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人教版2019届高考英语一轮复习讲义:选修八 UNIT 3—UNIT 5 基础知识 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、第一部分 基础知识选修八Unit 3Unit 51. 了解有关发明创造的知识,学习发明家严谨、求实、创新等科学精神。2. 了解希腊神话Pygmalion与萧伯纳戏剧之间在表现形式、人物塑造等方面的异同。3. 了解早期人类的生活方式和人类文明的发展进程,增长考古学知识。一、重点单词需牢记1. distinguish vi. & vt. 显示的差别;使有所不同;辨别 distinguish A from B 辨别A与Bbe distinguished from不同于be distinguished by 以为特征be distinguished for 因而著称distinguish onesel

2、f 显扬自己;使自己扬名 The man distinguishes himself by his wisdom.这个人因智慧而扬名。 distinguished adj. 著名的;卓越的;受人尊敬的;显得重要的2. product n. 产品,产物;产量;出产结果,成果The plan was the product of many days of careful thought.这个计划是许多天仔细考虑的成果。 However, not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit.然而,并非所有的广

3、告都是为了推销商品和为赢利服务。 produce,production 和productproduce作名词时多指农产品product多指工业产品production一般指生产过程 3. seize vt. 抓住;捉住;夺;占据;(指强烈的感情 愿望等)突然影响或控制(某人) The little boy stretched out his hands to seize the toy. 小男孩伸出双手去抓玩具。 seize hold of sth. 抓住某物seize a chance/an opportunity 抓住时机seize on/upon sth. 意识到某事物而加以利用seiz

4、e sb. by the arm抓住某人的手臂seize 指突然抓住某物,强调突然的猛烈动作,语气比catch强。4. bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;负担 n. 熊cant bear doing 忍受不了做某事 The plan wont bear close inspection.这项计划经不起仔细研究。I dont feel very well. I cant bear this weather.我感到不太舒服。我受不了这种天气。 tolerate,stand,bear 和enduretolerate可与stand换用,tolerate更正式。tolerate可指容忍不同观点。stand后

5、除可以跟“困难”外更多地接人作宾语。bear则指承受重负、重量等。 endure可指忍受痛苦、苦难、困难等。5. hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇 hesitate to do sth. 做某事犹豫不决hesitate about/over (doing)sth. 对某事犹豫不决I still hesitate about joining them in the exploring in the forest.我仍在犹豫是否参加他们的森林探险。We will not hesitate to give our lives to our motherland. 我们可以毫不犹豫地为祖国献出自己

6、的生命。hesitation n. 不愿踌躇;犹豫不决 without hesitation 毫不犹豫have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫干某事 6. remark n. 谈论;言论;评述 vt. & vi. 谈论;评论;说起remark on/upon. 谈论,议论,评论pass/make a remark 批评;发表议论Everyone remarked loudly on his absence.每个人都在高声谈论他的缺席。Did you remark the difference between the twin sisters? 你觉察出这两个孪

7、生姊妹的不同之处了吗?7. acquaintance n. 相识;了解;熟人 make ones acquaintance make the acquaintance with sb. 结识某人have a passing/nodding acquaintance with sb.对知之甚少 She was a casual acquaintance in America. 她是我在美国的一个熟人。I have some acquaintance with the Russian. 我懂一点儿俄语。 acquaint sb. with. 使某人认识/了解You must acquaint yo

8、urself with your new duties. 你必须熟悉你的新任务。8. rob vt. 抢劫;盗窃;剥夺 rob sb. of sth. 抢了某人某物 They knocked him down and robbed him of his watch and pen.他们把他打倒在地,抢走了他的表和钢笔。 robber n. 强盗robbery n. 抢劫rob 和stealrob意为“抢”,指用暴力夺取别人的东西,其宾语总是人(被劫者)或某一机构(地方),而不是被劫走的物。 steal意为“偷”,指暗中窃取别人的东西,其宾语是物,而不是被盗者本人。常用结构是steal sth.

