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1、Module 6Old and New 基础自主回顾.课标单词1_始于(某一历史时期)(vi.)2_发(电)(vt.)3_利用;将(自然力)变成动力(vt.)4_狭窄的(adj.)5_迁移;搬迁(vt.)dategenerateharnessnarrowremove6_荒唐的;可笑的(adj.)7_巨大的;庞大的(adj.)8_有浓雾的(adj.)9_(飞机)失事;坠毁(vi.)10_(土木)工程(n.)_工程师(n.)11_容纳(乘客等)(vt.)_住宿,工作场所(n.)ridiculousenormousfoggycrashengineeringengineeraccommodateacc

2、ommodation12_建造;建设;建筑(n.)_建设;建造(vt.)13_历史的;有关历史的(adj.)_历史(n.)_历史性的(adj.)14_冷冰冰的,极冷的(adj.)_结冰的;冷冻的(adj.)_结冰(v.)constructionconstructhistoricalhistoryhistoricfreezingfrozenfreeze.常用短语1_始于,起源于2_梦想,渴望3_结束;终止4_正对进行访问5_阻止6_等于,胜任,和匹敌date from/ back todream of/ aboutbring an end to sth./ bring sth. to an en

3、dbe on a visit tohold backbe equal to7_有意义;有道理8_(梦想等)变成现实9_算出;解决10_划掉,删掉11_既然,由于make sensecome truework outcross outnow that.重点句型1It _ US $ 20 billion.它花费了6年时间建成,耗资200亿美元。答案:took six years to build and cost2_ to see the relics now that they have been submerged?既然这些遗迹已经被淹没了,还有可能看到它们吗?答案:Is it possibl

4、e3The Three Gorges Dam, which is the biggest construction project in China _ the building of the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, has been built to control flooding and _ hydroelectric power _ the central region of China.三峡大坝是自长城和大运河修建以来中国最大的建设工程,它的建造是为了控制洪水和向华中地区提供电力。答案:since; provide; for4The dam i

5、s nearly _ and _.大坝将近200米高,1500米宽。答案:200 metres high; 1.5 kilometres wide.模块语法1(2009烟台调研)Nowadays teenagers like to go to fast food restaurants, _ as the name suggests, eating doesnt take much time.A. who B. whereC. which D. what答案:B2(2009天津)I shall never forget the day _ Shen Zhou V was launched, _

6、 has a great effect on my life.A. when; which B. that; whichC. which; that D. when; that答案:A3(2009乐山调研)If a shop has chairs _ women can park their men, women will spend more time shopping.A. that B. whichC. when D. where答案:D4(2009海淀)While driving through the city, she showed me the building _ she on

7、ce worked as a lift operator.A. when B. whichC. by which D. in which答案:D5(2009东城)The supermarket has so little parking space, _ is really a problem.A. which B. whatC. it D. as答案:A 考点探究解密考 点 解 读1date n年代;时代;约会v加日期于;始于(某时期);属于(某时期)精讲拓展:dated adj.有日期的,陈旧的date from 属于,始于(某一历史时期)date back to追溯到out of dat

8、e过时的;过期的up to date现代的;直到最近误区警示:date from/date back to常指以“现在为起点”往前推,故在句中作谓语时,常用一般现在时,且无被动语态。若句中有信息提示从过去某一时间往前推,则用过去时态。朗文在线:Have you set a date for the wedding?婚礼的日子定下来了吗?To date there has been no improvement in his condition.到现在为止,他的状况还是没有好转。This church dates from the 13th century.这座教堂的历史可以追溯到13世纪。命题

9、方向:date的相关短语是重要考点。活学巧练:I received a letter _ October 1,2009.AdateBdatingCdated Dto be dated答案与解析:C句意:我收到一封信,信上的日期是2009年10月1日。date a letter在信上写地址,date与letter之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。2accommodate vt.供应,供给;使适应;向提供;容纳vi.适应精讲拓展:accommodate sb. with sth.提供某人某物accommodate sth. to sth.适应,迁就,迎合accommodate oneself t

