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2020学年高一英语 so同步训练(含解析).doc

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1、So1Lets not pick these peaches until this weekend _they get sweet enough to be eaten.Aever since Bas ifCeven though Dso that【答案】D【解析】考查连词短语词义辨析及语境理解。句意:让我们这个周末再摘这些桃子,这样的话,它们吃起来就变得足够的甜。A. ever since自那时起;B. as if好像;C. even though尽管;D. so that以便。从句为目的状语从句,故用so that引导。故选D。2There was snow everywhere _ th

2、e shapes of things were difficult to identify.Aso thatBnow thatCfor fear thatDon condition that【答案】A【解析】考查状语从句的连词。句意:到处都是雪,所以东西的形状很难辨认。A. so that因此;所以; B. now that 既然;C. for fear that生怕,唯恐;D. on condition that“如果.;在.条件下,若则。分析可知,“到处都是雪”和“东西的形状很难辨认”之间是因果关系,因为下雪所以东西的形状难以辨认,用结果状语从句的连词,选A项。3_ to the elec

3、tronic games that he wasted a lot of precious time.ASo he was addictedBSo was he addictedCSo addicted was heDSo addicted he was【答案】C【解析】考查倒装和时态。句意:他如此沉迷于电子游戏,以至于浪费了很多宝贵的时间。sothat结构中的so连同它所直接修饰的成分位于句首表示强调时,要进行部分倒装,“wasted”表明主句用一般过去时,故C项正确。4It is snowing heavily _ it is impossible for us to arrive at

4、our destination tonight.Aas long asBeven thoughCso thatDnow that【答案】C【解析】考查连词词义辨析。句意:雪下得很大,所以我们今晚不可能到达目的地。A. as long as只要;B. even though尽管;C. so that因此,所以;D. now that既然。根据“It is snowing heavily”可知,此处表示结果,用so that,故C项正确。5She was so angry at _ he was doing _ she stayed up all night.Athat; thatBthat; w

5、hichCwhat; thatDwhat; as【答案】C【解析】考查结果状语从句和宾语从句。at是介词后面跟的是宾语从句。所缺词作doing的宾语,that在宾语从句中只起连接作用,不作任何成分故排除。sothat意为“如此以至于”。句意为:她对他所做的事如此的生气,以至于她整夜没有睡觉。故选C。6They are _ little birds that we cant see them in the sky.Asuch BveryCso Dtoo【答案】A【解析】考查such.that引导的结果状语从句。句意:它们是如此小的鸟以至于我们在天空中看不到它们。此处birds是名词,所以用suc

6、h和that搭配构成结果状语从句。故选A。7The mountain is _ high _ I cannot climb up to its top.AsuchthatBsuchandCsothatDsoas to【答案】C【解析】考查固定句型。句意:这座山是如此的高以至于我没能爬上山顶。分析句子可知考查句型sothat和suchthat的辨析,so+形容词/副词+that,such+名词+that都是结果状语从句,表示如此以至于,此处修饰形容词 high用so,故选C项。8It is _ problem that none of us can work it out.Aso difficu

7、lt Bsuch difficult aCsuch difficult Dso difficult a【答案】D【解析】考查so-that引导的结果状语从句。句意:这是一个如此困难的问题,我们谁也解不出来。此处是so+形容词+a/an +名词 that引导的结果状语从句,相当于such+ a/an +形容词+名词+that引导的结果状语从句。故选D。9It was that we all went out for a walk.Aso beautiful day Bsuch beautiful a dayCsuch a beautiful weather Dso beautiful a nig

8、ht【答案】D【解析】考查so和such的用法。句意:那天晚上太美了,我们都出去散步了。“so+形容词+冠词+名词”=“such+冠词+形容词+名词”。故选D。10It was useful advice on how to deal with the situation I followed it immediately.Aso; that Bsuch; asCsuch; that Dso; as【答案】C【解析】考查结果状语从句。句意:关于怎样处理这种境况,这是非常有用的建议结果我立刻按着去做。advice是名词,所以此处是such-that引导的结果状语从句,故选C。一、完形填空Each

9、 of us struggles for self-respect and self-worth to some degree. I spent much time trying to achieve perfection in every aspect of my life.I was a happy kid with a lot of friends and a Supportive family. But growing up was really 1 and even scary sometimes.During my childhood, I was constantly invol

10、ved in something that included peoples viewing my achievements or my 2 . I wanted everyones praise and acceptance, but I was my own toughest critic (挑剔的人).After I graduated from high school, my 3 to be “thin” began to trouble me. I began trying to diet by 4 my food.In the beginning, I felt great att

11、ractive and successful, almost superhuman. I even thought that I was better than everyone else. What I didnt see was that I was slowly 5 myself.People around me began to 6 my weight loss. They said with concern. “Youre losing too much weight.” “Elisa, youre so thin.” All their words only suggested t

