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《创新设计》2017届高考英语二轮复习(江苏专用)冲刺演练:第20练 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、第20练完形填空阅读理解.完形填空Do you spend your time working towards that “one day when.”?One day,when I have _1_ money I will be happy.One day,when I have the house _2_,I will be able to relax and _3_ myself more.One day,when I get a better job.These may all seem like good _4_ and desires.We are always expectin

2、g to live the life we have always wanted _5_ in the future.But when we arrive at one destination it doesnt seem enough,_6_ we are just not as _7_ as we thought we would be and we start going after the next _8_If we live in this way,one night we will _9_ up in a cold sweat _10_ where our life has gon

3、ewhy we feel so tired,lonely and _11_?Was life really meant to be _12_?So what can you do to bring some _13_ back into your life?Start enjoying the journey.No matter what you do,try your best and _14_ on what you are doing.If you are walking from the house to the car,dont hurry with your _15_ on som

4、ething else.Slow down a bit,take a deep _16_,look around and see what is going on in the outside _17_We spend so much time lost in our heads we become _18_ of what is going on around us.To really start to enjoy your life now_19_ you are doing,you need to learn to slow your racing mind down and becom

5、e fully aware of the _20_ moment.Do yourself a favor and dedicate today to enjoying the journey.【语篇解读】本文主要论述了人一生中设定目标的方式,并建议无论你有什么目标,都应该享受其过程,而不是为了目标而生活。1A.extra Benough Cgood Dspecial答案Bks5u当我有了足够的钱,我会觉得幸福。2A.paid off Bpaid backCpaid for Dpaid out答案Aks5upay off意为“还清”,此处表示还清房款。pay back“还钱;报答”;pay fo

6、r“为付钱”;pay out“付出;报复”。3A.devote Bapply Cadopt Denjoy答案Dks5u由句意可知还清贷款后,我会感到放松和过得愉快。devote oneself to“献身于;专心于”;apply oneself to“致力于”;adopt“收养;采纳”,不与oneself连用。4A.destinations BlifeCopinions Dideas答案Aks5u由上文可知前面提到的都是个人设定的目标,另外第10空前面也有提到“当我们达到一个目的地”。5A.sometime Bsome timesCsometimes Dsome time答案Aks5u我们总是

7、期待着过将来的某个时候的生活,sometime作副词,意为“将来的某个时候”。6A.somehow BbesidesCtherefore Dotherwise答案Aks5u由句意可知,当我们到达一个目标时,这似乎还不够,不知怎么地我们不像所想的那样满意。7A.disappointed BdissatisfiedCsatisfied Dbored答案Cks5u同上题解析。8A.house Bcar Cmoney Dgoal答案Dks5u我们接着追求下一个目标。而房子、车子和钱都是目标中的一个。9A.keep Bwake Cput Dpick答案Bks5u晚上当我们一身冷汗地醒来。wake up“

8、醒来”。10A.wondering BrealizingCsuggesting Dconvincing答案Aks5u根据下文的where,why引导的句子可知,此处应为“想知道”,所以用wondering。11A.emphasized BstressedCinterested Dforced答案Bks5u为什么我们感到如此的累、孤单和有压力?12A.sad Bangry Chard Dfearful答案Cks5u为什么生活意味着如此的艰难?13A.joy Bway Cluck Dcare答案Aks5u下文提到要享受生活,可知这里应该是把快乐带回。14A.focus Bact Cattract

9、Dmatter答案Aks5u无论你做什么,尽你最大努力去做,并且专注你正在做的事情。focus on“把注意力集中于”。15A.talent BexcuseCexplanation Dmind答案Dks5u不要急于把注意力转向其他方面。mind“注意力;思维”。16A.breath Bvillage Cvalley Dthought答案Aks5u放慢脚步,深呼吸take a deep breath“深呼吸”。17A.world Bsky Cheaven Dspace答案Aks5u环顾周围看看外面的世界有什么。18A.unaware Baware Cknown Drecognized答案Aks5

