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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8教师用书:UNIT 4 SECTION Ⅱ LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含解析.doc

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1、.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1She betrayed(背叛) her country over and over again.2We will condemn(谴责) those people who mistreat pets,such as dogs and cats.3A few years ago it was very difficult for people to find superior(优等的) quality coffee in local shops.4The task requires extraordinary(非凡的) patience and e

2、ndurance.5When it comes to adaptation(适应),it is important to understand that climate change is a process.6He didnt hesitate to ask her to sit beside him.7Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?8My father has many acquaintances in the city.9She made a big fortune

3、 from wise investment.10Her parents disapprove of her going out alone at night.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1adapt v(使)适应;改编adaptation n适应(性);改编本2hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇hesitation n犹豫;踌躇3uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;不自在地comfortably adv.舒服地;自在地comfortable adj.舒服的comfort n舒服;安慰4trouble n麻烦tr

4、oublesome adj.带来麻烦的;使人心烦的5fortune n机会;运气;大笔的钱fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地unadj.adj.n.someadj.unusual不寻常的unfortunate不幸的unwise不明智的tiresome烦人的quarrelsome喜欢争吵的handsome英俊的.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1in disguise 伪装(的);假扮(的)2passoff as 改变或冒充成3make ones acquaintance 结识;与相见4in amazement 震惊;惊讶5generally speaking

5、一般来说6. in terms of 就来说;从角度7in all directions 从各个方向8hold up 举起;举着;阻挡;延迟.选词填空选用上述短语的适当形式填空1In terms of his own situation,he has to give up this chance.2Generally speaking,we have much work to do every day.3He passed off himself as a policeman to cheat.4In the dry weather,once the fire breaks out,it wi

6、ll spread in all directions quickly.5I am delighted to make your acquaintance背教材原句记句式结构仿写促落实1.While watching,he makes notes.他一边观察,一边做记录。“while现在分词”为省略句。While listening to the radio,she fell asleep.她在听收音机时睡着了。2.Will that be of any use to you?那对你有用吗?“be of抽象名词”相当于其形容词。Putting ourselves in their shoes

7、is of great significance/importance when we have conflicts with friends.当我们和朋友发生冲突的时候,换位思考是十分重要的。3.What if I was?倘若我是的话会怎样呢?What if?意为“倘若/假使又怎么样?”。What if you should fall sick?假使你生病了怎么办呢?4.But,sir,(proudly) once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess

8、 at an ambassadors garden party.但是,先生,(高傲地)一旦她接受教导,学会正确地说话,这个女孩可以在三个月内成功扮演使馆花园宴会的女公爵。“once过去分词”形式的省略句。Once broadcast,the TV play will be very popular with young people.一旦开播,这部电视剧就会很受年轻人的欢迎。5.Perhaps I could even find her a place as a ladys maid or a shop assistant,which requires better English.说不定我还

9、可以给她找份工作,当一名贵夫人的侍女或商店的店员。这些工作都要求英语说得好呢。which引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。The little boy hasnt come back yet after leaving home,which makes his parents worried那个小男孩在离家后还未回来,使得他父母很担心。 adaptation n适应(性);改编本(教材P28)This play by George Bernard Shaw is an adaptation of a classic Greek story.萧伯纳的这个剧本是根据一个经典的希腊传说改编的。(

10、1)make an adaptation to适应(2)adapt vi.&vt. (使)适应;(使)适合vt. 改编;修改adapt to 适应adapt oneself to 使某人自己适应adapt sth.for/into 把改编成adapt sth.from 由改编It is necessary for us to adapt (ourselves) to the climate here as soon as possible.我们有必要尽快适应这里的气候。The little boy made an adaptation(adapt) to his new school fina

11、lly.小男孩终于适应了新学校。Human beings will continue to adapt to the changing climate.人类将继续适应变化的气候。My Fair Lady is adapted from a Greek story Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw.窈窕淑女是萧伯纳根据希腊故事皮格马利翁改编而成的。语境助记The film was adapted from a novel,which told that a couple adopted a flexible way to bring up their adopted son,w

12、ho gradually adapted to his new family.这部电影是由一篇小说改编来的,小说中讲了一对夫妇采用一种灵活的方法来抚养他们收养的儿子,使他逐渐适应了他的新家庭。 hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇(教材P29)A gentleman (G) passes and hesitates for a moment.这时,有位先生(简称先)从这儿路过,他犹豫了片刻。(1)hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事hesitate about/in/at/over (doing) sth. (做)某事犹豫不决(2)hesitation n. 踌躇;犹豫without

