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2011高考英语总复习单元训练:BOOKII UNIT1(教师解析版).doc

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1、考点训练23 S2 B1 Unit 1 Making a difference.句子填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.She _(毕业) from an American college in 1996.答案:graduated2.It is good to be_ (好奇的) about the world around you.答案:curious3.Can you say that dolphins are much more_ (有才智的) than other animals?答案:intelligent4.I_ (对不满意) our treatment at tha

2、t hotel,so I shall complain to the proprietor.答案:wasnt satisfied with5.After they got married,they had many years of _ (不幸福).答案:unhappiness6.All the paper has_ (用完),and we have to buy some.答案:been used up7.I_ (梦想) being the best footballer in the town.答案:dream of8.Things_ (结果是) to be exactly as the

3、professor had foreseen.答案:turned out9. _ (要是怎么办) Dave wont admit his telling a lie?答案:What if10. _ (没有意义) in arguing;it wont help much.答案:There is no point.单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1.Dont go very far.Stay _ shouting distance.A.in B.off C.within D.at答案:C提示:within shouting distance“在被叫时能听得见的地方”。2.It mak

4、es no _ to me what she says.I wont care.A.choice B.efforts C.difference D.differences答案:C提示:题意是“她说什么对我来说都不重要,我是不会在乎的”。3.Mr.Smith is busy these days _ a new book on how to develop a childs reading skill.A.working out B.working onC.working for D.working with答案:B提示:work on意为“从事于,在做”;work on a new book可

5、译为“在写一本新书”。4.Time _ quickly.Three years passed before we knew it.A.went by B.went onC.went away D.went off答案:A提示:go by指时间“过去,流逝”。5.Mary has recently got engaged _ a foreign teacher,who has been engaged _ education research for years.A.with;in B.to;in C.in;to D.in;for答案:B提示:get engaged to sb.指“与某人订婚”

6、;be engaged in sth.指“忙于某事”。6.I dont think these black clothes _ his age.I guess red ones may be better.A.match B.fit C.connect D.equal答案:A提示:match作动词,意为“与相配,适合”。fit常指衣帽等的大小合体。7.If you are _ about Australia cities,just read the book written by Dr.Johnson.A.curious B.anxious C.mysterious D.puzzled答案:A

7、提示:be curious about sth.指“对感到好奇”。8.All Pauls money had been _,so he had to make a living by begging.A.used up B.taken up C.made up D.done up答案:A提示:use up“用完”。9.The shoe was discovered on the Chilkoot Pass,the famous trail used by people _ gold in Alaska.A.seeking for B.finding C.searching D.seeking答

8、案:D提示:seek相当于look for或search for。10.Tell Tom I will wait for him at the school gate. _he doesnt come?A.How about B.What if C.If only D.Whatever答案:B提示:What if he doesnt come?指“他要是不来怎么办?”11.The police will look into the matter as soon as possible.Just be patient _ it.A.with B.of C.for D.in答案:B提示:be pa

9、tient with sb.和be patient of sth.都是固定搭配。12.The result _ to be good,which was more than we could expect.A.made out B.turned out C.went out D.came out答案:B提示:turn out to be指“后来却”。13.There is very little _ in protesting.It wont help much.A.use B.meaning C.work D.point答案:D提示:there is no/little/not much p

10、oint in doing sth.是固定句式,意为“做某事没用处”。14.Im going to the supermarket this afternoon.Do you have anything _?A.to be bought B.to buy C.for buying D.bought答案:B提示:动词不定式作定语时,一般用主动形式表达被动意义。15.The book didnt cost much; _ very good.A.or it was B.or was it C.nor it was D.nor was it答案:D.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) T

11、he Ministry of Education has spared no efforts to bring on IT learning.What is its main aim?Is it to teach students how to learn the computer or is it meant to change the usual method of teaching in order to 1 students strong interest in computers? Teaching students computer knowledge and skills is

12、different 2 giving class lessons through the use of computers.And schools are beginning to pay much attention to using computers to teach students.There is 3 about the fact that IT learning plays an important role as a new teaching tool in this day of technology. 4 ,views differ on whether the schoo

13、ls can achieve their targets,as success 5 whether they can make use of computers effectively. Lets take the subject of Chinese as an example and see 6 difficulties the experts face in their IT management.At present,20 percent of lessons are given with the help of computers.In other words,in a period