9、 from sb.。9. compromise n. & vi. 妥协;折中 compromise with sb. on sth. 和某人就某事达成妥协reach/arrive at/work out a compromise 达成妥协make a compromise with 与妥协We had to compromise with him on this point.我们只好就这一点向他妥协。 10. fade vi. & vt. (使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失 Hopes of a peaceful settlement are now fading.和平解决的希望正在消失。 fade

10、in (电影画面或广播声音) 渐现,淡入,渐强fade away消失,消退,逐渐衰弱fade out使淡出,使渐隐,使渐弱 The sound of the footsteps faded away.脚步声渐渐消失了。11. assume vt. 假定;设想 assume that. 假设 assume an air/expression of. 装出的样子/表情assuming that. 假定(作连词用,相当于if)Assuming that it rains,what should we do?假定下雨了,我们该怎么办? assumption n假定;设想;承担;担任make an as

11、sumption 假设;认为on the assumption that.在假定 的情况下We are working on the assumption that the rate of inflation will not increase next year.我们在假定明年通货膨胀率不增加的情况下工作。12. significance n. 意义;意思;重要性; 重要意义 He did not understand the significance of my wink.他没有领会我眨眼的意思。 a matter of little significance无关紧要的事情 be of m

12、uch significance 重要的(2) 完成句子这是重要新闻。It is an event _of_significance_. be of no/little significance 无关紧要的 significant adj. 重要的13. arrest vt.逮捕;吸引 n. 逮捕;拘留 be arrested for sth. 因某事而被捕 under arrest被捕;被拘留arrest ones attention吸引某人的注意 What she did arrested my attention.她的所作所为吸引了我的注意力。He was under house arr

13、est until the day of his trial. 直到受审之日为止,他一直被软禁着。 He learned that another underground Party member had been arrested. 他听说另一个地下党员被捕了。二、重点短语需精通1. set about (不用于被动语态) 开始(某工作);着手做某事 I must set about my packing. I must set out to pack. 我得开始收拾行李了。 set about意为“开始,着手”,与set out同义。set out意为“出发,开始”,侧重于开始做某事,还有

14、规划,展现的意思,后加不定式。set off意为“出发”,侧重于去某个地方。 2. hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住The line is busy, would you like to hang on? 电话正在通话中,请别挂断好吗? Hang on a minuteIll be with you in a moment!再等一小会,我会和你一起出去。 hang round/around聚集在附近;闲荡hang about 闲待着,终日无所事事;闲荡hang up 挂断电话;延迟;推迟或搁置3. in terms of. 就来说;从角度It is difficult to expres

15、s it in terms of science.要用科学的字眼来表达它是很困难的。 In terms of money, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。 in general/practical/financial terms从总体/实际/经济角度来说in real terms (in fact;as a matter of fact)事实上in relative terms 相对而言in the long term 从长远看来in the short term 在目前看来come to

16、terms with sth. 没法忍受某事come to terms with sb.make terms with sb. 与和好;与达成协议4.regardless of 不管;不顾Ill take the job regardless of the pay. 不管报酬多少我都要这份工作。He says what he thinks, regardless of other peoples feelings.他怎么想就怎么说,不考虑别人的情绪。 regardless of,disregarding,in spite of 三者意义和用法相同,区别不大。5. get through 设法联

17、系上(尤指打通电话);(设法) 做完;通过考试;用光;用完;使成功;使理解;明白 We were all delighted when we heard you had got through the exam. 听到你通过考试时,我们都很高兴。 get across 通过;使理解get over 越过,克服(困难);从(疾病)恢复过来get through with 结束;完成;花光(钱财等) 6. cut up 切碎;使伤心,严厉批评Peter, why dont you cut up vegetables? 彼得,为何不把蔬菜切碎了呢? The news of his comrades

18、death cut him up greatly.他的同志死去的消息,使他极为悲痛。 cut off 切断;剪掉cut down 砍伐;削减cut in 打断cut out 剪去,删去;略去cut up cut into pieces 切成碎片7. date back 追溯到This castle dates back to Roman times. 这个城堡可追溯到罗马时代。Our partnership dates back to (We have been partners since) 1960.我们从1960年就合伙了。date back to/from用于一般现在时中,没有被动语态

19、。同义短语还有go back (to)和 date from。 三、重点句式能熟用1. The day is coming when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water and gas.这样的一天即将到来,到那时,电报线将会铺到各家各户,就像水和煤气铺到各家各户一样。 本句中包含了一个定语从句,但是先行词the day和定语从句when telegraph wires will be laid on to houses just like water and gas并没有紧跟在一起,所以这是一个典型的分隔式定语从句

20、。The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that faraway village。这部电影把我带回到在那个遥远的村庄里得到很好照顾的那些时光。The days are gone when we suffered so much. 我们受苦受难的日子将一去不复返了。2. What if I was? 如果我是又怎样呢? 在这个句子中的What if.?意为“如果会怎样/怎么样?”,通常用来表示令人不快的情况或提出有益的建议。What if something goes wrong?要是出了问题

