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上海市奉贤区2020-2021学年高一第一学期期中调研测试英语试题 WORD版含答案.docx

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1、2020学年奉贤区调研测试高一英语试卷(2020.11)(完卷时间120分钟,满分150分). Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only

2、 once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 10:00.B. 10:10.C. 10:20.D. 10:30.2. A. Go to the office.B. Keep callingC. Try online booking.D. See a doctor3. A.

3、 On a bus.B. In a swimming pool.C. In an English class.D. In sporting goods store.4. A. He doesnt want to watch TV tonight.B. He prefers to watch the baseball game.C. Hed rather see the movie in the cinema.D. He hasnt decided what to watch tonight.5. A. Cook and baker.B. Waitress and diner.C. Patien

4、t and dentist.D. Tailor and customer.6. A. The woman is a kind-hearted teacher.B. The woman is worried about her students.C. The man always has excuses for being late.D. The mans alarm clock didnt work that morning.7. A. He found it unbelievable.B. He was not surprised about it.C. He was proud of it

5、.D. He found the truth unacceptable.8. A. She allows him to sit down.B. Shell mind if he sits down.C. She doesnt want the man to sit with her.D. It doesnt matter whether he sits down or not.9. A. Draw a picture.B. Open the window.C. Look at somebodyD. Take a photo with the camera.10. A. Ask Mary whe

6、re the bookshelf is.B. Lend Mary some reference materials.C. Ask Mary if she has an extra bookshelf.D. Check through the books on Marys shelf.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and a longer conversation and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages

7、and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on t

8、he following passage.11. A. They sold their old house.B. They built new place for van. C. They sold their second car.D. They moved to their grandparents house.12. A. A family with a baby.B. A family with much money.C. family with an interest in vans.D. A family with more than two children.13. A. Som

9、e people think motor homes are cheap.B. Big families can put more things in motor homes.C. They enable a family to have a happier holiday together.D. They can take people to another city when people are free.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. The face of every person h

10、e met.B. The number of each shop he entered.C. The face of each shop he passed by.D. The name of each shop he passed by.15. A. They do not work hard enough.B. They do not have good memories.C. They are too busy to spend enough time on it.D. They do not hear the language as often as they hear their m

11、other tongue.16. A. People differ a lot in their memories.B. A wonderful memory is the common thing all the great me.C. The earlier one starts to learn a foreign language, the better the result will be.D. We need to do a lot of work before we keep something forever in our minds.Questions 17 through

12、20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. On September 1st.B. On September 3rd.C. On September 5th.D. Not mentioned.18. A. Its management.B. Its service.C. Its selections of stores.D. The taste of its coffee.19. A. To do more research.B. To accept the fact.C. To leave out some figures.D. To

13、change a new topic.20. A. To ask for help.B. To know the deadline.C. To make an appointment.D. To argue for better score. VocabularyDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. suitableB.

14、unfortunatelyC. worsenD. affordE. riskF. expensiveG. ideallyH. provideI. solutionJ. remainK. concernIn recent weeks, many parents have realized the difficult truth about school this fall because of COVID-19. Hoping for a better 21 , parents around U.S. have started organizing “pandemic (流行病) pods”,

15、or home schooling pods, for the fall, in which groups of 3 to 10 students learn together in homes under the guidance of the childrens parents or a hired teacher.For parents who can organize and 22 them, pods seem like an easy choice. “I dont believe that the online courses for that age group are 23

16、. Kids at this age really need that multimodal sensory learning (多模式感官学习).” one parent said.These pods could 24 families with a schooling choice that feels safeyet also allows kids to have fun and build social skills. However, it also has unavoidable shortcomings.Depending on how the pods are set up

17、, they may offer parents break. But given that pods can be 25 , complicated to organize and self-selecting, it is possible that they are most popular among wealthy families, experts say, and may 26 educational inequality.Another 27 about pods is that families may not know how to minimize Covid risks

