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2021届新高考英语二轮专题闯关导练:30分语言运用练(一) WORD版含解析.doc

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2021届新高考英语二轮专题闯关导练:30分语言运用练(一) WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、30分语言运用练(一)语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。2020山东新高考质量测评联盟5月联考Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside. I _1_ how I would get home. The 12mile route took me up and down steep hills and around _2_ turns. I whi

2、spered a prayer for _3_.My old green Blazer SUV was doing wonderfully over the _4_ roadway. _5_ as I climbed one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were slipping, and I decided it was time to _6_ to fourwheel drive. Slowly the tires _7_ the road, and the top came _8_ sight. Unfo

3、rtunately, I had just made it when the _9_ stopped. I pushed and pulled the lever (档杆)nothing happened. I was _10_ with snow and ice balls around.Even though I had met no one on this lonely road, I hoped someone might come to _11_. After a few minutes, I _12_ an old pickup truck. A smiling young man

4、 Id never seen before rolled down his window, asking if I needed help. I ensured him I did. Then he showed me how to operate the fourwheeldrive shifting gear (齿轮), locking it into _13_._14_, I got the Blazer starting. When I thanked the stranger and asked if he lived around the area, he just said, “

5、Oh, over there.” Do I believe in angels? You _15_!,1A. wondered Brealized Cassumed Dstated2A. smooth Bsharp Csimple Dslight3A. liberty Bpriority Csafety Drecovery4A. icecovered Bfloodruined Cbadlybuilt Dwellequipped5A. But BOr CSo DAnd6A. attend Bappeal Cswitch Dlead7A. lost control of Btook charge

6、of Cgot along with Dheld on to8A. into Bbeyond Cover Dfrom9A. wind Bsnow Cvehicle Ddriver10A. hurt Bstuck Cengaged Dpanicked11A. life Bpower Chelp Dmind12A. boarded Bmissed Ccalled Dspied13A. comfort Bscene Caction Dplace14A. By no means BIn no time CIn some way DIn the meanwhile15A. fail Bapprove C

7、count Dbet第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。2020东北三校高三第一次联合模拟A crater on Mercury sat quietly for millions of years. Surprisingly, it acquired a nameLi Qingzhao, after a Chinese female poet. The International Astronomical Union named the first group of craters on the planet afte

8、r 310 famous writers and artists in human history, Li 1._ (include)What did she do to deserve such 2._ honor? Compared with male poets in China, 3._ have left hundreds or even thousands of poems, she has only eightyseven. 4._, her artistic creativity in her 5._ (exist) works has earned her a permane

9、nt place in the Chinese literary circle.She grew up in a 6._ (relative) relaxed atmosphere but her maiden (少女) days were so limited that the regret could be felt in her poem:“But dont you know? Oh dont you know? The red should languish and the green must grow.” The arrival and disappearance of sprin

10、g is one of the most frequent themes in Chinese poetry. Li had two marriages. The first ended up her being abandoned during the war. 7._ (bad) still, she suffered physical abuse from her second husband. Bravely she charged him at the court and got the 8._ (permit) to divorce.In the final stage of he

11、r life, even 9._ no one to rely on, she never gave up hope and created many literary works that 10._ (leave) for generations to appreciate to date.30分语言运用练(一)语言运用第一节文章大意这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在风雪交加的一天开车回家,12英里的路线让作者在陡峭的山上上下颠簸,车辆在冰雪覆盖的路面上出现了问题,一个好心人帮助了作者,使得作者认为好心人就像天使一样。1答案与解析:A根据前文“Ice and snow were beati

12、ng the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside.(冰雪拍打着窗户,风几乎把外面的一切都吹走了。)”可知,户外环境很恶劣,作者认为“回家”成为了一个问题,不知道该怎么办。故选A项。2答案与解析:B句意:这条12英里的路线让我在陡峭的山上上下颠簸,还绕了几个急转弯。A. smooth光滑的;B. sharp急剧的(转弯);C. simple简单的;D. slight轻微的。根据前文“steep hills”可知山坡很陡峭,因此会有急转弯(sharp turns)。故选B项。3答案与解析:C根据前文“Ice and sn

13、ow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside.”“ The 12mile route took me up and down steep hills and around _2_ turns.”可知,天气状况恶劣,路况恶劣,因此可知作者希望能够“安全”到家。故选C项。4答案与解析:A句意:我那辆旧的绿色开拓者越野车在冰雪覆盖的路面上行驶得很好。A. icecovered冰封的;B. floodruined洪水破坏的;C. badlybuilt建得很差的;D. wellequipped装备

