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1、1(2011山东淄博模拟)The headmaster will_a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.Adeliver BaddressCannounce Ddeclare解析:句意为:今天下午校长将要对来访的外宾发表讲话。deliver 发表,deliver a speech 发表演讲。address sb.对某人讲话,对某人发表演说;announce 宣布,通告;declare 宣告,声明。答案:A2(2011东北三校模拟)I think I should wear a dress instead of this j

2、eans.Its just a small informal party,so you dont have to_.Awarm up Bput upCdress up Dkeep up解析:句意为:我觉得我应该穿礼服不能穿牛仔服。这只是一个不太正式的小聚会,因此,你不必刻意打扮。dress up 穿上特殊服装,乔装,化妆。答案:C3(2011山东临沂)If you keep practising your son in football,he _to make a famous player.Awants BhopesCpromises Dwishes解析:句意为:如果你坚持对你儿子进行足球训

3、练,他有希望成为一个著名的球员。promise 有前途,有的可能。答案:C4(2011山东烟台模拟)Newlydeveloped materials for spaceships can_extreme weather conditions.Ahold BsupportCstand Dcompete解析:句意为:新研发的航空材料能经受极端天气条件的考验。stand 抵抗,抵御,经受,符合语境。答案:C5(2011杭州模拟)Everyone in the village hoped that he would_after a few days treatment.Apick up Bcome u

4、pCkeep up Dmake up解析:句意为:村里的每一个人都希望他能在几天的治疗后康复。pick up 好转,恢复;come up 走上前来,发芽,发生;keep up 保持;make up 编造,弥补,化装,构成。答案:A6(2011山东枣庄调研)He didnt _what I said because his mind was on something else.Ahold on Bhang onCtake in Dget over解析:句意为:他没有理解我说的话,因为他刚才想别的呢。take in理解,领会;hold on 不挂断;hang on 坚持,不挂断,靠着,渴望;get

5、 over 爬过,克服,熬过,恢复。答案:C7(20103月济南模拟)Stella was disappointed to find her new plan_and fell into great depression.Aput away Bcarried outCturned down Dleft out解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:Stella 看到她的计划被拒绝非常失望,难以振作。put away 收起来,放好;carry out 完成;turn down 拒绝;leave out 漏掉,忽略。答案:C8(20104月济南模拟)What the young man cant_is t

6、hat his mum always treats him like a baby.Asupport BundertakeChold Dbear解析:考查动词辨析。bear 此处表示“忍受”;support 表示“支持”;undertake 表示“从事”;hold 则表示“容纳”。根据语意“那个年轻人无法容忍的是”,选D项。答案:D9(20104月济南模拟)Internet shopping is really_when people are sure of its safety.Ataking off Btaking upCsetting off Dsetting up解析:考查动词词组辨析

7、。句意为:当人们确认了它的安全性之后,网络购物真的迅速流行起来。take off 表示“迅速流行”;take up 表示“从事,占据”;set off 表示“出发”;set up 表示“建造,建立”。根据语意选A项。答案:A10(2011黑龙江检测)The girl nodded with a smile as if she had _his mind.Aread BfoundCwatched Dnoticed解析:考查动词词义辨析。read ones mind 是固定搭配,表示“读懂某人的心思”。答案:A11(2011福建龙岩检测)She is working hard all day lo

8、ng,which will surely_her success in her future work.Aresult from Bcontribute toCbenefit from Dstick to解析:考查动词词组辨析。语意表示“她整天努力工作,这肯定会有助于她未来工作的成功”。这里contribute to 表示“导致,有助于”;result from 表示“因发生”;benefit from表示“从中获益”;stick to 则表示“坚持”。根据句意,选B项。答案:B12(20103月济南模拟)Thanks to the success of the business,we can

9、_a flat this year.Amake BdevoteCremove Dafford解析:考查动词辨析。句意为:由于生意很好,今年我们能买得起房子了。afford 买得起,负担得起。答案:D13(2010黑龙江检测)I didnt like the soap opera at first,but when I started watching one,I immediately became _it.Aaccustomed to Baddicted toCopposed to Dallergic to解析:考查动词词组辨析。句意为:我起初不喜欢肥皂剧,但看了一个后我马上就上瘾了。这里用

10、become addicted to 表示“对上瘾/入迷”;become accustomed to 表示“习惯于”;become opposed to 表示“反对”;become allergic to 则表示“对过敏”。根据语意选B项。答案:B14(2010海南五校联考)Have you been_?Yeah.As a matter of fact,Ive been going to the gym for half a year now.Acarrying out Bturning outCmaking out Dworking out解析:考查动词短语。你一直健身吗?是的,事实上,我去

11、健身房已有半年了。work out 有“(定期)锻炼,健身”的意思,符合题意。make out 应付,过;carry out 实施,执行;turn out 出席,在场。答案:D15(2010南京第三次模拟)The idea of travelling abroad really_a lot of Chinese people.Thats why every year witnesses more people applying for passports.Atakes to Bcaters toCattends to Dappeals to解析:本题考查动词短语。根据题中的后一句可知,出国游吸引了很多中国人,因此选择appeal to(吸引)。cater to迎合,满足某人的要求;attend to 照看,处理;take to 开始喜欢。答案:D


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