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2020-2021学年人教版英语选修8课时分层作业:UNIT 4 SECTION Ⅰ WORD版含解析.doc

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1、课时分层作业(十)Section 高考题型练习提能力.阅读理解ASuccess is often measured by the ability to overcome adversity.But it is often the belief of others that gives us the courage to try.JK.Rowling,author of the Harry Potter book series,began writing at age 6.In her biography,she remembers with great fondness when her go

2、od friendSean became the first person to encourage her and help her build the confidence that one day she would be a very good writer.“He was the first person with whom I really discussed my serious ambition to be a writer.He was also the only person who thought I was bound to be a success at it,whi

3、ch meant much more to me than I ever told him at the time.”Though there were many difficulties,Rowling continued her writing,particularly fantasy stories.But it wasnt until 1990 that she first came up with the idea about Harry Potter.As she recalls,“it was on a long train journey from London to Manc

4、hester that the idea of Harry Potter simply fell into my head.”To my great disappointment,I didnt have a pen with me,and I was too shy to ask anybody if I could borrow one.I think,now,that this was probably a good thing,because I simply sat and thought,for four (delayed train) hours,and all the deta

5、ils came up in my brain,and this thin,blackhaired,bespectacled(戴眼镜的)boy who didnt know he was a wizard became more and more real to me.”That same year,her mother died after a tenyear fight with serious diseases,which deeply affected her writing.She went on to marry and had a daughter,but separated f

6、rom her husband shortly afterwards.During this time,Rowling was diagnosed with depression.Unemployed,she finished her first novel in area cafes,where she could get her daughter to fall asleep.After being refused by 12 publishing houses,the first Harry Potter novel was sold to a small British publish

7、ing house.Now with seven books that have sold nearly 400 million copies in 64 languages,J.K.Rowling is the highest earning novelist in history.And it all began with her friends encouragement as well as her ambition to write.【语篇解读】本文讲述J.K.Rowling正是在她的朋友Sean 的鼓励和支持下取得成功的。说明我们经常通过克服逆境的能力来衡量成功,但是通常都是别人的

8、信念给了我们尝试的勇气。也就是说在成功的道路上别人的鼓励很重要。1Who believed JK.Rowling was to be a good writer?AHer friend Sean.BHer mother.CHer daughter. DHer husband.A细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“In her biography,she remembers with great fondness when her good friendSean became the first person to encourage her and help her build the confid

9、ence that one day she would be a very good writer.”可知她的朋友Sean是第一个鼓励她写作并坚信她会成为一名作家的人。故A项正确。2. Rowling first came up with the idea about Harry Potter Aat the age of 6 Bon a train journeyCafter her mothers death Din her secondary schoolB细节理解题。根据第四段第三句“As she recalls,it was on a long train journey from

10、London to Manchester that the idea of Harry Potter simply fell into my head”可知J.K.Rowling 是在从伦敦去曼彻斯特的火车上想起要写哈利波特系列小说。故B项正确。3. It can be concluded from Paragraph 5 and 6 that Rowling is Aopenminded BwarmheartedCgoodnatured DstrongwilledD推理判断题。根据文章第五段“That same year,her mother died after a tenyear fig

11、ht with serious diseases”和“She went on to marry and had a daughter,but separated from her husband shortly afterwards.”可知她妈妈去世,后来自己的婚姻也失败。再看第六段“During this time,Rowling was diagnosed with depression.”和“After being refused by 12 publishing houses,the first Harry Potter novel was sold to a small Britis

12、h publishing house.”可知她患上了抑郁症,哈利波特系列小说被12家出版社拒绝。但是这一切都没有打败她,她最终取得了成功。这些都说明她的意志是非常坚定的。故D项正确。4. The text mainly tells us Aadversity makes a good novelistBthe courage to try is a special abilityCyou can have a wonderful idea everywhereDencouragement helps one succeedD主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Success is often meas

13、ured by the ability to overcome adversity.But it is often the belief of others that gives us the courage to try.”我们经常通过克服逆境的能力来衡量成功,但是通常都是别人的信念给了我们尝试的勇气。也就是说在成功的道路上别人的鼓励很重要。接着讲述J.K.Rowling正是在她的朋友Sean的鼓励和支持下取得成功的。所以本文的主题是:鼓励能帮助一个人取得成功。故D项正确。BBorn in 1898 to middleclass parents in Bavaria,Bertolt Brec

