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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8习题:UNITS 1~5 单元综合评估 WORD版含解析.DOC

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1、单元综合评估六(Units 15)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Why does the mans tooth hurt?AHis tooth is loose.BSomeone hurt him. CHe has eaten too much chocolate.2How much did the woman spend on her meal?A

2、$20.B$30. C$50.3Where does the conversation likely take place?AIn a kindergarten.BIn a clinic. CIn a bank.4What did the man just do?AHe tried skydiving.BHe ran long distances. CHe held his breath underwater.5What does the woman imply?AShe wants the man to buy her the ring.BShe wants to buy herself a

3、 watch.CShe wants to borrow some money from the man.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What is the probable relationship between the speakers?ANeighbors.BFriends. CStrangers.

4、7What does the man agree to do?AClimb the tower.BSee the church. CVisit the gallery.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8How did the man do on his exams?AHe passed easily.BHe barely passed. CHe just failed.9Which program has the lowest passing grade?AThe arts.BEducation. CThe sciences.10When will the speakers register

5、for their courses at the latest?AAt the middle of August.BAt the end of August. CAt the beginning of September.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11Which type of role will the girl play?AA leading role.BA supporting role. CA nonspeaking role.12What does the girl say she needs to work on?AHer acting.BHer singing. CHer

6、 lines.13How does the girl seem to feel?AUnsure.BConfident. CInspired.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14How does the woman feel about flying?ARelaxed.BCurious. CConcerned.15Which aircraft does the man recommend? AAirbus.BBoeing. CThe C919.16How many Chinese passenger planes have been tested?ATwo.BFour. CThree.17Wh

7、en is the Chinese plane likely to be in service?AIn 2019.BIn 2020. CIn 2021.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18What is happening to the tower?AIt is being repaired.BIt is being removed. CIt is being rebuilt.19Why were bats harmed by the tower?AIt affected their signals.BIt has the wrong color. CIt was too high.20W

8、hat was the purpose of the work?ATo improve phone signals.BTo create a taller tower. CTo protect rare creatures.答案15CABCA610BCBCB1115ABACA1620BCBAC附:听力参考材料Text 1M:I need to go to the dentist.My tooth has been hurting me ever since Halloween.W:I told you all that chocolate was bad for you!You dont wa

9、nt to lose your teeth, do you?Text 2W:If you give me the money for your meal, I will pay the bill for both of us with my credit card.The total is $50.M:I have worked out that my meal cost $30.Here is the cash.Text 3W:Johnathan Banks? Dr Lewis is ready for you now.Follow me and Ill show you to the wa

10、iting room.M:Thank you.Is it OK if my little brother comes with me? He has no one to look after him.W:Certainly.Text 4W:Great job! You were underwater for over a minute! Next, were going to learn how to dive.M:This is more tiring than longdistance running! Can you just give me a moment to catch my b

11、reath again?Text 5M:This is an expensive shop.Look at the watches.Who can afford those prices?W:This ring isnt too costly.It would look lovely with the dress I am wearing now.Maybe some kind soul will get it for me.Text 6M:Oh dear, its snowing.What will we do in Paris on a day like this?W:There are

12、so many things we can do.Lets go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.M:Youve got to be joking.Itll be freezing up there.W:Well, we could go and look around Notre Damesuch a beautiful ancient church.M:Except it was burnt to a shell not so long ago.W:Oh, yes.I forgot.I know. Lets go to the Louvre and see t

13、he Mona Lisa and all those other famous works of art.M:OK,but first let me see if I packed my scarf and gloves.Text 7M:Did you take your college entrance exams yet?W:Yeah.I think I got around 80%.M:Wow, thats a lot better than me.I just passed.W:Well, you are trying to get into the arts, right? The

14、minimum passing grade is a little higher than the sciences.M:I wonder if I should take something else instead.W:Have you thought about doing something in education?M:How well do you have to do on that?W:Its the same as the arts,but I heard that once you get into the program, the courses are easy.M:W

15、hen should students register again?W:The semester begins on September 4th, but you should register at least a week ahead of time.M:Good to know. That gives me a couple months to make my decision.Text 8W:The drama teacher just announced the cast for our school musical. Did you see what part you were

16、given?M:Yeah. I was cast as one of the villagers. I dont even have a speaking role. I saw that you are playing the main character. Congratulations! Are you excited?W:Of course. But Im more nervous than anything else. I want to do a good job, so I have a lot that I need to prepare.M:You will be fine.

