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2020-2021学年人教版英语必修3课后作业:UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.DOC

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2020-2021学年人教版英语必修3课后作业:UNIT 1 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.DOC_第1页
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1、单元加餐练.完形填空Walter felt trapped. He saw himself as a _1_ boy who really wanted to learn, play and enjoy himself. But nothing turned out the way he wanted. No one around him seemed to _2_ what he said, no matter how many gestures he would _3_. And what was worse, not even his own _4_ would do what he w

2、anted. _5_ he tried to talk, and all that came out were _6_ noises. Or he would try to pick something up, and his hands would throw it to the floor. Or he would try to _7_ his mother, and end up pushing her away. And sometimes he couldnt even _8_ straight.All those made him feel very _9_ and powerle

3、ss, and many people around him grew to believe that he was a(n) _10_, aggressive boy. They would leave him alone and take no interest in him. When this happened, Walter felt sad, and thought to himself, “_11_ they knew what it is like to be me.”Then, one day, Walter _12_ Alice, a wonderful special l

4、ittle girl. She seemed to be the only person who understood his _13_. With great _14_, she spent hours and hours teaching Walter how to _15_ his hands, how to say words _16_, and how to control his wild thoughts. And after a lot of care, Alice helped Walter understand the _17_ of life. Walter and Al

5、ice were normal children like everyone else, and the only _18_ was that Walter had been trapped inside his _19_ body.Thanks to Alice, the door of Walters prison was finally _20_.本文是一篇记叙文。Walter是一个残疾人,Alice用自己的耐心帮他打开了囚禁自己内心的监狱的大门。1A.smartBhandsomeCnormalDtall答案:C解析:根据“who really wanted to learn, play

6、 and enjoy himself”可知,Walter认为自己是一个“正常的(normal)”孩子。2A.understand Bremember Caccept Drealize答案:A解析:无论他做多少手势,就是没有人“理解(understand)”他在说什么。3A.study Bexplain Cdraw Dmake答案:D解析:make gestures表示“做手势”。4A.brother Bhead Cbody Dheart答案:C解析:由下文他的行为可知,甚至就连他自己的“身体(body)”都无法按照他的意愿行动。5A.Then BSeldom CNever DSometimes

7、答案:D解析:“有时候(sometimes)”他试图说话,但是嘴里发出的却是“无意义的(senseless)”声响。6A.senseless Brude Csudden Dgreat答案:A解析:参见上题解析。7A.hug Bdescribe Cvisit Dteach答案:A解析:有时候他想“拥抱(hug)”妈妈,不料却把妈妈推开了。8A.drive Bthink Cjump Dshoot答案:B解析:根据下文的“and how to control his wild thoughts”可知,有时候他甚至连“思路(think)”都不清晰。9A.proud Bangry Cguilty Dex

8、cited答案:B解析:根据语境可知,所有的这一切都使他感到“愤怒(angry)”和无能为力。10A.friendly Boptimistic Cdangerous Dintelligent答案:C解析:根据空格后的“aggressive boy”可知,周围的人觉得他是一个“危险的(dangerous)”孩子,容易攻击人。11A.As if BIf only CEven if DNo wonder答案:B解析:Walter感到很难过,他多么希望别人能理解他的感受。as if“好像”;if only“要是,但愿”;even if“即使”;no wonder“难怪”。12A.missed Bpra

9、ised Cmet Dcalled答案:C解析:有一天,Walter“遇到(meet)”了一个叫Alice的小女孩。13A.music Bsuffering Csuccess Dlanguage答案:B解析:Alice似乎是唯一能够理解Walter“痛苦(suffering)”的人。14A.sorrow Bpower Ccourage Dpatience答案:D解析:根据“she spent hours and hours teaching Walter”可知,Alice有极大的“耐心(patience)”。15A.control Bwash Cprotect Dwave答案:A解析:Alic

10、e教Walter如何“控制(control)”自己的手。16A.quickly Bproperly Chonestly Dpolitely答案:B解析:Alice教Walter如何“恰当地(properly)”说话。17A.mystery Blove Csigns Dfacts答案:A解析:经过Alice的耐心照顾,Walter明白了生活的“奥秘(mystery)”。18A.opinion Bmistake Cdifference Dsecret答案:C解析:Walter和Alice都像其他孩子一样是正常的,唯一的“区别(difference)”是Walter被自己残疾的身体困住了。19A.f

11、at Bupper Chealthy Ddisabled答案:D解析:根据上文的描述可知,Walter是一个残疾人,因此他的身体是“残疾的(disabled)”。20A.painted Blocked Cclosed Dopened答案:D解析:Walter的内心一直被他的残疾囚禁着,在Alice的帮助下,他终于“打开(open)”了囚禁自己内心的监狱的大门。.阅读理解“This isnt Disneyland. Im not a novelty. This is as real as it gets,” sing The Sisters of Invention.The young wome

12、nAnnika, Michelle, Jackie, Aimee and Carolineare a pop group with a difference. All have learning difficulties and some have extra disabilities.The five are based in Adelaide, Australia, and met in 2010 when they sang together in a choir (合唱队) run by Tutti, an organization which supports disabled ar