13、 hesitation 毫不犹豫地She is still hesitating about/over/at/in sending her son to college.对于送儿子上大学这件事,她仍在犹豫。Please do not hesitate to contact(contact) me if you need more information.如果你想要更多资料,尽管和我联系。Seeing the girl struggling in the lake,he threw himself in the icy water without hesitation(hesitate),and

14、 saved her from drowning.看到那个女孩在湖里挣扎,他毫不犹豫地跳进冰冷的水里救下眼看要溺水的女孩。 classify vt.把分类;把归类(教材P29)Simply phonetics studied and classified from peoples own speech.仅仅是研究语音学,同时根据人们的言谈来对语音学进行分类。(1)classifyas把归类为classifyinto 把分成classifyby把按照分类(2)classification n. 分类;类(3)classified adj. 分类的The books in the library

15、are classified by subjects.图书馆的书按学科分类。The solid wastes were classified into many groups by him.这些固体废品被他分成了好几堆。The 32nd Donauinselfest held in Austria was classified(classify) as a great success.在奥地利举办的第32届多瑙河岛音乐节被认为很成功。The classified(classify) advertisement is the simplest one.分类广告是最简单的一种广告。 remark

16、n谈论;言论;评述vt.&vi.谈论;评论;说起(教材P29)You can place a man by just a few remarks.你可以仅仅通过几句话就判断出一个人是哪个地方的。(1)make a remark/remarks on/about就发表意见;评论make no remark 不评论;什么也不说(2)remark on/upon 就发表意见;评论remark that 评论(3)remarkable adj. 非凡的;显著的I wouldnt like some of them to make a remark on my private affairs.我不想让别

17、人对我的私事说三道四。Critics remarked that the play was not original.评论家们指出该剧不是原创的。The writer,Mo Yan,got remarkable(remark) achievements in writing.作家莫言在写作上取得了非凡的成绩。Its rude to make a remark on/upon the appearance of others.评论别人的相貌是不礼貌的。 condemn vt.谴责;使处于不幸(不愉快)的状态;判刑;宣告有罪(教材P30)the English that will condemn

18、her to the gutter to the end of her days.那一口英语使她注定要在贫民窟里呆一辈子了。condemn sb.for(doing) sth.因(做)某事谴责某人condemn sb.to(do) sth. 使某人注定(做)某事;迫使某人陷于不幸的境地;判处某人condemn sb.to deathsentence sb.to death 判处某人死刑The newspaper was quick to condemn him for his mistake.那家报纸及时地谴责他的错误。The judge condemned the killer to dea

19、th(die)法官宣判那位杀手死刑。He was condemned to spend(spend) the rest of the football season on the bench.他只好在这个足球赛季剩下的时间里做替补队员。名师点津condemn sb.to既可以表示“使某人处于困境(或不愉快的状况)”,又可以表示“判处某人”,其中to可作介词也可作不定式符号。 acquaintance n相识;了解;熟人(教材P30)And I came to England to make your acquaintance!我也正是到英国来找你的!(1)结识某人have a nodding

20、acquaintance with sb.与某人有点头之交have no acquaintance with 不熟悉;不了解(2)acquaint v. 使熟悉;使了解be acquainted with 熟悉;认识/了解I have some acquaintance with English,but I do not know it well.我稍懂些英语,但并不精通。My father has a nodding acquaintance with the professor.我父亲与这位教授有点头之交。He was well acquainted(acquaint) with the

21、literature of Latin America.他对拉丁美洲文学十分了解。名师点津acquaintance小贴士acquaintance指“了解”时为不可数名词,但有时可加不定冠词,尤其是有定语修饰时,表示某种程度的了解或认识,与with连用;指“熟人”时为可数名词。 fortune n机会;运气;大笔的钱(教材P30)Well,I never.A whole pound!A fortune!Thatll help me,indeed it will.啊,我还从来没有见过。整整一英镑呢!一笔财富呀!这的确给我帮大忙了。(1)seek ones fortune找出路;碰运气make a

22、fortune 发财try ones fortune 碰运气(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的(lucky)be fortunate to do sth. 幸运做某事(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地(luckily)(4)unfortunate adj. 不幸的;运气不好的unfortunately adv. 不幸地Nowadays,more and more young people go to big cities or go abroad to seek their fortune.现在,越来越多的年轻人去大城市或国外寻找成功的机会。It is said t

