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《学考优化指导》2016-2017学年高一英语外研版必修2练习:5.1 INTRODUCTIONVOCABULARY & READING WORD版含答案.docx

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1、Module 5 Newspapers and MagazinesSection Introduction,Vocabulary & Reading一、写作词汇检测根据每一组的提示词,完成或翻译句子1.congratulate1)They offered their to us on our progress.2)我祝贺你的伟大发现。答案:1)congratulations2)I congratulate you on your great discovery.2.achieve1)You must be proud of your .2)取得成功需要努力工作。答案:1)achievement

2、s2)It takes hard work to achieve success.3.welcome1)Our family the guests with open arms.2)欢迎来中国。答案:1)welcomed2)Welcome to China.4.运用所学单词或短语造句1)take off2)take a photograph/photographs of3)in total答案:略二、阅读词汇检测阅读下列句子,说出黑体词的含义1.Do you know how many spacecrafts are orbiting the moon?含义:答案:围绕2.The great

3、change is a historic wonder in the development of the Chinese nation.含义:答案:历史性的3.Columbus was a famous navigator.含义:答案:航海家4.A headline on the front page draws attention to the story inside.含义:答案:标题5.An amateur is someone who does something for pleasure not as a job.含义:答案:业余爱好者三、语法填空1.There were more

4、 than 200 people present at the meeting total.答案:in2.Please go and find out when the plane takes .答案:off3.What is the most significant project you have worked ?答案:on4.Yang Liwei is known the first astronaut in China who made a space trip.答案:as5.October 1,1949 was a great moment the history of China.

5、答案:in6.Fireworks added the attraction of the festival night.答案:to7.Theyve offered us $150,000 the house.Shall we take it?答案:for8.He spent his life writing this book.答案:in9.He was permitted to continue his work while in prison.答案:with四、完成句子1.进入卧室前你应该脱下鞋子。You should before you go into the bedroom.答案:t

6、ake off your shoes2.他总是第一个来,最后一个离开。He is always the first ,and the last .答案:to come;to leave3.船要开往青岛。所有乘客请上船!The ship is ready to leave for Qingdao. !答案:All aboard4.我们一到门口,孩子们就来欢迎我们。We at the door by the children.答案:were welcomed5.我成功地说服他放弃了那个想法。I persuading him to give up that idea.答案:succeeded in6

7、.展览吸引了来自世界各地的人。The exhibition attracted people .答案:all over the world7.总计有五万人在那儿。 ,there are 50,000 people there.答案:In total/In all五、阅读理解A导学号37860020BEIJING,June 20(Xinhua)Over 60 million students and teachers at Chinas 80,000 middle schools experienced a special class given by Chinas first teacher

8、in space from more than 300 kilometers above the Earths surface.“Hello,everyone.I am Wang Yaping.I will host the lecture today.” Female astronaut Wang Yaping,one of the three crew members of Shenzhou spacecraft,greeted about 330 students at a Beijing high school,through a live video feed system.The

9、students on her class included children from migrant workers families,of ethnic minorities and from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan.In this space class,Wang carried out some physics experiments about motion(运动)and surface tension(张力)of water in a micro-gravity environment(微重力环境),which could help students

10、 better understand weight,mass and Newtons Laws.The most amazing one was “a water ball”.Wang Yaping made a water film(水膜)with a water bag and a metal ring.She explained to students that the surface tension of water enlarges in space because of zero gravity.Then she made a second water film turn into

11、 a water ball.“I have been very excited since I learned I could come to this class,”said Luo Jiangyuan,in his first year of high school.“When I learned about those laws of weightless condition at classes before,the teacher couldnt show the experiment for us,so I needed to imagine what would happen.B

12、ut,at todays class,I am able to see what really happens.It is too exciting,”he said.Wang is the second Chinese female astronaut after Liu Yang.It is also the second video class delivered from above the Earths surface,with the US astronaut Barbara Morgans 25-minute class being the first in 2007.As so

13、me scientists believed,the lesson is aimed at making space science more popular.Space activities can also help the youth build up the spirit of seeking science and facing challenges.1.The best title for the passage would be .A.The First Teacher in SpaceWang YapingB.Shenzhou Astronauts Give LectureC.

14、Chinese Astronaut Gives the Space LectureD.An Important Physical Experiment in Space答案:C解析:主旨大意题。根据首段中“.a special class given by Chinas first teacher in space from.”及下文的内容可知答案为C项。2.The experiment “a water ball” is used to show .A.surface tension of water in weightless conditionB.Newtons second law o

15、f motionC.how to know weight due to zero gravityD.mass of water in a micro-gravity environment答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“She explained to students that the surface tension of water enlarges in space because of zero gravity.”可知答案为A项。3.The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to .A.my imaginat

16、ionB.the experiment showingC.a water ball in spaceD.weightless condition答案:B解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段中“.,the teacher couldnt show the experiment for us,so I needed to imagine what would happen.”可猜测it 指代的是上文提到的实验。4.Who have held the video class from above the Earths surface so far?A.Liu Yang and Wang Yaping.B.B