17、 You are the best actress in our class.W:Thanks for the support. But to tell you the truth, I dont know if I can do it.M:What are you so worried about? Is it because you have to memorize so many lines?W:No, its not that. Its my voice. Ive never sung before. How will I ever do as well as the actress

18、in the movie?M:Yeah, she was pretty amazing, wasnt she?W:Dont say that! Youre just making me more nervous!Text 9W:I get nervous about flying when I read about the problems with the Boeing 737 Max.M:Its OK. No one is using that type of plane at the moment. They are trying to fix the problems.W:I stil

19、l wouldnt want to go on holiday in one.M:Then choose an airline that uses Airbus.Eventually we will be able to use the new Chinese passenger plane.W:Really? That sounds interesting.M:Yes, its called the C919. They tested the first one in 2017, another two after that, and theyve just tested the fourt

20、h one.W:And how did the test go?M:Very well. It seems like a good plane. It meets tough international standards.W:If its Chinese, I think I will trust it more.M:You might have a long wait if you are relying on it for your holidays.W:Why? Its 2019 now. Theyve been testing it for two years.M:These thi

21、ngs take a long, long time. Safety is very important. They say it wont be delivered to airlines for another two years.W:Thats a shame. I need a holiday long before then.M:Well, it is something you can look forward to for the future.Text 10And now some news for nature lovers. The National Telephone C

22、ompany has started knocking down the big phone tower on Watson Road.But the tower was built only two years ago and had major repairs carried out on it a year ago.So why is it being removed?Because of bats.As you know, bats are almost blind but they are guided by signals.Scientists found that the sig

23、nals from the phone tower were affecting the signals of some very rare bats that live in the area, causing them to get lost and sometimes die.At first, it was thought the color or the height of the tower was to blame for the bat deaths.When the problem with signals was discovered, the phone company

24、agreed to knock the tower down and move it one kilometer away, where there are no bats.Then the animals will be out of danger and we can all make phone calls with a clear conscience.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIn the 1960s,while studying the vol

25、canic history of Yellowstone National Park,Bob Christiansen became puzzled about something that,oddly,had not troubled anyone before:he couldnt find the parks volcano.It had been known for a long time that Yellowstone was volcanic in naturethats what accounted for all its hot springs and other steam

26、y features.But Christiansen couldnt find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere.Most of us,when we talk about volcanoes,think of the classic cone(圆锥体)shapes of a Fuji or Kilimanjaro,which are created when erupting magma(岩浆)piles up.These can form remarkably quickly.In 1943,a Mexican farmer was surprised t

27、o see smoke rising from a small part of his land.In one week he was the confused owner of a cone five hundred feet high.Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across.Altogether there are some ten thousand of these volcanoes on Earth,all but a

28、 few hundred of them extinct.There is,however,a second less known type of volcano that doesnt involve mountain building.These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack,leaving behind a vast hole,the caldera.Yellowstone obviously was of this second type,but Christiansen co

29、uldnt find the caldera anywhere.Just at this time NASA decided to test some new highaltitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone.A thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the assumption that they might make a nice blowup for one of the visitors centers.As

30、 soon as Christiansen saw the photos,he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera:almost the whole park2.2 million acreswas caldera.The explosion had left a hole more than forty miles acrossmuch too huge to be seen from anywhere at ground level.At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blo

31、wn up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything known to humans.本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了鲍勃探寻黄石国家公园火山的故事。21What puzzled Christiansen when he was studying Yellowstone?AIts complicated geographical features.BIts everlasting influence on tourism.CThe mysterious history of the park.DThe exact location of th

32、e volcano.答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“.Bob Christiansen became puzzled about.had not troubled anyone before:he couldnt find the parks volcano.”可知,鲍勃感到迷惑的是,他在黄石国家公园没有找到火山,即:火山的准确位置。22What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?AThe shapes of volcanoes.BThe impacts of volcanoes.CThe activities of volcanoe

33、s.DThe heights of volcanoes.答案:A解析:段落大意题。文章的第二段主要介绍了两种类型火山的形成过程,一种是形成圆锥体形状的火山,富士山和乞力马扎罗山就是其典型代表;另外一种是通过爆裂岩浆而形成巨大裂口的火山,而黄石国家公园恰恰就是这一种。所以本段主要讲述了火山的形态,故选A项。23What does the underlined word “blowup” in the last paragraph most probably mean?AHotair balloon.BDigital camera. CBig photograph.DBirds view.答案:C

