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2018版高中英语北师大版选修六讲义:UNIT 16 STORIES PERIOD FIVE GRAMMAR & WRITING .docx

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1、Period FiveGrammar & Writing语法感知.课文原句感知1Pliny wrote about a terrible volcanic eruption that he (witness) as a young man.2However,more than 1,600 years later,some scientists found the lost towns that (bury) under the ashes.3Before the eruption occurred,it (be) a booming Roman city.4The bodies of peop

2、le who (die) in Pompeii left impressions in the ash that showed their exact shapes.5My computers really slow.I need to get the hard disk (upgrade)6I think Ill have the car (service) this week.7Next month Im going to get my bike (repair)8I had that broken window (replace) at last.完成句子1 (电影已经开始了) when

3、 they arrived at the cinema.2 (学生们已离开教室了) when the teacher came in.3The roads were full of people. (我们没有想到这一点)4I always (理发) at Kens.5I must (找人给我的轮胎充气)语法精析.过去完成时一、构成方法由“had动词的过去分词”构成。二、用法说明1表示在过去某一时刻或某一动作之前已经完成了的动作,即“过去的过去”。She said she had never been to Paris.她说她从未去过巴黎。When the police arrived,the

4、thieves had run away.警察到达时,小偷们早就跑了。过去完成时是一种相对时态,一定要有一个作参照的过去时间或过去动作作比较,否则,就不能用过去完成时。但下列三种情况虽然有先后发生的两个过去动词,却用一般过去时:(1)先后发生的一系列动作,但并不强调先后时,最后两个动词用then,and,but等连接,用一般过去时。On Saturday afternoon,Mrs.Green went to the market,bought some bananas and visited her cousin.星期六下午,格林夫人去了市场,买了些香蕉,然后去看望了她的表姐。(2)两个动作

5、是紧接着发生的,可用一般过去时。When I heard the news,I was very excited.我听到那个消息时,非常兴奋。(3)叙述历史事实,用一般过去时。Our teacher told us that Columbus discovered America in 1492.我们老师告诉我们哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。2表示从过去某一时刻开始一直延续到另一过去时刻的动作或状态。与现在完成时一样,也常与so long,for three days,before等表示一段时间的状语连用。When Jack arrived,he learned Mary had been a

6、way for almost an hour.当杰克到来时,他才得知玛丽已经离开差不多一个小时了。3表示未曾实现的愿望或打算。表示希望或打算的动词,如hope,want,expect,think,suppose,plan,mean,intend等的过去完成时,后接不定式to do时,表示未曾实现的愿望或打算,即“本来希望或打算做某事(但却没做)”。I had hoped to send him a Christmas card,but I forgot to do so.我本来希望寄给他一张圣诞卡的,但我忘了寄了。4用于特殊句式中:hardly.when.,no sooner.than.,It

7、/That/This was the first/second.time that.等。Hardly had I opened the door when he told me the news.我刚打开门,他就告诉了我这个消息。No sooner had he bought the car than he sold it.他刚买了这辆车就把它卖了。It was the second time he had been out with her.这是他第二次和她一道出去。题组训练1用所给动词的正确时态填空(1)Helen (leave) her keys in the office so she

8、 had to wait until her husband came home.(2)By the time I left the school,he (teach) the class for 3 years.(3)He (serve) in the army for ten years before he retired last year.(4)I (intend) to call on you yesterday,but I had an unexpected visitor.(5)No sooner they (leave) the building than a bomb exp

9、loded.(6)It was the first time that he ever (speak) to me in such a tune.to have/get sth.done结构具体用法1让(请)别人为自己做某事Youd better have/get your bad tooth pulled out.你最好把坏牙拔掉。2使某事被完成(自己也有可能参加)I cant have/get the car started.我没能把汽车发动起来。3遭遇某种不好的事情The poor girl had/got her handbag stolen.这个可怜的女孩被人偷了包。知识拓展(1)h

10、ave sb.do sth./get sb.to do sth.让某人做某事The teacher had me hand in my homework.The teacher got me to hand in my homework.老师让我交上作业。(2)have sb./sth.doing sth.让某人/某物一直做某事(表示动作的正在进行/持续)Dont have the water running.别让水一直流着。注意have sb.doing用于否定句时,有“容忍”的意思。I wont have you speaking to me like that.我不许你对我那样讲话。(3

11、)get sb./sth.doing使某人/某物开始某个动作The music got the little child dancing.音乐让那个小孩跳起舞来。(4)have sb./sth.adj./adv./prep.让某物处于某种状态;使某人到某处I want to have my room clean and tidy.我想让我的房间干净整齐。题组训练2用所给动词的正确形式填空(1)We had the machine (mend) just now.(2)It was cold,and they had the fire (burn) day and night.(3)The pa

12、tient is going to have his temperature (take)(4)The boss often has them (work) for 14 hours a day.(5)I got him (do) his homework before dinner.高考链接.用所给动词的正确时态填空1Why didnt you tell me about your trouble last week? If you (tell) me,I could have helped.(2016北京)2If it (not,be) for his invitation the oth

13、er day,I should not be here now.(2016江苏)3I wish I (be) at my sisters wedding last Tuesday,but I was on a business trip in New York then.(2015天津)4Just as I got to the school gate,I realized I (leave) my book in the cafe.(2015安徽)5Did you have difficulty finding Anns house?Not really.She (give) us clea

14、r directions and we were able to find it easily.(2015北京)6If I (not,see) it with my own eyes,I wouldnt have believed it.(2015北京)7The twins,who (finish) their homework,were allowed to play badminton on the playground.(2014安徽)8Writing out all the invitations by hand was more timeconsuming than we (expe

