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2011高考英语备考BOOKIII UNITS 13-14:知识搜索与探究归纳.doc

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1、2011ks5u高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳Units 13-14The mystery of the Moonstone&Zoology自助式复习板块知识搜索 A. 单词1.巧合的事(n.)_2.紧张(n.) _3.帮助,援助(n.) _4.怀疑,涉嫌(n.) _5.假定,假设(n.) _6.观看者,观众(n.) _7.适应,适应性(n.) _8.非正式的(adj.) _9.考虑周到的,体贴的(adj.) _10.优雅的,文雅的(adj.) _11.宗教的(adj.) _12.顽固的,倔强的(adj.) _13.极重要的,生死攸关的(adj.) _14.有罪的,内疚的(adj.) _1

2、5.无辜的,无罪的(adj.) _16.直接的,坦率的(adj.) _17.拐弯抹角的,兜圈子的(adj.) _18.透明的(adj.) _19.周围附近的(adj.) _20.明显的,清楚的(adj.) _21.精确的,准确的(adj.) _22.足够的,充分的(adj.) _23.较小的,较少的(adj.) _24.使人反感、讨厌的(adj.) _25.易变的,不定的(adj.) _26.原始的(adj.) _27.诅咒(v.) _28.使惊讶,使震惊(v.) _29.调查(v.) _30.使确信,说服(v.) _31.假定,假设(v.) _32.取消(v.) _33.评论,评述(v.)

3、_34.犯,做过(v.) _35.触怒,冒犯(v.) _36.成群结队而行(v.) _37.澄清(v.) _38.其间,同时(adv.) _39.显而易见地,显著地(adv.) _40.斜着地,斜向一边地(adv.) _41.向上(下)地(adv.) _答案:1.coincidence2.tension3.assistance4.suspicion5.assumption6.spectator7.adaptation8.informal9.considerate10.elegant11.religious12.stubborn13.vital14.guilty15.innocent16.str

4、aightforward 17.roundabout18.transparent19.surrounding20.apparent21.precise22.adequate23.lesser24.disgusting25.changeable26.primitive27.curse28.astonish 29.investigate30.convince31.assume32.cancel33.remarkmit35.offend36.troop 37.clarify38.meanwhile39.notably40.sideways41.upward / downwardB. 短语42.以为背

5、景 _ _ _43.犯罪 _ _ _44.被怀疑 _ _ _45.抓住,掌握 _ _ _46.分辨,区别_ ._47.一再,多次,反复 _ _ _ _48.显露,为人所知 _ _ _49.产生,引起 _ _ _答案:42.be set inmit a crime44.be under suspicion45.get hold of46.tell,apart47.over and over againe to light49. give birth toC. 句型50.我确信是她偷了宝石。I_ _ that she had taken the jewel.51.作为一种报复行为,把他的坏运气传递

6、给Rachel。_ _ _ of revenge, he passed his bad fortune to Rachel.52.你肯定把我误认为是其他人了。You must have_ me _ someone else.53.一些珍惜物种正面临灭绝。Some rare animals are_ _ disappearing.答案:50.was convinced51.In an act52.mistaken, for53. close to 重难聚焦重点单词要点1assume【例题】We cant _ the suspects to be guilty simply because the

7、yve decided to remain silent.A. assumeB. thinkC. imagineD. grant解析:句意为:“我们不能仅因为这些疑犯保持沉默而假定他们有罪。”assume“假定,设想”。答案:A归纳与迁移(1)assume vt. 假定,设想I assumed that you knew each other because you went to the same school.我原先设想你们俩相互之间认识的,因为你们都在同一所学校上学。(2)assuming that.假定Even assuming that smokers do see the heal

8、th warnings,I doubt theyll take any notice.即使假定吸烟者看见健康警示了,我怀疑他们也不会多在意的。要点2commit【例题】He was sent to prison for a crime that he didnt_ .A. doB. offenceC. commitD. violate解析:句意为:“他是因莫须有之罪入狱的。”commit a crime“犯罪”;offence“冒犯,犯罪”,此处词性错;violate“违反,侵犯”。答案:C归纳与迁移 (1) commit vt. 犯错误,委托,使承担义务,表态She had to commi

9、t her child to the care of a nursery.她不得不把孩子托给托儿所。(2) commit oneself to sth./doing sth.承诺做某事,表态The government must commit itself to improving health care.政府必须表态来完善保健体系。要点3remaining【例题】(经典回放)The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _.A. 20 dollars remainedB. 20 dollars to remainC.