21、将会怎么样?It sounds like a good offer, but what if it is a trick?那个提议听起来很诱人,但如果是个骗局会怎么样?3. If only it could be just like last year! 要是能像去年那样就好了!本句中的If only意为“但愿;要是就好了”。其后一般用虚拟语气。如果是对现在的虚拟,则用一般过去时;如果是对过去的虚拟,则用过去完成时。If only I had more money! 要是我有更多的钱就好了!If only the alarm clock had rung. 当时闹钟响就好了。 【例1】(1)

22、使用恰当的介词填空Can you distinguish _between_ those two objects?Speech distinguishes human beings _from_ the animals.The Chinese nation is distinguished _for_ its diligence and courage. (2) 完成句子Children should be taught to _distinguish_right_from_wrong_ (分辨好坏)【例2】 用produce,production 或product的适当形式填空 The pl

23、ace is known for its dairy produceThousands of men were employed in the production of cars.They came here in search of new markets for their products. 【例3】用seize的适当形式填空His father asked him to _seize_the_chance_ to make some money (抓住时机赚一些钱). We _were_seized_(身不由己) by a sudden impulse to run.The crit

24、ics _seized_on_ (抓住) my mistake and said I was ignorant. 【例4】(1) 用tolerate, stand , bear 和endure的适当形式填空 What cant be cured must be _endured_He _stood_ the test of war.In the end, I could not _bear_ it.Considering his home situation, he had to _tolerate_ his wife.(2) 用所给词的适当形式填空 She just cant bear _h

25、aving_ (have) cats in the house. 【例5】用所给词的适当形式填空 He was still _hesitating_ (hesitate) over whether to join the expedition. He did not hesitate _to_ask_ (ask) her to sit beside him. He did not hesitate about _asking_ (ask) her to sit beside him. Without any_hesitation_ (hesitate), he jumped into the

26、river to save the drowning child.Theres no room for _hesitation_ (hesitate). 【例6】完成句子他们对她的相貌妄加评论,这让她很气恼。They made rude _remarks_ about her appearance, which made her upset. 那批评的话是对我说的吗?Does that _remark_ refer to me? 【例7】根据句意完成句子 The musician had little acquaintance _with_ modern science.I am deligh

27、ted to _make_ your acquaintance.She has many _acquaintances_ in the business community.I have some acquaintance _with_ Spanish. I need to _acquaint_ myself with the new regulations. 【例8】(1) 用rob的适当形式填空 The _robbers_robbed_ the jewellery store in broad daylight. The TV news reported the robbery_ as s

28、oon as possible. (2) 完成句子He _stole_much_money_from_the_shop_ (偷了那家商店的很多钱) but was caught soon after. A man _robbed_her_of_her_purse_ (抢了她的钱包), and pushed her down fiercely. 【例9】完成句子两国之间的政治和解已经取得进展。Progress has been made towards a political _compromise_ between the two nations.两国间的纷争通过互相让步而解决了。The di

29、spute between the two countries was solved _by_compromise_. 【例10】用适当的短语填空当男主角策马向夕阳驰去时,尾声音乐逐渐消失。The closing music _fades_out_ when the hero rides off into the sunset. 照片中的人物逐渐褪色。 The figures in the picture had begun to _fade_away_. 【例11】(1) 用assume的适当形式填空我是在假定能拿到钱的情况下工作。Im working on the _assumption_

30、 that the money will come through.许多人认为贫困仅存在于第三世界。 A lot of people make the _assumption_ that poverty only exists in the Third World.(2) 句型转换 I assumed that he was well qualified for the position. I _made_an_assumption_ that he was well qualified for the position. 【例12】(1) 用significance的适当形式填空我认为他从不

31、知道他自己的父亲是谁这点很重要。I think it was _significant_ that he never knew his own father. 【例13】(1) 使用恰当的介词填空 I got arrested _for_ careless driving.Her uncle was _under_ arrest, but nobody knew the reason.(2) 用arrest 的适当形式填空Five youths _were_arrested_ in connection with the attack.The public applauded the _arr

32、est_ of the criminal suspect.【例1】用set off,set out,set about的适当形式填空 They succeeded in what they had _set_out_ to do.Having made up his mind, he _set_about_ carrying out the plan.If you want to catch that train wed better _set_off_ for the station immediately.【例2】用hang或其相关短语的适当形式填空She _hung_up_ the ph

