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人教2016届高三英语大一轮复习《BOOK 4 UNIT 2 WORKING THE LAND》导学案.docx

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1、Unit 2Working the land.语境填词1In the old days the working people used to suffer from cold and _(饥饿)They often went _(hunger)2The big company,which _(生产,制造) thousands of tons of wine every year,_(输出)about 20,000 boxes of wine to the US last year.3People are _(困惑的) about all the different labels on thes

2、e bottles _(discovery) underground.4Blood _(循环) through the body _(freedom)5Having worked on the seaside and exposed to strong sunshine,the superstars skin was _(晒黑),which _(disturbing)her very much these days.选词填空be satisfied with,would rather,get rid of,keepfree of,be rich in,search out, be concer

3、ned with, buid up1You must _ your bad habit of carelessness,or you will fail in the exam.2Its too far,so I _ go there by train than by bus.3Youve done well at school.No wonder your parents _ you.4Im very glad to see that your vocabulary is gradually _.5The meeting _ reforms and everyone present was

4、interested in it. 6In order to _ the truth,he spent about two years staying in the lonely village.7Our country _ natural resources.8Eating well and good exercise can _ you _ cold.完成句子1他总是第一个来且最后一个离开。He is always the first _ and the last _.2他们的房子比你们的房子大两倍。Their house is _ yours.Their house is _ yours

5、. Their house is _ yours.3我永远也忘不了毕业宴会上校长说的话。Ill never forget _ at the graduation party.4如果每天浇一次水,这花会长得很好。_,the flower will grow very well.5我认为该受责备的是汤姆而不是你。I think Tom,_,is to blame.单项填空1People should open the window in the morning to make air_ in order to keep the indoor air fresh.Aspread BremoveCfl

6、oat Dcirculate2I,along with my classmates,always _ Lisa with her sisterthey are so alike.(2011黄冈中学模拟)Asuffer BcombineCconnect Dconfuse3At times the balance of nature is _,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.Atroubled BconfusedCdisturbed Dpuzzled4I am wondering whether you can rememb

7、er the name of the place.Im afraid that _ me for the moment.Areminds BworriesCdisturbs Descapes5It was the young doctor that _ her of the pain;she felt better after the operation.Areminded BrobbedCinformed Dridded6Having heard my answer,the master nodded _ satisfaction,“Im quite satisfied _ you.”Awi

8、th;with Bon;byCin;to Din;of7This plan will be kept _.Acarrying out Bfrom carrying outCbeing carried out Dfrom being carried out8What a table!Ive never seen such a thing before.It is _ it is long.Ahalf not as wide as Bwide not as half asCnot half as wide as Das wide as not half9He is the last person

9、_ to Marys birthday party.Ato invite Bto be invitedCinvited Dbeing invited10_ his parents,he would work in a local factory.ARather than leave BRather than leavingCRather than to leave DInstead of leaving1struggle n斗争,拼搏;vi.奋斗;努力【归纳拓展】struggle against/with同作斗争,与抗争struggle with.for.为争取而与作斗争struggle to

10、 ones feet挣扎着站起来They struggled in their desperate attempts to escape but missed the exit and started heading in the wrong direction.(2010湖北,阅读理解A)他们在无望的尝试中挣扎着逃走,但错过了出口,开始朝错的方向前进。【活学活用】(1)There were no _ at the murder scene.在凶杀现场没有搏斗的痕迹。(2)She _ and continued walking.她挣扎着站起来,继续走。(3)As we know,_ is th

11、e bridge to success.Astruggle BwarCconflict Dfight2expand v(使)变大;伸展;(使)膨胀_ n扩大;扩张_ adj.易扩张的 【归纳拓展】expand on/upon sth.详细阐明;充分叙述expand in.在方面膨胀expand into.扩展成为,膨胀成【活学活用】(1)A childs vocabulary _ reading.一个孩子的词汇量通过阅读得到扩大。(2)Why not try to _ a novel?为什么不把你的故事扩展成小说呢?(3)_ a series,the story will become mor