10、o new conditions适应新的情况accommodate oneself to使自己适应于accommodative adj.乐于助人的,随和的,善于适应新环境的accommodation n住处,膳宿;(车、船、飞机等的)预定铺位;和解误区警示:短语accommodate oneself to中的to为介词,故其后的宾语应用doing形式。He cant accommodate himself to doing the hard work.他无法使自己适应艰苦的工作。朗文在线:The hall can only accommodate 200 people.这个大厅只能容纳200人

11、。Weve made every effort to accommodate your point of view.我们已经尽力迁就你们的观点。We reached an accommodation between both parties.我们双方达成了和解。命题方向:accommodate oneself to (doing) sth.是重要考点。有时也考查名词在语境中的辨析。活学巧练:Hotel _ is included in the price of your holiday.Aaccomplishment BaccommodationCaccount Daccompany答案与解析

12、:B句意:你度假的价格包括旅馆住宿在内。accomplishment“成就,成绩”;accommodation“住宿,膳宿”;account“账户,叙述”;accompany“陪同,陪伴”。3remove vt.移动,开除;移交vi.迁移,搬家n.移动,距离,班级,升级After you entered the room,you could remove your hat.at one remove隔一代(之嫡亲) be removed from与远离;与疏远;与不一样remove all doubts消除一切怀疑be removed from school被开除,被勒令退学remove on

13、eself走开,离去removable adj.可移动的removed adj.离开的,远离的;与无关的remover n搬运工;去除剂注意:move强调位置和姿态的改变。remove强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置,有时相当于take away/off。表示“迁居时”,两者均可用。活学巧练:Bad habits are no way easy to be _;it needs your determination.Areplaced BmovedCremoved Dgot rid答案与解析:C戒除坏习惯应用remove bad habits或get rid of bad habits,故

14、选C项。replace“代替,取代”;move“移动,迁移”。4suggest v建议,提议;推荐(某职务的合适人选);表明精讲拓展:suggest doing sth.建议做某事suggest that sb./sth.(should) do建议某人/事该suggest sb.for sth.推荐某人适合suggestion n建议make a suggestion提建议误区警示:suggest表示“建议”后接从句时,需用虚拟语气,即动词用(should)do;但若表示“表明”讲时,其后不用虚拟语气的从句。朗文在线:John suggested going together in one c

15、ar.约翰建议大家坐同一辆汽车去。She suggested that we(should) write that into the contract.她建议我们把那一点写进合同。命题方向:suggest后接从句是否用虚拟语气的动词形式是常考点。活学巧练:He suggested we _ a meeting and it may be suggested he _ interested in our plan.A. to hold; was B. hold; wasC. held; be D. held; should be答案与解析:B第一个suggest是建议,第二个是“表明”。5hol

16、d back阻止;抑制;隐瞒The villagers built banks of earth to hold back the flood waters.Hold it!(电话)别挂断!hold on继续;不要挂断(电话)hold on to抓住hold out伸出(手)hold up拿起;举起;使停顿hold back阻止,抑制;克扣;隐瞒hold ones breath屏息hold ones head up抬起头来hold water能成立,站得住catch/get/grab/seize/take hold of抓住,拿住,握住误区警示:在get/catch/take hold of短

17、语中,hold为名词,其前不加冠词。朗文在线:They had erected the barriers to hold back the flood.他们筑起屏障阻挡洪水。We struggled to hold back our laughter.我们竭力忍住不笑。命题方向:hold back与hold out,hold on,hold up等词语的辨析是考查的重点。活学巧练:(1)The movie was so touching that we couldnt _ (抑制) our tears.(2)Jim was able to _(控制) his anger and avoided

18、 a fight.(3) She was _something _ (隐瞒) from me.hold backhold backbackheld(4) He _(抓住) the rock to stop himself slipping.(5)Our flight was _(耽搁,延误) because of the bad weather.(6)The pupil _(举起) his hand to ask the teacher a question.took hold ofheld backheld up6work out计算出;解决;理解,成功地发展精讲拓展:sth.work ou

19、t某事成功地发展;逐渐解决work sth.out计算出;制订出;设法弄懂work on sth.致力于(做)某事work up to (doing)sth.逐渐下决心去做不想做的事work sth.off发泄误区警示:work out既可作及物动词的用法,又可作不及物动词的用法且含义用法不同,请区分好!朗文在线:You can work out the answer by adding all the numbers.你把所有数加在一起就能算出答案了。UN negotiators have worked out a set of compromise proposal. 联合国谈判人员制订出