14、 of 10 weeks,a Chinese-language teacher must spend two weeks to teach the subject 7 .In carrying out such a major policy as IT learning,the experts should know the 8 that different teachers teaching different subjects have different demands,thus making it 9 to see the policy through. Some teachers,h

15、aving already got some computer knowledge,will still be forced to 10 the training courses with those who have zero knowledge about computer. Another problem is that new teachers may be sent to work in schools 11 IT learning has just started.All teachersincluding the seniors who are very 12 in teachi

16、ng,but who suddenly have no idea what to do when it comes to computers will have to 13 from the very beginning.They will become 14 and their teaching performances may be badly affected.The experts have found out how much of each subject is taught by computers in every school,and have 15 all schools

17、to complete the given work.A hard-pressed teacher may put the daily teaching 16 or the courses onto the computer just to order the required time for IT learning and then 17 the usual way.Furthermore,he may leave school work to his 18 through the computer before class comes to an end in order to “com

18、plete” his IT learning 19 . 20 the teaching of the Chinese language is concerned,do computer lessons really achieve the desire goals to raise the students level of Chinese,pass on common values and so on?I am not so sure.1.A.show B.be C.match D.have答案:C提示:句子的主语是IT learning(即:using computers to teach

19、 students),IT learning是教师的教学行为,不可能show students strong interest in computers,只能是教师用计算机辅助教学与学生对计算机的浓厚兴趣相一致,故用match(find sth. like or suitable for use with)“相称,相配”。2.A.with B.to C.in D.from答案:D提示:different与from搭配,在这里表示“教学生有关计算机的知识技能与通过使用计算机辅助教学是不同的两件事”。3.A.no reason B.no doubt C.no need D.no time答案:B提

20、示:作者先是肯定了在科技时代,信息技术作为新的教学工具起着重要作用这一事实,故用no doubt。4.A.However B.Therefore C.And D.So答案:A提示:接着,用however表示转折,提出不同看法:学校能否成功地达到目标取决于他们是否能有效地使用计算机辅助教学。5.A.depends on B.leads to C.results in D.believes in答案:A提示:depend on 依靠;lead to 导致;result in 造成、引起;believe in 信赖,A项符合文意。6.A.that B.such C.what D.how答案:C提示:

21、作者以中文教学为例,表明专家们在他们IT教学管理中面临着怎样的困难。what在此作连接代词,修饰difficulties,引导一个宾语从句作see的宾语。7.A.the usual way B.the regular wayC.the best way D.the new way答案:D提示:根据文意,教师用计算机辅助教学是一种新的教学方法。8.A.fact B.message C.news D.truth答案:A提示:同位语从句中所表达的内容(执教不同学科的老师有不同的要求)是一个事实。9.A.easy B.helpful C.hard D.fast答案:C提示:老师教的学科不同,要求不同,

22、故使这一政策很难进行到底。10.A.sit for B.run for C.give D.attend答案:D提示:training course应该是attend,即根据上述政策,懂得计算机知识的教师也得去参加计算机教学的培训课程。11.A.for which B.that C.where D.which答案:C提示:此处用where引导一个定语从句,作school的定语,where在从句中充当地点状语。12.A.interested B.satisfied C.successful D.experienced答案:D提示:此处指在教学中有经验的老教师。13.A.work B.start C

23、.teach D.manage答案:B提示:有经验的老教师面对用计算机进行教学无所适从,也得从头开始。14.A.pleased B.disappointed C.certain D.comfortable答案:B提示:面对新的难题,他们感到灰心,乃至他们的教学工作也受到不好的影响。15.A.ordered B.improved C.encouraged D.instructed答案:D提示:作为expert,自然应该是instruct(指导)学校去完成交给的工作(即IT learning)。16.A.methods B.skills C.programs D.performances答案:D提

24、示:performances在这里是指“教学工作”。17.A.make a living B.give lessons C.go to lectures D.does work答案:B提示:作者表明“有的教师迫于压力,将日常教学工作通过计算机来进行,是为了服从IT teaching所规定的时间要求,而后又用老办法上课”。18.A.work-mates B.headmasters C.instructors D.students答案:D提示:从四个选项中可以判断,A、B、C三项都不是老师的做法。19.A.skills B.experiences C.duties D.methods答案:C提示:

