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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修2同步作业:UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE READING AND THINKING(重点练) WORD版含答案.doc

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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修2同步作业:UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE READING AND THINKING(重点练) WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2020-2021学年人教版(2019)高一英语必修2同步作业:UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE READING AND THINKING(重点练) WORD版含答案.doc_第6页
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1、1.1 Reading and ThinkingUNIT 1 重点练I.阅读选择I am an active playgoer and play-reader, and perhaps my best reason for editing this book is a hope of sharing my enthusiasm for the theater with others. To do this I have searched through dozens of plays to find the ones that I think best show the power and p

2、urpose of the short play.Each play has a theme or central idea which the playwright(剧作家)hopes to get across through dialogue and action.A few characters are used to create a single impression growing out of the theme. It is not my intention to point out the central theme of each of the plays in this

3、 collection, for that would, indeed, ruin the pleasure of reading, discussing, and thinking about the plays and the effectiveness of the playwright. However, a variety of types is represented here. These include comedy, satire, poignant drama,historical and regional drama.To show the versatility(多面性

4、)of the short play,I have included a guidance play,a radio play and a television play .Among the writers of the plays in this collection, Paul Green, Susan Glaspell, Maxwell Anderson, Thornton Wilder,William Saroyan, and Tennessee Williams have all received Pulitzer Prizes for their contributions to

5、 the theater. More information about the playwrights will be found at the end of this book .To get the most out of reading these plays, try to picture the play on stage, with you, the reader, in the audience. The houselights dim(变暗).The curtains are about to open,and in a few minutes the action and

6、dialogue will tell you the story.1.What do we know about the author from the first paragraph?A. He has written dozens of plays.B. He has a deep love for the theater.C. He is a professional stage actor.D. He likes reading short plays to others.2 . What does the author avoid doing in his work ?A. Stat

7、ing the plays central ideas.B.Selecting works by famous playwrights.C. Including various types of plays.D. Offering information on the playwrights.3. What does the author suggest readers do while reading the plays?A. Control their feelings.B. Apply their acting skills.C. Use their imagination.D. Kee

8、p their audience in mind.4.What is this text?A.A short story.B. An introduction to a book.C.A play review.D. An advertisement for a theater.II.完形填空The Glover kids in Newburgh, New York, want to make a little extra money themselves before the school opens. So, earlier this week, they set up a lemonad

9、e stand on the side of the road. 5_ was good during the rush hour, at which point some police officers stopped and 6_ Whitney Glover, the mother of the young businessmen, that some 7_ person had called to complain(投诉)about kidsselling lemonade.Now, in most stories, thats when the police 8_the stand,

10、 telling kids to take a food handling course,and get a 9_ from the related department.Then the children go home completely 10_ for their business is broken. But not in this 11_. The police officers said the kids werent doing anything wrong 12_causing traffic jams, and that their motivation(积极性)shoul

11、d be 13_.The kids also promised to make14_ to their schedule to avoid traffic problems. After 15_ for a photo with the kids, they left.Whitney posted the picture on social media with explanatory words. The 16_ story has gained a great deal of local 17_ and the lemonade business is now booming. Dozen

12、s of customers have 18_ for lemonade. Every single time you buy a glass, children look amazed by the 19_ from time and efforts to coins in their hands,Whitney said.5.A.Progress B. Business C.Budget D. Service6.A.demanded B.proposed C.warned D. informed7.A.angry B.generous C.anxious D.responsible8.A.

13、take over B. leave out C. shut down D.tear apart9.A.course B. licence C.fund D.record10.A.surprised B.tired C.upset D.confused11.A.context B.case C.reason D. issue12.A.other than B. instead of C.as for D.due to13.A.investigated B. prevented C.praised D. punished14.A.contributions B. differences C.ob

14、jections D. adjustments15.A.posing B. exchanging C.preparing D.searching16.A.refreshing B. effective C. amusing D. creative17.A.apology B. development C.support D.debate18.A.stood out B.stood by C.stopped out D.stopped by19.A.change B. donation C.supply D.applicationIII.语法填空Peking Opera was listed i

15、nto UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity List in 2010.Peking Opera 20 _( consider ) as a national treasure of China , which dates back to 200 years ago . The late Qing Dynasty saw the great 21_(develop ) of this opera . Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty had 22_ interest in the local op

16、era . 23 _( celebrate ) his eightieth birthday , he asked opera troupes(演出团)24_(come)from different places to perform for him in Beijin so the four big Hui Opera troupes entered the capital one after another . 25_ ( gradual ) , they combined with other operas, and formed the present Peking Opera.Pek

17、ing Opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre 26_ combines music, performance, and dance. Full of Chinese cultural facts, the opera presents the audience 27_an encyclopedia(百科全书)of Chinese culture,as well as unfolding stories,beautifu paintings, wonderful costumes, graceful gestures and martial