10、u我们花太多的时间迷失在头脑里(所设的目标),而无视周围发生的一切。be unaware of“不知道的;不注意的”。19A.however BwhicheverCwherever Dwhatever答案Dks5u根据后面的doing可知,此处应为“无论做什么”,所以填whatever。20A.past Bpresent Cbusy Dfree答案Bks5u前面提到:要开始享受现在的生活,无论你在做什么,学会放慢节奏,把全部注意力放在此刻。尾句中的today一词也给出了暗示。present“目前的;现在的”。.阅读理解A4 Coolest Underground HousesWe starte

11、d off living in caves and seem to have come back to the same point.This is because we finally realized that it is actually a very ecofriendly way to live.However,building a house underground is not an easy task.The following underground homes are so incredible that theyll make you want to build your

12、 own underground house!Flower Petals(花瓣)Located in Bolton,the UK,this house belongs to British football star Gary Neville.It is hidden under the ground except for the petalshaped openings designed to allow the light to enter and light up the entire house.It covers about 8,000 sq ft and was designed

13、by Make Architects to keep energy consumption to a minimum.Swiss Mountain Underground HouseThis unique house has been designed by the architects of SeArch,Netherlands and Christian Muller.It is located in the Swiss village of Vals and is hidden on all sides save for one.This magnificent structure ha

14、s been planned in such a way that it completely eliminates the need of cooling in summers and heating in winters.The Cave HouseCarved out of a mountain,this house is located in Festus,Missouri.It has been used for many different purposes over time.This 15,000squarefoot residence was originally used

15、as a mine for decades.It was also used as concert venue and a roller skating rink.The cave house needs no air conditioning for cooling and heating the house due to its intelligent design.Stone Desert HomeThe Stone Desert Home is built in such a way that it looks more like a halfburied ruin than a mo

16、dern home.Designed by Deca,this ecofriendly house is built between the slopes of two hillsides next to each other and barely rises above the desert level surrounding it.As the house is halfhidden in the earth,it makes use of natural light and heat as well as cooling crosswinds.【语篇解读】这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了世

17、界上奇特的地下房屋它们的特点就是节能环保。21It can be learned that Flower Petals _Acannot be seen from the earth at allBis in the possession of Make ArchitectsCwas probably designed by a companyDhas an obvious petalshaped floor答案Cks5u细节理解题。根据Flower Petals(花瓣)部分中的“It covers about 8,000 sq ft and was designed by Make Arch

18、itects”可知,这个建筑是由Make Architects设计的,Make Architects显然不是人名,很可能是一家公司。22The underlined word “eliminates” in the passage means “_”Aremoves BadjustsCcontrols Ddemonstrates答案Aks5u词义猜测题。根据文中的“.is hidden on all sides save for one”可知,这座房子是三面环山,只有出口这一面朝外,因此它给主人提供冬暖夏凉的环境,再结合文章开头的“环保住宅”可知该词在本句中的意思是“排除,免除”。23Comp

19、ared with Stone Desert Home,the Cave House _Ahas less natural light in the dayBshows more intelligent designCwas once used in many waysDhas an owner with rich experience答案Cks5u细节理解题。根据文章中的“This 15,000squarefoot residence was originally used as a mine for decades.It was also used as concert venue and

20、 a roller skating rink”可知,the Cave House曾经用途很广泛。24What can we infer from the passage?AThe author is advertising for the above houses.BThe future of residence will go underground.CThe houses mentioned are all ecofriendly.DAll of the four houses use only natural light.答案Cks5u推理判断题。作者在文中介绍的四座房子的共性是节能环保

21、。BAfter turning onto your other side in the darkness for the umpteenth time,you finally sigh and get out of bed.Frustrated,you flip on the kitchen light and pour yourself a generous glass of red wine,and then pull something from the medicine cabinet to help you sleepmaybe narcotic painkillers,Tyleno

