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2016-2017学年人教版高中英语选修11测试 UNIT 2 DETECTIVE STORIES 知能达标 UNIT 2 SECTION 2 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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2016-2017学年人教版高中英语选修11测试 UNIT 2 DETECTIVE STORIES 知能达标 UNIT 2 SECTION 2 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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2016-2017学年人教版高中英语选修11测试 UNIT 2 DETECTIVE STORIES 知能达标 UNIT 2 SECTION 2 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.doc_第3页
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2016-2017学年人教版高中英语选修11测试 UNIT 2 DETECTIVE STORIES 知能达标 UNIT 2 SECTION 2 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE WORD版含答案.doc_第4页
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1、.阅读理解Theres been a lot of talk about white and blue collar workers,and you may have even heard of gold collar workers,but lately a new color of collar is making its way into Chinas urban vernacular(方言)green.Green collars say no when work is life and life is work.They choose to get out of the fast la

2、ne,and explore new ways of living “green”Living green doesnt mean someone is working as an environmentalist,biologist or scientist.Instead,it is more of a lifestyle choice.A typical green collar is welleducated like a white collar but physically tough like a blue collar,likely born in the 70s or 80s

3、 and living in one of Chinas big cities,with a monthly income well above 5,000 yuan.The life of a green collar may go something like this: turn off the mobile phone after work,eat only healthy food rich in vitamins,go out on hikes every weekend,and like to help the_underprivileged.Green collars even

4、 have their own club.In Beijing,the Green Collar Club is for people who share a “be happy,healthy and helpful” spirit.The club often holds charity parties and uses the donations for environmental protection and poverty relief projects in China.“They are successful in their careers,but do not miss th

5、e pleasures in life.They have a lot of money,but do not fall slave to it,” said Zuo Shiguang,one of the founding members of the club.【语篇解读】本文介绍了当今中国大城市中新兴的“绿领”一族的生活方式。1What is the text mainly about?AThe appearance of gold collar workers.BThe increasing awareness of environmental protection.CThe life

6、style of green collars.DNew trends in big cities of China.【解析】主旨大意题。文章第一段引出“绿领”的话题,下文主要介绍了中国大城市中新兴的“绿领”的生活方式。【答案】C2Green collars are living green because _.Athey devoted themselves to environmental protectionBthey spend a lot of time in the openCthey refuse to live an unhealthy lifeDthey have a larg

7、e income【解析】细节理解题。由第二、三段可知,之所以称为“绿领”,是因为他们追求健康的生活方式,注意环保仅仅是其中一方面的表现。故选C。【答案】C3After work,green collars will _.Ado a lot of extra work at homeBnot think about work any moreChave fun with old friendsDlike to be left alone【解析】细节理解题。由第三段可知,他们下班后就会关闭手机,目的就是抛开一切工作的烦扰。【答案】B4Which of the following can best

8、describes Zuo Shiguangs attitude towards green collars?AScolding.BAppreciative.CDoubtful. DNeutral.【解析】推理判断题。从最后一段可知,Zuo Shiguang是“绿领”俱乐部的创办人之一,对“绿领”们的生活方式非常欣赏。故选B。【答案】B.完形填空After working many years in a big hospital,my work as PM charge nurse in a small local hospital yielded (产生) many frustrations

9、.Occasionally we _1_ supplies or equipment and sometimes the food was _2_ desirable.The biggest _3_ was the lack of qualified help._4_,everyone working there had a genuine love for the patients,and did their best to care for them.Alice,a tiny elderly lady with bright blue,twinkling eyes was everyone

10、s _5_.Her only living relative was her son Jack,a large,_6_ man.Tattoos(纹身) covered his arms and his loud and rough manner _7_ most of the staff.But this monstrous man loved his tiny mother.He sometimes visited at _8_ hours so he could surprise anyone he _9_ of not taking proper care of his mother.Y

11、et,his _10_ with her amazed me.And I,like everyone else,truly loved his mother.One particularly bad evening at the hospital,three _11_ called in sick.Jack came in at suppertime,as usual,to help his mother with her _12_.He stood gawking(盯着看) at me in the nurses station as I _13_ tried to do the work

12、of three nurses.Overwhelmed (不知所措的),and near tears,I _14_ his stare.After the patients were finally _15_,bathed and put to bed I sat at the desk and put my head down on my arms for a few moments _16_.Suddenly,the front door burst open.Startled,I thought,oh no!Here comes Jack,_17_ on us again! As he