14、ht grew up in a comfortable environment.In elementary school,he met Caspar Nehar,who became a lifelong friend and designed sets for many of Brechts plays.As a student at Munich University during World War ,the dramatist studied theater and became interested in German cabaret performances(a form of e

15、ntertainment with singing and dancing that was performed in restaurants or clubs)Brecht began writing works for the stage around this time,which won some words of praise.He also spent time studying the work of political theorist Karl Marx and socialism.He began to form his theory of“epic theater”Thi

16、s theater,different from the traditional aims of drama as described by Aristotle,was not meant to be an imitation of reality or a way to entertain people.Epic theater is meant to present an argument and invite the audience to make judgments on it.Traditional conventions,like not looking directly at

17、the audience,are ignored.Brecht tried to prevent audiences from sympathizing with his characters,and wanted them to care about the issues being discussed.In 1927,Bertolt Brecht began working with a composer named Kurt Weill.Together they wrote several plays,the most famous of which was The Threepenn

18、y Opera.The play opened in 1928 and starred Weills wife,Lotte Lenya.Although this musical adaptation of an 18th century opera by John Gay initially was attacked by critics,it grew in popularity and was performed over 400 times over the next two years.As a Marxist,Bertolt Brecht fled Germany in 1933

19、because of the Nazi terror and moved around Europe.Still under the shadow of Adolf Hitler,Brecht left Europe for America in 1941.During this time,he wrote several plays protesting the rule of Hitler,including Mother Courage and Her Children,The Good Person of Sezuan,Caucasian Chalk Circle,and The Mi

20、sery of the Third Reich.In 1949 Brecht moved to East Berlin.Seven years later he died from a heart attack.【语篇解读】本文介绍了著名剧作家贝托尔特布莱希特的生平及成就。5What did Brecht do around World War ?AHe met Caspar Nehar.BHe started to create plays.CHe became a famous actor.DHe created German cabaret.B细节理解题。由第二段的Brecht bega

21、n writing works for the stage around this time可知,一战期间贝托尔特布莱希特开始创作戏剧。6According to the text,epic theater Aforbids actors to look directly at the audienceBstresses the importance of reflecting realityCdiffers greatly from Aristotles theoriesDtries to make people pity the charactersC细节理解题。由第二段的This the

22、ater,different from the traditional aims of drama as described by Aristotle,was not meant to be an imitation of reality or a way to entertain people.可知,“史诗戏剧”与亚里士多德的戏剧理论有很大区别。7What do we know about The Threepenny Opera?AIt was based on John Gays work.BBrecht played a leading role in it.CBrecht compl

23、eted it in two years.DIt won much praise immediately.A细节理解题。由第四段的this musical adaptation of an 18th century opera by John Gay可知,三毛钱歌剧改编自十八世纪的约翰盖伊的歌剧。8What is the text mainly about?ABrechts theater theories.BBrechts important influence.CBrechts unique writing style.DBrechts life and achievements.D主旨大

24、意题。通读全文可知,本文是对德国二十世纪著名剧作家贝托尔特布莱希特生平及其成就的介绍。.阅读七选五To begin your study time,one biggest challenge is to get all necessary materials. 1 If you prepare everything at one time,your studying will be more effective.Kitchen can be noisy. 2 A bedroom may be full of distractions, such as favorite magazines, m

25、usic, or television.If you can,find a corner of a guest room or studyor any room that is not a high traffic area. 3 Good lighting, a comfortable chair, a good writing surface,writing instruments,reference tools.If you find it easier to study with music playing in the background,pick soothing (使人宽慰的)

26、 music and keep it at a low volume.The phone is a definite no,as are video games,sports equipment, or anything else that can cause distractions.For most students,one to two hours daily is enough.But sometimes you may have to study longer. 4 For example,some students like to study before dinner,other

27、s are early risers and find they can concentrate best in the morning.Tell all your family members when you will be in studying and ask them not to disturb you unless its absolutely necessary.It can be difficult to start a standard study schedule,but the effort can pay off in better grades. 5 After a

28、 month of continual good study habits, treat yourself to spending time with good friends or doing something you enjoy as selfencouragement.AWhat will you absolutely need to help you study?BYou will make your achievements known to others.CBeing close to those tempting snacks wont help with your proce

