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2013届高考英语二轮语法强化训练10 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、强化训练10 非谓语动词()(时间:15分钟 分数:27分).单项选择(每题1分,共20分) 1(2012北京卷)One learns a language by making mistakes and _them.Acorrects Bcorrect Cto correct Dcorrecting答案D题干的意思是:“人通过出错并改正错误来学习语言。”by doing通过某种方式,correct与make为并列关系,同为by的宾语,故选D。2(2012浙江六校联考)Train tickets sold online or by telephone have topped 2 million

2、daily,_ that around onethird of passengers dont have to wait for several hours to get a ticket.Ameaning Bmeans Cto mean Dmeant答案A考查非谓语动词。句意:通过网络和电话订购的火车票每天高达两百万张,这就意味着大约三分之一的乘客不用排几个小时的队就能买到票。meaning在句中是现在分词短语作状语,表主动。3(2011山东卷)Look over theretheres a very long,winding path _ up to the house.Aleading

3、Bleads Cled Dto lead答案A考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词lead和被修饰词path之间构成主谓关系,所以用现在分词作定语。4(2012南京一模)In the job interviews,job applicants often find themselves _ unexpected questions,some very difficult to answer.Ato ask BaskedCto be asked Dasking答案C考查动词不定式。句意:一种运动要想成为奥运会的一个运动项目,必须至少在四大洲75个国家开展过。动词accept与其逻辑主语a sp

4、ort之间为动宾关系,因此此处应用动词不定式的一般被动式表示目的。5(2010湖南卷)Listen!Do you hear someone _for help?Acalling Bcall Cto call Dcalled答案Ahear sb doing sth表示听到某人正在做某事,calling在句中是现在分词作宾补。句意:听!你听到有人正在喊救命吗?6(2012天水一中三模)My friend was very unhappy for _to the concert.Ahaving not been invited Bnot having been invitedCnot to be i

5、nvited Dnot having invited答案Bfor为介词,后面需要用动名词形式作宾语,invite发生在My friend was very unhappy之前,是未被邀请,故使用动名词的被动完成形式。7(2010重庆主城八区调研)It doesnt make sense_after _You should cheer up and practice hard instead.Ato complain;being defeatedBcomplain;defeatingCcomplain;being defeatedDto complain;defeating答案A根据句子结构可知

6、,it在句中为形式主语,动词不定式to complain是真正的主语;defeat与you是逻辑上的动宾关系,又因作介词after的宾语,故应用动名词的一般被动式。8(2012湖南长郡中学月考)The design _all the ages and social groups is not easy to make.Aappealed to Bbeing appealed toCto be appealed to Dappealing to答案D根据句子结构,该句的谓语动词是is,The design是主语,_all the ages and social groups是后置定语,desig

7、n与appeal to 是逻辑上的主谓关系,故选D。9(2012宝鸡质检)A terrible air crash happened over the Atlantic Ocean,_150 passengers.Ahaving killed Bkilling Ckilled Dto kill答案B句意:一场可怕的航空事故发生在大西洋上空,造成了150人死亡。A terrible air crash与kill是逻辑上的主谓关系,故空白处应填现在分词killing,表示飞机事故带来的自然而然的结果。10(2012南京一中期中测试)The problem is believed _at the m

8、eeting two weeks ago.Ato have been discussed Bto discussCto have discussed Dto be discussed答案A根据two weeks ago可知discuss是过去发生的事,因此用不定式的完成式。又因为问题是被讨论的,所以用被动形式。11(2012晥南八校二次联考)Something as simple as _vegetables in childhood may help to protect you against serious illness in later life.Ato eat Beating Ct

9、o be eating Deaten答案B句意:童年时,像吃蔬菜这样简单的事也许将来会帮助你预防严重的疾病。空格前的as为介词,其后应用动名词形式,故应选B。12The computer programs are a puzzle to me.The more I think of them,the more questions I think of_Aask Basked Cbeing asked Dto ask答案D考查不定式作定语的用法。句意:计算机程序对我来说简直是一个谜。我思考得越多,想问的问题就越多。the more questions后先跟一个定语从句I think of,省略了

10、关系代词that/which;动词不定式to ask作定语修饰先行词the more questions。13With winter_,many coldblooded animals are busy storing food.Aapproached Bto be approachedCapproaching Dhaving approached答案C句意:随着冬天的到来,很多变温动物忙于储存食物。句子中含有“with宾语宾语补足语”结构,approach表示“到来”时,是不及物动词,因此应用现在分词形式作宾补。14Lady Gaga has put off her concerts bec

11、ause of the difficulties _by the ongoing strikes.Acausing Bcaused Cto be caused Dto cause答案B考查过去分词作后置定语。由于困难是由正在进行的罢工所引起的,故应用过去分词作后置定语,故选B。15The middleaged woman refused to tolerate _a thief and said she didnt steal anything in the supermarket.Acalling Bbeing called Cto call Dcalled答案B考查动名词的被动式作宾语。t

12、olerate后面可以跟动名词作宾语,此处表示那个中年妇女“不能容忍被叫做小偷”,所以要用动名词的被动式。16With the agreement _,the members present at the meeting were dismissed.Ato reach Bto be reachedCreached Dhaving reached答案C考查with的复合结构。“with名词/代词非谓语动词”结构在句中作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随等情况。根据“the members present at the meeting were dismissed”可知,参加会议的人员解散了,因此

13、可推测该with复合结构意为:协议已经达成了,表示被动的动作用过去分词。17_the temperature might drop,I prepared enough coal for warming.ATo consider BConsideredCConsidering DTo be considered答案C句意:考虑到气温可能下降,我准备了足够的煤以促证供暖。主语I和consider之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,因此要现在分词的一般式作原因状语。18_to break the 574.8 km/h speed record set by France,China has signed agr

14、eements with Thailand to build highspeed railways.AAiming BAimedCHaving been aimed DTo aim答案A考查非谓语动词作状语。句首的分词短语作状语,由于aim为句子的主语China发出的动作,因此应用现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随状况。19_from the moon,our earth with water _seventy percent of its surface,appears a blue ball.ASeen;covered BSeen;coveringCTo see;covering DSeeing

15、;covering答案B句子的主语为our earth,与动词see之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用过去分词短语作句子的状语;在with的复合结构中,water与cover之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词形式作后置定语。20_as an Olympic event,a sport must be played in at least 75 countries on at least 4 continents.ATo accept BHaving acceptedCTo be accepted DAccepting答案C考查非谓语动词。句意:一个运动项目要想成为奥运项目,必须至少在4大洲75个

16、以上的国家开展过。动词accept的逻辑主语是a sport,它们之间为动宾关系,因此此处应用不定式to be accepted表示目的。.试说新语(每题1分,共7分)21fever(熟义:n.发烧,发热)He is in a fever of her arrival._22figure(熟义:n.数学;雕塑;人物)She figured that she would be next._23fill(熟义:v.填满)His answer did not fill our need._24fine(熟义:adj.美好的;很棒的;晴朗的)Theres a fine distinction betw

17、een the meanings of the two words._The man will get a fine if he parks the car there._25fix(熟义:v.固定,安装;修理)The extraordinary man fixed our attention._26flood(熟义:n.& v洪水)I received a flood of letters this morning._27fly(熟义:v.飞,飞翔;飞驰;n.苍蝇)The children flew to meet their mother._答案21.n.狂热,高度兴奋22.v.认为,想象23.vt.满足24.adj.微妙的;n.罚款25.vt.吸引26.n.大量的东西27.v.疾驰,疾行版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()


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