34、解析:词义猜测题。根据最后一段“.a nice blowup for one of the visitors centers.As soon as Christiansen saw the photos.”可知,the photos所指的就是前面提及的blowup,所以推断blowup相当于photo(photograph),故选C项。BKaite Blomquist, a 1st grade teacher at Pepperhill Elementary School in North Charleston, South Carolina, learned last year that o

35、ne of her students wanted a bike for his birthday. But his parents could not afford it. So, like most other people that you will find here on InspireMyKids, she decided to do something about it!First, she thought about how to get a bike for that child.Then, she decided to think bigger. How could she

36、 also give a bike to his brother? Or how about a bike to every child in her class? Finally, her vision got even bolder! How might she find bikes for the 650 kids that make up her entire school? Even though Ms Blomquist could not afford to buy the bikes herself, she felt she now had to do something a

37、bout it!So, she decided to start a GoFundMe campaign to raise money. Her request caught on! In less than 6 months, over 1,000 donors from around her community and even 10 countries around the world provided over $80,000 in donations! This was enough to buy more than 600 bikes for Pepperhill students

38、, along with helmets and locks!After a big ceremony to surprise the kids,Ms Blomquists effort is not done. Katie Blomquist is starting a charity called “Going Places”, with a mission to bring jobs to deserving children from lowincome families by providing them with bikes, swim lessons, summer camp c

39、hances, and more.This will enrich their growth and fuel their imaginations,supporting the most basic childhood righta right to joy. And she has started yet another campaign for her charity to help more schools and kids!本文是一篇记叙文。小学教师Katie Blomquist想要满足班里一名学生的生日愿望,并因此有了更大的目标。她成功发起了一次捐款活动之后又准备开启慈善活动,就是

40、为了帮助更多的学生。24. What led Ms Blomquist to start a GoFundMe campaign originally?AHer dream for a bike.BA kids birthday wish.CHer bad family conditions.DA moving story on InspireMyKids.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,她发起GoFundMe这一捐款活动最初是为了满足自己班里一名学生的生日愿望。故答案选B。25. What is Pepperhill Elementary School like?AIts ed

41、ucation level is well below average.BIt has no access to convenient transportation.CIts a community school intended for the poor.DIts students all come from a poor background.答案:D解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“How might she find bikes for the 650 kids that make up her entire school?”可知,这所学校的学生生活都贫困。因此选D。26. What d

42、o the figures in Paragraph 3 indicate?AThe large number of kind donators.BThe great advantage of GoFundMe.CThe immediate success of GoFundMe.DThe huge economic benefits of GoFundMe.答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知,Katie发起的这次捐款活动在不到六个月内就获得了1 000多位捐献者的支持,并成功募捐到80 000美元。这说明GoFundMe迅速获得成功。故选C项。27. Which words can

43、 best describe Katie Blomquist?ASympathetic and devoted.BAggressive and independent.CGenerous and honest.DResponsible and sociable.答案:A解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,为了实现一名学生的生日愿望和给学校所有贫困学生提供一辆自行车这一目标,Katie发起了GoFundMe捐款活动,并且后来为了支持儿童的基本权利,她又创办了慈善组织Going Places。由此可以推断,她是一位富有同情心且乐于奉献的人。因此答案选A。CElderly people who drin

44、k several cups of green tea a day are less likely to suffer from depression,probably due to a “feel good” chemical found in this type of tea,Japanese researchers said.Several studies have linked drinking green tea to lessening psychological problems. Dr Kaijun Niu of Tohoku University Graduate Schoo

45、l and his colleagues found men and women aged 70 and older who drank four or more cups of green tea daily were 44 percent less likely to have symptoms of depression. Green tea is widely consumed in many Asian countries, including China and Japan.Nius team investigated 1,058 relatively healthy elderl

46、y men and women. About 34 percent of the men and 39 percent of the women had symptoms of depression,according to the study that was published in the December issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A total of 488 participants said they drank four or more cups of green tea a day;284 said

47、 they drank two to three cups daily and the rest reported having one cup daily.According to the researchers,the apparent effect of drinking more green tea on reducing symptoms of depression did not fade after they factored in social and economic status,gender, diet,history of medical problems and us