22、l PM or sleeping pills.After all,you need to be up early for work.You need to get at least a couple hours of shuteye.Sound familiar? Millions of Americans are right there with you.An estimated 30 percent of adults experience symptoms of insomnia(失眠) at some point,whether its having trouble falling o

23、r staying asleep,waking up early,or not feeling wellrested after sleeping.In fact,the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls insufficient sleep a public health epidemic(流行病) and for good reason.Poor sleep has been linked to a broad range of health problems,including high blood pressure,dia

24、betes,obesity,depression and even cancer.Not getting enough sleep can also put other people in danger as sleepiness increases the risk of car accidents and costly mistakes at work,especially for those working in medical or industrial fields.More than 1,500 people a year die in car accidents caused b

25、y drowsy driving,and another 40,000 people are seriously injured.Dozens of studies have found poorer productivity and shorter lifespans among those who dont get the sleep they need,leading to a worse quality of life.Sleepless nights can also mean another kind of misery;when youre tired,youre just pl

26、ain moody.Too little sleep contributes to irritability and a short temper,so its easy to snap at your spouse,your friends,your kids or even your coworkers.Over time,relationships can become worse if your insomnia isnt managed,and you can develop serious mental health conditions,such as depression or

27、 anxiety disorders.Taking something at night to help you fall asleep and then downing several Red Bulls during the day might seem like a logical way to combat the problem.But in fact,those substances might be making your sleeping woes worse.For example,contrary to popular belief,a nightcap doesnt he

28、lp people sleep better.Alcohol can prevent you from sleeping as deeply as you need to or keep you from progressing through all the normal phases of sleep.Recovering alcoholics may also experience withdrawal symptoms that can cause insomnia and tempt(引诱) people back to use alcohol to try to get some

29、sleep.Similarly,narcotic painkillers,sleeping pills and other depressants can lead to dependency,making it difficult for the body to fall asleep on its own.A few drags on a marijuana joint may seem like a harmless way to relax,but as with opioids and sleeping pills,the drug can interfere with your n

30、atural sleep cycle and even cause you to wake up more frequently during the night.After a sleepless night,it is a struggle just to stay awake and function.Some people take amphetamines or other stimulants to jumpstart their days or help them concentrate.But then they struggle to wind down at night a

31、nd often return to alcohol or sleeping pills to help,and these shortterm solutions can quickly turn into a vicious cycle.Even though about onethird of Americans get less than seven hours of sleep each night,only about six percent of adults have a sleep disorder occurring on its own,separate from any

32、 other problem.However,many more people suffer from sleep disorders that cooccur with substance use,and each condition can continue to perpetuate the other.If all this sounds familiarthe roller coaster of struggling to stay awake,struggling to fall and stay asleep,and relying on substances to feel r

33、emotely normal while youre awakeyou should know that you have options available that can help.Seeking professional assistance to address unhealthy behavior and psychological patterns can help you retrain your body to get natural sleep on its own.For those healing from substance abuse and mental heal

34、th issues,Michaels House offers a sleep program that can help you develop healthy,regular sleep patterns again.The program can help you restore your natural rest and wake cycles,giving you back productive,enjoyable days and restful nights.【语篇解读】许多美国人存在失眠问题,其中一些人借助喝酒或服药来使自己尽快入睡,但这并不是一个好办法,反而会带来其他问题。【

35、长难句解读】An estimated 30 percent of adults experience symptoms of insomnia(失眠)at some point,whether its having trouble falling or staying asleep,waking up early,or not feeling wellrested after sleeping.分析:本句为复合句。whether its having trouble falling or staying asleep,waking up early,or not feeling wellres

36、ted after sleeping是状语从句,用来进一步解释symptoms的内容。译文:估计有30%的成年人有某种程度的失眠,无论是在入眠、睡眠持续或醒得早方面有困难,还是睡醒后感觉没有休息好。25The first paragraph tries to convey _Awhy insomnia is so common among AmericansBAmericans are suffering a lot from lack of sleepCwhat a typical American sleeping pattern looks likeDAmericans have mis