17、arbara Morgan and Wang Yaping.C.Barbara Morgan and Liu Yang.D.Barbara Morgan,Liu Yang and Wang Yaping.答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第五段可知除了中国的王亚萍之外,还有美国的Barbara Morgan在空中上过视频课。5.The purpose of the lesson is .A.to carry out some physics experiments about motion in a micro-gravity environmentB.to help students bette

18、r understand weight,mass and Newtons LawsC.to challenge the teachers abilityD.to make more people interested in space science答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句中“.,the lesson is aimed at making space science more popular.”可推断答案为D项。二次开发根据上文的改写,用本模块的单词、短语填空。It was a great moment 6. of China 7. over 60 million stud

19、ents and teachers 8. attended a class given by Chinas first teacher 9. Shenzhou spacecraft,which was 10. the earth.Wang Yaping,the second Chinese female 11.,carried out some physics experiments 12. which cant be done on the Earth.The students were very 13. to experience such a special class.This spa

20、ce class not only marks the great 14. China has made in space exploration(探索),but also encourages the youth to seek science and face challenges.答案:6.in the history7.when8.in total9.aboard10.orbiting/making orbits of11.astronaut12.in space13.delighted14.achievementsBA newspaper reporters job can be v

21、ery interesting.He meets all types of people and lives quite a busy life.He is in a rush for news all the time.Then after several years he may get a desk job,and life becomes a bit more settled.Lets look at his work a little more closely.In a day he may have to interview the prime minister of a fore

22、ign country,and the next day he may be writing about a football match.Sometimes he may be so busy that he hardly has any time to sleep.And at other times he may go on for days looking out for news materials yet return empty-handed.In the beginning,a reporter has to cover a very wide field.After the

23、early years he becomes more specialized in his work.For example,he may finally be asked to write only on court cases or politics or sports.Some reporters may become so specialized that they are asked only to write on a special thing:horse racing,for example.In most newspaper houses there is at least

24、 one special racing correspondent.Some newspapers have book reviews.Their job is delightful.They read the latest book and then write reviews on the ones they like.Then there are those who write on films,so they get to see them even before they are shown in the cinema.How lucky,you would say!A report

25、ers job can also be very dangerous.If there is a flood or a riot(暴乱) they may get hurt or even be killed.Three years ago there was a reporter whose camera was destroyed by a group of men,because they were angry with him for taking pictures of them.Dangerous or not,one thing is certainly and that is,

26、their job is never dull!15.The underlined words “in a rush” in Paragraph 1 mean “”.A.on the beachB.in no timeC.in a hurryD.on the spot答案:C解析:词义猜测题。上文中说记者要见好多人并且生活忙忙碌碌的。故此处选C项。16.Reporters who write on films are said to be lucky because they .A.can write anything they likeB.can see more film starsC.c

27、an pay less than other peopleD.can see the films before most people see them in the cinema答案:D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Then there are those who write on films,so they get to see them even before they are shown in the cinema.How lucky,you would say!”可知电影院放映影片之前,记者们便能观看得到,因此你可能会觉得他们很幸运。17.Why did the men brea

28、k the reporters camera?A.Because the reporter took pictures of them.B.Because they did not like him at all.C.Because they were afraid of his camera.D.Because the camera was in the way.答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Three years ago there was a reporter whose camera was destroyed by a group of men,because they

29、were angry with him for taking pictures of them.”可知他们不喜欢记者拍了他们的照片,因此毁掉了记者的相机。18.According to the passage,a reporters work becomes dangerous when .A.he is seeing a horror filmB.there is a flood or a riotC.there is a football matchD.there is an interview with the prime minister答案:B解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“A r

30、eporters job can also be very dangerous.If there is a flood or a riot(暴乱) they may get hurt or even be killed.”可知有时候发生洪水或者暴动,记者就会有生命危险,因此有时候记者工作也是很危险的。19.Whats the passage mainly about?A.An introduction to a newspaper reporters job.B.An interesting life of a newspaper reporter.C.Something written by

31、 a newspaper reporter.D.How to become a good newspaper reporter.答案:A解析:主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了记者这一职业的日常工作和不为人知的一些工作细节,目的是向人们介绍记者这个职业。六、完形填空Ill tell a story that happened when I was ten years old.I was at my friend Jennys house after 1 one day,and we were doing our homework.While I was there,a friend of Jennys

32、 mom came to 2.I dont remember her name or 3 what her face looked like.I just 4 her hands,her voice and the lesson I 5 from her.I cant forget that she 6 her hand to introduce herself.It was so 7,I thought,rich fine skin;then I heard her saying,“Oh,no,that is not 8 you shake hands.Let me teach you.”9

33、 that,I just remembered her voice explaining the 10 of a good handshake of expressing a good sense of self-confidence,of looking the other person in the eye,and of making a 11 atmosphere(氛围).Hearing her friendly 12,I first understood what being respected meant.I was grateful to her for 13 time teach

34、ing me about one of the important things in life.I was grateful for her not looking down on me 14 I was 10 and didnt know much.I also felt respected by the way she 15 me.It felt good to be talked to as a(n) 16,rather than a 10-year-old child.I was also grateful that she said,“If 17 doesnt realise so