48、e of antidepressants(抗抑郁药). By contrast,there was no association between consumption of black tea or oolong(乌龙茶), or coffee, and lower symptoms of depression.A green tea ingredient, the amino acid theanine(茶氨酸), which is thought to have a calming effect on the brain, may explain the “potentially ben

49、eficial effect” shown in the current study, Niu explained. However, further studies are needed to confirm whether greater green tea intake actually has antidepressant effects.本文是一篇说明文。主要说明绿茶可以减少抑郁。老年人每天喝四杯或四杯以上的绿茶有助于降低患抑郁症的风险。28Whats the main idea of the passage?AGreen tea may reduce depression. B.

50、Green tea is popular with Asians.CHow to prevent from depression.DThe profits of drinking tea.答案:A解析:主旨大题意。根据第一段的“Elderly people who drink several cups of green tea a day are less likely to suffer from depression.”可知,本文的主题是“绿茶可以减少沮丧情绪”。29Its helpful for older people to keep off depression if they ha

51、ve _.Aone cup of green tea a dayBtwo cups of green tea a dayCthree cups of green tea a dayDfour cups of green tea a day答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“.men and women aged 70 and older who drank four or more cups of green tea daily were 44 percent less likely to have symptoms of depression.”可知,老年人每天喝四杯或四杯以上的绿茶有助

52、于降低患抑郁症的风险。30The amino acid theanine exists in _.AcoffeeBoolong Cblack teaDgreen tea答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第四段的“By contrast,there was no association between consumption of black tea or oolong(乌龙茶),or coffee,and lower symptoms of depression.”及第五段的“A green tea.,may explain the potentially beneficial effect sh

53、own in the current study”可知,茶氨酸只存在于绿茶中。31Who are the intended readers of this passage?APatients.BParents. CElderly people.DYoung people.答案:C解析:这项研究是针对老年人的,那么老年人可能是它的读者。D“Fast fashion” means clothes that are inexpensive but look like the latest designs.One reason for the success of fast fashion is so

54、cial networking.A report by the investment research firm Bernstein found that millennialspeople born in the 1980s and 90swanted to wear a variety of clothes in the photos they posted on Facebook,Instagram and Twitter.As a result,many businesses that offer trendy,lowcost clothes are growing.But the s

55、ituation is changing now.Maxine Bedat,a woman who is in her early 30s,looks in her closet full of clothes,but she has nothing to wear.She says she hates always shopping for what is in style.Instead,she says,she wants to buy fewer clothes that she can wear over and over.Other people want the same thi

56、ng,she says.So Ms Bedat and a business partner,Soraya Darabi,started a “slow fashion” clothing company called Zady.“Slow fashion” means clothes that last a long time.They are often classic colors and shapes,and are made from natural materials that are biodegradable (可生物降解的) over time.The terms “fast

57、 fashion” and “slow fashion” are related to “fast food” and “slow food”Fast food is still popular in the US,but many restaurants increasingly offer higherquality,more expensive and relaxed meals.Like slow food,slow fashion also aims to use sources that are good for the environment and workers.Maxine

58、 Bedat says people in her generation want to know where their clothes come from and who is making them.To answer millennials demand for information about the products they buy,Ms Bedats company,Zady,includes details about the history of the brands.It also describes the process in which the clothes a

59、re made.Ms Bedat says Zady aims to tell shoppers where their clothes come from, where they go,and how they impact the world. 本文属于说明文。快时尚曾一度深受年轻人的追捧,但是现在慢时尚因为它的环保已经开始流行起来。32What can we know about millennials from Paragraph 1?AThey tend to buy clothes with lower price.BThey all like to share photos on

60、 the Internet.CThey spend money in buying the latest designs.DThey show their interests in wearing different clothes.答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“.millennialspeople born in the 1980s and 90swanted to wear a variety of clothes in the photos they posted on Facebook,Instagram and Twitter.”在20世纪80年代和90年代出生的千禧一代

61、,他们想穿各种各样的衣服拍成照片发布在脸书、Instagram和Twitter上。由此可判断出这些人热衷于不同的衣服。分析选项可知D项符合题意,故选D项。33What makes Mexine Bedat establish Zady?AShe has nothing to wear.BShe likes the classic clothes.CShe longs for “slow fashion” clothes.DShe prefers clothes with natural materials.答案:C解析:推理判断题。第二段和第三段中一个叫Maxine Bedat的女人,不喜欢那

