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1、【2015届河北省石家庄二中高三开学考试】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When the baby was placed in her arms, she was 10 . The baby had been born without ears. Time 11 that the babys hearing was perfect. It was only his 12 that w

2、as damaged. When he rushed home from school one day and 13 himself into his mothers arms, she sighed, 14 that he would have many heartbreaks in his life. He grew up and became a(n) 15 with his classmates. He might 16 have been class president, but for that. The boys father 17 with the family physici

3、an in secret. “Could 18 be done?” the father asked. “I believed I could 19 on a pair of outer ears, if they could be got.” the doctor answered. So the 20 began for a person who would make such a 21 for a young man. Two years went by. Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son. Mother

4、and I have someone who will give the ears you need. 22 its a secret,” said the father. The operation was very 23 , and a new person appeared. “But I must know!” he urged his father. “Who 24 so much to me? I could never do enough for him.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father. The secret was

5、 25 for years till he stood with his father over his mothers coffin(棺材). Slowly and 26 , his father raised his mothers thick brown hair to 27 that his mother had no outer ears. “Mother said she was 28 she never let her hair be cut,” he whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought she was less 29 , did

6、 they?” 10. A. angry B. disappointed C. surprised D. curious11. A. proved B. seemed C. told D. saw12. A. figure B. face C. ear D. appearance13. A. got B. putC. sent D. took14. A. knowing B. guessing C. doubting D. wondering15. A. enemy B. stranger C. favorite D. friend16. A. ever B. also C. even D.

7、still17. A. asked B. spoke C. chatted D. said18. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing19. A. transplant B. operate C. set D. fix20. A. operation B. search C. interview D. examination21. A. devotion B. effort C. sacrifice D. contribution22. A. Therefore B. But C. Though D. Otherwise23. A.

8、 normal B. useful C. difficult D. successful24. A. changed B. worked C. gave D. did25. A. discussed B. hidden C. spread D. kept26. A. carefully B. sadly C. excitedly D. tenderly27. A. see B. find C. show D. tell28. A. proud B. glad C. worried D. regretful29. A. beautiful B. ugly C. respectable D. fa

9、shionable【答案】【知识点】B1 记叙文【文章综述】这篇文章讲述了一个感人的故事,妈妈为孩子捐献了耳朵,展现了伟大的母爱。【答案解析】10.C考查形容词辨析 A. angry生气的;B. disappointed失望的;C. surprised吃惊的;D. curious好奇的;句意:当孩子放在她的怀里时,她很吃惊。根据下方提到The baby had been born without ears.没有耳朵,故选C项。11.A考查动词辨析 A. proved证明;B. seemed好像;C. told 告诉;D. saw看到;句意:时间证明孩子的听力还是很好的。根据语境可知孩子的耳朵听

10、力没有问题,故选A项。12.D 考查名词辨析A. figure手指;B. face脸;C. ear 耳朵;D. appearance外貌;句意:只有他的外貌被破坏。根据The baby had been born without ears没有耳朵影响的是外观,故选D项。13.B考查动词辨析 A. got 得到;B. put放下;C. sent发送; D. took带走;句意:一天,孩子从学校跑着回家,扑到妈妈的怀里,妈妈叹气到,知道孩子在学校中又碰到一些麻烦事。根据语境可知孩子肯定是在学校受到委屈,故选B项。14.A考查动词辨析 A. knowing 知道;B. guessing猜测;C. d

11、oubting怀疑;D. wondering想知道;句意:一天,孩子从学校跑着回家,扑到妈妈的怀里,妈妈叹气到,知道孩子在学校中又碰到一些麻烦事。根据语境,妈妈就知道孩子在学校受到一些委屈,故选A项。15. C考查名词辨析A. enemy敌人;B. stranger陌生人; C. favorite喜爱的;D. friend朋友;句意:他慢慢地长大,同学也很喜欢他。根据下方提到He might 16 have been class president,可知他很受喜欢,故选C项16.C考查副词辨析 A. ever曾经;B. also也;C. even甚至;D. still仍然;句意:他甚至是班长。

