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2011高考英语一轮提能训练:必修4 UNIT 5 THEME PARKS(附解析)新人教广东版.doc

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2011高考英语一轮提能训练:必修4 UNIT 5 THEME PARKS(附解析)新人教广东版.doc_第1页
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1、【人教广东版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练Unit 5Theme parks .词语填空experience,be involved in,name after,face to face,have fun,come to life,base.on,along with,meet ones need,charge for1They will do everything to _ of the customers.2Come on! Youre sure to _ at the party.3Do they _ the use of the telephone?4One should

2、always _ his opinions _ facts.5Although he is young,he also _ working out the plan.6To our surprise,the match finally _ in the second half.7He is proud of his invention _ his name.8It is the first time in my life that I have _ the true hunger.9After I talked with the head teacher _,I was deeply enco

3、uraged.10_ a thankyou letter,he also sent me a pile of money.答案:1.meet the needs2.have fun3.charge for4.base;on5.was involved in6.came to life7.named after8.experienced9.face to face10.Along with.词汇运用1She suggested several ways to _(使伤心的女孩高兴)2_(由于种种原因),this kind of animal died out.3The driver _(收了我5

4、元的出租车钱)4Several boys of the group _(被起诉) fighting in the street.5I think _(讲座的门票) too expensive for a common student.6Your silence is _(承认) of your guilt.7He _(获利) of 5,000 dollars on the deal.8I think many local people will _(从中受益) the development of the area.9The police will look into the case _(涉

5、及几个孩子的)10The equipment is still at the _(实验) stage.11_(科学技术的发展) has made it possbile to perform the operation.12You are _(自愿的) to attend the party.答案:1.amuse the sad girl2. Owing to a variety of reasons3.charged me 5 yuan for the taxi 4were charged with5.the admission to the lecture6.an admission7.m

6、ade a profit8.profit from9.involving several children10.experimental11.The advance of science technology12.voluntary.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I want you to know about our neighborhood,Tangley Heights,a slum(贫民窟)I didnt go there much after I met Maxine and her disabled son Rona

7、ld and their friend,Miss Annie.In 1981 I was 12 years old.I _1_that once you are 12,you are too big for lots of things you used to _2_before,but you are too young for a job.So a whole group of us children were _3_with nothing to do,only standing at the corner to _4_if Maxine would come with popeyed(

8、突眼的)Ronald.Somebody found that Ronald went to a school for mentally _5_kids and that every afternoon a special bus brought him home and that his mother was always there to _6_him off the bus.My mama could always make you feel special.She could see what my teachers could not,but that was a _7_between

9、 us.When my mama died,the secret died,too.It was Maxine who _8_me to her neighbor,Miss Annie,when I needed _9_with English.She told me to bring my book to her house every day after school.After a few weeks,Miss Annie said,“Vernon,I have never _10_you for money,but I would like you to help Maxine _11

10、_up her yard.”I cleaned up the yard,and then put the _12_in a bag that Ronald held.Ronald stood there _13_ the bag as if it were the most important job on earth.When you first saw Ronald,he looked like a (n) _14_animal,but what I understood was that Ronalds problem was _15_.Being scared made him loo

11、k strange.【解题导语】 记叙文。年仅12岁的作者Vernon的母亲去世了。在Maxine的引见下,他每天放学后跟着Miss Annie学英文。Annie不收Vernon的家教费用而是让他帮助Maxine清洁院子,因为她的儿子精神残疾。1A.described Bdeserved Cdiscovered Ddetermined解析:作者感悟人生的心理描写:作者发觉一旦你到了12岁,你年龄太大,做一些过去常做的事情已经不合适,但是你干工作年龄又太小。答案:C2A.discuss Bdo Cfind Dthink解析:根据for lots of things(做工作)与for a job(

12、干工作)以及下一句中的nothing to do判断,这里指做一些过去常做的事情。答案:B3A.left Bdealt Cadmired Dsent解析:sb. be left with nothing to do某人处于无所事事的状态。“我们”这群孩子无所事事。答案:A4A.ask Bwait Csee Dconsider解析:根据下文的Somebody found that.判断。站在拐角处看看他们母子俩是否来了。答案:C5.A.independent Bnaughty Cfrightened Ddisabled解析:与上文的her disabled son照应。Ronald就读于专为精神

13、残障的孩子开办的学校。答案:D6A.get Bcatch Cteach Dguide解析:get sb. off the bus接某人下车。每天下午母亲都要把Ronald从车上接下来。答案:A7A.bridge Bgap Csecret Dwall解析:根据下文的the secred died判断。母亲能够明白“我”的老师所不能明白的事情,但是这是我和母亲之间的一个秘密。答案:C8A.moved Bintroduced Ccalmed Dsettled解析:之前“我”不认识Maxine的邻居Miss Annie,正是Ronald的母亲Maxine介绍“我”认识她的。答案:B9A.curiosi