20、一套折中方案。The plot is very complicated, itll take you a while to work it out.情节极其复杂,你要花一些时间才能弄明白。命题方向:work out,work on,work off等以词语辨析题的形式出现。活学巧练:翻译句子(1)这道题很难做出来。(2)尽管题目很难,他们最终把它解出来了。答案:(1)The question is hard to work out.(2)Though the problem is difficult, they managed to work it out finally.7make sens

21、e有意义,讲得通What she says makes sense.make no sense讲不通;无意义make sense of sth.懂;了解含义in a sense就某种意义而言,在某种角度上in no sense决不come to ones sense苏醒(bring sb. to his sense)in ones senses头脑健全,神志清醒out of ones senses愚蠢,精神不正常There is no sense doing sth.做某事无意义命题方向:make sense及in no sense是高考命题的重点。活学巧练:(1)Can you _(理解)

22、this poem?(2)What you say is true _(从某种意义上来说)(3)When I _(恢复理智),I was lying on the ground.make sense ofin a sensecame to my senses(4)This poem doesnt _ to me.Can you explain it to me?Amake sense Bmake sensesCmake a difference Dhave sense答案与解析:Amake sense to sb.“在某人看来有道理,有意义”。根据下文可知选A项。make a differen

23、ce“起作用,有重要性”。8bring an end to结束;终止bring an end tobring. to an end结束,终止come to an end结束,完结put an end to结束;消除carry. through to the end把某事进行到底make ends meet量入为出;使收支相抵in the end最后by the end of到末from beginning to end从头到尾end to end头对头地;首尾相连地朗文在线:Im determined to carry this through to the end.我决定把这事进行到底。Si

24、nce Mike lost his job, we can hardly make ends meet.自从迈克失业以后,我们简直难以维持生计。活学巧练:(1)Winning the competition _ his financial problems.A. was an end B. came to an endC. brought an end to D. put an end答案与解析:C句意:赢得比赛结束了他的财政危机。come to an end结束,为不及物动词短语,其后不跟宾语;put an end to结束,但D项表达不对;bring an end to结束,为及物动词短语

25、,其后跟宾语。完成句子(2)They _ the project to an end last month.他们上个月就把工程结束了。(3)After two hours they brought _the meeting,but they didnt make a decision.两个小时过去了,他们结束了会议,可是并没有结果。broughtan end to9非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句可以修饰先行词,也可以修饰整个主句,对所修饰的部分起补充情况或附加说明作用。书写时,往往用逗号与主句分开。即使省略,也不影响主句意思的完整。因此,一些专有名词及一些表示“唯一”概念的人或物,带有形容词

26、性物主代词或是形容词性指示代词作限定词的名词词组后常用此类从句。 (1)非限制性定语从句的关系词who指人作主语,whom作宾语,whose作定语。whose引导的定语从句的先行词可指人也可指物。which指物,作主语或宾语。when和where分别指时间和地点,作状语。关系代词as引导限制性定语从句,用于such(.)as,the same(.) as和as many(或as much).as结构中:Such books as you bought are useless.(as作宾语)你买的这样的书没用。引导非限制性定语从句,说明整个主句;从句的位置可在主句前、主句中或主句后,常用逗号与主

27、句隔开。As is often the case, Mary was late for school.(as作主语)就像平常那样,玛丽迟到了。(2)as与which引导非限制性定语从句时的区别as引导的从句可在主句前、中、后,常用逗号和主句隔开。which引导的从句一般在主句后,也用逗号与主句隔开。(3)在非限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系词不能省略。也不能用that和why引导非限制性定语从句。(4)当whose表示事物或抽象概念时,“whose名词”可以与“名词ofwhich”结构互换。(5)限制性和非限制性定语从句限制性定语从句起限定作用,是主句不可缺少的部分,与先行词间无逗号;翻译时常译

28、成前置定语:Those who want to go, please sign your names here.想去的人请在这里签名。非限制性定语从句起补充说明作用,省去后不影响主句的意思,并且常用逗号与主句分开;翻译时常译成并列的分句:This note was left by John, who was here a moment ago.这条子是约翰留的,他刚才来过这儿。10定语从句的省略形式(1)口语中,作动词宾语或介词宾语(这时介词不可在关系代词前)的关系代词常可省略:Have you found the book(that) you want?你找到你要的书了吗?This is t