12、e famous.AExpanding in BExpanded inCExpanded into DExpanding into3regret vt.遗憾;惋惜;n.遗憾;懊悔【归纳拓展】regret doing sth.后悔做了某事regret to do sth.(常和tell,say,inform等词连用)对将要做某事表示遗憾to ones regret让某人感到遗憾的是He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently.(2009江苏,28)他并没有遗憾说了

13、他所做的事情,但是他觉得他本来可以用别的方式表达。【活学活用】(1)I _ say I am unable to help you.很抱歉,我爱莫能助。(2)I _ unable to come today.I regret that I cant come today.今天我不能前来,很遗憾。(3)We regret_ you that you are to be dismissed next week.(2011昌都地区调研)Atelling Bto tellCto be told Dtell4comment n. & vi.评论;理解;意见【归纳拓展】have a/some/any co

14、mment(s) on/about sth.对有评论、意见ask for comment征求意见make comments on sth.评论某事no comment无可奉告comment on评论,谈论;对提意见My other comment is that the text aged.(2010湖北,阅读理解D)我另一个评价是这篇文章过时了。【活学活用】(1)The teacher often _ how different the two boys are.老师经常谈论这两个男孩有多么不同。(2)Have you _ the proposals?你对这些建议有什么意见吗?(3)He m

15、ade several critical (批评性的)_ on his new book.(2011滨州调研)Apunishments Bcomments Copinions Dideas5.equip vt.配备;装备_ n装备;设备【归纳拓展】equip.with.用装备be equipped with.装备有equip sb.for (doing) sth.使某人为(做)某事而准备equip sb.to do sth.使某人能够做某事a piece of equipment一件设备【活学活用】(1)Your education will _ your future life.你所接受的教

16、育将使你能适应今后的生活。(2)The explorers were told to_ themselves with everything they would need for their voyage.Acommunicate BfeedCequip Dassociate6thanks to幸亏;由于,因为(1)thanks to是介词短语,只能作状语,多用于褒义。(2)due to意为“因为,由于”,可以作表语或状语,不能位于句首。be due to do sth.意为“被安排去做某事”。(3)owing to意为“由于”,多用作状语,作状语时常用逗号隔开。(4)because of语

17、气最强,多用于表示直接原因。一般放在主句之后,有时也可放在主句之前。【活学活用】(1)用thanks to,due to,owing to,because of填空The accident was _ careless driving._ his carelessness,Tom failed in the exam._ his tiredness,he does not want to go with us.Everyone knows about it now,_ you!(2)_ his help,we solved the problem.AFor BBecauseCThanks to

18、 DDue to7build up建立,确立;增进;扩大【归纳拓展】turn up找到;证明出;调大set up建立make up编造;化妆bring up抚养;呕吐take up占据;从事He built up his fortune from scratch.他白手起家积累起了财富。【活学活用】(1)They _ a powerful army.他们已建立起一支强大的军队。(2)You need rest to _ after your illness.生病后,你需要多休息来恢复体力。(3)Taking exercise helps us_ our body and keep a clea

19、r mind.(2011泰安月考)Aput up Bbuild upCset up Dmake up8lead to导致,造成(后果)(cause,result in);通向【归纳拓展】lead sb.to do sth.致使某人做某事lead sb.to sth.使某人得出;引导某人in the lead领先;处于首位take the lead带头;领先(1)We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only leads to violence.我们坚决认为战争不会解决任何事情,只会导致暴力。(2)This street wil

20、l lead you to the center of the city.这条大街可以使你到市中心。【活学活用】(1)What _ believe I was not good at maths?是什么使你相信我数学不好的?(2)It is said that a cigarette end _ the forest fire.据说是一个烟头引起了这场森林大火。(3)The discovery of new evidence led to_.Athe thief having caughtBcatch the thiefCthe thief being caughtDthe thief to

21、be caught9free from不受影响的;没有的【归纳拓展】for free免费be free of摆脱了的set free 释放;使获得自由Aunty Misery was free from the trouble at last. (2008陕西,完形填空)米斯里阿姨最终摆脱了烦恼。【活学活用】(1)The Chinese Central Government _ the farmers _ farming tax.中国中央政府免除了农民的农业税。(2)If I owned a restaurant,I could eat _.如果我有餐馆,我就可以免费就餐了。(3)Cant w

