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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业:第一部分专题增分练 课时12 短文改错(二)——句法和行文逻辑错误 .DOC

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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业:第一部分专题增分练 课时12 短文改错(二)——句法和行文逻辑错误 .DOC_第1页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业:第一部分专题增分练 课时12 短文改错(二)——句法和行文逻辑错误 .DOC_第2页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业:第一部分专题增分练 课时12 短文改错(二)——句法和行文逻辑错误 .DOC_第3页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业:第一部分专题增分练 课时12 短文改错(二)——句法和行文逻辑错误 .DOC_第4页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业:第一部分专题增分练 课时12 短文改错(二)——句法和行文逻辑错误 .DOC_第5页
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《优化探究》2017届高三英语高考二轮复习课时作业:第一部分专题增分练 课时12 短文改错(二)——句法和行文逻辑错误 .DOC_第6页
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1、规范练(十二) .阅读理解ATodays modern life discourages people from taking time to prepare their own meals. Eating in the car and grabbing a quick bite in a restaurant are ever more popular ways of dining. It takes a little extra effort and time to cook your own food, but its a worthwhile pursuit (追求) that can

2、 benefit your health, wallet and family.People across the country are waking up to the fact that the food offered by most fast food restaurants isnt particularly healthy. While these restaurants have made attempts lately to add healthier meals to their menus, its still a_far_cry_from a dish cooked w

3、ith fresh ingredients and personal care.Nutritionists who study what is called “the French paradox”meaning the fact that French people have low obesity rates despite their diet containing lots of “unhealthy” ingredients such as eggs and butterpartially account for this circumstance by the fact that

4、many French people use fresh ingredients. Taking time to eat at a leisurely pace also helps you get better nutrition and you are less likely to pack on the pounds.Even a quick meal will usually cost at least five dollars per person at a restaurant. Compare this to the amount of pasta, vegetables or

5、meat available for the same amount at your grocer, and it quickly becomes apparent that the cost of eating out adds up.Experimenting with new ingredients or foreign recipes will encourage children to try new foods and learn about dishes from around the world. Many couples also find that preparing a

6、meal together can be a romantic experience equal to dinner in a classy, lowlit restaurant. Make sure to spend mealtimes talking and sharing events from the day and you may find its a great way to get to know your family better.语篇解读本文是说明文,主要讲述的是在家做饭的一些好处。1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?A.Fast fo

7、od does great harm to people.B.More people prefer dining out today.C.Therere different reasons for dining out.D.Many people still approve of cooking at home.解析:考查推理判断。从第一段可知,现代生活节奏加快,人们多选择在外就餐,而在家做饭虽然费时费力,但却值得去做,因为这有许多好处。由此可以推断出,人们在家做饭不像以往那么普遍了,即外出就餐的人数增多。答案:B2.The underlined phrase “a far cry from”

8、 in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “_”.A.different fromB.absent fromC.equal to D.superior to解析:考查词义猜测。从第二段的内容可知,虽然饭店努力往菜单上增加健康食品,但这依然不同于在家做饭,因为后者可以使用新鲜食材,而且可以精心烹饪,所以a far cry from的意思是“与大不相同”。同A项含义接近。答案:A3.Why is “the French paradox” referred to in the passage?A.To show the French diet is fairly deli

9、cious.B.To illustrate the French have a healthy diet.C.To stress the importance of using fresh food ingredients.D.To prove the French diet makes people fat easily.解析:考查推理判断。从第三段第一句可知,虽然法国人的饮食中含有大量不利于健康的鸡蛋、黄油等食材,但法国人的肥胖率却很低,而营养学家认为这源于法国人使用新鲜食材。故文中提及“法国悖论”是为了说明使用新鲜食材的重要性。答案:C4.What advantage of cookin

10、g at home does the last paragraph talk about?A.Strengthen family bonds.B.Save your money up.C.Expose you to foreign culture.D.Get children educated better.解析:考查推理判断。从最后一段内容,尤其是“Many couples also find that preparing a meal together can be a romantic experience. get to know your family better”可知,最后一段讲

