1、 straw n.str( straws ) 双解释义 U稻草,麦秆the dry stems of plants like wheat C吸管a thin tube of paper or plastic for sucking up liquid S毫无价值的东西,无意义的事情sth of the smallest value 词汇搭配 动词+ care a straw在乎 catchgrasp at a straw抓稻草 draw straws抽签 gather straws收稻草 pick straws拣麦秆 形容词+ the last straw不堪忍受的最后所增加的负担 介词+ m
2、an of straw稻草人,假想的对手 suck lemonade through a straw用吸管吸柠檬水 house thatched with straw茅屋 make bricks without straw做无米之炊 +介词 straw in the wind显示风向舆论的事物 常用短语a straw in the wind征兆,迹象,苗头slight indication of how things may developThese stories of arms build-up along the board are straws in the wind.关于边境一带军事集结的传闻可能是出事的预兆。 句型例句This hat is made of straw.这帽子是草编的。There are a lot of straws in the shed.棚子里有许多稻草。May I have a straw for my drink?给我一根喝饮料的吸管好吗?I dont care a straw for your opinions.我一点都不在乎你有什么看法。 补充资料同义词 hay词源古英语streaw(稻草)