22、e just live in today,_ the worries of tomorrow or the regrets of the rest?(2011银川统考) Afree from Baware ofCsure of Dtired from10What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?译文_句式提取:特殊疑问词do you think陈述句能用于此结构的还有:do you believe/suppose/expect/suggest等。What do you think h

23、e will do next?你认为他下一步要做什么?【活学活用】(1)_ do you think _ hand in my homework?你认为是谁帮我交了作业?(2)What prize_ in the following competition?Ado you think you will getBdo you expect will you getCdo you think you have gotDdo you expect have you got写作句型公式1It is said/thought/hoped/believed.that.Sb.is said/thought/

24、hoped/believed to.It is said that he is studying abroad.He is said to be studying abroad.据说他正在国外学习。It is said that he has finished his work.He is said to have finished his work.据说他已经完成了他的工作。2特殊定语从句句型我们大家都知道中国人口最多。(1)As is known to us all,China has the largest population in the world.(2)China has the

25、 largest population in the world,which/as is known to us all.(3)It is known to us all that China has the largest population in the world.(4)What is known to us all is that China has the largest population in the world.3No matter what/which/who/where/when/whose/how.从句主句Whatever/No matter what you do,

26、wherever you go,I will be here waiting for you.无论你做什么,无论你在哪里,我都会在此等待你。日常交际用语33its quite something:something should be admired because it is impressive真了不起;真精彩Running your own company at age 21 is really/quite something.21岁就经营自己的公司,真了不起!34an overnight success:something suddenly becomes very popular o

27、r successful突如其来的成功The show was really an overnight success on Broadway.这场表演在百老汇真是一炮打响。答案课前准备区.1.hunger;hungry2.produces;exported3confused;discovered4.circulates;freely5sunburnt;disturbs.1.get rid of2.would rather3.are satisfied with4.building up5.was concerned with6search out7.is rich in8.keep;free

28、 of.1.to come;to leave2.three times as big as;twice bigger than;three times the size of3what the headmaster said4.Watered once a day5.rather than you.1.D考查动词辨析。circulate表示“(空气、液体等的)流通”。spread传播;remove去掉;float漂浮。2Dconfuse此处意为“(将)混淆,混同”。3Ctrouble麻烦,添麻烦;confuse使困惑;disturb打乱,扰乱;puzzle迷惑。句意为:有时候,自然界的平衡被打

29、乱了,导致了许多无法预料的后果。故C项符合句意。4Dremind提醒;worry使担忧;disturb打扰,扰乱;escape逃走,避免(不愉快的事物);被遗忘(不用于被动语态)。句意为:我想知道你是否能记起那个地方的名字。恐怕此刻我想不起来了。由句意可知答案为D项。5D此处是一强调句型。被强调成分是主语the young doctor。考查固定搭配rid sb. of sth.使某人免除;使某人摆脱。remind提醒;使想起;rob抢劫;inform通知。6Awith satisfaction满意地;be satisfied with对满意。7Dkeep .from doing sth.禁止

30、做某事。 8C考查倍数表达法。9B不定式作定语,当名词前面有序数词或last,next等词修饰时,名词后面多用不定式作定语。10A考查would.rather than.宁愿也不。将rather than提到句首只是为了强调,其后所接的动词形式应与would后的动词形式一致,仍是原形。课堂活动区1活学活用(1)signs of a struggle(2)struggled to her feet(3)A句意为:众所周知,奋斗是通向成功的桥梁。struggle奋斗,努力。2expansion;expansive活学活用(1)expands through(2)expand your story

31、into(3)C过去分词短语作状语,和其逻辑主语the story为动宾关系。3活学活用(1)regret to(2)regret being(3)Bregret to do sth.对将要做某事表示遗憾,为常用结构。4活学活用(1)comments on(2)any comments on(3)B短语make/have comments on.意为“对作评价或评论”。5equipment活学活用(1)equip you for(2)Cequip.with.用装备,为固定搭配。句意为:探险者被告诉用他们所需要的一切来装备自己。6活学活用(1)due toOwing toBecause of t