29、he man we have talked about.这就是我们谈到过的那个人。(在英语会话中,常省去whom,或用who、that代替。在以介词结尾的从句中几乎不能用whom)但This is the man about whom we talked.中的whom不可省略。(2)口语中,关系副词或其对等结构“介词which”有时可以省略(尤其是先行词为way时):This is the reason(why或that或for which) I did it.这就是我这样做的原因。(3)关系代词作表语时,常省略:She is no longer the girl (that) she was

30、 ten years ago.活学巧练:(1)The Beatles,_ many of you are old enough to remember,came from Liverpool.A. what B. thatC. how D. as答案:D(2)I was given three books on cooking, the first _I really enjoyed.A. of that B. of whichC. that D. which答案:B(3)I have many friends, _ some are businessmen.A. of them B. fro

31、m whichC. who of D. of whom答案:D(4)Once more I am in Boston, _ I have not been for ten years.A. which B. whereC. that D. as答案:B(5)_ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.A. Which B. When C. What D. As答案:D考 题 演 练1.Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _ local 5star hotels

32、charged 6000 yuan for one night.A. if B. whenC. which D. since答案与解析:B本题考查定语从句。从四个选项的特点可以看出此题要考查从句的引导词。将A、D两项代入,句意明显不通。C项引导定语从句时要在句子当中作主语或宾语,所以它也不合适。此题还有一个难点就是定语从句和先行词被分割开了,做题时要注意复原。分割式定语从句将会是一个常考的考点,应该引起注意。句意:因为金融危机,当地五星级旅馆每晚收费6000元的日子已经一去不复返了。when引导一个限制性定语从句修饰先行词days,并且在从句中作状语。2Sorry, I have to _ n

33、ow. Its time for class.OK, Ill call back later.A. hang up B. break upC. give up D. hold up答案与解析:A本题考查结合语境辨析动词短语的用法。解答该类题目时,既要掌握短语的用法,又要熟悉对话的语境。hang up挂断电话;break up分解,分裂;拆散;give up放弃;hold up支撑;耽搁。由语境中出现的call back later可知,此处应选择与打电话有关的短语。3Im not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had

34、 a _ imagination.A. clear B. cautiousC. funny D. vivid答案与解析:D考查形容词词义的辨析。clear清晰的;cautious小心谨慎的;funny滑稽的;vivid丰富的;生动的。have a vivid imagination有丰富的想象力。4Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English _ in a short period.A. improved B. improvingC. to improve D. improve答案与

35、解析:A本题考查“have sth. done”这一短语使用。句意:詹妮希望史密斯先生会提出一个好方法,使她的书面英语水平可以在短时间内得以提高。have sth. done可以表示“使被做”。5I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, a city _ name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.A. which B. of whichC. that D. whose答案与解析:D本题考查定语从句的引导词。正确分析句式结构是解题的关键,同时要注意关系词的用

36、法。分析句式结构可知,空格处在句中作定语修饰name,其先行词是a city,所以用whose引导定语从句。如果用which,需使用the name of which的形式。6Jack, what do you think of the event which not only promoted _ of world hunger, but raised a lot of money to help these poor children?Thats great.A. contribution B. directionC. awareness D. loneliness答案与解析:C句意:杰克

37、,你认为那项不仅可以提高人们对世界饥饿现象的认识还可以为帮助那些穷孩子集资的项目怎样?非常棒。contribution贡献;direction指导;awareness理解,认识;loneliness孤独。7Yesterday she sold her car, _ she bought a month ago.A. when B. whereC. that D. which答案与解析:D考查非限制性定语从句。注意选项在从句中充当什么成分,这是解题的关键。which引导非限制性定语从句,充当bought的宾语。that不能引导非限制性定语从句。8Dogs have a very good _ o

38、f smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.A. sense B. viewC. means D. idea答案与解析:A考查名词的词义。a sense of smell嗅觉。句意:狗嗅觉灵敏,经常被用来搜寻地震中的幸存者。9Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me?No problem.A. seat BsitC. seated D. sat答案与解析:C本题考查分词短语作定语。解答这类题时,一定要弄清分词和被修饰词之间的逻辑关系。_ at th

