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2022六年级英语下册 Unit 2 Last weekend课时5教案 人教PEP.doc

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1、Unit 2 Last weekend第 5 课时 Part B Read and write教学目标:1. 掌握词汇:made the beds, cooked the food, cleaned the rooms, hotel, lamp, loud 。2. 了解书信和意见的书写格式。3. 培养学生良好的沟通和反馈能力。教学疑难:1. 重点:掌握词汇made the beds, cooked the food, cleaned the rooms, hotel, lamp, loud 。2. 难点:学习书信和意见的书写格式。教学方法:多媒体教学法、游戏教学法、小组合作法教学准备:多媒体,

2、课件,书,黑板,粉笔教学过程:一 复习与热身T:What did you do last weekend?S:.二 导入T:What did Wu Yifan do last weekend? Can you guess?S:He went to Sanya with his family.设计意图:以对话形式进行导入,引出话题,激发学生的学习兴趣,复习旧知。三 新课呈现1.阅读前(1)教师提问学生是否住过酒店,引出单词hotel,并通过图片分别展示好的与差的酒店。请学生回忆曾经去过的印象较深的酒店是什么样子,能在酒店里做什么,在酒店里遇到过什么愉快或者不愉快的事情,与同学们一起分享。(2)看

3、一看,勾一勾 教师呈现本部分Mrs Broom的头像,介绍说:Mrs Broom works in a hotel. She is a housekeeper. What did she do yesterday? 请学生选择。made the bedscooked the foodcleaned the rooms(3)教师介绍文段的背景:Wu Yifan and his family stayed in a hotel yesterday. It was not a good time. Why not? 请学生预测吴一凡一家人在酒店中的遭遇。2.阅读中(1)教师要求学生快速阅读文本后回答

4、问题:How was Wu Yifans stay in the hotel last weekend?Ss:Wu Yifans stay in the hotel was bad.(2)教师要求学生细读第一段后回答问题:What was the room like?(3)教师要求学生结对阅读文段其他部分,找出Mike的爸妈以及Mike的困扰是什么,然后完成文段后Find the sentences that describe Pictures 1-3. 部分。教师还可请学生注意文本中出现的动词短语,完成以下搭配练习:cleanloud musicfixa booktastebadreadTV

5、watchthe roomlisten toour stayenjoya broken chair(4)知识点拨:Past(动词的过去式)Present(动词原形)wasiscleanedcleanfixedfixwantedwantgotgettastedtastediddolistenedlisten3.阅读后让学生根据文本内容想一想,补全下列邮件内容。Dear Manager, Last weekend, the Wu family were not happy with their room. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music

6、all night. It was very noisy. The father got some hamburgers from the kitchen but they were cold and tasted bad. Also, the mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small. The TV didnt work either.It wasnt a good stay. Maybe we can write an email and say sorry to them.Mrs Broom4. 词汇拓展:loud a

7、dj. 喧闹的,大声的She spoke in a very loud voice. 她说话声音很大。enjoy v. 享受的乐趣;喜爱过去式: enjoyedenjoy oneself 过得愉快 Lily enjoys playing the piano. 莉莉喜欢弹钢琴。四 巩固与应用1.教师请学生思考后回答问题:How do you feel about Wu Yifans stay at the hotel?2.学生完成Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table. 部分并核对答案。3.学生完成Read and fini

8、sh the letter. 部分并核对答案。五 当堂检测用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1.I stayed (stay) at home last weekend.2.The baby cried (cry) last night.3.He stopped (stop) to wait for a bus three minutes ago (以前) .4.She lived (live) in Yichang last year.5.Oliver played (play) basketball yesterday afternoon.6.We watched (watch) TV ye

9、sterday evening.7.She cooked (cook) fish yesterday evening.8.He listened (listen) to music last Friday.六 课堂小结1. 每个小组选出一名学生代表,汇报本组学生的讨论结果,小组其他人做补充。2. 教师总结本课时重要的知识点。设计意图:师生总结,使知识更具条理性。七 课后作业1. 完成课后练习册相应的练习题。2. 复述短文。板书第5 课时 Part B Read and write1. I wanted to.2. 会用英语写意见和邮件DearYours / Your friends课后反思本节课是一节阅读课,在设计课时,教师先引导学生讨论自己的周末活动,激活相关背景知识和储备词汇。再学习本课中的生词,帮助学生理解文本内容,完成阅读题。最后学习语音知识,进行朗读指导,提高综合能力。教师采用任务型教学模式,精心设计教学活动帮助学生理解文本。学习任务的设计由易到难,理解文本由整体到细节,环环相扣,循序渐进。注重培养学生的阅读习惯和朗读方法。教师在教学中,注意观察学生阅读文本的状态,及时纠正学生的不良阅读习惯和阅读方法,如:浏览阅读时唇动和低声读、用手指读、不断回读等。本课时教学内容较多,教学节奏较快,知识性较强,趣味性不足。


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