12、根据语境可知受同学的欢迎,故选C项。17.C 考查动词辨析A. asked问;B. spoke 说;C. chatted 聊天;D. said说;句意:男孩的父亲与家庭医生私下聊天。根据下方提到“Could 18 be done?” the father asked可知在聊天,故选C项。18.D 考查不定代词辨析A. something一些;B. everything 一切;C. anything任何国D. nothing什么也没有;句意:什么也不做吗,父亲问到。根据下方提到“I believed I could 19 on a pair of outer ears, if they coul

13、d be got.” the doctor answered.可知在问要做些什么,故选D项。19. A考查动词辨析A. transplant 移植;B. operate 手术;C. set制定;D. fix修理;句意:我相信如果能得到耳朵的话,我会给你移植的。根据句意可知选A项。20.B 考查名词辨析A. operation手术;B. search寻找;C. interview面试;D. examination检查;句意:因此开始寻找这样一个人,一个能为他捐献耳朵的人。根据search 此处是名词,表示搜寻工作,故选B项。21.C考查名词辨析 A. devotion 捐献;B. effort

14、努力;C. sacrifice牺牲;D. contribution贡献;句意:因此开始寻找这样一个人,一个能为他捐献耳朵的人,根据句意选C项。22.B考查副词辨析 A. Therefore因此;B. But但是;C. Though虽然;D. Otherwise否则;句意:但是这是一个秘密。根据提到You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will give the ears you need妈妈和我找到一个能给你耳朵的人,故选B项。23.D考查形容词辨析 A. normal 正常的;B. useful有用

15、的;C. difficult困难的;D. successful成功的;句意:手术非常的成功。根据下方提到and a new person appeared可知选D项。24.C考查动词辨析 A. changed 改变;B. worked工作;C. gave 给;D. did做;句意:谁把耳朵给我的,我无论如何也报答不了他。Give sth to sb 给某人某物,故选C项。25.D 考查动词辨析A. discussed 讨论;B. hidden藏;C. spread 传播;D. kept保持;句意:这个秘密被维持了多年,直到他与父亲站在母亲的棺材前。根据上文提到 22 its a secret,

16、”故选D项。26.D 考查副词辨析A. carefully 仔细地;B. sadly悲伤地;C. excitedly兴奋地; D. tenderly温和的;句意:慢慢地,轻轻地,父亲掀开母亲棕色的头发露出母亲的耳朵。根据语境提到,父亲轻轻做这件事,故选D项。27. C考查动词辨析A. see看;B. find发现;C. show 展示;D. tell告诉;句意:句意:慢慢地,轻轻地,父亲掀开母亲棕色的头发露出母亲的耳朵28. B考查形容词辨析A. proud骄傲的;B. glad高兴的;C. worried着急的;D. regretful后悔的;句意:妈妈说,她很高兴,再也不剪头发了。根据语境

17、可知,妈妈骗儿子说,不剪发很高兴,目的是为了遮掩没有耳朵的事实,故选B项。29.A考查形容词辨析 A. beautiful漂亮的;B. ugly丑陋的;C. respectable尊敬的;D. fashionable流行的;句意:每个人都认为她是漂亮的,不是吗?根据语境,儿子低语,认为,这样的妈妈在心中更加的漂亮,伟大,故选A项。【由2014陕西省西安市长安区第一中学一模改编】完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出合适填入对应空白处的最佳选项。I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about10 years. I wasalways t

18、he one sittingat the end of the bench, and 1 got into a game. I went to all the 2 and showed up even when it was so 3 that your breath froze andwhen the other players had decided to stay home. I felt I had 4 enough and thought of quitting. I finally decided to 5 the news to mymom that I was leaving

19、the team.Mymommay have looked like atiny and quiet lady but on 6 my words, she said, “Remember, A quitter never wins and a winner never quits. Your mother didnt raise 7 ,so think about yourself in a 8 way and see yourself as a winner!”So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape, 9 my sho

20、t accuracy and changing my 10 .Once in a match, we 1 our first game badly. Whats worse, one of our best players got hurt.I was sitting at my 2 place,at the end of the bench,when the coach came over and told me I was going 13 . I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.The opposing te

21、am was fast and I had to admit I was a little 14 .But my moms words 15 out in my head like a church bell.Instead of being afraid, I was “pumped” and I very quickly found that all my 16 work waspaying off.I was as fast a skater as anyone else on the ice, and I seemed to get the 17 to score.The crowd