23、hat she made a fortune abroad by collecting old things.据说她在国外收集一些古老的东西发了财。She was fortunate(fortune) enough to find a job as soon as she graduated from the university.她大学一毕业就找到了工作,真是幸运。 in terms of就来说;从角度(教材P31)Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar,spelling,etc,so that she can use them pro

24、perly.从语法、拼写等方面改正这些句子,好让她使用恰当。in the long/short term就长期/短期而言be on good/bad terms with和关系好/不好come to terms with (sb.) 与(某人)达成协议/妥协/和解come to terms with sth. 适应(困难的处境),接受(令人不快的事物)Learning is not always easy,but it is always beneficial in the long term.学习并不总是那么简单,但从长远看它总是有益的。Its hard to come(come) to t

25、erms with being unemployed.很难接受失业这个现实。Were on good terms with all our neighbours.我们与所有的邻居关系都好。 (教材P29)Will that be of any use to you?那对你有用吗?【要点提炼】句中be of use是“be of抽象名词”结构。(1)介词of后面接表示抽象意义的名词,如use,importance,help,value,interest,benefit等时,该结构相当于“be名词所对应的形容词”,这类名词前可用no,some,any,little,much,great等对其进行修

26、饰。(2)介词of后面还可以接表示人或物的属性的名词,如size,kind,type,price,height,depth,width,length,weight,age,shape,colour等时,该结构表示不同的人或物具有某种共同特征,在句中作表语或后置定语,这类名词前可用a,an,the same,different等修饰。I dont want to hear what you are saying.It is of no interest/not interesting to me.我不想听你说,我对此不感兴趣。She is looking for some girls of an

27、 age.她在寻找一些同岁的女孩。What he said at the meeting is of great value(valuable)他在会议上说的非常有价值。 (教材P29)What if I was? 倘若我是的话会怎样呢?【要点提炼】What if?表示“倘若/假使又怎么样?”,常用于口语中,相当于“What should you do if?”或“What do you think if?”。(1)What if?常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘若将会怎样?”“如果将会怎样?”后面经常跟一般现在时,有时根据语境也可以跟虚拟语气。(2)相似句型:What about

28、?How about?怎么样?What for? 为什么?Whats up?Whats the matter? 怎么啦?So what?那又怎样?(多用于反驳他人的指责)How come? 怎么会这样?怎么搞的?He is fifteen years younger than you.So what?他比你小十五岁。那又怎样?She spent five years in Paris,how come her French is so bad?她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么还这么糟糕?What if we moved(move) the sofa over there?Would that l

29、ook better?要是我们把那边的沙发挪一下会怎么样?看上去会不会好一些?What if he doesnt agree(not agree) with me?要是他不同意我的看法怎么办?1A man is hiding from the rain listening to peoples language and watching their reactions.【分析】本句的主干是A man is hiding from the rain,主语为A man。listening to peoples language和watching their reactions是两个并列的状语。【翻

30、译】有一位男士在躲雨,边听人们谈话,边观察着人们的反应。2I can place any spoken conversation within six miles,and even within two streets in London sometimes.【分析】本句为简单句,主干为I can place any spoken conversation。within six miles和within two streets in London sometimes是两个并列的状语。其中place用作动词,表示判定什么地方。【翻译】我可以根据任何谈话来判定他们是哪个地方的人,差距不会超过六英里

31、,有时候在伦敦甚至不超过两个街区。.单句语法填空1Few of these laws apply to UK citizens while staying(stay) abroad.2. As far as Im concerned,the lack of skills condemned him to live (live) a poor life.3. We were at your service.Dont hesitate to turn (turn) to me if you are in trouble.4The writers writing style was what peo

32、ple remarked on most at the meeting.5He tried his best to make the acquaintance (acquaint)of the famous professor and persuaded him to be his tutor.6The job is great in terms of salary,but it has its disadvantages.7The novel written by him is classified(classify) as a science fiction.8Our companys a

33、daptation (adapt) to shifting consumer tastes has been a great success.9The machine made in our country,which is superior to the imported one in many aspects,is of great use.10I was fortunate(fortune)enough to be chosen to attend the awarding ceremony.完成句子1What if he doesnt go to school?如果他不去上学该怎么办呢

34、?2If heated,water will turn into water steam.如果水被加热,将变成水蒸气。(省略句式)3In terms of weather,Sanya is a good place for tour.从天气来讲,三亚市是一个旅游胜地。4You are always hesitating to ask teachers about your study.在向老师咨询你的学习时,你总是犹豫不决。5The reference book is said to be of great value to Senior One students.据说这本参考书对高一的学生很有价值。


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