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1、课时作业(三十二)选修6Module 2Fantasy Literature.单项填空1A healthy life is frequently thought to be_with the open countryside and homegrown food.AtiedBrelatedCinvolved Dassociated2Whenever I ask him for help,he doesnt_me,which moves me a lot.Ahesitate helping Bhesitate to helpCbend down to help Ddoubt to help3Th

2、e boy is running impatiently here and there as if_something lost on the sports ground.Ato search BsearchingCsearching for Dto search for4The old man sitting opposite me cleared his throat as if_something.Asaid Bto sayChaving said Dsaying5Dont be so discouraged.If you_such feelings,you will do better

3、 next time.Acarry on Bget backCbreak down Dput away6A real understanding of our friendship is easier to_if we communicate with each other regularly.Aattract BattainCattack Dattach7The old couple_for more man 40 years and never once have they quarreled with each other.Amarried Bhave marriedChave got

4、married Dhave been married8The trapped explorers werent_much hope of survival before the rescue team arrived.Aholding back Bholding onCholding out Dholding up9Its reported that a UFO stopped over a mountain village for a while and then vanished in the direction_it had come.Afrom which Bin whichCof w

5、hich Dby which10Alice didnt notice I was coming,her mind_the work she was doing.Awas totally fixed on Bwas totally fixing onCtotally fixed on Dtotally fixing on11Can you help me with this question,Tom?Sorry,it is beyond my_.Apower BstrengthCforce Denergy12A true friend should be the one who always_y

6、ou up when you are depressed.Acheers BgivesCcalls Dpicks13It may rain,but_I shall go out.I have something important to do.Asomehow BanyhowCsomewhat Dsomeway14As a matter of fact,getting rid of bad habit is_forming a good one.Aan effort much as Bmuch an effort asCas an effort much as Das much an effo

7、rt as15(2011宝鸡一检)Sorry,I broke your wineglass._You didnt mean to.ANever mind. BCertainly not.CWhy not be careful? DDont mention it.完形填空(2011英语周报)It was a very discouraging day.The doctors gave us the worst news.Our daughter was now officially given a two percent chance of_1_as this type of cancer ha

8、d no cure.My wife and I decided to take our daughter to lunchs_2_continuing our afternoon conversations.We went to a local restaurant where we sat in silence waiting for the_3_.Our daughter Molly wouldnt hear of such sadness so she_4_happily while we sat and stared at the floor.I noticed a very elde

9、rly couple sitting a few feet away,too in_5_,never speaking a word.I couldnt help but wonder what_6_they had faced in their life.Molly was enjoying her meal and her mom and I both tired to be_7_in her presence.All of a sudden I saw a huge hand,nearly out of_8_from arthritis (关节炎),come out of nowhere

10、.The hand_9_on my dauthters tiny six yearold hand.I looked up,and it was the old woman who had been_10_with the old man eating their lucnch.She looked at my daughter and simply_11_,“If I could do more for you,I would.” And then she smiled and moved away to_12_her husband who had moved towards the do

11、or.I_13_a “Hey look,a whole dollar.” Molly spoke with_14_as the discovered that the old lady had_15_an old one dollar bill on the back of her hand.I sat surprised,not_16_what had just happened and then I looked over at my wife.The_17_of the day had been wiped out by the ugly hand and_18_touch of an

12、old lady.One does not have to go through life_19_hardships all alone;the world is full of_20_people.Even those that are suffering form their own problems have much to give to each other.1.A.successBfailureCsurvival Ddeath2A.while BafterCbefore Duntil3A.waitressBdoctorCnurseDcouple4A.ate BdancedCsang

13、 Dplayed5A.silence BwonderCdoubt Dsurprise6A.resultsBchallengesCtasksDduties7A.patient BcautiousCproud Dhappy8A.shapeBlandedCtrembledDheld9A.slippedBlandedCtrembledDheld10.A.sittingBchattingCquarrellingDdiscussing11A.commented BshoutedCwhispered Dmentioned12A.join BleaveCtell Dseek13A.saidBheardCrem

14、emberedDrealized14A.angerBexcitementCpuzzlementDfear15A.stolen BpassedCtaken Dplaced16A.skeptical BfamiliarCsure Dcurious17A.pressure BboredomCsadness Dtiredness18A.generous BheavyClight Dannoying19A.causingBfacingCfearingDcontinuing20A.sympatheticBhonestCintelligentDwealthy.阅读理解(2010唐山二模)Has your c