22、went quiet. All the time I spent on the ice when everyone had gone home had 18 me for this moment.Won!I won! The lesson I learned from my moms 19 has stayed with me over the years.Ihear them whenever I am faced with a challenge, or whenever I 20 myself. 1. A. onceB. seldomC. usuallyD. even2. A. meet

23、ingsB. showsC. matches D. practices3. A. cloudyB. wetC. coldD. windy4. A. sufferedB. explainedC. plannedD. escaped5. A. write B. breakC. readD. report6. A. noticingB. gatheringC. hearingD. analyzing7. A. talkersB. dreamersC. attackers D. losers 8. A. positiveB. familiar C. briefD. convenient9. A. te

24、stingB. improvingC. questioningD. affecting10. A. aimB. tasteC. habitD. attitude 11. A. lost B. controlledC. practicedD. continued 12. A. usualB. safeC. secretD. private 13. A. offB. inC. byD. up14. A. annoyedB. awkwardC. scaredD. bitter15. A. ranB. gave C. stood D. rang161. A. delicateB. extraC. cr

25、eativeD. casual 17. A. chance B. messageC. order D. note18. A. spared B. requestedC. preparedD. sent19. A. actionsB. reasonsC. wordsD. promises20. A. judgeB. expressC. comfortD. doubt【参考答案】完形填空110、BDCA B CDABD 1120、A ABCD B ACCD 阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2014山东省青岛市高三第一次模拟考试)Elderly a

26、dults who regularly drink green tea may stay more agile (敏捷的) and independent than their peers over time, according to a Japanese study that covered thousands of people.Green tea contains antioxidant chemicals (抗氧化化学物质) that may help stop the cell damage that can lead to disease.Researchers have bee

27、n studying green teas effect on everything from cholesterol (胆固醇) to the risk of certain cancers,with mixed results so far.They found those who drank the most green tea were the least likely to develop “functional disability”,or problems with daily activities or basic needs,such as dressing or bathi

28、ng.Specifically,almost 13 percent of adults who drank less than a cup of green tea per day became functionally disabled,compared with just over 7 percent of people who drank at least five cups a day.The study did not prove that green tea alone kept people agile as they grew older.Green tea lovers ge

29、nerally had healthier diets,including more fish,vegetables and fruit,as well as more education,lower smoking rates,fewer heart attacks and strokes,and greater mental sharpness.They also tended to be more socially active and have more friends and family to rely on.But even with those factors accounte

30、d for,green tea itself was tied to a tower disability risk,the researchers said.People who drank at least five cups a day were onethird less likely to develop disabilities than those who had less than a cup per day.Those people who averaged three or four cups a day had a 25 percent lower risk.Althou

31、gh its not clear how green tea might offer a buffer (缓冲) against disabilities,lead researcher Yasutake Tomata did note that one recent study found green tea extracts (提取物) seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.While green tea and its extracts are considered safe in small amounts,they d

32、o contain caffeine and small amounts of vitamin K,which means it could affect drugs that prevent blood clotting (凝固)6What does the underlined word “peers” mean in the first paragraph?AFathers.BBrothers.CPeople of the same age.DPeople living in the same neighborhood.7What can be learned from the pass

33、age?AAntioxidant chemicals can lead to disease.BThose who often drink green tea cant develop “functional disability”C“Functional disability” is related to problems with daily activities or basic needs.DPeople who drink at least five cups a day are not likely to become functionally disabled.8What doe

34、s the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?AHow the study was proved.BWhy green tea lovers can keep agile.CWhat healthier diets include.DHow to lower the disability risk.9What has the researcher Yasutake Tomata discovered?AThose who drank green tea cant develop “functional disability”BGreen tea alone kept

35、 people agile as they grew older.CHow green tea might offer a buffer against disabilities.DGreen tea extracts seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.10From the passage we can infer that_.Avitamin K is contained in caffeineBvitamin K is good for our bloodCvitamin K is bad for our healthD

36、vitamin K has influence on some drugs语篇解读本文介绍了常饮绿茶对身体的种种好处及原因。1解析:词义猜测题。根据文章第一句可知,经常喝绿茶的老人比他们的同龄人更加敏捷和独立,由此可知C项正确。答案:C2解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“to develop functional disability,or problems with daily activities or basic needs”可知C项正确。答案:C3解析:段落大意题。根据第五段的第一句“The study did not prove that green tea alone kept p