18、. Pods shouldnt have more than five kids 28 , said Saskia Popescu, an infection prevention expert. When you add together the teacher and all of the kids family members, a seemingly small pod ends up including dozens of people, and the more people in it, the greater the 29 for coronavirus exposure (接

19、触). Furthermore, families in learning pods shouldnt socialize with people outside the pod unless they wear masks and 30 socially distant, Dr. Popescu said. Pods should have clear rules on wearing masks and washing hands. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passa

20、ge there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Should you listen to music when you work?Do you like to listen to music when you work?Ask this question at a party, and youll probably get 31 responses. Some will say they l

21、ove it, claiming that it improves their performance; others will say they find it distracting (分散注意力的) and cannot work 32 with music playing in the background.Interestingly enough, our research has found that both of these viewpoints can be true. It just 33 on what sort of work youre doing.In a rece

22、nt study, we brought participants into our lab to perform a variety of tasks. They included a(n) 34 task-searching through word lists and crossing out words containing the letter “a” and a more difficult taskmemorizing word pairs and 35 word to its partner. Some participants completed all of the tas

23、ks in silence, 36 others completed the tasks with instrumental music that was cither loud or soft, and either simple or complex, the latter meaning music with more instruments being played. Several key findings 37 from our study.We found that participants who listened to simple music or no music per

24、formed about the same on the easy task. However, participants who listened to 38 music performed best on the easy taskOn the contrary, participants performed worse on the more difficult task when they listened to any music, regardless of complexity or volume, compared to those who didnt listen to an

25、y music.How should we 39 these findings?We suggest that people have limited mental resources from which both 40 and tasks can draw. We can become 41 and our minds may wander when these resources are not fully used. But we also can become over-excited and 42 when these resources are used up.Not surpr

26、isingly, we typically need to use fewer of our mental resources when we perform easy tasks, whereas demanding tasks require more brainpower. However, because we might be less 43 during easier tasks, theres a greater risk of drifting off. Music might give us the extra 44 we need to overcome the monot

27、ony (单调). However, difficult tasks already demand lot of our resources. Listening to music can become too much.So best 45 should appear when we strike “sweet spot,” which may depend on the type of music and the type of task.31. A. fixedB. similarC. variousD. positive32. A. effectivelyB. immediatelyC

28、. exactlyD. happily33. A. dependsB. focusesC. carriesD. takes34. A. unpleasantB. familiarC. impossibleD. easy35. A. matchingB. realizingC. suggestingD. creating36. A. untilB. whileC. sinceD. when37. A. fadedB. appearedC. survivedD. responded38. A. dullB. reliableC. necessaryD. complex39. A. make up

29、forB. make outC. make use ofD. make up40. A. musicB. workC. studyD. culture41. A. surprisedB. boredC. afraidD. proud42. A. interestedB. distractedC. attractedD. worried43. A. disgustedB. embarrassedC. frightenedD. engaged44. A. obstacleB. pushC. opportunityD. rule45. A. actionB. programC. performanc

30、eD. problemSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

31、(A)Our youngest daughter can be stubborn about receiving gifts, and I told her so.“Where do you think I get it from?” she asked.“Im not stubborn when it comes to receiving gifts,” I said. “I used to be but not now.”She has a birthday coming up and we want to get her some new cowboy boots.Cowboy boot

32、s arent cheap, but we want to do something special and get her something she could use and enjoy for years to come.But my daughter is pushing back, saying shes happy with her current boots-which are old and worn-out.I push back, she pushes back, and we become locked in a mother-daughter match over s

33、tubbornness and how much is too much to spend on a special gift.She thinks my husband and I do too much for her. I used to think the same thing about my parentsmy parents werent rich, but they were generous.They kept saying they enjoyed giving me gifts, but all I could think about was how much money