33、one angrily before I could speak. He _was_hanged_ for murder.The curtain _hangs_ well._Hang_on_ a minute; Im just coming.【例3】完成句子这个实验就儿童所掌握的学习内容方面发现什么差异吗?Did the experiment find any differences _in_terms_of_ what children learned?单纯从经济的角度描绘一个社会是错误的。It would be wrong to describe a society purely _in_

34、 economic _terms_从长远看,运动/锻炼对你的健康有益。_In_the_long_term_,_doing exercise is good to your health. 【例4】完成句子俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。 The club welcomes all new members _regardless_of_ age. 不管天气怎样,我都会去。I will go _regardless_of_ the weather.【例5】完成句子I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I couldnt _get_thr

35、ough_ (to you). Hes not very good at _getting_ his ideas _across_He was disappointed at not getting the job, but hell _get_over_ it. 【例6】用cut相关短语的适当形式填空Her little finger was _cut_off_ in an accident at the factory.She_cut_out_ the advertisement of the newspaper.Im sorry to_cut_in_ on your conversati

36、on.I havent given up drinking but Im _cutting_down_.【例7】完成句子你知道中国海军是什么时候建立的吗?是1949年四月。When was the Peoples Liberation Armys Navy founded?It _dates_back_to_ the April of 1949. 【例1】完成下列定语从句 There is a man downstairs _who_ wants to see you.I was the only person in my office _who_ was invited.How I regr

37、et the hours wasted in the woods and fields, _when_ I should have studied.Can you mention anyone that we know _who_ is so talented as he?【例2】选择合适的答案_What_if_ (What if/What about) we go and see a film tomorrow night?What if.? 后面跟的是句子。What about和How about sth./doing sth.用法相同,用于提建议,后接名词或动名词。【例3】用所给词的适当

38、形式填空 Look at the trouble I am in! If only I _had_followed_ (follow) your advice. 一、单句语法填空1. The _merciful_ (mercy) king saved the young officers from death.2. Is it _convenient_ (convenience) for you to come next Sunday?3. He was _cautious_ (caution) about committing himself to anything.4. That we w

39、ere awarded a gold metal for our product was indeed out of/beyond our _expectation_ (expect). 5. Its very cold today; the temperature has dropped to _freezing_ (freeze) point. 6. The _adaptation_ (adapt) of animals to the environment is rather slow. 7. Sometimes what we say is often _mistaken_ (mist

40、ake) by others.8. In the postoffice, mail _is_classified_ (classify) according to the places where it is to go. 9. This event was organized in _association_ (associate) with the Sports Council. 10The judge _condemned_ (condemn) the thief to one year of hard labor.二、用短语的适当形式填空call up, cast down, now

41、and again, once more, dive into, out of order, a handful of, pass off.as, in amazement, to be exact 1. I _was_called_up_ three months after war broke out. 2. Every _now_and_again_ she went upstairs to see if he was still asleep. 3. Before we _dive_into_ it, lets make a quick word. 4. He came to the

42、conclusion that the machine was _out_of_order_. 5. He tried to _pass_off_ the wine _as_ French, when in fact it came from outside the common market. 6. Only _a_handful_of_ people were dead set on following him. 7. “Four and five deep?” asked Mrs. Smith, eyes widened _in_amazement_. 8. Arrive late _o

43、nce_more_ and youre fired. 9He will set off the day after tomorrow, to_be_exact_,on May 26,Tuesday.10The circumstances were all against Joe, but he was not _cast_down_be merciful to 对是仁慈的It is convenient (for sb.) to do sth. (某人)做某事方便be convenient to sb. 对某人方便at ones convenience在某人方便的时候for convenien

44、ce为了方便起见 be cautious about sb./sth.(doing sth.)对是谨慎的 give sb. a caution告诫某人with caution小心翼翼caution sb. not to do sth.caution sb. against doing sth.告诫某人不干某事in expectation of 预料,期望,指望out of/against all expectation (s) 出乎意料beyond expectation 出乎意料come up to ones expectations 不负所望be classified into 被分成be classified as 被分为 dive into迅速把手伸入;一心投入 in order 整齐,状况良好,适宜,按顺序in order that后接目的状语从句in order to后接动词原形表示目的a handful of一把;一小撮,少数,少量a mouthful of一口;少量an armful of 一揽;一抱


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