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1、随着社会的发展,养宠物的人也越来越多。你有没有被自己的宠物萌到一脸喷血,或者被它们萌蠢萌蠢的样子笑到cry到根本停不下来?When photographer Suleyman Oguz took his dog for a walk in Turkey, he was probably hoping to capture some prized shots of his pet. 当摄影师苏莱曼乌古斯带他的爱犬去土耳其岸边散布时,他本希望为爱犬拍上几张靓照。But instead the clumsy canine ended up making himself the mutt of the

2、 joke after tripping over his own feet. 但是事与愿违,这条笨拙的狗狗在奔跑中把自己绊倒,从而沦为了笑柄。Oguz was perfectly placed to capture the animals look of shock and confusion at the exact moment its face met the floor. 乌古斯在完美的位置拍下了狗狗脸着地那一刻震惊而又茫然的表情。(求狗狗此刻的心理阴影面积)The accident happened while the young husky was running for a t

3、reat Oguzs wife had just taken out of her pocket. 当时的情况是这样的:乌古斯的妻子从口袋里拿出了给狗狗的零食,于是这条年轻的哈士奇兴冲冲地朝主人飞奔而来。However his excitement got the better of him as he rushed for the snack and he was soon sent flying.然而不幸的是,它太过兴奋,在冲向零食的时候自己绊倒了,并飞了出去。Oguz, 40, said I was taking pictures of the dog when my wife took

4、 out a snack from her pocket. The dog spotted it immediately and darted towards us with its tongue hanging out.40岁的乌古斯描述到:我那时正在给狗拍照,后来妻子从口袋里拿出了狗零食,它很快就注意到了并朝我们飞奔过来,舌头还耷拉在外面。All of a sudden it tripped over its own feet and I managed to get a picture of the exact moment it fell. It looks so dumbfounded in the picture, we both found it very amusing.突然,它绊到自己的脚了,而我成功拍下了它摔倒的那一瞬间。照片里它看上去吓傻了,我和妻子觉得很搞笑。It wasnt hurt and seemed perfectly fine afterwards but we gave it an extra treat because we felt guilty for laughing so much.它没有摔伤,看上去好得很。但是我们多奖励了他一份零食,因为我们为自己对着照片笑了那么久而内疚。版权所有:高考资源网()


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