34、 they were wasting on me.Years ago, I mentioned to a friend that I thought my mother overdid it when it came to buying gifts for her children.My friend, closer to my mothers age than mine, looked at me and said, “Who are you to tell your mother what she can do?”I wanted to argue with her, but I didn

35、t. I didnt fully understand it then but I understand it nownow that Im a grandmother myself.The longer you live, the more you see how often things go wrong.Marriages fail, friendships break down family members become estranged, and accidents and illnesses cut lives short.There is a brokenness that f

36、ills many of our lives.So, when you see life going well, families working hard and growing strong, you want to celebrate.It took a lot of time for me to understand that giving is an expression of joy, as much as it is an expression of love, understand where my daughter is coming from, but I also und

37、erstand where my parents were coming froma place of pure and simple joy celebrating those moments when life goes well.46. Why did the authors daughter try to refuse her moms gift?A. She had many boots to wear.B. She wanted something else for her birthday.C. She didnt like the style of the boots.D. S

38、he didnt want her mom to spend too much money.47. The author began to understand her parents behavior after she _.A. listened to her friends adviceB. experienced brokenness in lifeC communicated with her husbandD received gifts from other family members48. The underlined word “estranged” most probab

39、ly means “_”.A. lonelyB. distantC. joyfulD. complete49. What does the author think about gift giving?A. It is the best way to express our love to others.B. It is an expression of hope for the future.C. It is a way to show our joy when life is going well.D. It is a way for people to escape bad things

40、 in life. (B)For years, the Empire State Building in New York was recognized as the tallest building in the world, but in recent decades, many much higher structures have been built. Read on to learn more about four of the tallest skyscrapers existing today. Buri KhalifaBuri Khalifa in Dubai, United

41、 Arab Emirates, is currently the tallest building in the world. The tower is part of a new development built on a man-made lake. Burj Khalifa has a distinctive shape so that the windows look out onto the Persian Gulf. A 304-room hotel occupies the lower floors and there is an observation deck on the

42、 124th floor. The top floor is home to a private VIP club, closed to anyone except members. Shanghai World Financial CentreThis skyscraper has the highest observation deck in the world, although the building itself is no longer the tallest. Construction stopped between 1998 and 2003 because of the A

43、sian financial crisis, but it was eventually finished in 2008. The most distinctive feature in its design is the geometric opening at the top of the tower. International Commerce CentreThis skyscraper in Hong Kong stands on top of Kowloon Station, which gave its name to the original proposal for the

44、 building. The tower is not as high as in earlier plans because of regulations that prevented buildings from being taller than the surrounding mountains. A five-star hotel occupies the upper fifteen floors of the building. There is an observation deck on the 100th floor and a number of five-star res

45、taurants on the 101st floor. Petronas TowerThese towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, are the tallest twin buildings in the world. They were built on the site of the citys horse-racing tracking and an exclusive shopping centre is located at the base. The towers are connected by a sky bridge on the 41st

46、 and 42nd floors, which is the highest two-storey bridge in the world. It is open to the public, but only a limited number of free tickets are given out each day, and visitors are allowed no more than ten minutes on the bridge.50. In which two buildings can you book a room?A. Buri Khalifa and Shangh

47、ai World Financial Centre.B. International Commerce Centre and Petronas Towers.C. Burj Khalifa and International Commerce Centre.D. Petronas Towers and Burj Khalifa.51. _ is/are shorter than it/they was/were designed to be.A. Burj KhalifaB. Shanghai World Financial CentreC. Petronas TowersD. Interna

48、tional Commerce Centre52. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?A. Shanghai World Financial Centre took longer to complete than planned.B. Visitors have to pay to stay on the two-storey bridge in Petronas Towers.C. International Commerce Centre is named after its invest

49、or.D. The top floor of Buri Khalifa is accessible to everyone.(C)Are we getting more stupid? According to Gerald Crabtree, a scientist at Stanford University in the US, we are.You may not want to hear this, but Crabtree believes that human intelligence reached its peak more than 2,000 years ago and