32、hanks to(2)C7活学活用(1)have built up(2)build up your strength(3)B句意为:锻炼身体帮助我们增强体质。build up逐渐增加;增强,符合句意。8活学活用(1)led you to(2)caused/led to/resulted in(3)Clead to导致,to为介词,排除B;the thief(贼)与catch(逮)之间为被动关系,排除A;根据题意这贼已被抓,又排除D项。9活学活用(1)keeps;free of(2)for free(3)A10你认为将会发生什么如果明天突然没有米吃了。活学活用(1)Who;helped me(2

33、)Ado you think/expect用作插入语,后面的从句应用陈述语序,且应用将来时。课时规范训练.单项填空(建议用时8)1The boy lay on his back,his teeth _ and his glaring eyes _.(2011烟台调研)Aset;looked Bset;lookingCsetting;looked Dsetting;looking2People are struggling_ pollution.Afor Bagainst Cto Don3It is often said that _ teachers have _ very easy life

34、.A/;/ B/;a Cthe;/ Dthe;a4May I open the window to let in some fresh air?_ACome on. BTake care.CGo ahead! DHold on!5He expanded_ his new theory.Ain Binto Cabout Don6Susan wanted to be independent from her parents.She tried _ alone,but she didnt like it and moved back home.(2011威海调研)Aliving Bto liveCt

35、o be living Dhaving lived 7.You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regret_ that.Ato do Bto be doingCto have been done Dhaving done8Anything to say about the latest talk between the two countries?_ANo comment! BNothing to say.CI beg your pardon? DGo ahead.9The factory is

36、equipped_ modern machinery and _ the most recent techniques.Awith;uses Bon;usingCby;use Dinto;to use10Its acknowledged that the traffic accident was largely_ the drivers carelessness.Abecause of Bdue toCthanks to Dwith a result of11For all these years I have been working for others.Im hoping Ill_ my

37、 own business someday.Aturn up Bfix upCset up Dmake up12Some studies even suggest that playing more_ bigger brains that are_ at reasoning and learning.(2011滨州月考)Arefers to;good Bturns to;betterCsticks to;good Dleads to;better13If your wages are small,youll be free _ income tax.Awith Babout Cto Dof14

38、_ in your class?AWhom do you think is the tallest studentBDo you think who is the tallest studentCWho do you think is the tallest studentDWho you think is the tallest student15He will come tomorrow.But Id rather he _ the day after tomorrow.(2010日照统考)Awill come Bis comingCcame Dhad come.阅读理解A(建议用时7)T

39、wo years ago,the Funk family of suburban Chicago adopted a Chinese baby girl who had been abandoned on a sidewalk near a textile factory in Yangzhou.Last year,the Ramirez family of suburban Miami adopted a girl who had been abandoned a week later on the same spot.Both families named their daughters

40、Mia.It turns out,a first name and Chinese heritage arent the only things the threeyearolds have in common.The girls mothersHolly Funk and Diana Ramirezmet on a website for parents who had gone through international adoptions.After a lot of emails comparing photographs and biographical details,DNA te

41、sting proved the families suspicions: The girls are probably fraternal twins.“I was in shock,” said Ramirez,who lives with her husband Carlos in Pembroke Pines,Florida.“Well,now this is for real.”The Internet and Web groups revolving around international orphanages are increasingly being used to lin

42、k adopted children with biological kin(亲属)The site that Funks and Ramirezes used has a membership of 137 people,with 15 sets of twins and 7 sets of siblings whose relationships have been confirmed.At a reunion at Chicagos OHare International Airport,Mia Diamond Funk and Mia Hanying Ramirez shyly sur

43、veyed each other,and then reached for each others hand.DNA tests establish an 85 percent probability that the girls are at least halfsisters.Scientists do not have a biological parent to test and reach a greater certainty,but given their ages and physical similarities,experts say it is likely they a

44、re fraternal twins.Douglas and Holly Funk hope to bring their Mia to Miami in October. Both sets of parents say they are committed to staying in touch and often let the two sisters talk to each other on the phone.16Both the adopted girls shared a first name _.Abecause they both came from ChinaBbecau

45、se of their physical similaritiesCbecause their US parents suspected they were twinsDfor no good reason17Why did the girls mothers meet on the Internet?ATo compare photographs of the two girls.BTo find the girls biological kin.CTo test their suspicions.DTo know how to adopt children.18Experts are st