13、tists. Tutti saw they had talent and invited them to form a group. Now they perform together two or three times per month, and this is how they make a living.Michelle is 25 and has cerebral palsy (脑瘫) and a mild learning disability. She says, “We choose the name The Sisters of Invention because we a

14、re like sisters and we support each other on and off stage. For the invention part, we are trying to change peoples view of people with disabilities. We are reinventing the rules.”All their songs are based on the members own experiences and were written as a group in their twice weekly meetings at T

15、utti. “We would arrive in the morning and Id say, What do you want to talk about today?” says their manager and producer Michael Ross. He then noted down everything they said until lyrics took shape. Ross says that putting “their truth” out there is important. He says, “What Im interested in is that

16、 we get to see the world in a way that people in pop culture almost never get to see. It is creative gold.”When they perform their songs, the physical side of their disabilities is more obvious, but Ross says, “Theyre not up there to show their barriers or difficulties. Theyre up there to show their

17、 strengths.”本文为记叙文。五个有学习障碍的女孩组成了一支乐队,她们通过演出向人们展现自己的力量。1What do we know about The Sisters of Invention?AAll its members are disabled.BIt was founded all by five girls.CIt has existed for less than ten years.DThey perform not in order to make money.答案:A解析:细节理解题。由第二段“All have learning difficulties and

18、some have extra disabilities.”可知,五个女孩都有学习障碍,有的还有别的残疾。2The girls choose the name The Sisters of Invention because _.Athey all have great talentBthey help each other like sistersCthey have the same experiencesDthey are good at inventing things答案:B解析:细节理解题。由第四段“.because we are like sisters and we suppo

19、rt each other on and off stage.”可知,之所以给乐队起这个名字是因为五个成员亲如姐妹,互相支持。3How does Michael Ross produce lyrics for The Sisters of Invention?ABy talking with the girls.BBy asking the girls questions.CBy learning about pop culture.DBy using his personal experiences.答案:A解析:细节理解题。由第五段可知,制作人通过跟五个姐妹聊天,很自然地写出歌词。4How

20、 do audiences probably feel watching the performances of The Sisters of Invention?AThey will feel bored.BThey will be inspired.CThey will feel disappointed.DThey will have pity on them.答案:B解析:推理判断题。分析最后一段可知,尽管五个姐妹在演出时残疾暴露得更明显,但她们意在向人们展现自己的力量。.短文改错假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。

21、错误涉及单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错词下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I was real sad when I found that my bicycle went wrong again. Tired of repairing it again and again, I decided buy a new one. After school, I went to a shop locating i

22、n the center of the city with my friend Jack. The black bicycle attracted my eyes as soon as we went into the store. It looked so cool that I could hardly wait to ride it. The shopkeepers told us that it was the latest bicycle. He wanted to charge me for 800 yuan, that was too high for me. I just co

23、uldnt afford so an expensive one. Then I choose another one, which cost me only 200 yuan. It was not perfect, and it was much better than the old one.答案与解析1第一句:real改为really。修饰形容词,作状语,应用副词。2第二句:buy前加to。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”,是固定用法。3第三句:locating改为located。be located in “位于”,是固定短语,此处作定语,故用located。4第四句

24、:The改为A。第一次提到“一辆黑色自行车”,其前应用不定冠词。5第六句:shopkeepers改为shopkeeper。由下文的he可知,此处应用单数shopkeeper。6第七句:去掉for。charge作“向收费”讲,接双宾语,故for多余。7第七句:that改为which。非限制性定语从句的引导词在从句中作主语,指物,应用which。that不引导非限制性定语从句。8第八句:so改为such。修饰an expensive one应用such,so是副词,修饰形容词、副词等。9第九句:choose改为chose。文章讲的是发生在过去的事,应用一般过去时。10第十句:and改为but。此处

25、表示“虽然它不够完美,但是比那辆旧的好很多”,前后句是转折关系,故用but。.书面表达假设你是李华,你远在美国的笔友Jack对中国的春节很感兴趣,他来信询问有关情况。请你给他回一封电子邮件,简单介绍春节及中国人是如何过春节的。内容应包括如下要点:1春节在中国的地位;2春节持续的时间、春节来临前及期间人们的活动;3你对春节的态度。注意:1.可适当发挥使行文连贯,词数100左右;2开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala EveningDear Jack,Thanks for your email. Im glad to tell you so

26、mething about Chinas Spring Festival.As_you_know,_the_Spring_Festival_is_the_most_important_festival_in_China,_just_like_Christmas_in_the_west._It_falls_on_the_last_day_of_lunar_year_and_lasts_until_the_Lantern_Festival.Before_the_festival_comes,_people_clean_and_decorate_their_houses_to_welcome_the

27、_new_year._On_New_Years_Eve,_people_usually_get_together_to_watch_annual_Spring_Festival_Gala_Evening_on_TV_while_eating_delicious_food._During_the_festival,_people_go_from_house_to_house_to_pay_a_New_Year_visit_to_their_relatives_and_friends.As_a_teenager,_I_like_the_Spring_Festival_very_much_because_I_can_get_lucky_money_from_my_parents_and_relatives_and_enjoy_myself_with_my_friends_as_well.How do you like the Spring Festival? Im looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,Li Hua


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