50、ever since then has been going downhill. “If an average Greek from 1,000 BC were transported to modern times, he or she would be one of the brightest among us,” Crabtree told The Guardian.At the heart of Crabtrees thinking is a simple idea. In the past, intelligence was critical for survival when ou

51、r ancestors had to avoid dangerous animals and hunt for food. The difference of being smart or stupid is often life or death. However, after the spread of agriculture when our ancestors began to live in dense farming communities, the need to keep their intelligence in peak-condition gradually reduce

52、d.This is not hard to understand. Most of the time, pressure is what keeps us goingyou need the pressure from your teachers to finish your homework the pressure of looking pretty encourages you to lose weight when summer comes. And the same is also true of our intelligence-if we think less, we becom

53、e less smart.These mutations (变异) are harmful to our intelligence and they were all developed in the past 3,000 years. The other evidence that Crabtree holds is in our genes. He found that among the 2,000 to 5,000 genes that we have that determine human intelligence, there are two or more mutations

54、in each of us.However, Crabtrees theory has been criticized by some who say that early humans may have better hunting and surviving abilities, but people today have developed more diverse intelligence. For example, spearing (用矛刺) a tiger doesnt necessarily require more brainpower than playing chess

55、or writing a poem. Moreover, the power of modem education means lot more people have the opportunity to learn nowadays.“You wouldnt get Stephen Hawking 2,000 years ago. He just wouldnt exist,” Thomas Hills of the University of Warwick, UK, told Live Science. “But now we have people of his intellectu

56、al capacity doing things and making insights (洞察力) that we would never have achieved in our environment of evolutionary adaptation (进化适应).”53. What is Crabtrees recent finding according to the article?A. The Greeks from 1,000 BC could have been the smartest in human history.B. Our ancient ancestors

57、had no better surviving abilities than we do nowadays.C. Mutations in genes that decide human intelligence have affected the development of intelligence.D. Humans have been getting steadily more intelligent since the invention of farming.54. According to Crabtree, ancient humans _.A. had much more g

58、enes that determine human IntelligenceB. were forced to be smart due to natural selection pressuresC. relied more on group intelligence than individual intelligenceD. developed a diverse intelligence to adapt to the hard realities55. Some argue that Crabtrees theory is false because they think _.A.

59、people today are under much more pressure than early humansB. its unreasonable to compare hunters and a poets intelligenceC. modern education is far more advanced than ancient educationD. human intelligence nowadays is different from that of the distant past56. What is Thomas Hills attitude toward C

60、rabtrees theory?A. He is for Crabtrees theory.B. He is against Crabtrees theory.C. He is worried about Crabtrees theory.D. He is confused about Crabtrees theory.Section CDirections: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that ther

61、e are two more sentences than you need.A. The uncertainty about the product has undoubtedly sales of these dolls.B. Designer dolls satisfy the spiritual needs of young Chinese consumers.C. She can hardly wait to open the box and is excited to discover inside limited-edition (限量版) Molly doll.D. Howev

62、er, it will definitely give the pleasure you want, and enjoy collecting it.E. The small toys fit in the palm of your hand and come dressed in cute costumes.F. Have you ever wondered why people build a collection of things?Designer Dolls Become Desirable CollectablesKan Hui, senior stage set designer

63、 based in Beijing, stands in front of vending machine (自动售货机) in a shopping center. She feeds in the money and a paper box rolls out. 57 Dolls are not just toys for little girls any more. They have become desirable collectables for many young Chinese under the age of thirty.Molly, a little girl with

64、 curly hair, wide eyes and pouting lips, is one of the best-selling dolls in China. Each Molly sells for 59 yuan and there are over one hundred editions of the doll in different series. For doll fans, it is an affordable way to build an “art” collection.In fact, what has made collecting designer dol