18、 arts. Besides, the kinds of facial make-up,especially concerning the colour,28_(be)the most particular art in Peking Opera. There is no doubt 29_ it is really the treasure of Chinese culture.【答案与解析】I. 【答案】 1.B 2. A 3. C 4. B语篇导读这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了作者书籍的序言部分,包括其编写目的、书籍主要内容、以及如何有乐趣的阅读本书的建议。1 .细节理解题。根据文章第一

19、段中的“.and perhaps my best reason for editing this book is a hope of sharing my enthusiasm for the theater with others可知,作者编辑这本书的最好的原因是希望与他人分享我对戏剧的热情,因此可知作者对于戏剧饱含热情。故选B项。2.推理判断题。根据文章第二段第三句可知,作者并不想指出这本书中每一部戏剧的中心主题,因为那样确实会破坏戏剧带给我们的乐趣。由此判断,作者避免陈述戏剧的中心思想。故选A项。3.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句可知,作者建议读者试着想象戏剧正在舞台上上演,不再是读

20、者而是成为观众,这样才能实现最佳的阅读乐趣。C项与最后一段中的“try to picture the play on stage”表达信息一致。故选C项。4. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句可知这篇文章应是书籍的“自序”内容;再结合全文内容可推知,作者通过该文章介绍自己的一本书。故选B项。II. 【答案】5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.A 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. C 18.D 19. A 【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。几个孩子被投诉在路边摆摊卖柠檬味汽水,警察到了之后非但没有关闭孩子们的摊位,反而称赞了他们的积极性。5.根据语境和

21、常识可知,孩子们在路边摆摊卖柠檬味汽水,上下班时的交通高峰期人来人往,所以生意应该很好。故选B项。6.根据空前的some police officers stopped和下文中的some 3 person had called to complain(投诉)about kids selling lemonade可知,警察通知(informed)孩子们的母亲,有人投诉孩子们在路边卖柠檬味汽水。7.根据空后的complain(投诉)about kidsselling lemonade和下文中的causing traffic jams可知,打电话的人对孩子们在路边卖柠檬味汽水造成交通堵塞感到愤怒(a

22、ngry)。8.根据下文中的Then the children go home completely 6 for their business is broken可知,通常警察会关闭(shut down)摊位。9.根据语境可知,通常警察会告诉孩子们去参加食品处理课程,并从相关部门获得执照,然后再经营生意。10.根据空后的for their business is broken可知,生意被毁了,孩子们就会很沮丧地回家。upset难过,不高兴。故选C项。11.根据But和下文内容可知,警察并没有关闭孩子们的摊位,只是说他们的生意影响了交通,所以此处表示上文提到的情况并没有发生。12.根据语境可知,

23、警察认为孩子们的生意只是造成了交通堵塞,他们并没有做错什么,所以警察反而称赞了孩子们的积极性。13.参见上题解析。14.根据上文中的causing traffic jams和下文中的avoid traffic problems可知,孩子们承诺调整他们的日程安排以避免造成交通问题。15.根据下文中的Whitney posted the picture on social media with explanatory words可知,警察认为孩子们自主创业值得赞扬,于是摆好姿势(posing)和孩子们拍了一张合照。16.警察并没有按照惯常的做法关闭孩子们的摊位,因此这是一个令人耳目一新的(refr

24、eshing)故事。17.根据空后的the lemonade business is now booming可知,这个故事得到了当地许多人的支持,并且柠檬味汽水的生意迅速红火起来,故选C项。18.人们支持孩子们的生意,顺路过来买柠檬味汽水。stand out出色;stand by袖手旁观;stop out夜里很晚不回家;stop by顺便拜访,顺路探望。19.结合语境可知,孩子们看到自己的时间和付出的努力变成硬币,感到很惊奇。III. 【答案】20. is considered consider 21.development 22.an have an interest in 23.To ce

25、lebrate ing25. Gradually 26.that/which 27.with present sb with sth 28.are 29.that There is no doubt that.【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了中国的国粹京剧。20.是谓语动词,与主语Peking Opera之间是被动关系,且叙述的是客观事实,所以应用一般现在时的被动语态。故填is considered。21. 设空处作saw的宾语,且由形容词great修饰,应用名词。故填development。22. 意为“对有兴趣”。故填an。23. 设空处作目的状语,所以应用动词不定式。故填To celeb

26、rate。24. 句意为:他要求来自不同地方的戏班在北京为他表演主句中已有谓语动词asked,所以设空处应用非谓语动词形式,come与opera troupes之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用班在分词coming作后置定语。25. 设空处作状语修饰整个句子,应用副词。故填Gradually。26. 设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词form,关系词在从句中作主语,故填that/which。27.意为“将某物呈现给某人”。故填with。28.句子主语是the kinds of facial make-up,所以谓语动词应用复数形式,且是叙述现在的事实,应用一般现在时。故填are。29.固定句型,意为“毫无疑问”。故填that。


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