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2022九年级英语下册 Module 5 Look after yourself Unit 2 Get off the sofa教学设计(新版)外研版.doc

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1、 Module 5 Look after yourselfUnit 2 Get off the sofa!教材分析 本模块第二单元Get off the sofa!属于一节阅读课。活动1是本单元的引入部分,通过让学生观察所给的五张图片,让学生猜测所给的五张图片要表达的内容是什么,激发他们的好奇心,引起他们继续探究的兴趣,继而引入本单元的话题rules for a healthy life,即怎样健康生活,活动2阅读课文并找出每张图分别对应课文中的哪一条rule.这是本单元的核心部分,在这一部分学生要学习本单元要求掌握的词汇,有用的表达方式,同时深入集解课文内涵,对照自己的生活,选择健康的生活方

2、式,活动3阅读课文回答问题,进一步熟悉课文内容。教学目标基础目标掌握词汇:expect, require, physical, effort, harm.掌握词组:thanks to ,health care, once in a while, in the future, more and more, keep fit, because of, be worried about.掌握句型:More and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays.It is comfortable to sit on the sofa and

3、watch TV.In the past peoples jobs required more physical effort.基本技能1. 能读懂与教材中短文难度相当的文章。2. 能用所学词汇及表达方式给他人提出一些有关健康的意见。3. 能用所学词汇、句型结构联系课文内容结自己的生活写一篇自己的健康生活指南。教学重难点1. 掌握重要的词汇短语2. 能用所学词汇及表达方式给他人提出一些有关健康的建议。3. 复习归纳六种不同时态的构成、用法,学会在不同的情景中选用合适的时态。4. 培养健康的饮食习惯和生活方式。教学设计课前延伸词汇复习:Thanks to ,health care ,expect

4、 require,physical ,effort,once in a while , harm(齐读单词并说出汉语意思,为学习课文做准备)课内探究Step1 Lead-inTalk about the weatherT:Whats the weather like today?Ss:Its warm and sunny.T:yes ,its a fine day today. Wed better go out for a walk. We shouldnt sit on the sofa and watch TV. Yes?Ss:Yes.T:So lets get off the sofa

5、.Step2 Presentation1. 结合图片学习与健康生活有关的词汇,让学生初步了解什么是健康生活。2. 阅读课文Fast reading:Read the passage quickly and finish the task then match the five rule with the pictures in part1.What are the five rules for a healthy life ? Rules pictures1: _ _2:_ _3:_ _4:_ _ 5:_ _Careful ReadingRead the first part carefull

6、y and choose the best answers.( ) 1. People who are born today can expect to live _ years longer than those who were in the 19th century. A. 15 B. 25 C. 35( ) 2. There are more and more people celebrating their _ birthday. A. 100th B. 90th C.80thRead the second paragraph carefully. Decide “T” or” F”

7、. 1.You should walk 1000 steps every day if you want to keep fit. ( ) 2.People get the same exercise today as they used to. ( )Read Paragraphs 3-5 carefully. Fill in the blanks.1.It is_ to eat plenty of the right things. The wrong food will _ your health.2.Teenagers should have about_ hours sleep.3.

8、If you are worried about something, talk to your _ or your _.Read Paragraph 6 carefully. Answer the questions.1. Does the writer think smoking is cool? _2. Why is smoking dangerous?_Step3 精讲点拨辨析 1. Thanks to better health care, .thanks to 意思是“多亏,由于,因为(相当于because of)”2. thanks for ,thanks相当于 thank yo

9、u,意为“因而感谢”,for强调为何而感谢,其后可接名词或v-ing3.Say no to smoking!say no / yes to 表示 “向 说不 / 行”,即“拒绝 / 同意”。后接名词或v-ing。Step4 Summary 1.what have you learned?2.Who do you think the passage is written for?Step5 Group work1.Do you have any more rules about keeping healthy?2.Think of more rules and share with your f

10、riends . (小组内交流,组长记录小组成员说出的健康生活准则,然后以抽签方式从五组中决出四个组长,把本组的健康生活准则抄到黑板上,2分钟时间内写的多错误少的小组为优胜组。) Step6 Read the passage againTry to retell the text. Rules for a healthy life Sure ! Its _ to sit on the sofa and watch TV !But doctors say you should _off the sofa . To _fit , you have to walk at least 10,000 _

11、every day . Its important to eat food that is _ and natural. _ _is not healthy .You should only have it once in a _. Rest while you can !Its important for you to get about_ _ sleep a night. Do not _ .Be happy !If you are worried about something, talk to your _ or your teacher. Say no to smoking !It

12、is _. It harms nearly_ _ of your body.Step7 Exercises1. His life was saved _ better medical technology. A. thank to B. thanks to C. thank for D. thanks for2. Our parents _ us to get higher education. A. worry B. believe C. expect D. harm3. Mr Li says learning English _ a lot of practice, or well get

13、 nothing. A. refuses B. reduces C. requires D. realizes4. Everyone should _ drinking when driving. A. say no to B. say yes to C. say hello to D. say thanks to Step8 Extension(拓展)1. 号召学生回家后利用所学知识,结合家人的生活实际,给家人一些健康生活的建议。2. 让学生周末利用网络找出更多有关健康生活的文章,返校后和大家一起分享。Step9 Homework Write a passage called My rules for a healthy life. Include the rules you have learned and written.4


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