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2012届江苏省高考英语二轮总复习专题导练课件:第20课时 观点态度.ppt

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2012届江苏省高考英语二轮总复习专题导练课件:第20课时 观点态度.ppt_第1页
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1、1阅读理解 第20课时观点态度三2作者的语气态度往往不会直接写在文章里,只能通过细读文章,从作者的选词及其修饰手段中体会出来。询问语气态度的题,选择项里常出现以下一些重要 的 词:subjective(主 观 的),objective(客 观 的);supportive(支持的);neutral(中立的);sympathetic(同情的);critical(批 评 的);doubtful(怀 疑 的);enthusiastic(热 情 的),matteroffact(实 事 求 是 的);hostile(敌对的);satisfied(满意的);friendly(友好的);indifferent

2、(冷 淡 的);optimistic(乐 观 的);pessimistic(悲观的);disappointed(失望的)。3(2011浙江卷)(第三段)Who is to blame here?Rick Stevenson,who tells Ceelys story in his bookWhen Machines Fail Us,points the finger at thelimitations of technology.We put our faith in digitaldevices,he says,but our digital helpers are too oftenno

3、t up to the job.They are filled with small problems.And its not just GPS devices;Stevenson takes us on atour of digital disasters involving everything frommobile phones to wireless keyboards.4The problem with his argument in the book is thatits not clear why he only focuses on digital technology,whi

4、le there may be a number of other possible causes.A mapmaker might have left the crossing off a papermap.Maybe we should blame Ceely for not payingattention.Perhaps the railway authorities are at faultfor poor signalling system.Or maybe someone hasstudied the relative dangers and worked out that therereally is something specific wrong with the GPSequipment.But Stevenson doesnt say.544.In the writers opinion,Stevensons argumentis _.A.onesidedB.reasonableC.puzzlingD.wellbased6【点拨】观点态度题。在第四段作者阐述了造成此次事故或其他高科技失灵事件,可能还有其他很多原因,比如主观人为的,或者火车信号系统不好等,但是Rick Stevenson对于事故的其他可能因素避而不谈,可见作者认为他的论断是片面的。因此选A项。


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