39、e back of the classroom为分词短语作定语。sit为不及物动词,可用sitting.作定语;seat为及物动词,常与反身代词连用或用be seated形式。这里seat与those构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用其过去分词作定语。Module 6Old and New.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空essentialbecome famous forrelicsubmergedremovesuggestdream ofunder construction hold backbring an end to1They _ the meeting with a complet

40、e agreement.答案:brought an end to2. During his stay in France, he _ his hometown now and then.答案:dreamed of3. Feather falls to the ground much slower than a stone just because air _ it _ much more than it does the stone.答案:holds.back4. We can live without clothes, but food and drink are _ to life.答案:

41、essential5My friend _ I should make more efforts to improve my oral English.答案:suggested6Floods _ the town, and more than 5000 people became homeless.答案:submerged7We saw _ of ancient civilizations in the museum last week.答案:relics8Please _your bag so that I can sit down.答案:remove9Several new railway

42、s are _ in China.答案:under construction10He _ his unusual clothes and behaviour.答案:becomes famous for.单项填空1The old building _ the 5th century is going to be rebuilt.Adate from B. dated fromC. dating from D. dated back to答案与解析:C本题考查短语的用法。本句意为“那幢建于5世纪的古老建筑将被重建”。从句子的结构来看,空格的部分“_ the 5th century”应该在句子中作定

43、语,A项明显错误。B,D两项是一样的,过去分词在句子中用来表示被动或完成,动词date用一般现在时,而且不用被动语态。C项dating from是现在分词形式在句子中作定语。2How much time will it _ to repair the old bridge?Acost B. payC. take D. spend答案与解析:C本题考查动词词义辨析。本句意为“修好那座古老的桥要花费多长时间?”符合句型It takes sb.some time to do sth.,意为“(某人)花费若干时间做某事”。it为形式主语,后面的不定式短语“to do sth.”是真正的主语。pay意为

44、“付款”主语为人;cost的主语是物;spend的主语是人。3The new suspension bridge _ by the famous architect is _ now. Adesigning; under constructionB. designed ; under constructionC. designing ; under the constructionD. designed; under the construction答案与解析:B本题考查非谓语动词designed和短语under construction的用法。under construction意为“在建设

45、中”。design同bridge之间存在被动关系,相当于which was designed,故第一空用过去分词作后置定语。4As a child, he _ becoming a doctor, and now his dream has been realized.Adreamed for B. dreamed ofC. dreams about D. dreamed to答案与解析:B本题考查短语dream of/about的用法。本句意为“当他还是孩子的时候,他梦想当一名医生,现在他的梦想实现了”。dream of意为“梦寐以求某物”。其中介词of可用about代替,但注意题中时态。5

46、I hope your dream of becoming a world champion will _ in the future.Acome true B. come trulyC. come to truth D. be come true答案与解析:A本题考查动词短语come true的用法。本句意为“我希望你在将来实现想当世界冠军的梦想”。come true是固定短语,意为“(希望,理想等)实现,达到”,相当于be realized,其中come为连系动词,不能用于被动语态。6The local government has tried all means to _ the riv

47、er which used to flood every year.Acure B. harnessC. make D. treat答案与解析:B本题考查动词harness的用法。本句意为“当地政府已经尝试了所有的办法利用这条过去每年泛滥的河流”。harness意为“利用(风,水等自然力)为动力”。cure意为“治愈”,常用句型为cure sb.of sth.,意为“治愈某人的病”;make意为“制造,生产”;treat意为“对待,招待”。7The manager suggested _ a meeting to discuss the problem.Aus to have B. us ha

48、vingC. to have D. we having答案与解析:B本题考查动词suggest的用法。本句意为“经理建议我们开个会来讨论这个问题”。“建议某人做某事”应该用suggest sb.doing sth.,不能用suggest sb.to do sth.结构。8Wherever he goes,he can always be _ to new circumstances.Aaccommodate BaccommodatingCaccommodated Daccommodation答案与解析:Cbe accommodated to“适应”。9(2007北京卷)We shouldnt

