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2012《金版新学案》高三一轮(人教版)英语【安徽专版】(课时作业):选修8:UNIT 4 PYGMALION课时作业39.doc

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2012《金版新学案》高三一轮(人教版)英语【安徽专版】(课时作业):选修8:UNIT 4 PYGMALION课时作业39.doc_第1页
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2012《金版新学案》高三一轮(人教版)英语【安徽专版】(课时作业):选修8:UNIT 4 PYGMALION课时作业39.doc_第2页
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2012《金版新学案》高三一轮(人教版)英语【安徽专版】(课时作业):选修8:UNIT 4 PYGMALION课时作业39.doc_第3页
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2012《金版新学案》高三一轮(人教版)英语【安徽专版】(课时作业):选修8:UNIT 4 PYGMALION课时作业39.doc_第4页
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2012《金版新学案》高三一轮(人教版)英语【安徽专版】(课时作业):选修8:UNIT 4 PYGMALION课时作业39.doc_第5页
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1、课时作业(三十九)选修8Unit 4Pygmalion.单项填空1Dont always think you yourself are_to the others;in fact you are just an ordinary person.AinferiorBsuperiorCsensitive Dsensible2(2011湖州模拟)Did you know that Tom got an A in the exam?Yes,but he must have cheated in the exam,if Im not_.Aappropriate BstraightforwardCharm

2、ful Dmistaken3You have made a few spelling mistakes in your composition,but_,it is fairly good.Aon the whole Bgenerally speakingCabove all Don one hand4(2011台州模拟)It was in Beijing that I made the_of Professor Chen,who has a good sense of humor.Aacknowledgement BrecognitionCacquaintance Dassociation5

3、Encourage your children to reach a(n)_between what he wants and what you want.Aachievement BappointmentCcompromise Dadaptation6(2010安徽卷)_,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.AShy and cautious BSensitive and thoughtfulCHonest and confident DLighthearted and optimis

4、tic7A good many things in the world cannot be considered and valued_money.Ain terms of Bin short ofCin charge of Din case of8The woman_her necklace in the street,had nothing to do but turn to the police for help.Arobbing from Brobbed fromCrobbing of Drobbed of9There is some person calling himself Mr

5、 Wang at the door asking to see you.Shall I_him_?Aleave;out Bshow;aroundCshow;in Dsee;off10I am working on_screen adaptation of my latest science fiction.You can dream of making_fortune out of it.Aa;/ Ba;aCthe;the Da;the11_as the problem is,John is determined to solve it,even if he has to stay up al

6、l night.AImportant BControversialCTroublesome DCompulsory12I agreed with most of what he said at the beginning of the speech but not with his closing_.Amarks BreformsCrepetitions Dremarks13Dont_ your friends trust or you will lose friendship.What you said is right.Asatisfy BexciteCwitness Dbetray14T

7、he media strongly_the drunken drivers for their behaviors.He deserved to be punished.Ainspected BcondemnedCcalculated Dpraised15Like the stars in the sky,a superstar,no matter how famous he is,will_from sight as time passes.Afade BfleeCpause Dhide.完形填空(2011辽宁四校联考)The story Im going to tell truly hap

8、pened in my life.The other day,I met a man outside the gym who_1_a movie star.He was handsome and smiling.His upper body was muscular and he_2_to be on top of the world.“How are you?” I_3_with a smile.“Im doing really well,” he replied in a cheerful voice.His enthusiasm and big smile_4_the parking g

9、arage._5_as he walked up,I_6_his long legs were thin and I saw he had a silver cane(手杖)“Why do you need that cane?” I couldnt_7_thinking he had a minor injury.“I have MS (多发性硬化病),”he answered in a_8_voice too,as his broad smile_9_left his face.Multiple Sclerosis is a very serious disease and often p

10、ainful.I looked at him from my little red sports car and said,“You_10_it very well.You seem like a happy man_11_MS.” Without losing a bit of his smile he replied,“ I am a happy man,” and then added,“Id be even happier if I had that sports_12_.”It was ironic (讽刺的)Just_13_we spoke,Id been sitting in t

11、hat little sports car,feeling sad about my painful shoulder over the last 11 months although I was_14_after an operation.Heres a man with a_15_far tougher than mine,but his positive attitude made him feel no_16_happiness.He went on with his enjoyment of life as usual,which moved me deeply.It was als

12、o a wonderful reminder of that old_17_,“I cried because I had no shoes.Then I met a man who had no feet.”_18_your problems,just keep in_19_that none of us goes through life_20_and like the man with MS,make the most of what you have.Count your blessings.1.A.stared atBtalked aboutCagreed withDlooked l

13、ike2A.conductedBappearedCperformedDpretended3A.questioned BadvisedCcomplainedDgreeted4A.lit up Bput upCheld up Dkept up5A.So BAnd CBut DThough6A.diagnosed BnoticedCexamined Dchecked7A.want Bset Cwait Dhelp8.A.cheerfulBsad Clow Dpainful9A.sometimesBregularlyCneverDalways10A.need BhandleCdemand Ddeal1

14、1A.in spite ofBin return forCthanks toDbut for12A.training Bcoach Ccoat Dcar13A.when BuntilCbefore Dsince14A.recoveringBsuffering CrepairingDbenefiting15A.directionBlocationCsituationDposition16A.fewer BlessCfurther Dmore17A.story Bnews Csaying Dlesson18A.WhateverBHoweverCWhicheverDWhenever19A.head

15、BbrainCheart Dmind20A.completely BeasilyChardly Dlightly.阅读理解(2011安徽芜湖市高三模拟)Few people would question the value of taking part in sports for young people.With proper training,supervision,protective equipment and techniques,and a proper emphasis on winning,sports can develop a healthy body and spirit

16、 and a lifelong interest in being active and fit.Without such measures,childhood sports can lead to injuries and even paralysis or death.Even in the best conditions,no activity can be riskfree.But most serious hazards are preventable.Cyclists and football players can reduce their risks by wearing he

17、lmets;hockey players by wearing masks;basketball and tennis players by wearing eye guards;baseball players by wearing batting helmets.Besides,risks to individual players can often be found,and thus prevented,through a properly performed medical exam before a child plays.For accidents that may not be

18、 preventable,having an emergency plan and firstaid equipment,and someone trained to use the equipment,can be lifesaving.Still,each year,according to the American College of Sports Medicine,more than 775,000 children under 14 are treated in emergency rooms for sports injuries,nearly half of them prev

19、entable.An estimated 300,000 athletes experience exerciserelated head illnesses each year,and almost all of them should have been avoided.Further,from half to threefourths of sportsrelated concussions (脑震荡) are never even diagnosed;the injured are often sent back to play too soon and put at risk of

20、another more serious braindamaging concussion.To help reduce these risks,the National Center for Sports Safety,with the National Athletic Trainers Association,offers a threehour online safety course for coaches for $28 at www.SportsSafety.org.1Which of the following is true according to the passage?

21、A. All the accidents can not be prevented.BAll the accidents can be prevented.CLives can be saved so long as there is proper equipment.DLives cannot be saved even if there is proper equipment.2What does the underlined word “hazards” (in Paragraph 2) mean?AMistakes. BDiseases.CDangers. DSituations.3I

22、t is implied in the passage that_.Aprevention of injuries is not paid enough attention toBchildren under 14 are more easily hurt in sportsCmost head illnesses are related with exerciseDnone of the head illnesses should have happened4What can coaches mainly learn from the online safety course?AHow to cure braindamaging concussion.BHow to diagnose braindamaging concussion.CHow to predict the possibility of brain damage.DHow to deal with the injured properdy.精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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