12、hat I was getting closer to “ 7 ”.Sadly, I took my physical 8 the first important in my life, 9 that it was the way to become successful and accepted.Then I cut down my 10 more and more, until a 11 day consisted of half a teaspoon of nonfat yoghurt and coffee in the morning, and a cup of grapes at n

13、ight.But my poor 12 began to cause me to lose 13 . Then one night, like many nights before, I couldnt sleep, and my heart felt as though it might beat out of my chest. I tried to 14 , but I couldnt. The beating became so rapid and so strong that I could no longer 15 . What I had done to diet nearly

14、caused me to have a heart attack. I stood up, and immediately fell down. I was really 16 , and I knew I needed help. My roommate rushed me to the 17 , beginning the long road to my 18 . It took a lot doctors, nurses, nutritionists, food supplements.And most important, a sense of what was true about

15、myself got back on track with reality. I realized that, with my 19 of trying to be “perfect” on the 20 , I had sacrificed who I was on the inside. What I know now is, we are each and every one of us already perfect.1Anatural Beasy Chard Dpossible2Anatures Bbackgrounds Cscores Dfailures3Aproblem Bdes

16、ire Cway Dpromise4Acontrolling Bchecking Ccollecting Dbalancing5Akilling Bforgetting Casking Dquestioning6Ahelp Baccept Creject Dnotice7Aperfection Bdevotion Cdestination Dattention8Astrength Bexercise Cappearance Dexamination9Abelieving Brealizing Cpretending Ddeclaring10Aexpense Bmovement Cfood Dt

17、ravel11Apleasant Bdifficult Ctypical Ddifferent12Amemory Bnutrition Cknowledge Dtaste13Aweight Bhope Csleep Djob14Arelax Bwalk Ccry Dtalk15Abreathe Bresist Cwake Dremember16Ascared Bannoyed Cdiscouraged Ddisappointed17Abed Bhospital Cschool Doffice18Aglory Bdiscovery Crecovery Dvictory19Askill Bdeci

18、sion Cexperience Ddeal20Awhole Bface Cmind Doutside【文章大意】本文为记叙文。每个人都会努力地去找到自尊自重,希望能够实现身我价值。作者也曾经费尽心思希望自己能够在生活的各个方面都实现完美。作者为了让自己看起来很苗条很瘦,曾经控制饮食,最终差点导致心脏病。由此,作者才知道自己做了多么愚蠢的事情,其实每个人是完美的。1C 【解析】考查形容词。A. natural自然的;B. easy容易的;C. hard艰难的;D. possible可能的。根据下文的even scary可知,这里作者是指“成长是艰难的”。故C选项正确。2D 【解析】考查名词。A

19、. natures自然;B. backgrounds背景;C. scores得分;D. failures失败。根据上文的achievements以及连词or可知,这里应该和achievement相对。句意:我总是很在意别人对我的成就或失败的看法。故D选项正确。3B 【解析】考查名词。A. problem问题;B. desire欲望、渴望; C. way方式、方法;D. promise承诺。根据下文的不定式如可知,这里所需要的单词应该可以和to构成搭配,故A选项错误。再根据下文可知,作者是希望自己瘦,B选项构成搭配:ones desire to do sth.“某人渴望做某事”。故B选项正确。4

20、A 【解析】考查动词。A. controlling控制;B. checking 检查;C collecting收集、采集;D. balancing平衡。根据上文的try to diet,以及下文内容可知作者只吃点点东西。句意:我开始通过控制饮食来节食。故A选项正确。5A 【解析】考查动词。A. killing杀死;B. forgetting忘记;C. asking询问、要求;D. questioning质疑。根据下文倒数第二段的内容可知,作者差点心脏病发作,可知作者这样节食无异于慢性自杀故A选项正确。6D 【解析】考查动词。A. help帮助;B. accept接受;C. reject拒绝;D

21、. notice注意。根据下文的They said with concernYoure losing too much weight可知,周围的人们担心我,他们是注意到了我的减肥。故D选项正确。7A 【解析】考查名词。A. perfection完美;B. devotion投入、奉献;C. destination目的地;D. attention注意力。根据第一段的I spent much time trying to achieve perfection in every aspect of my life以及上一段的I felt great-attractive and successful,

22、almost superhumanI even thought that I was better than everyone else.可知,作者认为这样做会越来越完美。故A选项正确。8C 【解析】考查名词。A. strength力气;B. exercise运动、练习;C. appearance外表;D. examination检查、考试。根据上文的In the beginning,I felt great-attractive and successful可知,作者觉得这样很吸引人。此处指“我把我的外表看成是我生命中最重要的东西。”故C选项正确。9A 【解析】考查动词。A. believi

23、ng认为、相信;B. realizing明白、意识;C. pretending假装;D. declaring宣称。根据上一句可知,作者认为外表是最重要的,也就是说作者认为这是走向成功的道路。故A选项正确。10C 【解析】考查名词。A. expense花费、费用;B. movement运动;C. food食物;D. travel旅游。根据上文可知作者在控制食物的摄取,而且作者瘦了之后很迷人。故C选项正确。11C 【解析】考查形容词。A. pleasant愉悦的;B. difficult困难的;C. typical平常的、典型的;D. different不同的。根据上文可知,作者开始逐渐减少食物,