62、种“快时尚”,只想买能反复穿的衣服,其他人也想这样的。于是Bedat女士和一个商业伙伴Soraya Darabi创立了一家“慢时尚”服装公司,“慢时尚”是指能穿很长时间的衣服。由此可判断出她现在喜欢这种“慢时尚”的衣服,故选C项。34Like “slow food”,“slow fashion” should _.Abe highquality and expensiveBbe friendly to the environmentCtell the shoppers the history of the brandsDdescribe the process of making the cl

63、othes答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Like slow food,slow fashion also aims to use sources that are good for the environment and workers.(像“慢食品”一样,“慢时尚”也旨在利用对环境和工人有益的资源)”可知,它们的目的在于环保,故选B项。35What does the text mainly talk about?AHow “fast fashion” becomes popular.B“Slow fashion” is becoming popular now.CMany bus

64、inesses are selling trendy and cheap clothes.DThe differences between “fast fashion” and “slow fashion”答案:B解析:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了“快时尚”已经逐渐不再流行了,“慢时尚”逐渐流行起来了,因此B项为最佳标题。第二节:(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Color is fundamental in home designsomething youll always have in every

65、room.A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms youll love to live in.Do you want a room thats full of life?Professional?Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day?_36_,color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to fee

66、l.Over the years,there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point._37_,they can get a little complex.But good news is that therere really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home:the small ones,the medium ones,and the lar

67、ge ones._38_.Theyre the little spots of color like throw pillows,mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms.Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa,small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily

68、 changeable.Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas,dinner tables or bookshelves._39_.They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones,and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space.The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls,ceilings,and flo

69、ors.Whether youre looking at wallpaper or paint,the time,effort and relative expense put into it are significant._40_.AWhile all of them are usefulBWhatever youre looking forCIf youre experimenting with a colorDSmall color choices are the ones were most familiar withEIts not really a good idea to us

70、e too many small color piecesFSo it pays to be sure,because you want to get it right the first timeGColor choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways 颜色是房间设计的基本要素之一。这篇说明文介绍了大、中、小三种规模的物品的颜色选择及各自的优点。36B解析:空前的三个问句是问读者想要寻找什么样的房间设计,结合空后的“color is the key to making a room fee

71、l the way you want it to feel”可知,不管你想让你的房间怎样,颜色是关键。37A解析:空格后的they指代上文中的techniques,且与A项中的all of them相呼应,代入A项“尽管它们都很有用”,符合语境,故A为答案。38D解析:上一段最后提到“the small ones,the medium ones,and the large ones”,再结合最后两段首句中的“Medium color choices”和“The large color decisions”可判断,本段介绍small color choices,故选D项。39G解析:根据空后的“

72、require a bigger commitment than smaller ones,and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space”可知,这里讲述两个方面,这与G项中的in two major ways相照应。40F解析:根据空前的“the time,effort and relative expense put into it are significant”可知,大型物品的颜色选择所需要的时间、精力、费用很大,这恰与F项构成因果关系。第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题1分

73、,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As I drove into the garage, Bing Crosby was singing “Ill Be Home for Christmas” on the radio. The lyrics _41_ me, as it would be our first Christmas without our eldest son, Davis, who died in an accident earlier. _42_ the tree was our family tradi

74、tion, which reminded us of the carols (颂歌) playing as we wove strings of colored lights and laid out the ornaments. But we didnt this year. How could we _43_ Christmas without Davis? Our friends, Jim and Fiona, knew how difficult this “first” would be for us. They decided to _44_ our home by bringin

75、g over a homecooked meal and spending an evening with us. As I looked out through the window, I noticed our neighbours homes outlined in coloured lights. Tears rolling in my eyes, I returned to my kitchen to prepare the _45_ for the Christmas dinner. The doorbell rang a little earlier than expected.