29、ss.DSet aside a period of time to concentrate on what you are learning.EPick a time when you think your concentration level is the best.FAnother is to find a place where you can concentrate.GYour teachers will notice your improvement.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了进行高效学习的注意事项:事前准备好必需品、寻找能集中精力的学习地点以及如何选择学习时间。1F

30、设空处前句“To begin your study time,one biggest challenge is to get all necessary materials.开始学习时,一个最大的难题是准备好所有的必需物品。”只有F项“Another is to find a place where you can concentrate.另一个难题是寻找一处能够集中精力的地方。”含有与one相照应的词another,构成oneanother(一个另一个)结构。故选F。2C第二段讲如何寻找学习地点,设空处前句“Kitchen can be noisy.厨房可能很吵。”,只有C项“Being c

31、lose to those tempting snacks wont help with your process.靠近那些诱人的零食对于学习没有帮助。”能自然承接其意。故选C。3A本题居段首。设空处下文“Good lighting,a comfortable chair,a good writing surface,writing instruments,reference tools.良好的照明,舒适的坐椅,良好的书写台面,书写工具,参考工具。”为省略句,为一系列有助于学习的要素。只有A项“What will you absolutely need to help you study?你需

32、要哪些有助于学习的要素呢?”能与其构成一个“自问自答”的设问句结构。故选A。4E由设空处下句“For example,some students like to study before dinner,others are early risers and find they can concentrate best in the morning.例如,有些学生喜欢在晚饭前学习,另一些早起的学生发现早晨最能集中精力。”举例内容可知,设空处应与挑选最佳学习时间有关。只有E项“Pick a time when you think your concentration level is the be

33、st.选择一个你认为注意力水平最佳的时间。”切题。故选E。5G设空处上句说“It can be difficult to start a standard study schedule,but the effort can pay off in better grades.开始一个标准的学习计划有困难,可是努力付出会以更好的成绩作为回报。”只有G项“Your teachers will notice your improvement.你的老师会注意到你的进步。”能与之承接。故选G。.语法填空The works of the 1._ (novel) Charles Dickens are as

34、popular now as they were 150 years ago.Oliver Twist is one of the most 2._(fame)Oliver is a young orphan who is treated 3._(cruel) in the workhouse.He then becomes friendly with a group of young 4._(thief),who steal money from peoples pockets.At the end of the book,he finds out that the kind old gen

35、tleman,5._ saved him,is in fact his grandfather.Nicholas Nickleby is another very wellknown Dickens novel.A young man 6._(name) Nicholas Nickleby goes to teach in a very bad school.One day,he takes one of the boys with him and they escape from the school and walk to London.They have no money or food

36、.7._ a result,they nearly starve on the way.But then they meet a group of people who perform in a traveling theatre 8._(make) money and that is when their luck changes.Charles Dickens 9._(write) seventeen novels in all,as well as many short stories.His last book,The Mystery of Edwin Drood was about

37、the illegal use of drugs in the poorest parts of London.But its a pity that he died 10. _ he could finish the book.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了十九世纪英国著名作家查尔斯狄更斯的两部作品:雾都孤儿及尼古拉斯尼克尔贝。1novelist考查词性转换。此处指查尔斯狄更斯为英国著名小说家,故填novelist。2famous考查词性转换。设空处前有the most,并位于be动词is之后作表语,故填所给词的形容词形式famous。3cruelly考查词性转换。由设空处句子结构

38、可知,此处应填所给词的副词形式修饰前面的动词treated。故填cruelly。4thieves考查名词复数。设空处前有a group of,故填所给名词的复数形式thieves。5who考查定语从句。由句子结构可知,此处应填关系代词引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为gentleman,指人,故填who。6named考查非谓语动词。由句子结构可知,设空处作A young man的后置定语,由于name与A young man之间为被动关系,故填过去分词named。7As考查介词及固定短语。As a result意为“结果,因此”,故填As。8to make考查非谓语动词。由句意及句子结构可知,此处应填所给词的不定式形式作目的状语。故填to make。9wrote考查动词时态。由本句及其后面两句的时态可知,设空处应使用一般过去时,故填wrote。10before考查状语从句。由句意“但是遗憾的是,还没来得及写完这本书他就去世了。”可知,设空处应填状语从句的连接词before。


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