24、直到每天早晨只吃半匙无脂酸奶和咖啡,晚上只吃一点葡萄。这是每天的食物。故C选项正确。12B 【解析】考查名词。A. memory记忆力;B. nutrition营养;C. knowledge知识;D. taste胃口。根据上文可知,每天只吃一点东西,由此判断作者的营养不良。故B选项正确。13C 【解析】考查名词。A. weight重量;B. hope希望;C. sleep睡眠;D. job工作。根据下文的Then one night,like many nights before,I couldnt sleep可知,作者睡不着。故C选项正确。14A 【解析】考查动词。A. relax休闲、放松

25、;B. walk走路;C. cry哭泣;D. talk谈话、交谈。根据上文可知,作者的心脏仿佛要跳了出来故此时作者想要放松。故A选项正确。15A 【解析】考查动词。A. breathe呼吸;B. resist抵制;C. wake醒来;D. remember记得、记住。根据上文的描述可知,作者心脏跳动加速,故根据常识判断,作者此时无法呼吸。故A选项正确。16A 【解析】考查形容词。A. scared害怕的;B. annoyed生气的;C. discouraged灰心的、沮丧的;D. disappointed失望的。根据上文内容可知,作者已经无法站立,故此时她心中感到害怕。故A选项正确。17B 【

26、解析】考查名词。A. bed床;B. hospital医院;C. school学校;D. office办公室。根据下文的It took a lot-doctors,nurses,nutritionists可知,作者被送到了医院。故B选项正确。18C 【解析】考查名词。A. glory荣耀、光荣;B. discovery发现;C. recovery康复;D. victory胜利。根据上文可知作者被送到了医院,再根据下文的It took a lot-doctors,nurses,nutritionists,food supplements可知,作者在慢慢地康复。故C选项正确。19C 【解析】考查名

27、词。A. skill技能;B. decision决定;C. experience经历;D. deal交易。根据上文内容可知,这是作者追求完美的一次经历。故C选项正确。20D 【解析】考查名词。A. whole整个;B. face脸;C. mind思想;D. outside外在。; face; mind; whole根据下文的I had sacrificed who I was on the inside可知,作者认为自己牺牲了内在,再根据上文可知,作者在追求外在美。句意:在我想去追求外在美的经历中,我牺牲了自己的内在。故D选项正确。二、七选五阅读Parents and the YoungIt

28、is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents. 1 They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways, that they are too serious and too strict with their children, and that they seldom give their children a free hand. It is time that parents

29、often find it difficult to win their childrens trust and they always forget how they themselves felt when young. 2 It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation. Adults worry more easily. Most of them plan things ahead. Young people make their pare

30、nts angry with their choices in clothes, in entertainment and in music. But they do not mean to cause any trouble: It just shows that they feel cut off from the adults world, and they have not yet been accepted into their world. 3 And if their parents do not like their music or entertainment or clot

31、hes or their way of speech, this will make the young people very happy. Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say “yes” to what you do. 4 It is natural enough, after being a child for so many years, when you were completely under your parents control. 5 If your

32、parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility, they will give you the right to do what you want to do.AParents should understand young people.BYoung people like to live with their parents.CYoung people like to act without much thinking.DThey say that their parents dont understand them.E.

33、All you want is to be left alone and do what you like.F. If you plan to control your life, youd better win your parents.G. Thats why young people want to make a new culture of their own.【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。年轻人不喜欢和他们的父母在一起,认为父母们不理解他们,作者对此现象进行了分析,并对年轻人提出了一些中肯的建议。1C 【解析】根据前后:年轻人觉得与父母在一起感到不舒适,下面均是年轻人的种种想法,故主语

34、应该是“young people”开头,且从下句也可得到暗示“他们认为父母与现代生活失去了联系,对他们管教太严,不给他们自由空间”。可知C项“年轻人容易冲动,而且不经思考去做事”符合语境。故选C项。2G 【解析】根据上句:父母觉得赢得孩子的信任很难;空格下句:这是展示他们已经长大并且能面对困境的方法之一。也就是说年轻人的逆反心理。可知G选项“那就是为什么年轻人想创造自己的新文化”符合语境。故选G。3A 【解析】根据空格前面:但是他们并不意味这引起任何麻烦,它只是表明他们觉得切断了与成人的世界,他们还没有被接受进入老人的世界。可知,A选项“父母应该理解年轻人”符合句意。故选A项。4E 【解析】根据上句:有时候你因为你自己而自豪,结果你不想让你的父母对你做的事情说“yes”。可知E选项“你想要的全部就是做你喜欢做的事情”符合语境。故选E。5F 【解析】根据下句:如果你的父母看到你有责任感,他们将给你做事情的权力。可知F选项“如果你想控制你的生活,你要赢得你父母的同意”符合语境。故选F。


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