46、ill not 100 percent sure that the two girls are fraternal twins because _.ADNA tests are still not accurate enoughBthe two girls were born in two different familiesCthe DNA of a biological parent is still missingDone girl was born a week later than the other19What Ramirez said in Paragraph 4 suggest

47、s that she _.Adidnt believe what had happenedBwas surprised at what had happenedCdidnt want to accept the factDwas pleased with what they had done20What would be the best title for the passage?AAdopted Sisters Are ReunitedBAdopted Sisters Live Happily in the USCSuspicion Turned into RealityDThe Stor

48、ies of Two FamiliesB(建议用时8)The earth,moon,sun and all visible stars in the sky make up less than one percent of the universe.Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energy,unknown forces that puzzle astronomers.Observations in recent years have changed the basic understanding of how the universe

49、 evolved and have indicated how little is known about the major forces and substances that shaped our world.Astronomers now know that luminous(发光的) matterstars,planets and hot gas.accounts for only about 0.4 percent of the universe.Nonluminous components,such as black holes and intergalactic(星系间的) g

50、as,make up 3.6 percent.The rest is dark matter,about 23 percent,and dark energy,about 73 percent.Dark matter,sometimes called “cold dark matter”,has been known for some time.Only recently have researchers come to understand the key role it played in the formation of stars,planets and even people.“We

51、 owe our very existence to dark matter,” said physicist Paul Steinhardt.“Dark matter dominated the structure formation in the early universe,” Steinhardt said.“For the first few billion years dark matter contained most of the mass of the universe.You can think of ordinary matter as a froth(泡沫状物) of

52、an ocean of dark matter.The dark matter dumps and the ordinary matter falls into it.That led to the formation of the stars and galaxies(星系)Without dark matter,there would be virtually no structure in the universe.”The nature of dark matter is unknown.It cannot be seen or detected directly.Astronomer

53、s know it is there because of its effects on celestial(天上的) objects that can be seen and measured.But the most dominating force of all in the universe is called dark energy, a recently proven power that astronomers say is causing the galaxies in the universe to separate at a faster and faster speed.

54、21We know from the text that _.Aall visible stars are very important in the universeBthe basic understanding of the universe evolution was totally wrongCdark matter is also known as dark energyDdark energy makes up about three quarters of the universe22The text tells us “dark matter” _.Aplays an imp

55、ortant part in forming stars,planets and humansBhas been fully understood by researchersCremains an unimportant force to the universe like dark energyDhas nothing to do with the formation of the universe today23“The major forces and substances that shaped our world” (in Para.2) refers to _.Aluminous

56、 matter Bnonluminous matterCdark matter Dordinary matter24According to Paul Steinhardt,our existence today _.Adepends mainly on dark matterBhas something to do with ordinary matterCresults from the formation of celestial objectsDevolves from the mass of the universe25Which of the following is the be

57、st title for the passage?ADark Matter or Dark EnergyBThe Formation of the UniverseCDark Forces Dominate the UniverseDUnknown Forces Puzzle Astronomers答案.单项填空1B考查独立主格结构在句中作伴随状语。teeth与set两个词之间含有逻辑上的被动关系,所以用过去分词;look这一动作是eyes所发出,所以用looking。2Bstruggle against同作斗争,符合句意。3B第一空表示“泛指”某一职业,不需要用冠词。而第二空短语have a

58、 very easy life意思为“过着简朴的生活”,需要用冠词。4C根据语境可知:去开吧,去做吧。所以答案为C。5Dexpand on sth.详细说明某事。6A考查非谓语动词的用法。根据句意可知苏珊尝试着过一个人的生活,但是不喜欢。7.Dregret doing sth.后悔做了某事。8AA项,“无可奉告”。9Abe equipped with.装备有,且and前后形式应一致。10B11Cturn up出现;证明出;调大;fix up修补;解决;set up建立;成立;make up编造;化妆。12Dlead to致使,导致;better此处用来表示比较。13D14Cdo you thi