13、stepped in,I looked up to see him _18_ a pickle (泡菜) jar and in the jar was the _19_,long stemmed red rose Id ever seen.Jack handed it to me and said,“I noticed what a _20_ time you were having tonight.This is for you,from me and my mother.”【语篇解读】作者在一家小医院工作,设备简陋,人手紧缺,但大家对病人都很负责。一位老妇人非常受大家喜欢,但她儿子相貌粗犷

14、,经常出其不意地检查护士是否对母亲的照料有疏漏,大家都有点害怕他。有一次作者忙碌了一天,在休息时,他送给作者玫瑰花以表谢意,使作者深受感动。1A.brokeBlackedCdemanded Dmisused【解析】根据前文“a small local hospital”可推断出,这个小医院设备简陋紧缺。第3空后的the lack of.是提示。misuse“滥用”,不合题意。【答案】B2A.as much Brather thanCmore than Dless than【解析】根据语境判断,此处还是强调医院条件差,因此食物也不那么令人满意,因此用less than,说明达不到一定的程度。mo

15、re than表示非常令人满意;rather than表示“而不是”。【答案】D3A.problem BdoubtCfact Dreality【解析】前面都在说医院的问题,由后文作者一个人干三个人的活可知,医院人手紧缺是最大的难题。【答案】A4A.Besides BOtherwiseCStill DInstead【解析】前后形成转折关系,说明尽管条件不好,但医护人员对病人很尽责。still表示“但是”,instead也表转折,但意思是“而不是,反而”。【答案】C5A.favorite BheadacheCtopic Dpride【解析】从下文第四段“And I,like everyone el

16、se,truly loved his mother.”可推断,这个老妇人深受大家喜爱。【答案】A6A.ridiculous BfunnyCpolite Dtough【解析】从下文“Tattoos(纹身)covered his arms and his loud and rough manner”可推断,这位女病人的儿子高大强壮。tough表示“强健的,健壮的”,其他三项均与语境不符。【答案】D7A.annoyed BterrifiedCfrustrated Dimpressed【解析】从前面对儿子相貌的描述可推断,大家都害怕他。annoy意为“使恼怒”,不合语境。【答案】B8A.unreaso

17、nable BunbelievableCunpredictable Dunbearable【解析】结合下文的“he could surprise anyone”可推知,他有时会出其不意地来检查。unreasonable“不合情理的”;unbelievable“不可思议的”;unbearable“不可忍受的”,均不合语境。【答案】C9A.suspected BaccusedCwarned Dreminded【解析】从他出其不意的来查岗可以推断他怀疑母亲不能得到好的照料。accuse“谴责”,不合题意。【答案】A10A.confidence BpatienceCfairness Dgentlene

18、ss【解析】根据上文可知儿子对母亲十分爱护。gentleness表示“仁慈的,和善的”,符合语境。【答案】D11A.patients BstudentsCdoctors Dassistants【解析】从下文13空后“tried to do the work of three nurses”可推断,有三个助手生病请假了。assistant表示比较正式的“助手”,一般用在专家、教授身上。【答案】B12A.sleep BtroubleCmeal Dcooking【解析】从前面的suppertime可知选meal。cooking“做饭”,用在医院不合适。【答案】C13A.busily Bwilling

19、lyCslowly Dangrily【解析】因为是一个人干三个人的活,所以作者很忙碌。【答案】A14A.feared BmetCturned Davoided【解析】从前面作者不知所措几乎掉泪判断,作者在逃避对方的眼光。【答案】D15A.checked BfedCcomforted Dcalmed【解析】根据前文的“suppertime”以及此处的并列关系判断,应该是吃饭、洗澡、睡觉。【答案】B16A.silence BsatisfactionCrelaxation Drecreation【解析】从前文可知,作者干完活以后很累,因此休息一会。recreation意思是“娱乐”,不合逻辑。【答案

20、】C17A.checking up Bkeeping watchCpicking up Ddropping in【解析】前文有提示,作者以为这位儿子又来查岗,keep watch on sb.“一直监视某人”;pick up on“了解;注意到”;drop in on“顺便拜访”,均不合语境。【答案】A18A.decorating BcarryingCholding Dcovering【解析】根据下文可知瓶子里插着玫瑰花,显然这位儿子是把瓶子拿在手中,而不是携带,因此不选B。【答案】C19A.expensive BcheapestCthinnest Dloveliest【解析】作者受到病人家属的理解和感激,此情此景,玫瑰花在作者眼中,这应该是最可爱的。【答案】D20A.long BbadCboring Dsad【解析】这位儿子已经看到作者的辛苦,因此知道作者很不容易。boring“乏味的”,不合语境。【答案】B


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