49、spend our money testing so many people, most of_are healthy.Athat BwhichCwhat Dwhom答案与解析:Dmost of whom为“代词介词关系代词”在句中引导非限制性定语从句,whom指代先行词people。that不能放在介词后面。本题考查非限制性定语从句的用法。10(2007陕西)We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didnt quite _ as planned.A. find out B. give outC. hand out D. work o

50、ut答案与解析:D该题考查动词短语的辨析。后半句句意为,我们的任务并未像计划那样地完成,work out“发展,成功地进展”,符合句意,而A项“找出”,B项“用完”,C项“分发”,均不合句意。动词短语辨析题的解答需做到两点:看清题意,选项的动词短语用法需了解并掌握,这就需要大家平时备考时注意动词短语的积累与运用。11Id like you to _ my name from your list. I dont want to be involved in the matter.Amodify BguideCremove Dweed答案与解析:C本题考查易混动词辨析。remove意为“去掉”。本

51、句意为“我想要你把我的名字从你的名单上去掉。我不想卷入这件事中”。modify意为“修饰”,weed意为“锄去(草等)”;guide意为“指导,领导”。12They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour, but still couldnt make _ of them.Aimpression BcomprehensionCmeaning Dsense答案与解析:D本题考查固定短语make sense of sth.的用法。本句意为“他们反复考虑你的想法,考虑了一个多小时,仍然搞不清你的意思”。make sense of意为“

52、懂得,了解其含义”。13At last the town council _ the law that carnival was banned in the town.Acame to an end Bwas endedCput an end to Dwas put an end to答案与解析:C本题考查短语辨析。come to an end意为“结束;完结”,相当于不及物动词,所以不能用于被动语态,主语一般是物。put an end to sth.意为“结束某物”,相当于及物动词,可以用于被动语态,主语一般是表示人或者某一组织的名词。14There was _ time _ I hated

53、 to go to school.Aa; that Ba; whenCthe; that Dthe; when答案与解析:B本题考查冠词的用法和定语从句。句中time表示“一段时间”,因此要用不定冠词a;时间名词后定语从句缺时间状语,应用关系副词when。15Suddenly the truck was out of control and _ a tree.Abroke into Bcrashed intoCcrawled into Dburst into答案与解析:B本题考查短语辨析。本句意为“突然间,卡车失去了控制,撞到一棵树上”。crash意为“猛撞”;break into意为“强行进

54、入”;crawl into意为“慢慢爬上”;burst into意为“突然发生”。.翻译句子1他当医生的愿望实现了。(come true)_答案: His dream of being a doctor has come true.2他来不来对我都一样。(equal to)_答案:It is equal to me whether he comes or not.3我们建议立即开工。(suggest)_答案:We suggested that the work (should)be started at once.4我们从这里步行到车站要30分钟。(take)_答案:It takes us 3

55、0 minutes to walk from here to the station.5听了那个消息以后,她再也忍不住放声大哭。(hold back)_答案:After she heard the news, she couldnt hold back her tears.完形填空 One of my fathers favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldnt say I didnt like _1_, whatever it might be, _2_ I tried it. Over the years Ive

56、come to _3_ how much of my success I owe to my _4_ of those words as one of my values. My _5_ job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I _6_ what I wanted to do as a career(职业). _7_ I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and raise a family, so I didnt th

57、ink the job I took _8_ that much. I couldnt have been more _9_. I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(机会) to _10_ through the company into different _11_. I accepted each new opportunity with the _12_,“Well, Ill try it; if I dont like it I can always

58、go back to my _13_ position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years, and Ive _14_ every career change Ive made. Ive discovered I _15_ a large number of different talents(才能) and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being _16_ trying new opportu

59、nities. Ive also discovered that if I _17_ what Im doing and work hard at achieving my _18_. I will succeed. Thats why I am so _19_ to be a part of CareerFables. com. I think _20_ has come and I am determined to make it a success.1A. everything B. something C. everybody D. somebody2A. until after B.