59、nk作插入语应置于特殊疑问词后,且特殊疑问词作主语。15C得分策略经典例题Seeing her father,the little girl ran to him,her schoolbag_ behind her.AflyingBflewCto fly Dwas flying错因分析有些考生会把后面部分当作一个句子,而句子缺少谓语动词,于是误选B或D。其实,前后两部分之间是逗号,说明后面部分不是一个句子,而选项C表示一个还未发生的动作,显然与语境不符,因此选A项。得分笔记在英语中,一般来说,非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子主语。如果它的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,就必须在其非谓语动词之前加

60、上适当的名词或代词。这样“名词或代词非谓语动词”就构成了独立主格结构,在句子中作状语。.阅读理解16D推理判断题。两位母亲都给女儿取了Mia这个名字,后来在网上交流时才发现两个女孩长得很像,因此断定两个母亲取名时是无意的,仅是一种巧合。17B细节理解题。从文章第五段中的“The Internet and Web groups.”可知答案。18C细节理解题。文章倒数第二段说科学家还没有女孩亲生父亲或母亲的DNA,因此不能作出确切的判断。19B细节理解题。从第四段Ramirez所说的话可以看出她非常吃惊,但还是相信眼前发生的一切。20A标题归纳题。这两个姐妹分别被两个家庭收养,最终得以团聚。A项最

61、能体现本文的中心。21D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句中的“.dark energy,about 73 percent.”可知,正确答案为D项。原文中的account for与make up同义,表示“占(比例)”。22A细节理解题。通读全文可知,近年来的观察改变了天文学家对于宇宙演变历史的认识,也就是直到最近天文学家才认识到:dark matter(暗物质) 又称为“cold dark matter”,在宇宙早期结构形成的过程中起主导作用。其他选项的陈述都与原文不一致。23C推理判断题。根据第五段第二句话可知,暗物质(dark matter) 在宇宙早期结构形成的过程中起着支配的作用。24A

62、细节推断题。第五段第一句话告诉我们,我们今天的存在应归功于暗物质,即暗物质决定了我们的存在。25C标题归纳题。全文的内容可以概括为:科学家最近认识到暗物质被证明是存在的一种能量,这种能量正影响着整个宇宙的构成,并主宰着宇宙。得分策略面对较难的阅读材料,该如何下手?(二)经典例题The latest research suggests that the key factor separating geniuses from the merely accomplished is not IQ.,a generally bad predictor of success.Instead,its pur

63、poseful practice.Top performers spend more hours practising their craft.If you wanted to picture how a typical genius might develop,youd take a girl who possessed a slightly above average language ability.It wouldnt have to be a big talent,just enough so that she might gain some sense of distinction

64、.Then you would want her to meet,say,a novelist,who coincidentally shared some similar qualities.Maybe the writer was from the same town,had the same family background,or shared the same birthday.This contact would give the girl a vision of her future self.It would give her some idea of a fascinatin

65、g circle she might someday join.Then she would practise writing.Her practice would be slow,painstaking and errorfocused.The primary quality our young writer possesses is not some mysterious genius.Its the ability to develop a purposeful,laborious and boring practice routine.The latest research takes

66、 some of the magic out of great achievement.But it underlines a fact that is often neglected.Public discussion is affected by genetics and what were “hardwired” to do.And its true that genes play a role in our capabilities.But the brain is also very plastic.We construct ourselves through behaviour.7

67、6The passage mainly deals with _.Athe function of IQ.in cultivating a writerBthe relationship between genius and successCthe decisive factor in making a geniusDthe way of gaining some sense of distinction答案解析C该文章相对来说比较难,但是考生如果抓住首段和尾段,就能很快找到答案。因为有关主题思想试题的答案往往会在文章首段或尾段总结时给出,抓住首尾段的内容可以轻松克服阅读材料太难的问题。本文为议论文,结构清晰。首段给出讨论的观点,第二段和第三段列举了一个小女孩如何成为一位有天赋的作家的例子,在末段再次重述成功不仅仅取决于基因遗传,更多在于自身实践改变自我的道理。对于主旨大意题,考生应在了解文章结构后,重点寻找与主旨相关的句子,进行深层阅读,把握住关键词。本文的主题可在文章第一段中的第二、第三、第四句中找到。


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