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2022五年级英语下册 Unit 6 Work quietly课时6教案 人教PEP.doc

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1、Unit 6 Work quietly ! 第 6 课时 Part B Read and write Lets wrap it up & Part C Story time教学目标:1. 能理解并介绍机器人产品的性能特点。2. 能正确使用现在进行时、“can 情态动词+ 动词”等句型来介绍产品特点。3. 能在理解文本的基础上,对课文进行复述,以达到学以致用的目的。教学疑难:1. 重点:能理解Im speaking Chinese. Asako is making sushi. Can you teach me? Ill show you. 等句子。2. 难点:能理解单词 Spain 和 Spa

2、nish 的意思。教学方法:问答法,练习法,讲授法教学准备:录音机、相关课件、教学卡片教学过程:一 复习与热身Sing the song “School days”.二 导入【活动】当学生唱完歌后,教师重复歌词内容,边重复边出示相应的单词卡片。We come to work and play. We need to work and talk quietly. And listen every day. We need to keep our desks clean. We need to take turns to talk. Keep to the left. And keep to th

3、e right. And you will be a good student at school. 然后教师提问学生:Do you want to be a good student at school? And how to be a good student? Please say as much as you can. 学生根据校规或歌词提示,说一说怎么才能当个好学生。如:Talk quietly. Work quietly. No eating in the library. No climbing. Keep our desks and chairs clean. Keep to

4、the right.三 新课呈现1. 学习Read and write。(1)教师介绍背景。T:Today is the world robot exhibition day. There are a lot of people in the exhibition hall. Sarah and Robin also go there. They see many robots there. Next, lets listen to the tape to know about the robot exhibition.设计意图: 通过教师的背景介绍让学生对即将要听的内容有个大概了解。(2)教

5、师播放听力录音,要求学生不许看书,仔细听, 回答教师的问题:What is the Canadian robot doing? What are the Japanese robots doing? What is the Spanish robot doing? Did Robin learn Chinese kung fu?设计意图: 通过听课文尝试解决问题,可以锻炼学生的听力技巧,抓住材料中的关键词句。(3)教师再次播放录音,要求学生两人一组,讨论答案。(4)学生打开书,通过阅读,进一步寻找确认答案。(5)教师展示课本63 页挂图,请学生说说每幅挂图中机器人都是哪个国家的,正在做什么事情

6、。如:图1 Canadian robot:The Canadian robot is drawing a picture. (教师板书并带读画线短语)(教师可将图片展示顺序打乱展示)设计意图:根据图片说句子,一是对课本中知识进一步熟悉,二是对本单元所学重点句型进行反复操练。(6)听录音,学生反复跟读模仿。(7)Role-play. 教师请23 组学生上台表演。生生互评。(8)Fill in the blanks请学生独立完成 Fill in the blanks. 部分的练习,同桌核对答案后,全班学生共同核对。2. 学习Lets check。(1)给图片配句子。教师指导学生分别给Lets ch

7、eck 中的六幅画各配上一句话。如:图1 Yifans grandpa is listening to the radio.设计意图: 通过给图片配句子,让学生对听力内容进行大概的预测,降低听力难度。(2)教师播放录音,学生完成听力练习。(3)教师将听力材料完整呈现在PPT 上,要求学生反复跟读模仿。(4)教师就听力内容与学生进行问答练习,教师问,学生答。3. 学习Lets wrap it up。(1)动作接力。教师准备所学动词短语的卡片。学生四人一组,每小组第一个学生看同一个动词短语,如:eating lunch,然后不出声“ 说” 给第二个同学,每组第二个同学根据口型,猜短语做出相应的动作

8、,每组第三个同学根据动作说短语,如:eating lunch,每组第四名学生说出完整句子:Im eating lunch. 最先说出完整句子的小组获胜。设计意图: 通过动作接力的活动复习巩固所学内容。(2)游戏结束,教师带领大家将卡片中的短语反复多读几遍。(3)学生完成练习。(4)师生共同核对答案。4. 学习Story time。(1)教师播放 Story time 的动画,请学生画出在电影院看电影应该遵守的规章制度。如:Talk quietly! Keep clean! 并让学生说说在其他公众场合要遵守的一些规则。(2)讲解短语 Whats that noise? Its so exciti

9、ng. 的中文意思。(3)教师播放 Story time 录音,学生跟读三遍。四 巩固与应用【活动】说一说,评一评【活动方式】教师说一种行为,请学生先重复老师说的,再评一评这种行为是否文明。如果不文明,请对他/ 她说一句提示语。如:教师说:Shes eating lunch quietly. 学生说:Shes eating lunchquietly. Shes good! 又如:教师说:Hes talking loudly. 学生说:Hes talking loudly. Hes not good. Talk quietly! 又如:教师说:Keep to the right. 学生说:Kee

10、p to the right. Its good.五 当堂检测1. 单项选择。( B )(1)Can you teach _?A. I B. me C. my( C )(2)Can you _ music with me?A. to play B. playing C. play( C )(3)What are they doing?_A. They clean their rooms. B. He is eating. C. They are reading books.( A )(4)What are you _?Im _ Chinese.A. saying; speaking B. sp

11、eaking; say C. say; speaking2. 选词填空。cleans clean cleaning(1)Im helpful.I can clean my room. (2)Lily usually cleans her room on the weekend. (3)The students are cleaning the classroom now.3. 看图片,用合适的内容补全句子。(1) (2) (3)(4) (5)(1)My father usually does kung fu on Sundays. (2)Look! The boy is playing mus

12、ic. (3)My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. (4)Are you drawing a picture ? Yes, I am. (5)Ni hao.Ni zai zuo shen me? Sorry. What are you saying? I am speaking Chinese.六 课堂小结Key words: speaking Chinese, drawing a picture,cooking rice.Key sentences:What are you doing/saying?Im speaking Chinese/d

13、rawing a picture/cooking rice/making sushi.七 课后作业1. 听录音,模仿跟读。2. 完成相关练习。3. 预习下一课。板书第6 课时 Part B Read and write Lets wrap it up & Part C Story timeWhat are you doing/saying?Im speaking Chinese/drawing a picture/cooking rice/making sushi.课后反思我们在教学中利用实物创设情景,让学生在自然的交流讨论中利用句型词汇,以达到操练的目的。学生在被要求完成课本练习时,教师可将此部分练习趣味化,如加入单词对对碰、动作接力,以调动学生的积极性。


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