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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修八作业:UNIT 4 PYGMALION PERIOD 2 WARMING UP & READING (2) WORD版含解析.doc

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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修八作业:UNIT 4 PYGMALION PERIOD 2 WARMING UP & READING (2) WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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1、Unit 4Period 2.词汇基础A单词拼写1After they decided to be best friends, they would never b_ one another.2Charles shows b_ skill in the game; he is a top player in the school basketball team.3The success of her book has given her unexpected celebrity _ (身份)4I think its proper to _ (归类) her novels as serious

2、literature instead of mere entertainment.5After drinking several cups of wine, David began to feel its effect and became _ (不舒服地) hot all over.6Marie Curie won the Nobel Prizes due to her _ (非凡的) achievement in the field of radioactivity.7The ingredients are imported from Italy especially to give th

3、e food a(n) _(真正的) Italian taste.8After a 90minute contest, the referee blew the _ (哨子) to end the game.9The longterm overseas experience as an _ (大使) made him a man of abundant information in diplomatic affairs.10The _ (字幕) on the television screen are not clear enough.11At the hotel, I made the _

4、(相识) of a young American actor.12My first painting sold for 25, a (n) _ (大笔的钱) then for an art student.【答案】1.betray2.brilliant3.status4.classify5uncomfortably6.extraordinary7.authentic8whistle9.ambassador10.captions11acquaintance12.fortuneB选用合适的单词或短语并以其适当形式填空disguise oneself;condemn sb to;to ones am

5、azement;pass oneself off as;be classified as;remark on;make ones acquaintance with;make a quick adaptation to;hesitate for a moment;mistake1We _ the new environment after we got to the island.2Though she _,she finally went in and asked to see a dress that was expensive.3If you thought she was a fool

6、,you were _.4He _ a policeman and fined the driver for 1,000 yuan.5It was in New York that I first _ Professor Smith.6The soldiers _ by wearing white garments in the snow.7His character _ an actor and he was fortunate enough to meet a famous director.8_,he was able to recite the whole poem from memo

7、ry.9This accident _ a major one.10The judges _ the high standard of the game.【答案】1.made a quick adaptation to2hesitated for a moment3.mistaken4passed himself off as5.made my acquaintance with6disguised themselves7.condemned him to8To our amazement9.was classified as10remarked onC句型转换1I had hardly ar

8、rived home when the telephone rang.Hardly _ _ arrived home when the telephone rang.2The teacher has a wrong opinion of this pupils action.The teacher _ _ _this pupils action.3He was sentenced to death for murder.He _ _ to death for murder.4She stared at him in surprise when he suddenly spoke to her.

9、She stared at him _ _ when he suddenly spoke to her.5He pretended to be their new boss.He _ himself _ _ their new boss.6It is also believed that it will bring good luck to you.It is also believed that it will _ _ _ _.【答案】1.had I2.is mistaken about3.was condemned4in amazement5.passed;off as6.bring yo

10、u good fortuneD根据所给提示将下列句子翻译成英语1Arthur试图冒充合格医生。(passoff as)_2Gordon还在犹豫是否离开。(hesitate)_3Sharon当时漫不经心地说要换工作。(remark)_4一般来说,那些注意体育锻炼的人,身体健康状况良好。(generally speaking)_5说到顾客的满意情况,这个政策无可挑剔。(in terms of)_【答案】1Arthur tried to pass himself off as a qualified doctor.2Gordon was still hesitating about whether

11、to leave or not.3Sharon remarked casually that she wanted to change her job at that time.4Generally speaking, those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health.5In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy cannot be criticized.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Steve, a t

12、welveyearold boy with alcoholic parents, was failing.Surprisingly, he could read, yet,_1_ his reading skills, Steve had been failing since the first grade.Steve was a big boy, yet, he went unnoticed _2_ Miss White.Miss White was a smiling, beautiful, young lady.For the first time in his_3_ life, Ste

13、ve couldnt take his eyes off his teacher;yet,_4_ he failed.In the middle of the first term, the entire seventh grade was _5_ for basic skills.Steve hurried through his tests, and _6_ to dream of other things, as the day passed slowly.One day, Miss Whites _7_ voice broke into his daydreams.“Steve!” S

14、tartled (吓了一跳), he _8_ to look at her.“Pay attention!” She began to _9_ the test results.“You all did pretty well,” she told the class, “ _10_ one boy, and it breaks my _11_ to tell you this, but” She hesitated, pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp _12_,“the smartest boy in the seventh grade is fa

15、iling my class!”After that, Steve still _13_ do his homework.“Just try it,” Miss White said one day.“Steve! Please! I care about you!” Wow! Suddenly, Steve got it! Someone cared about him? Someone, so beautiful and perfect, cared about him! Steve went home from school, _14_ that afternoon and decide

16、d to work hard.The following Monday he arrived at school on time, and waited for Miss White to enter the classroom.She walked in, all sparkle and smiles! Immediately, she gave a _15_ on the weekend homework.Steve was the first to _16_ his paper.With a look of _17_, Miss White took his paper.Steve wa

17、lked back to his desk, his heart beating strongly within his chest.Miss Whites face was in total _18_! Suddenly, her face broke into a bright smile.The smartest boy in the seventh grade had just_19_ his first test! From that moment _20_ was the same for Steve.()1.A.in honor ofBin spite ofCin additio

18、n to Din case of()2.A.to BbeforeCuntil Dupon()3.A.rich ByoungCfresh Dsimple()4.A.still BevenCalso Dforever()5.A.observed BcorrectedCselected Dtested()6.A.struggled BagreedCcontinued Ddeclared()7.A.cheerful BimpatientCenthusiastic Dshy()8.A.decided BmanagedCturned Dforgot()9.A.go over Brun overCturn

19、over Dhand over()10.A.except for Bdue toCas for Dup to()11.A.will BrecordCheart Dback()12.A.pain BstareCsense Dcontrast()13.A.wouldnt BcouldntCmustnt Dshouldnt()14.A.amused BdoubtfulCconfused Dthoughtful()15.A.survey BspeechCreport Dquiz()16.A.give up Bhand inCturn down Dcome across()17.A.respect BcuriosityCsurprise Danger()18.A.victory BshockCsadness Dconfidence()19.A.escaped BtookCmissed Dpassed()20.A.anything BsomethingCanything Deverything【答案】15 BCBAD610 CBCAA1115 CBADD1620 BCBDA


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