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2022六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear教案 外研版(三起).doc

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2022六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear教案 外研版(三起).doc_第1页
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2022六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2 She couldn't see or hear教案 外研版(三起).doc_第3页
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1、Module 7 Unit 2 She couldnt see or hear.教案一、教学目标1.知识目标:能够阅读并理解文章,完成相关练习。2.能力目标:了解略读、细读的英语阅读方法;简述一个人物传记。3.情感目标:学习海伦凯勒坚强的精神。二、教学重难点:运用一般过去时来讲述过去发生的事情。三、教学准备PPT ;教学录音;小视频。四、教学过程Step1. Leading in 1. Hello, boys and girls! Please look! A beautiful lady! Who is she? (呈现海伦图片,领读课题 Helen Keller ) 2. Do you k

2、now her? Can you tell me something about her ?(交流海伦已知信息) Do you want to know more about her? B. New lessons Step2. Skimming (Now please take out your paper, read quickly and know more about Helen Keller.) After reading, what do you know about Helen Keller? Step3. Scanning (You have known something a

3、bout Helen Keller. Now please take out your paper and your pens, read carefully and circle the words, phrases and sentences you dont know. ) Do you have any difficult words or sentences? Lets help each other. 学生自由提问,师生共同针对难点词语和句子进行板书,举例,讲解。师预设如下,但在课堂上动态生成: 1880-1968 blind / deaf (语言,动作,感受) could / c

4、ouldnt(造句 ,baby, now画线段讲) She lived to be 87. model (唱) Step4. Close reading Do you have any questions? No questions? But I have questions. Look! Lets read the questions. (读读问题) Now please read carefully again and answer the questions. 1. When and where was Helen Keller born? She was born in America

5、 in 1880. 2. What couldnt Helen Keller do? She couldnt see or hear. 3. What did she learn to do? She learned to speak, read and write. 4. How long did she live? She lived to be 87. 汇报交流之后,教师示范把四个回答串一遍,然后启发学生仿说。 Step5. 听,练,读 1. Now lets listen to the whole story. (静听,感悟全文) 2. Please listen and tick t

6、he right words. (听,打对勾,整体对照)3.Letsreadtogether.(齐读)(Listenandtick.(交代学生拿出纸笔,听音打对勾)HelenKeller(is/was)borninAmericain1880.Asasmallchild,she(become/became)blindanddeaf.Shecouldntseeandshecouldnthear.Later,Helen(have/had)ateacher. Theteacher(drew/draw)lettersinHelenshand.Helen (learned/learn)tospeak.La

7、tershelearnedtoread.She(can/could)alsowrite.She(write/wrote)abookaboutherself.She(went/go)allovertheworld.Andshe(live/lived)tobe87.HelenKellerisamodelforblindpeopleandforyouandme.)承上启下,引出思考讨论Why?WhyisHelenKelleramodelforus?Maybethesepicturescanhelpyou.Youcanmale a discussioningroup.Step6.ExtensionHelenKellerissogreat!Therearealsomanyfamouspeopleintheworld.Theyareverygreat,too!Look!Whoarethey?方法:师示范一篇,然后让学生自由说,如无时间,留为课下作业五、课后作业Say or write something about your favourite superstar, your father, your mother or your friends.


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