proper speed when you drive or live_1翻译句子First,to make a good driving,the driver must care

17、fully examine the condition of his car,just as he cares for his health for a good life_答案Test 11C2B3A4B5B6B7C8C 9B10C11B12B13D14D15A16A17D18C19A20B211工程(优秀生选做题) 2(1)possession;I am in possession of some information.;Some information is in the possession of me.;I take possession of some information.(

18、2)for;exchange1Friendship.1The sharing of personal experience including our tears as well as our dark dreams is the surest way to deepen friendships.Test 21B2D3A4B5D6B7A8B9C10A11B12C13A14C15D16B17C18A19B20A211工程(优秀生选做题) 2(1)about;with(2)On the whole,he felt that the report was fair.1Neither driving nor living must be taken at too high a speed nor at too slow a speed.1首先,为了开好车,驾驶员必须认真检查车的状况,就像他为了有一个好的生命而关心他的健康一样。欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。


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