11、的在家做饭的好处是能加强家人之间的联系。答案:ABIf you win the $1.5 billion Powerball jackpot (头奖), you may not be as lucky as you think. Many winners experience the socalled curse of the lottery, with some squandering(挥霍) their fortunes and others meeting tragic ends.“So many of them wind up unhappy or wind up broke. Peo

12、ple have had terrible things happen,” said Don McNay, 56, a financial consultant to lottery winners and the author of Life Lessons from the Lottery. “People commit suicide. People run through their money. Easy comes, easy goes. They go through divorce or people die.”“Its just a great change that the

13、yre not ready for,” McNay told Time on Tuesday. “Its the curse of the lottery because it made their lives worse instead of improving them.”About 70 percent of people who suddenly receive a windfall (意外之财) of cash will lose it within a few years, according to the National Endowment for Financial Educ

14、ation. Here are some of the stories of past winners that gamblers should know about:Abraham Shakespeare was murdered in 2009 after he won a $30 million lottery jackpot. The 47yearold Florida man was shot twice in the chest and then buried under a slab of concrete in a backyard, ABC News reported. Do

15、rris “Dee Dee” Moore, who authorities say befriended him after his lottery win, was found guilty of first degree murder in 2012. His brother, Robert Brown, told the BBC that Shakespeare always said he regretted winning the lottery. “Id have been better off going broke. He said that to me all the tim

16、e,” Brown said.语篇解读人们往往以为中大奖的人都十分幸运,然而作者却用一些获奖者的例子告诉我们他们不像我们想得那么幸运。5.What does Don McNay think of winning a lottery?A.Its a blessing for the winner.B.It doesnt necessarily bring fortune.C.It may make one feel at a loss.D.It can increase ones popularity.解析:考查推理判断。由第一段中的“Many winners experience the so

17、called curse of the lottery,with some squandering(挥霍) their fortunes and others meeting tragic ends”和第二段中的“So many of them wind up unhappy or wind up broke.People have had terrible things happen”可知,Don McNay认为彩票中奖不一定会给人带来幸运。答案:B6.Whats the purpose of mentioning Abraham Shakespeare?A.Attracting reade

18、rs attention.B.Describing a social phenomenon.C.Supporting the authors viewpoint.D.Making the news known to readers.解析:考查推理判断。第一段作者提出自己的观点,因此列举Abraham Shakespeare的故事的目的是支持作者提出的彩票中奖未必有好结果的观点。答案:C7.What can be learned about Abraham Shakespeare?A.He won a $300 million lottery jackpot.B.He felt proud of

19、 winning the lottery.C.He shared his fortune with his brother.D.He was probably murdered by his friend.解析:考查细节理解。由最后一段中的“Dorris Dee Dee Moore,who authorities say befriended him after his lottery win,was found guilty of first degree murder in 2012”可知,Abraham Shakespeare可能是被他的朋友谋杀的。答案:D8.What will the

20、 author discuss after the last paragraph?A.Reasons for Abraham Shakespeares getting murdered.B.Measures to be taken to protect the jackpot winners.C.The terrible things Abraham Shakespeare suffered.D.Another tragic story of the lottery winner.解析:考查推理判断。由倒数第二段中的“Here are some of the stories of past w

21、inners that gamblers should know about”和最后一段的内容可知,作者在下文会接着列举一些中奖者遭遇厄运的例子。答案:D.完形填空My father left us when I was three and my mother was forced to leave us with our grandmother and travel from our small town in Malaysia to Singapore to earn a living. From that day on, my two older sisters and I _1_ a

22、difficult life living with our _2_ uncle. We did everything he asked because we were _3_ of him.I was _4_ the shy younger sister who was always left at home alone. I tried very hard to _5_ both my sisters so they would like me and play with me. To earn their _6_, I made every effort to be the good g

23、irl for my grandma and mother. For a long time, it seemed I was living the _7_ of someone else, just trying to survive.But _8_ I feel tired or sad, I will always tell myself “Almost there” and dont _9_ give up, just a few more steps and I will _10_ it. I have heard a doctor once say, “For illness, w

24、e can help find a(n) _11_ for it, but for a broken heart, we must _12_ ourselves.”Now I am working abroad. I have a good _13_ that not only allows me to work on something I like, but also allows me to pass on my _14_ thinking to younger friends and coworkers, as they have to _15_ what will become of