65、ls a new phenomenon is the concept of a “blind box”. As the name implies, consumers have no idea which specific doll from a series they will get until they open the box. 58 Over 400 million Molly dolls are reported to have been sold throughout the country last year! 59 Psychologists say that collect

66、ors are trying to bring some order and meaning to their lives. That may be true, but I think they do it just because it is fun and sometimes educational. I have a friend who collects beer bottles. He does not recycle them for money. Instead, he has them lined up in neat rows on shelves, and over 200

67、 of them are from more than 30 different countriesa good way to learn about geography.Collecting Molly dolls is probably fad (一时的风尚) that will be replaced by another one eventually. 60 . Blank-fillingSection ADirections: Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in the brackets.61. It is

68、the third time I _ (remind) you of the promise you made.62. By the time my parents came back, I _ (read) half of the novel.63. The more you practice, the better you _ (master) the language.64. The sun _ (shine) brightly when we climbed to the top of the hill.65. Are you having a great time learning

69、English? We hope so! But if at first you dont succeed, _ (give) yourself a second chance!66. Mr. Jones told me that when he was young, he _ (work) in this field for several years, which led to his later success.67. As a result of the earthquake, many people _ (leave) homeless.68. The crazy fans _ (w

70、ait) patiently for two hours, and they will wait till the movie star arrives.69. It _ (not be) long before that young man meets me again.70. They said the work _ (finish) in ten days.71. I _ (walk) along a busy road when I noticed a young man selling toys and then I stopped to buy one.72. At last, m

71、y brother was admitted into an international company offering a tempting salary and _ (go) to work with great joy.73. When travelling. I think taking all the possible factors into consideration _ (benefit) the travelers a lot.74. So far, much _ (do) to meet the reasonable demands of patients for hea

72、lth care and improve the overall development of hospitals.75. In the 1950s in the USA, most families had just one phone at home, and wireless phones _ (not invent) yet76. In two days, it will be Christmas. Children all over the country _ (look) forward to this day for weeks.77. Look, the new bridge

73、_ (build) over there! It will be open to traffic soon.78. If city noises _ (not keep) from increasing, people will have to shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.Section BDirection: Fill in the blanks with proper phrases in the box. Each phrase can only be used once. Change the

74、 form where necessary. Note that there is one phrase more than you need.be related towithout doubtdream ofbe torn betweenturn outhold.backset foot onhave a saytear ones eyes away from79. He _ always _ being admitted into-a famous university.80. When many tourists _ the old town again, they are at a

75、loss why it is not as charming as it used to be.81. At the beginning of this term, our class teacher told us that we _ in how to organize all the class activities.82. According to the doctor, the police were looking for the clues and medicines that could _ the death of the person who met with the ac

76、cident.83. Students should be encouraged to take part in all kinds of social activities, _, which will lay a solid foundation for their success in the future career.84. After repeated experiments, your idea finally _ to be right.85. Before the coronavirus outbreak, I _ going abroad for further study

77、 and hunting for a job.86. The toys on the shelves were so smart that the children could not _ them. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.87. 阻止环境污染是我们的职责。(prevent)88. 出门前确保带好口罩。(make sure)89. 国外回来,家乡的巨大变化让他非常惊讶。(amaze)90. 如果你走在

78、英国的乡村,沿路你时不时会发现成堆的石头。(likely)91. 当我第一次来到杭州的时候,我被西湖的美和这个市的许多旅游景点所吸引。(the first time)92. 这个年轻的运动员如此有决心要打破世界纪录,最终尽管有许多困难,还是赢得了金。(determine). Guided Writing (15分)Directions: Write an English letter in 80-100 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你是吴英,方明是你的初中好友,他现在就读于市区的一所名牌高中。上周,你收到他的来信,你能感受到他面临全新高中生活的焦虑。请你回一封信给他,并提一些合理的建议。(信中不能出现学校名字等)Dear Fang Ming,_YoursWu Ying


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