60、 ever since C. so that D. long before3A. consider B. argue C. include D. realize4A. suggestion B. explanation C. acceptance D. discussion5A. hard B. best C. extra D. first6A. determined B. examinedC. experienced D. introduced7A. Actually B. Gradually C. Finally D. Usually8A. helped B. required C. ex

61、pressed D. mattered9A. careful B. mistaken C. interested D. prepared10A. look up B. take up C. move up D. put up11.A. situations B. choices C. directions D. positions12.A. thought B. reply C. action D. advice13.A. easier B. newer C. earlier D. higher14.A. permitted B. counted C. organized D. enjoyed

62、15.A. show B. possess C. need D. gather16.A. lucky for B. slow at C. open to D. afraid of17.A. think of B. give away C. believe in D. turn into18.A. business B. goal C. fortune D. growth19.A. excited B. curious C. surprised D. helpful20A. dream B. time C. power D. honor答案与解析:1B“直到我试过之后,我才能说我不喜欢某事。”s

63、omething“某事”,符合句意。everything“任何事物,一切”,不合语境;C、D均指人,也不符合句意。2Auntil after I tried it“直到我试过之后”。3D“这些年,我开始意识到”,realize指“心里意识到”,此处强调一个认识的过程。4Cowe my success to my acceptance of those words“把我的成功归功于对这些话的认可”。5D此处表示“我的第一份工作就是我决定先试几年直到我决定将来我从事什么样的职业”。6Adetermine“决心,决定”,符合句意。7A由前后语境可知,此处表示:事实上,我认为我会工作几年,结婚,待在家

64、里8D“因此我认为我从事的这份工作并不重要”,matter vi.“重要,要紧”,符合语境。9Bnot.more否定比较级表达肯定的意思。“我是如此的错误”,mistaken“弄错的,出错的”,符合语境。10Clook up“查阅”;take up“从事”;move up“挪动”;put up“张贴,挂起”。11D“我被给予机会在公司里不同的职位上工作”。position“位置,职位”,上文也有提示。12A“我都以这样的想法来接受每一个新的机会”,thought“心思,想法”,符合语境。13C“我要试试。如果我不喜欢的话,我总能回到原先的位置上。”earlier“原先的,早一些的”。14D“在

65、过去的28年里我在同一家公司,我喜欢我每次做出的改变。”enjoy“喜欢”。15Bpossess“拥有”,符合语境“我发现我拥有许多不同的才能和技巧”。16C如果我不面对一些新的机会的话,open to“面对,朝开放”。17C我还发现如果我相信我做的事,并努力实现我的目标的话,我会成功的。18Bachieve ones goal“实现某人的目标”。19A联系上文可知,用excited“兴奋的”最为合适。20B我认为时间已经到了,我下决心要成功。.七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Body language is the quiet, sec

66、ret and most powerful language of all. It is said that our body movements communicate about 50% of what we really mean while words themselves only express 7%. So, while your mouth is closed, just what is your body saying.Arms. _1_ If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back,

67、this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. _2_ If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show youre unhappy.Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head level. If you are monitor in class, you can take on this position when you want your words to be taken

68、seriously. _3_Legs. Your legs tend to move around a lot more than normal when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still.Posture. A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. _4_ This makes breathing more difficult, which in turn can make you feel nervo

69、us or uncomfortable.Mouth. When you are thinking, you often purse (皱拢) your lips. You might also use this position to hold back all angry comment you dont wish to show. _5_A. If you are feeling down, you normally dont sit straight, with your shoulders inwards.B. If you are pleased, you usually open

70、your eyes wide and people can notice this.C. Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies.D. How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet.E. However, it will probably still be noticed, and people w

71、ill know youre not pleased.F. However, to be friendly in listening or speaking, you must move your head a little to one side.G. Dont say too much when youre happy.答案:15DCFAE.书面表达请根据下面提示,写一篇短文,词数不少于100。At the Opening Ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, all the audience were amazed to see the pict

72、ure below, which is Chinese Character“和”Please tell how you understand it._参考范文:I think“和”is a very good word to choose at the opening ceremony of this great gathering, which means “Harmony”in English. First, we need“Harmony”among our Chinese people. We have the same ancestor and belong to one big f

73、amily. It is our wish to work together to make our country a strong one in the world. Second, we need“Harmony”among the world people. If we can have a tolerant heart and show respect for different cultures,beliefs and religions, there will be no wars in the world. Besides, we need“Harmony” among all the living beings. Human beings and animals share the same earth, so we need a harmonious environment to live together. I think the word really represents our good feeling in this beautiful summer and it is remarkable to use this word to show our great Chinese culture.


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