25、 their lives. I like to _16_ them that they will do well in life if they can _17_ the mindset of “Almost there”. It takes lots of _18_ to move on, especially when you are suffering, but if we make it through it will _19_ become good memories that we cherish and a good _20_ that makes us become stron

26、ger.语篇解读作者虽然在童年时生活得很艰难,但是她始终坚信自己离成功只有一步之遥,坚持一下就能胜利。“Almost there”更是成了她的座右铭。1.A.continued B.neededC.enjoyed D.began解析:根据前文叙述的内容可知,父亲离开了我们,母亲外出打工后,我和姐姐们的生活才开始(began)变得艰难起来。答案:D2.A.kind B.friendlyC.mean D.selfless解析:由前文的“a difficult life”和后文的“We did everything he asked”可以推断,此处应该选择贬义词来修饰uncle,所以选择mean,意

27、为“吝啬的”。答案:C3.A.fond B.tiredC.scared D.proud解析:根据语境可知,此处应该是指我们都怕(scared)他,所以他让我们做什么我们都会去做。答案:C4.A.hopefully B.extremelyC.unfortunately D.accidentally解析:不幸的是(unfortunately),我是那个很害羞、总被单独留在家里的小妹妹。答案:C5.A.praise B.inspireC.impress D.please解析:我尽全力取悦(please)我的两个姐姐,这样她们就会喜欢我并跟我玩了。答案:D6.A.respect B.loveC.sym

28、pathy D.admiration解析:为了获得她们的爱(love),我非常努力地要做个好女孩。答案:B7.A.game B.expectationC.life D.moment解析:很长一段时间,我似乎都在过着别人的生活(life),只是(为了)努力生存。前面提到我努力讨姐姐的喜欢,做妈妈和外祖母眼中的好女孩,因此这里说我似乎过着别人的生活。答案:C8.A.whenever B.howeverC.wherever D.whatever解析:每当(whenever)我感到疲惫或伤感的时候。根据语境可知,此处指“无论何时”,应该用whenever引导让步状语从句。答案:A9.A.almost

29、B.evenC.ever D.still解析:我总是告诉自己“就快到了”,永不言弃,再多走几步就会成功(manage)了。ever与not连用相当于never。答案:C10.A.prove B.findC.understand D.manage解析:参见上题解析。manage意为“设法做成,努力完成”,符合语境。答案:D11.A.chance B.cureC.examination D.reason解析:医生的职责就是帮助病人把病治好。故此处指对于疾病,我们能够帮助找到它的治愈方法(cure)。答案:B12.A.make out B.set downC.take over D.depend o

30、n解析:此处指但是(要抚慰)破碎的心就必须靠我们自己了。depend on“依靠”,符合语境。答案:D13.A.dream B.bossC.mother D.career解析:由后面的“allows me to work on something”和“coworkers”可推知,本空应选career“职业”。答案:D14.A.adaptable B.personalC.positive D.creative解析:我的这份职业也使我能够把积极的(positive)思想传递给年轻的朋友和同事。根据第三段第一句话可知,我的思想是积极的。答案:C15.A.see B.rememberC.wonder

31、D.imagine解析:因为他们必须要明白他们将来的生活会是什么样子的。see在此不是“看见”的意思,而是表示“明白,懂得”。答案:A16.A.inform B.remindC.promise D.warn解析:此处指我提醒(remind)年轻的朋友和同事,如果他们能保持住(keep)“Almost there”这种心态,他们在生活中会做得很好。答案:B17.A.keep B.forgetC.explain D.ignore解析:参见上题解析。答案:A18.A.time B.moneyC.courage D.patience解析:结合上下文可知,此处应该是指尤其是在遭受痛苦时,坚持下去需要很大的勇气(courage)。下文的“especially when you are suffering”是提示。答案:C19.A.eventually B.totallyC.generally D.automatically解析:但是如果我们能熬过去,那它最终(eventually)会变成值得我们珍惜的美好记忆。答案:A20.A.example B.lessonC.symbol D.evidence解析:根据语境可知,我们的经历会成为很好的教训,能让我们变得更加坚强,故选lesson“教训”。答案:B


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