25、再者,有的教师为了完成他的IT教学任务,课外作业也让学生在课堂上通过计算机去做。20.A.As B.So long as C.Even though D.As far as答案:D提示:as far as常与be concerned搭配,表示“就而言”。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) Li Luou thought he did the right thing by calling 110 when he saw his two classmates in trouble on the corner of a dark street. Li and his classmates

26、 from No.2 Middle School affiliated to Beijing Normal University spent this years Valentines Day(情人节) selling roses on the street.As night approached,they cycled back with over 200 yuan in their pockets. Suddenly,a gang of robbers jumped out at them.The five robbers were tall and strong,so Li ran aw

27、ay to call the police.He thought it would be the most practical thing to do and he was right.His classmates returned safe and sound. So,what would you have done in Lis situation?Would you have got off your bike and fought the robbers to rescue your friends? A new Beijing student code(守则) does not en

28、courage you to risk(冒险) your life to help them. The new code was introduced to more than 1.7 million primary and middle school students in the city at the start of the new term. It has cut words which might encourage youngsters to risk their lives for others in dangerous situations.Gone are the old

29、calls,which had been in place since 1987,for students to “fight criminals(犯罪分子) courageously” and “sacrifice themselves to save others”.Childrens heroic acts usually left them injured or even dead because they failed to fully foresee the dangers of their actions. A well-known example was Lai Ning,wh

30、o was listed among the “top 10 model young pioneers” in 1989 after he lost his life trying to put out a fire at the age of 14. The deaths connected to teenagers “heroic acts” started a national wide debate(争论) about the protection of youngsters. Wei Lusheng,a parent in Beijing,said schools must firs

31、t teach children how to protect themselves,before learning from heroes. But educators thought the spirit of courage should not be thrown away in the new student code. “Getting rid of the fight criminals courageously words do not mean we deny the spirit of fearlessness and readiness to help others”,s

32、aid Li Jing,an official in Beijing.“But,we should be more rational(理智的) about the spirit of sacrifice.” Li Luou agreed.“Cherishing life is no reason to be a coward,” he said.“But you need make sure you are able to offer help.For example,it would cause more trouble if I jumped into water to rescue so

33、meone drowning,but didnt know how to swim.In that situation its better to call the police or an adult.”1.Which is true about Li and his classmates?A.They bought roses for each other on Valentines Day.B.They called 110 immediately they were held up by a gang of robbers.C.Li risked his life for his cl

34、assmates in the dangerous situation.D.Instead of fighting the robbers Li thought it right for him to call the police.答案:D提示:本题为细节判断题。文章第一段已经交代清楚:Li Luou thought he did the right thing by calling 110 when he saw his two classmates in trouble on the corner of a dark street。其中calling 110为关键词。2.The new

35、student code was introduced in Beijing because_.A.students are facing more danger than they used toB.the old student code didnt include the spirit of courage C.the old one didnt tell students how to protect themselves while helping others in trouble D.the old student code encouraged students to sacr

36、ifice themselves to save others答案:C提示:文章中“A new Beijing student code(守则) does not encourage you to risk(冒险) your life to help them”一句为关键句。旧的学生守则鼓励学生勇敢地同犯罪分子作斗争,往往使自我保护能力较差的学生受到伤害。新的守则改正了旧守则中的不合理的部分。3.Which can be inferred about Lai Ning?A.He was one of the top 10 model young pioneers in 1987.B.If it

37、 werent him,the forest fire would not have been put out.C.According to the new code,he shouldnt have risked his life to put out the fire.D.His deeds did not agree with what the old student code encouraged.答案:C提示:本题为推理判断题。赖宁牺牲于扑灭山火的行动,并被评为全国十佳少先队员。当时的旧的学生守则大力提倡这种英雄行为。但是,新的守则不提倡这种牺牲以自己的生命为代价的行为,因此可以推断

38、出在新的学生守则下,赖宁不会丧失生命。4.The underlined word “deny” in the second last paragraph means “_”.A.agree with B.disagree withC.connect with D.object to答案:B提示:本题为词义猜测题。deny的意思是“否定,拒绝相信”,和B项意思相近。5.According to the new student code which of the following statements is right?A.There will be more criminals after t

39、he new student code was introduced.B.The police in Beijing will have a more difficult time in keeping order.C.The spirit of “fearlessness” and “readiness” to help others will be thrown away.D.Teenagers are advised to make sure they are able to offer help when they want to.答案:D提示:本题为推理判断题。文章最后一段“But you need make sure you are able to offer help”一句,提供了解题思路。


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