14、ty Btest Cconcern Dhelp解析:“我”需要人帮助“我”学习英语,因此Miss Annie就要求“我”每天放学之后把书带到她家。答案:D10A.asked Bawarded Ccombined Dpaid解析:为了让作者帮助Maxine家清洁院子,Miss Annie不向作者收取辅导费。答案:A11A.bury Btrap Cclean Ddig解析:与下文的I cleaned up the yard照应。答案:C12A.money Bbook Crubbish Ddust解析:清洁完毕院子之后,作者把垃圾放入Ronald拿着的袋子里。答案:C13A.holding Bthr

15、owing Cclosing Dcarrying解析:与上文的a bag that Ronald held照应。Ronald拿着袋子站在那里。答案:A14A.energetic Bnaughty Cbeautiful Dugly解析:与上文的popeyed(突眼的)Ronald照应。第一次看见Ronald时,他看起来好像是丑陋的动物。答案:D15A.doubt Bsadness Cfear Dcharacter解析:与下文的Being scared照应。作者认为Ronald的问题是有恐惧症,所以他的模样才显得奇怪,好像是丑陋的动物。答案:C.阅读理解Each weekday,come rain

16、 or shine,a group of children,aged 3 to 6,walk into a forest outside Frankfurt to sing songs,build fires and roll in the mud.The birthplace of kindergarten is returning to its roots. While schools and parents elsewhere are pushing young children to read,write and surf the Internet earlier in order t

17、o prepare for an increasingly cutthroat(竞争激烈的) global economy,some little Germans are taking a less traveled pathdeep into the woods.Germany has about 700 Wald kindergartens,or forest kindergartens,in which children spend their days outdoors all year round. Blackboards replaced by the Black Forest.

18、Erasers give way to pine cones(松果). Hall passes arent required,but bug repellent(驱虫剂) is a good idea.The schools are a throwback(返回) to Friedrich Froebel,the German educator who opened the worlds first kindergarten,or childrens garden,more than 150 years ago. Mr. Froebel advised that young children

19、should play in nature,free from too many numbers and letters.Only a small number of German children attend Wald kindergarten,but their numbers have been rising since local parent groups began setting up these programs in the mid1990s,following the lead of a Danish community. Similar schools exist in

20、 smaller numbers in Scandinavia,Switzerland and Austria.The concept is arousing interest far afieldeven in the US.,whose first Wald kindergarten opened in Portland,Ore.,last fall.Academic studies of such schools are in their infancy(初期). Some European researchers believe Wald kindergarten kids exerc

21、ise their imaginations more than their brickandmortar_peers do and are better at concentrating and communicating. Despite dangers,from insects particularly,the children appear to get sick less often in these freshair settings. Studies also suggest their writing skills are less developed,though,and t

22、hat they are less skills than other children at distinguishing colors,forms and sizes.【文章大意】 每周末,无论晴天还是雨天,都有一群法兰克福出来的3到6岁的孩子们到森林里唱歌,点篝火,和泥巴。这是德国森林幼儿园的真实写照,也是德国儿童拥抱大自然的方式。1The passage mainly talks about _.Aforest kindergartens Ba great German educatorCthe birthplace of kindergarten Deducation in Germ

23、any解析:主旨大意题。纵观全文可以看出,文章向我们介绍的就是让儿童多接触大自然的一种方式:森林幼儿园(forest kindergartens),它的意义、教育方式以及起源。B项和C项是文章的细节,D项太笼统。本题稍难。答案:A2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AThe kids in the Wald kindergarten spend their days outdoors once a week.BThere are more than 700 Wald kindergartens

24、in Europe.CFriedrich Frobel opened the worlds first forest kindergarten.DNearly all the German children attend Wald kindergarten.解析:细节判断题。文章第三段告诉我们:德国有大约700家“森林幼儿园”,由常识可知,德国属于欧洲,由此可以看出,在欧洲至少有700所这样的森林幼儿园,即“There are more than 700 Wald kindergartens in Europe.”本题易。答案:B3What might NOT be found in the

25、“forest kindergartens”?ABlack Forest. BPine cones.CBug repellent. DMany numbers and letters.解析:细节理解题。可用排除法。第三段告诉我们,黑板不见了,取而代之的是葱郁的黑森林(Black Forest)。橡皮擦则让路给了松球(Pine cones)。这里不需要从老师那里拿到通行证才能离开教室,不过带上驱虫剂(Bug repellent)倒是个好主意。故D.Many numbers and letters不包括在内。本题易。答案:D4From the last paragraph,we can learn

26、 that “brickandmortar peers” refers to _.Akids who stay at home Bkids who study in the classroomCkids who like brick and mortar Dkids who suffer from illness解析:词义猜测题。前文介绍的是在森林幼儿园学习的孩子,这里很显然是把他们和在传统教室里学习的孩子们进行比较,前者想象力丰富,更专心,更善于交流。所以画线部分指的是kids who study in the classroom。本题难。答案:B5Kids in the Wald kindergarten may _.be more imaginativebe good at exchanging ideas with other kidsface more dangers in the forestbe skillful at writingA B C D解析:细节理解题。用排除法。由最后一段中“Studies also suggest their writing skills are less developed.”可以排除be skillful at writing,即排除A、B、D三项。本题易。答案:C


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