76、 My husband and I met at the door, ready to greet the Prestons. To our amazement, our snowcovered yard was full of lighted candles and _46_ faces singing, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.” One carol followed another in beautiful harmony with faces brightening up in the candlelight. As tears flooded m

77、y eyes, I felt such _47_ for this meaningful gesture of love.Within minutes, a potluck of Christmas dishes appeared from the back seats of cars or from their hidden places under bushes. With the largest group filling our home, the _48_ dinner plan, which had been meant to give us a Christmas experie

78、nce we needed so _49_, turned out to be a special gathering. Though Davis wouldnt be home with us this Christmas, I realized that Joy can _50_ Sorrow. Jim and Fiona had given us the wonderful gift of community to _51_ the gap. The neighbors made up for our _52_ with a love so evident in this gesture

79、 of support, taking our _53_ from us. Looking around at the smiling faces in our _54_ house, I knew I wanted to decorate the tree tomorrow, as Davis would be home for Christmas with me in a _55_ way only in my heart.这是一篇记叙文。作者痛失爱子。圣诞节想起儿子,十分难过。朋友和邻居的关爱,让作者一家摆脱了悲痛。朋友和邻居点亮了满院子的蜡烛,也燃起了作者对生活的希望。41A.plea

80、sedBdisturbed CsaddenedDdisappointed答案:C解析:由后面的our first Christmas without our eldest son, Davis, who died in an accident earlier可知,儿子死于一次事故,所以应为悲伤。42A.PurchasingBDecorating CPlantingDClearing答案:B解析:由后面的as we wove strings of colored lights and laid out the ornaments及文章最后I knew I wanted to decorate t

81、he tree tomorrow可知,此处应为装饰圣诞树。故选B。43A.get throughBmake for Ctake overDcarry out答案:A解析:以前装饰圣诞树是家庭传统,儿子意外死亡后今年没有装饰圣诞树。由此可知今年圣诞节特别难熬。故选A。44A.inspectBbeautify CbrightenDembarrass答案:C解析:根据下文in beautiful harmony with faces brightening up in the candlelight可知,此处C项为最佳选项。brighten使亮丽多彩。45A.orderBcandles Cgifts

82、Dfood答案:D解析:由空前returned to my kitchen to prepare以及空后for the Christmas dinner可以推断出去厨房准备吃的。故选D。46A.sensitiveBfamiliar CstrangeDattractive答案:B解析:根据上文Our friends, Jim and Fiona,.decided to _44_ our home以及下文The neighbors made up for.可知,来的都是朋友邻居,所以面熟。故选B。47A.pressureBsympathy CgratitudeDconcern答案:C解析:根据空前

83、As tears flooded my eyes以及空后for this meaningful gesture of love可知,作者非常感激。故选C。48A.temporaryBperfect CinitialDextra答案:C解析:由空后的which had been meant to以及turned out to be a special gathering可知,情况发生了变化。故选C。49A.previouslyBhonestly CdefinitelyDdesperately答案:D解析:根据上文可知,这个圣诞节对于作者一家来说非常难,极其需要朋友的陪伴。故选D。desperat

84、ely极度地。50A.beatBreward CstrikeDcontrol答案:A解析:根据下文Looking around at the smiling faces in our _54_ house, I knew I wanted to decorate the tree tomorrow.可知,作者内心重新燃起了生活的希望。所以答案选A。51A.widenBcover CmakeDfill答案:D解析:作者痛失爱子,邻居朋友对他们一家的关爱填补了内心的空白。由此可以推断出此处应选D。52A.lossBbelief CreliefDjustice答案:A解析:邻居用爱填补了作者一家内心

85、的缺失感。用爱弥补了他们的失子之痛。故选A。53A.attitudeBconfidence CheartacheDexcitement答案:C解析:由上文可知,朋友邻居给予的是关爱,带走的是伤痛。故选C。heartache伤心。54A.desertedBquiet ClonelyDcrowded答案:D解析:由上文With the largest group filling our home以及本句Looking around at the smiling faces可知,来的人很多。故选D。crowded拥挤的。55A.separateBdifferent CnaturalDtypical答

86、案:B解析:由空后的only in my heart可知应选B。儿子虽然去世了,可是还和他们在一起,只不过换了一种方式。第二节:(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。National Youth Day is celebrated in China every year on 4th May.It _56_(establish) by the Government Administration Council of Peoples Republic of China in December of 1949 _57_(honor

87、) the May Fourth Movement of 1919.After World War I ended,_58_ peace conference was held by the United States,United Kingdom,Italy,France and Japan in Paris.China sent some of its delegates (代表) to participate in the conference.China demanded that Japan cancel the unfair “21 items” and _59_ Germany

88、should give Shandong back to China,_60_ was occupied by Japan during WWI.The very rational request was refused and the _61_(legal) privilege of Germany of Shandong Province was transferred to Japan.The outcome caused a significant amount of anger among the residents of China.Approximately 30,000 stu