15、ct)(2014山东)9Sofia looked around at all the faces:she had the impression that she (see) most of the guests before.(2014浙江)10During his stay in Xian,Jerry tried almost all the local foods his friends (recommend)(2014陕西).单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1I was taking a train to Londons Victoria Station.I had noticed tha

16、t the carriage was noisy and filled with people.(2014浙江,短文改错)2Thank you for all you had done for me.(2012四川,短文改错)3In fact,there were four tickets on the seat.Someone has placed another pair of tickets on top of them!(2008陕西,短文改错)写作指导本单元的写作题材是写人记事,要求写出一件事和有关人物。1写人记事属于记叙文范畴,包括人物介绍、讲述故事、撰写游记、新闻报道、校园轶事等

17、。2写人时,要交代清楚人物的身份和事迹,大体分为三段。第一段写出生年月和地点以及家庭背景。第二段要详细描述人物的成绩,例如,何时何地荣获何种奖项。第三段要写人物的优秀品质对他人的影响。3写事时,要交代清楚事件发生的时间和地点,重点描述事件中感人的场面。4要注意时态的运用。在故事写作过程中,一般用过去时态。在描写背景或景象时,常用过去进行时,这样显得更加形象生动。5要润色简单句,增加过渡性词汇,使文章前后通顺自然,成为一个有机整体。常用句式1Born in 1994,he is now an 18yearold student,studying in a university.2He is a

18、goodlooking/funnylooking man,with a thick moustache but no hair left.3He is a tall man,with blue eyes and blonde hair.4He is not so strong,but in good health.5He went to study in Beijing University in 1984 and 4 years later graduated from that university.6He got his bachelors/masters/doctors degree

19、in mathematics in April 1998.7He won the first prize in the English speech contest at school last year.8He got the first place in the homepage designing contest.9In his spare time,he likes reading and enjoying traveling.10He began to make a living at the age of 14/at an early age.11By the age of 14,

20、he had set up a chemistry lab of his own.典题示例假设你是香港某中学学生。上周末,你校学生潘彼得喜获全国青年武术比赛冠军。请你根据以下内容为校报的英文版写一则100词左右的简要报道。姓名潘彼得(Peter Pan)年龄17岁获得奖项全国青年武术比赛冠军(the National Martial Arts Youth Championship)练武经历10年来坚持练武术,每天五个小时,终获回报武术风格自创风格;糅合中国传统武术和西方拳击获奖感受很高兴,武术给了他自信将来计划中学毕业后到中国大陆(the Chinese mainland)继续学武术;将来在香

21、港开一家武术中心写作步骤第一步明确要求此篇文章属于人物简介性文体,主要叙述和介绍Peter Pan的情况,其内容多为过去发生的事情,故多用过去时,人称为第三人称。第二步确定段落Para.1总体情况介绍Para.2今后计划第三步提炼要点1获得全国青年武术比赛冠军 2一天练习5小时 3回报 4创立个人武术风格 5继续研究武术 6在香港开办武术中心 第四步扩点成句110年来彼得坚持练武术,每天五个小时,终获回报。(一般表达)For the past 10 years,Peter has practiced Martial Arts.He spent five hours a day to impro

22、ve his skills.His hard work was finally rewarded this year.(句式升级)For the past 10 years,Peter has practiced Martial Arts five hours a day and his hard work finally paid off this year.(不定式短语作状语)2彼得自创风格,糅合中国传统武术和西方拳击。(一般表达)Peter has created his own style of Martial Arts.He combined the traditional Chin

23、ese style with the western boxing.(句式升级)Peter has created his own style of Martial Arts the traditional Chinese style with the western boxing.(动名词短语作介词宾语)3彼得打算中学毕业后到中国大陆(the Chinese mainland)继续学武术,将来在香港开一家武术中心。(一般表达)Peter plans to continue his study of Martial Arts on the Chinese mainland after he g

24、raduates from high school.Hell open a Martial Arts centre in Hong Kong in the future.(句式升级)Peter plans to continue his study of Martial Arts on the Chinese mainland high school and open a Martial Arts centre in Hong Kong in the future.(介词短语作状语)第五步连句成篇 答案精析语法感知.1.had witnessed2.had been buried3.had b

25、een4had died5.upgraded6.serviced7.repaired8replaced.1.The film had begun2.The students had left the classroom3.We hadnt thought of that4.have my hair cut5.get my tyres pumped up语法精析题组训练1(1)had left(2)had taught(3)had served(4)had intended(5)had;left(6)had;spoken题组训练2(1)mended(2)burning(3)taken(4)wor

26、k(5)to do高考链接.1.had told2.had not been3.had been4.had left5.had given6.hadnt seen7.had finished8.had expected9.had seen10.had recommended.1.I was taking a train to Londons Victoria Station.I had noticed that the carriage was noisy and filled with people.2Thank you for all you done for me.3In fact,th

27、ere were four tickets on the seat.Someone placed another pair of tickets on top of them!写作专题第三步提炼要点1win the National Martial Arts Youth Championship2practice five hours a day 3.pay off4.create his own style of Martial Arts5.continue his study of Martial Arts6open a Martial Arts centre in Hong Kong第四

28、步扩点成句1to improve his skills2.by combining3.after graduating from第五步连句成篇Last weekend,17yearold Peter Pan from our school won the National Martial Arts Youth Championship in Hong Kong.For the past 10 years,Peter has practiced Martial Arts five hours a day to improve his skills and his hard work finall

29、y paid off this year.Peter has created his own style of Martial Arts by combining the traditional Chinese style with the western boxing.When asked how he felt about winning the national championship,Peter said he was very happy as Martial Arts has given him confidence.Peter plans to continue his study of Martial Arts on the Chinese mainland after graduating from high school and open a Martial Arts centre in Hong Kong in the future.


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