35、mething,you should show him or her the 18 direction;dont be afraid to 19 your knowledge.”I think of her every time I meet someone 20,and Im so grateful for her little lesson.1.A.workB.lunchC.sleepD.school答案:D解析:根据上文的“I was ten years old”和下文的“.doing our homework”,应该选D项。2.A.readB.checkC.visitD.live答案:

36、C解析:詹妮妈妈的朋友来詹妮家拜访。3.A.evenB.stillC.everD.though答案:A解析:本文主要强调詹妮妈妈的朋友对作者的影响很大。但作者不记得她的名字了,甚至不记得她的长相了。此处有递进的含义,故even(甚至)最符合语境。4.A.watchB.rememberC.holdD.concern答案:B解析:第一段最后两句分别讲了作者不记得什么和记得什么。结合该段倒数第二句中的dont remember可知,此处应选remember(记得)。5.A.learnedB.selectedC.wantedD.discovered答案:A解析:解答本题的关键是该空前的lesson。此

37、处的lesson指“经验;教训”。learn a lesson意为“吸取教训”,符合语境。6.A.opened upB.hung outC.reached outD.put up答案:C解析:根据该空后的to introduce herself及8空后的shake hands可知,詹妮妈妈的朋友正在向作者进行自我介绍,而要想握手就必然要伸出(reached out)手来。open up“打开”;hang out“闲逛”;put up“建造;张贴”。7.A.dirtyB.beautifulC.smallD.common答案:B解析:根据该句中的rich fine skin可知,作者赞叹她的手很好

38、看(beautiful)。8.A.whereB.whyC.whenD.how答案:D解析:根据下一句“Let me teach you.”可知,作者握手的方式不对,故用表方式的how。9.A.AfterB.BeforeC.DuringD.Through答案:A解析:上文提到了她主动提出教作者如何握手,而该空所在句紧接着讲述了她教作者的一些细节。这里用after表示紧接着发生的事情。10.A.trapsB.purposesC.stagesD.rules答案:D解析:该空后紧接着讲了好的握手方式是什么样的,即握手的规则(rules)。11.A.weakB.warmC.crazyD.special答

39、案:B解析:结合常识和该句中的a good sense of self-confidence可推知,好的握手可以创造良好的氛围。四个选项中只有warm符合此处语境。12.A.laughsB.ideasC.jokesD.words答案:D解析:根据上一句及该空前的Hearing可知,此处指作者听到她教自己如何握手时所说的话(words)。13.A.havingB.spendingC.choosingD.keeping答案:B解析:上一段讲到了她花费时间教作者怎样握手,作者对此充满感激之情。spend time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”。14.A.whetherB.ifC.becau

40、seD.so答案:C解析:她没有因为作者年纪小、懂得不多而看不起作者。此处表示原因,故用because。15.A.treatedB.protectedC.encouragedD.requested答案:A解析:根据上一段中的细节描述以及by the way可知,这里指她对待(treated)作者的方式。她并没有轻视作者,让作者感受到被人尊重的感觉。16.A.expertB.studentC.teacherD.adult答案:D解析:根据该空后的rather than a 10-year-old child可知,她把作者当成年人(adult)对待。17.A.anyoneB.a friendC.s

41、omeoneD.a teacher答案:C解析:此处泛指某个人,故用someone。作者和她第一次相见,并不是“朋友”关系;文中也没有提到她是作者的“老师”。18.A.rightB.differentC.recentD.former答案:A解析:她第一次遇见作者的时候就教作者如何握手。由此可推断,她告诉作者当某个人没有意识到自己的错误时,我们应当进行纠正,告知正确的(right)方向。19.A.testB.shareC.increaseD.control答案:B解析:18空前面的you should show him or her暗示要主动帮助他人,指出并纠正他人的错误,即要把自己的知识和别人

42、分享(share)。20.A.healthyB.smartC.youngD.new答案:D解析:作者从詹妮妈妈的朋友那里学到这一人生道理时,和她是第一次见面,而且她鼓励作者指出别人的错误。因此,之后每当遇到新认识的人(someone new)时,作者都会想起她。七、语篇填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。As an old English saying goes,“Honesty is the best policy.”It is more than an old clich(陈词滥调),but 1. good way to live your life

43、.First,honesty is the 2.(easy) choice that we can make.When people get caught in lies,it always costs them something.Many relationships are destroyed by lies.Second,honesty gives us much 3.(free).Many people believe that being honest limits them in life,but that is not true.Sooner or later those dis

44、honest people 4.(pay) a price for their acts;on the contrary,when we are honest,we are 5.(true) free.If there were two people 6.(stand) before you,a person with a record of being honest and a person 7. is known to be dishonest,who would you be more likely 8.(believe)?Im sure most people would side w

45、ith the honest person.9. we live in the truth or we live in lies.The truth sets us free and lies leave us in nothing but more troubles.Honesty is a choice that we make each day.The choice is 10.(you).What will you choose?答案:1.a2.easiest3.freedom4.will pay5.truly6.standing7.who/that8.to believe9.Either10.yours


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