37、eople agile as they grew older.”及全段内容可知,本段主要讲述的是爱喝绿茶的人敏捷的原因,故B项正确。答案:B4解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“lead researcher Yasutake Tomata did note that one recent study found green tea extracts (提取物) seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women”可知D项正确。答案:D5解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“they do contain caffeine and small

38、 amounts of vitamin K,which means it could affect drugs that prevent blood clotting (凝固)”可知维生素K会影响一些药的治疗效果。答案:D。科普知识型阅读理解Europes deadly outbreak of a rare form of Ecoli(大肠杆菌) bacteria has brought new attention to food safety issues. Ecoli bacteria naturally live in the intestines(肠) of humans and ma

39、ny animals. Most kinds of Ecoli are harmless but some can make people sick.One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer. Just what did the people eat that made them sick? Of course, one way to avoid such problems is

40、to keep dangerous organisms out of the food supply. This_is_easier_said_than_done,_but scientists keep looking for new ways.Scientists in the United States have developed an experimental system that uses a hightech optical(光学的)scanner. The inspection system is fixed in the packing houses where produ

41、ce is sorted for market. The system is designed to identify the produce polluted by soil or animal waste. The new scanner can also show damage and imperfections that might make the produce unappealing to shoppers.Scientists designed the system at a Department of Agriculture research centre in Beltsv

42、ille, Maryland. Moon Kim of the Agricultural Research Service led the team.MOON KIM: “We were requested, we were asked, to develop a method to test the polluted produce. So we started with the apple as the model sample.”The scanner uses a highspeed camera placed over the conveyer belt that moves the

43、 produce along. As the apples move along the belt, the scanner captures images of each piece of fruit. A spectrograph device can use the light to check an apple to show evidence of damage. Moon Kim says the team hopes the system will be available before long.MOON KIM: “We are targeting for developme

44、nt in commercial plants for the next several years.”The scanner can direct a sorting machine to separate the bad apples from the good ones. The system is currently able to show the surface of only half the apple as it speeds by. The inventors hope to improve the process so it can show the whole surf

45、ace. 1. The passage mainly talks about _A. the danger of Ecoli bacteria to healthB. the way to avoid getting sick from foodC. a system to test the polluted produceD. the new attention to food safety issues2According to the passage, we know the new scanner _A. has already used in the supermarketB. is

46、 perfect to find out the polluted appleC. is still in test and need to improveD. can also damage the bacteria in the food3What can we learn from the passage? A. Most of the Ecoli is dangerous to the peoples health.B. The damage in the fruit might cause it difficult to sell out.C. Now the system can

47、take the pictures of each piece of fruit.D. The scanner is put on a moving belt while testing the produce.4. By saying “This is easier said than done” in Paragraph 2, the writer wants to _A. show the difficulty in finding the bad bacteria from the food supplyB. show the scientists hardship in findin

48、g a new way to heal the diseaseC. express his/her anger to the businessmen from selling the polluted foodD. express his/her worry about the dangerous issue in todays food safety5This passage can be classified as _A. an advertisement B. a book reviewC. a feature story D. a news report(二)【要点综述】 本文主要介绍

49、了美国科学家开发了一种使用高科技光学扫描仪的实验系统。1C 主旨大意题。由本文的内容以及其主题句,即第三段第一句“Scientists in the United States have developed an experimental system that uses a hightech optical(光学的)scanner.”可知,本文主要介绍了一种用来检测被污染的产品的实验系统,故选C项。2C 细节理解题。由倒数第三段“Moon Kim says the team hopes the system will be available before long.”以及本文最后一句“Th

50、e inventors hope to improve the process so it can show the whole surface.”可知这一扫描仪还在试验当中且需要改进,故选C项。3B 推理判断题。由第三段最后一句“damage and imperfections that might make the produce unappealing to shoppers.”可知水果损害之后更难吸引购物者,也就会导致其很难卖出。 4A 细节理解题。由画线词前一句“one way to avoid such problems is to keep dangerous organisms out of the food supply.”可知,要从食物的来源里找到有害的病菌是有困难的。5D 推理判断题。由文章中把MOON KIM说话的内容直接引入的形式来看,本文应该是一篇新闻报道。


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