89、dents from different _62_(university) around Beijing gathered at Tiananmen Square on May 4th to hold a protest _63_ the decision.Finally on June 28th Chinese delegates refused to sign the Paris Treaty,_64_(make) the movement a success.This marked the _65_(begin) of National Youth Day.56was_establish

90、ed解析:考查被动语态。establish和it是被动关系,青年节是被建立的,所以该空需用被动语态。根据后面的“in December of 1949”可知,该句时态应为一般过去时。故填was established。57to_honor解析:考查动词不定式。该空需用动词不定式作目的状语,动词原形不能作目的状语。故填to honor。58a解析:考查冠词。这里表示泛指,一次和平会议,所以需用冠词a。故填a。59that解析:考查宾语从句。该句demand后接and连接的两个宾语从句,所以该空需用关系词that来引导宾语从句。故填that。60which解析:考查非限制性定语从句。该句缺少主语,


92、e是主动关系,所以需用现在分词。故填making。65beginning解析:考查名词。由the和of可知,该空需填名词,the beginning of.“的开始”,故填beginning。第四部分:写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节:应用文写作(满分15分)假定你是李华,你的英国好友Peter 8月份打算来中国旅游,想先学习一些中文,却不知道如何入门。你决定帮助他,用英语给他写一封邮件告诉他你的建议。内容包括:1你给他的学习建议;2介绍你帮助他的计划;3对结果的展望。注意:1.词数80左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Peter,Im_deli

93、ghted_to_hear_that_you_are_going_to_take_a_trip_to_China_in_August_and_especially_want_to_learn_some_Chinese_first_before_coming.Here,I_suggest_that_you_choose_Chinese daily_dialogues as_a_start,like_greeting_people,asking_for_directions_and_so_on,which_can_help_you_a_lot_during_your_trip.Learning_C


95、Looking_forward_to_your_early_reply.YoursLi Hua第二节:读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。续写词数应为150左右。The day of the balloon festival, I felt as light as a hotair balloon.This year I wouldnt just be watching.Id be riding in Mr Js truck, following the flight of the balloon and meeting it when

96、 it came down.It was a perfect day.Dad and I drove down the road, looped(环状绕行) the lake, and turned into the field that was being used as a parking area.Dad pointed to the lake.“Thats where you are to find the crew,” he said.We came to a stop and I got out of the car.And then I saw it, a white bird

97、with black stripes, brown head, and skinny legs.It screeched(尖叫) and thrashed(拍打) in the dirt in front of the cars that were driving downhills.Its wings looked broken.Suddenly it shrieked (悲鸣)and flew off.“Dad,” I called, but my father was watching the balloons.“Its a killdeer(北美喧鸻)” I turned to see

98、 a silverhaired old woman.“It has a nest here somewhere,” she said.“In the parking area?” I asked.She nodded firmly.“It was a nesting place before it became a parking area.No one told the killdeer about the balloon festival!” “Jack!” Dad called “Isnt it time you went down to meet Mr J?” “I have got

99、to go.” I said.But the woman pointed with her walking stick.There, on the ground was a perfect clutch(窝) of speckled eggs, looking like pebbles.They were almost in the path of cars, trucks, motorbikes and stomping feet.Screech! The parent bird was back, its wing all twisted again.“Jack!” Dad called

100、again.“The balloons are ready to launch.” “Dad! I am.” A truck roared over the hill.Brakes screamed dust flew.“Whats the matter?”asked Dad angrily from the truck.答案Paragraph 1: “Dad, I am not going,” I said.I have to stay here so the cars wont roll over the nest.Because of so many things to deal wit

101、h, my dad drove away to tell Mr JThen the woman reminded me that it was time to come up with a plan to protect the nest.Just then several cars pulled over.That was when a plan took sudden, perfect shape in my head.I ran over to turn to them for help.It was not long before they understood everything.

102、More drivers joined in.They parked the cars in the way to protect the nest.Paragraph 2:Soon a ring of vehicles surrounded the nest.Nothing or nobody is allowed to get close to the eggs.All the morning we failed to take part in the balloon festival activities.By the time noon, the festival was over.People began to leave.When Dad came to pick me up, only the woman and I were stationed there.And, the killdeer, watching over her eggs in the nest, perfectly safe.


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