15、hild been living at home since graduating from college?By one astonishing estimate (估计),as many as 80% of 2009 grads,usually jobless,are back at home.You may complain a lot if so.“The trick is finding a balance between your new relationship and guiding your child toward independence,” says Elina Fur

16、man,author of Boomerang Nation.“Parents have to understand they cant hesitate (犹豫),because that will make young adults feel unable to live on their own.” So you should sit down together and set certain rules.Whether its $50 and some housework or simply $300 a month,your child should contribute to th

17、e household.But dont run off on vacation with that money.This could be an opportunity to teach the importance of saving for retirement or life goals.Furman advises investing (投资)your kids rent so he can use it for,say,his first apartment.Too many young adults think that if they cant find a job in th

18、eir chosen career,they dont have to be working.Not true.While your child looks for that dream job,he should earn small wages in fields such as food service or child care.You shouldnt have to monitor his job hunt,but if he isnt getting anywhere,its time to step in.Talk about career moves he may be mi

19、ssing.Consider meeting with a career counselor (职业规划顾问) to help get your child on the right course.Set a cutoff time,because its easy to keep moving out.Fixing a date will encourage your child to find a job.And youll feel a sense of comfort knowing that your child wont live at home forever.“The more

20、 specific you get now,the less likely that conflict will break out later,” Furman says.1What does the passage mainly talk about?AWhat to do when college grads move back home.BWhat to do to make your kids out of home.CHow to help your children on their career path.DHow to get along well with your kid

21、s.2If your child stays too long home after graduation from college,you should_.Ateach him how to save for retirementBbuy him a small apartmentCset a time limit for him to move outDkeep him off smallwage fields3What does “they” in the second paragraph refer to?AParents. BChildren.CAdults. DCompanies.

22、4What should the rent from your child be used for?AYou can spend it on holiday.BYou can pay the career counselor.CYou can keep it for child care.DYou can invest it for the kids housing答案:课时作业(三十二).单项填空1解析:be associated with与有联系,与有关;be tied to联系在一起,依附于;be related to与有关;be involved in与有关联,只有D项符合题意。答案:

23、D2解析:句意为:无论我何时求他帮助,他总是毫不犹豫地帮助我,这让我非常感动。hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事。如选A则要在hesitate之后加上over或about。答案:B3解析:句意为:这个男孩焦急地在操场上到处跑,好像正在寻找丢失的什么东西。search for寻找,search 搜查,故排除A、B,to search for表示“要寻找”,不合题意。答案:C4解析:句意为:坐在我对面的那个老人清了清嗓子,像要说什么似的。由句意可知他还没说,因此用as if动词不定式,表示“好像要做”。as if to say somethingas if he was going

24、to say something。此外,当从句的主语和句子主语一致,从句谓语中又包含动词be时,这个主语和be可以省略。as if doing好像正在;as if done好像被。答案:B5解析:句意为:不要如此泄气,如果你消除这种情绪下次一定会做得更好的。考查动词短语。carry on继续进行,从事;get back回来;break down出故障,垮掉,分解;put away抛弃,放弃,处理掉。答案:D6解析:句意为:如果我们经常交流,我们就不难真正理解我们之间的友谊。attain意为“达到,获得”,符合句意。attract吸引,attack攻击;attach黏贴,附加,依恋,均不符合句意

25、。答案:B7解析:从句中的时间状语for more than 40 years可知此处应用现在完成时,故排除A项;marry和get married均为非延续性动词,只表示“结婚”那一时的行为,而不表示“结婚”后的状态;而be married表示该状态的持续。答案:D8解析:hold out在此处表示“给予希望”;not hold out much hope不抱什么希望。hold back阻挡,隐瞒,控制;hold on坚持,挺住;hold up延迟,阻碍。答案:C9解析:“介词关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句,which指代先行词direction,from which it had come

26、it had come from the direction。in the direction of朝着方向。答案:A10解析:该题前后两个分句之间没有任何连词,因此可判断此处不是并列分句或从属分句,而是独立主格结构。其特征:该结构有自己的逻辑主语(her mind)并且和句子的主语(Alice)不一致。从语法功能上看,它相当于原因状语从句。fix ones mind on意为“把某人的心思放在上”。mind和fix之间是动宾关系,因此C项正确。如果在逗号后面加上because,那么A项正确。答案:C11解析:power意为“力量;能力”。strength意为“体力”;force意为“力,武力