14、充足的。根据前文“Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside.”可知,冰雪拍打着窗户,风几乎把外面的一切都吹走了,在这样的天气下,道路应是结冰了。故选A项。5答案与解析:A句意:但当我爬上其中一座最陡峭、最可怕的山时,我注意到轮胎在打滑,于是我决定是时候改用四轮驱动了。分析可知,本句“as I climbed one of the steepest and scariest hills, I noticed the tires were slipping与前文“My

15、 old green Blazer SUV was doing wonderfully over the _4_ roadway.”为转折关系。故选A项。6答案与解析:C轮胎开始打滑,作为司机,作者应是采取措施避免打滑,开启四轮驱动。switch to“切换到;转到;转变成”,符合语境表达。故选C项。7答案与解析:D作者注意到轮胎在打滑,开启了四轮驱动,因此可知,汽车不再打滑,车轮贴在地面上了。故选D项。8答案与解析:A句意:轮胎慢慢地贴在路面上,山顶映入眼帘。come into sight,固定结构,意为“出现在眼前;可以望见”。故选A项。9答案与解析:C句意:不幸地是,我刚要向坡上开,车就

16、停了下来。根据后文“I pushed and pulled the levernothing happened.”可知,作者推拉控制杆应该是因为车停了下来。故选C项。10答案与解析:B根据前文背景句“Ice and snow were beating the window and the wind almost swept everything away outside. ”以及“I had just made it when the _9_ stopped.”可知,雪下得很大,风也很强烈,且作者的车行进不了了,应是卡住了。be stuck with“无法摆脱;陷在”。故选B项。11答案与解析

17、:C句意可知,作者希望在这条孤单的路上能有人出现帮忙。故选C项。12答案与解析:D根据后文“an old pickup truck”可知,作者应是看到了一辆小货车。故选D项。13答案与解析:D结合句子“Then he showed me how to operate the fourwheeldrive shifting gear, locking it into _13_”可知,这个年轻人教给作者如何操作四轮驱动换挡装置,且需要将其锁在恰当的位置。故选D项。14答案与解析:B这个年轻人教给作者如何操作四轮驱动换挡装置以及如何锁住到恰当的位置,因此作者的车又可以发动起来了,B项“in no t

18、ime”可表达作者当时的急切且激动的心情。故选B项。15答案与解析:D作者认为帮助他的这个陌生人像天使一样,因此本句应是非常肯定的回答。“You bet!”用在句子表达“当然;肯定地”含义,符合语境和作者的心境。故选D项。第二节语篇类型:记叙文主题语境:人与社会文学女词人李清照文章大意水星上的一个环形山以中国著名女词人李清照命名,这着实令人惊奇。李清照如何能够享有这份荣誉呢?本文由此对李清照的一生进行了简要的介绍。1答案与解析:included考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处和句子谓语named之间没有连词,应用非谓语形式,且和其逻辑主语Li构成动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语,所以填i

19、ncluded。2答案与解析:an考查冠词。此处的honor意为“荣誉”,应用不定冠词修饰,且honor的发音以元音音素开头,所以填an。3答案与解析:who考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰表示人的先行词“male poets”,所以填who。4答案与解析:However考查副词。前一句表述和其他遗作几百甚至几千首的中国男性诗人相比,她只有八十七首,并结合空后的内容可知,此处前后形成转折,且修饰整个句子,所以填However。5答案与解析:existing考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,此处应是形容词修饰名词works,所以填existing“现存的

20、”。6答案与解析:relatively考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处修饰形容词relaxed,应用副词形式,所以填relatively。7答案与解析:Worse考查比较级。worse still意为“更糟糕的是”,是固定用法,且符合语境,所以填Worse。8答案与解析:permission考查名词。分析句子结构可知,空处应为名词,作动词got的宾语,其前的冠词the对其起限定作用,所以填permission。9答案与解析:with考查介词。此处表示甚至尽管没有人可以依靠,故用介词with,意为“尽管,虽然”。10答案与解析:have been left考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处为定语从句的谓语,关系代词that是从句的主语,指代“many literary works”,且空处与从句中的主语that构成被动关系,故用被动语态,即bedone,又根据时间状语to date可知,应用现在完成时,又主语为复数,所以填have been left。


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