10、 remained 20 dollarsD. remaining 20 dollars解析:句意为:“这位女士说,她将会用剩下的20美元给她的女儿买件礼物。”remaining“剩余的”,remained是不能作形容词的。答案:D归纳与迁移 (1) remaining adj. 剩余的(2) remain vi. 剩下,留下,逗留They went off, but she remained three days in that country.他们走了,而她在那个国家逗留了三天。remain link-v.+表语Pollution in the city remains a problem.

11、这个城市的污染依然是个问题。You cant let your room remain like this.你不能让房间一直这样。It remains to be seen whether you are right.你说得对不对还有待证实。(3) remains n. 剩余物,遗迹the remains of ancient Rome 古罗马的遗迹重点短语要点1be stubborn in doing sth.【例题】Tom is_ in accepting new things.A. quickB. smoothC. stubbornD. smart解析:句意为:“汤姆不容易接受新鲜事物。

12、”be stubborn in doing sth.“固执地、倔强地做某事”。答案:C归纳与迁移stubborn adj. 固执的,倔强的,顽固的In his seventies, he was as stubborn as a mule.他七十几岁时脾气很倔。Stubborn stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent.用少许洗涤剂就可以把顽渍除去。She was stubborn in resisting his enquiries.她就是犟着不肯接受他的询问。要点2come to light【例题】The manuscr

13、ipt _ to light in a box of books at an auction.A. cameB. turnedC. showedD. appeared解析:句意为:“在拍卖一箱书的时候,发现了这份手稿。”come to light“被发现,公开,暴露”。答案:A归纳与迁移 (1)come to light被发现,被知晓,公开,暴露The Chinese expert was so excited when the long-lost jewels came to light at the exhibition.当这些遗失了很久的珠宝在展览中重新露面时,这位中国专家兴奋异常。Th

14、e whole truth came to light after a thorough investigation.经过全面调查,真相大白了。(2)相关短语:come to oneself醒悟,恢复知觉Pour some water on his facehell soon come to.往他脸上泼点水他很快就能醒过来的。come to sb. (主意)被某人想出It suddenly came to her that she had been wrong all along.她突然想到她一开始就错了。come to sth.共计为;达到I never expected those few

15、 items to come to so much.我想不到就那么几样东西合计起来竟要这么多钱。come to nothing毫无成果,不成功How sad that all his hard work should come to nothing.他的所有辛勤劳动竟全部付诸东流,太让人伤心了。When it comes to sth./doing sth.当涉及做某事的情况、问题或事情时。When it comes to playing football, you cant beat Billy.论踢足球,没有人比得上Billy。When it comes to politics, I am

16、 always at sea. 当谈到政治时,我总是一脸的茫然。必背句型要点1whoever 引导的从句【例题】(经典回放)These wild flowers are so special that I would do _ I can to save them.A. whateverB. thatC. whichD. whichever解析:句意为:“这些野花是如此特殊,我会尽我的全力来保护它们。”whatever引导名词性从句,在句中充当宾语,whatever=anything that,这里也可改写为“I would do anything that I can do to save

17、them”。答案:A归纳与迁移类似的词还有whoever, whomever, whichever, howeverWhoever is guilty must have a stain on his or her clothes.无论那个犯罪的人是谁,他(她)身上肯定有污渍留在衣服上。Ill take whoever wants to go.想去的人我都会带上的。Send it to whoever is in charge of sales.把这寄给负责销售的人。要点2run the risk of doing.【例题】I ran the _ of buying that shirt fo

18、r you in the salesI hope it fits.A. riskB. fortuneC. mistakeD. chance解析:句意为:“我在折扣店冒险给你买了这件衬衫但愿合身。”run the risk of doing sth.“冒的风险”。答案:A归纳与迁移 (1) risk n. 冒险run(take) the risk of doing sth. 冒的风险Hes not willing to run the risk of helping us.他不愿冒险帮助我们。Foreign ships and planes refused to run the risk of attack.外国船只和飞机拒绝冒遭到攻击的风险。(2) risk v.risk ones life to do sth. 冒险做某事


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