27、”;energy意为“精力,能源”。beyond ones power意为“超出某人的能力;力所不及的”。句意为:“汤姆,你能帮我解决这个问题吗?”“对不起,那个问题是我力所不及的。”答案:A12解析:cheer sb.up意为“使某人高兴/振作起来”。give sb.up意为“放弃某人”;call sb.up意为“给某人打电话”;pick sb.up意为“接某人”。句意为:好朋友应该是在你失意时总是鼓励你的人。答案:A13解析:anyhow意为“无论如何;不管怎样”。somehow与someway同义,表示“以某种方式或途径”;somewhat意为“有点,稍微”。句意为:天可能要下雨,但无论

28、如何我要出门。我有重要的事情要做。答案:B14解析:在as (so).as中,第一个as (so)为副词,后接形容词;第二个as是连词后跟名词或从句,正确的语序是as much an effort as。答案:D15解析:考查交际用语。句意为:很抱歉,我打碎了你的酒杯。不要紧的,你又不是有意的。A项用于应答道歉,安慰对方;B项意为“当然不!”;C项“为什么不小心呢?”显然不礼貌;D项用于应答致谢。答案:A.完形填空语篇解读一只大手,虽然变形丑陋,但当碰触到作者因患癌症将不久于人世的六岁女儿的小手时,给他们夫妇痛苦不堪的内心带来些许慰藉。1解析:从下文this type of cancer ha

29、d no cure可知,作者的女儿得了癌症,而这种病没有办法医治,所以意思是女儿活下来(survival)的可能性很小。答案:C2解析:从下文描述去饭店的情景可知,作者想在他们谈论女儿的病情之前,先带着女儿吃饭。答案:C3解析:根据上文We went to a local restaurant可知,他们来到了餐馆,所以他们在等着服务员(waitress)。答案:A4解析:由下文Our daughter Molly wouldnt hear of such sadness可知,作者的女儿听不到大人们谈论病情,所以她很高兴地自己玩(played)。答案:D5解析:从后面的never speakin

30、g a word可知,这两位老人也保持着沉默(silence)。答案:A6解析:根据下文they had faced in their life可知,作者看到这两位老人保持着沉默,所以猜测他们生活中是否也面临着什么挑战,遇到了什么不幸的事情。答案:B7解析:从后面的in her presence可知,作者当着孩子的面尽力保持着高兴的样子,免得给孩子带来痛苦。答案:D8解析:从后面的from arthritis可推知,此处意思是几乎“变形(out of shape)”。答案:A9解析:land一词在这里表示老妇人把手放在作者女儿的小手之上,与后面的把钱留在手上呼应。答案:B10解析:结合前面的I

31、 noticed a very elderly couple sitting a few feet away可知选A。答案:A11解析:结合上下文描述的情形可看出,只有whisper (耳语)符合语境。答案:C12解析:从后半句话her husband who had moved towards the door可知,老妇人和她的丈夫用完餐走了。join sb.和某人一起。答案:A13解析:从下文Molly spoke with.可知,作者听到女儿说“嗨,瞧!一元钱!”答案:B14解析:从上文的Hey look,a whole dollar可知,作者的女儿看到了手中的儿,所以她兴奋地(exci

32、tement)叫了起来。答案:B15解析:老妇人在作者的女儿的手背上放下(placed)一张钞票。答案:D16解析:从I sat surprised可知,作者对刚才发生的事还不确定(sure)。答案:C17解析:从第一段的第一句话It had been a very discouraging day可知,这一天是很悲伤的日子,而由于这位老妇人的关爱使得悲伤一扫而光。答案:C18解析:老妇人虽然自己生活困窘,遭遇疾病折磨的不幸,可是还能伸出援助之手,表示同情。钱数虽然很小,但却是很慷慨的(generous)。答案:A19解析:作者从老妇人的举动中感悟到,一个人不必独自面对(facing)人生中的

33、不幸。答案:B20解析:从下文Even those that are suffering from their own sufferings have much to give to each other可知,作者认为世界上有很多富有同情心的人们。答案:A.阅读理解1解析:主旨大意题。文章开头指出许多毕业生找不到工作,回到了家中,点明了本文所要讨论的主题,接着下文提出了建议,所以此项最能概括全文。答案:A2解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知如果孩子大学毕业后在家中待得时间过长,就应该给他一个搬出去的期限,进而激励他外出找工作。答案:C3解析:推理判断题。根据本句后半部分中的内容可知父母必须明白“他们自己”不能犹豫,否则会让孩子感觉无法独立生活。答案:A4解析:细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句话的内容可知可将它用作孩子住房的投资。答案:D


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