37、understandings of sleeping issues答案Cks5u段落大意题。文章的主题是论述许多美国人存在睡眠问题,其中一些人借助酒或药物来使自己尽快入睡,但这反而会带来其他问题。第一段用于引出话题,主要描述了美国人的典型睡眠模式。第二段的前两句亦是提示。26Why is insufficient sleep called a public health epidemic?AIt may result in serious mental disorders.BIt is leading to a poorer quality of life.CIt is linked to m

38、any accidents,even deaths.DIt can cause different kinds of health problems.答案Dks5u细节理解题。第三段第一句中的“for good reason”暗示我们下一句“Poor sleep has been linked to a broad range of health problems.”便是原因。故D项正确。27According to the passage,a man who is experiencing insomnia tends to_Alie on the bed awake until morni

39、ngBwork throughout the whole nightCturn to some medicine for helpDgo to the doctor for useful advice答案Cks5u推理判断题。从第一段第二句及第五、六段的内容可知,经历失眠的人会向一些药物寻求帮助,故选C。28The underlined word “perpetuate” in the last but one paragraph means“_”Atake over Bkeep upCdepend on Dmake out答案Bks5u词义猜测题。画线词所在段主要讲述的是使用各种物质来对抗失

40、眠会带来一些其他的问题。故画线词所在句表示的应是睡眠紊乱会和使用用于对抗失眠的物质同时出现,每一种情况会使另一种情况持续出现。故画线词应是“使持续”之意,故选B项。29What is the authors attitude toward using drugs or other substances to deal with sleeping issues? ANegative. BDoubtful.CFavorable. DNeutral.答案Aks5u推理判断题。作者在文章中列举了滥用各种物质以入睡的危害,所以可推断出作者对使用药物或其他物质来应对睡眠问题的做法是持否定态度的。故选A。3

41、0What can be the best title of the passage?ALack of sleep and solutions to itBSleep issues and substance abuseCReasons for poor sleepDInsomnia and relevant threats答案Bks5u主旨要义题。文章主要介绍的是美国人所面临的失眠问题以及使用各种物质以入睡所引起的其他问题,故B项作文章标题最佳。CWhats Included:Return travel by wellconditioned coach(长途客车)Experienced an

42、d friendly tour leader2 nights bed & breakfast in Edinburgh city centreGuided coach tour of EdinburghScottish Highlands TourVisit the Scotch Whisky Experience (optional extra charge)Visit the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh (admission free)Guided walking tour of medieval(中世纪的) YorkTrip Arrangement:D

43、ay 1/2:Leaving in the late evening (at 21:30),we travel overnight to Scotland,arriving at our hostel(招待所) in Edinburgh in the morning (around 9:00)Then we enjoy a guided tour of the famous sightsEdinburgh Castle,the Royal Mile,the Queens Palace,and much more.In the afternoon we have free time to vis

44、it the Museum of Scotland and shops in Princes Street,before returning to our hostel.In the evening we enjoy a typical Scottish night out.Day 3:A wonderful day in the wilds of the Scottish Highlands will take us to the city of Stirling with its stories of Kings and battles.We see the Wallace Monumen

45、t,meet a famous local “Hamish the Highland Bull”,and enjoy the scenery of Glencoe and beautiful castles.We take a drive along the shores of Loch Lomond and hear about the heroic deeds of Rob Roy,Mary Queen of Scots and lots more.Day 4:In the morning we leave for York,where we see York Minster (大教堂),

46、one of Europes largest medieval cathedrals(大教堂),and visit the city centre with its medieval streets and grand Georgian townhouses.We leave from York in the late afternoon for our journey home.Accommodation:Modern International HostelEdinburgh city centreInternet accessMultibedded roomsTwin/Double(40

47、 per person per night)Single (80 per person per night)【语篇解读】本文是应用文,介绍了去英国的套餐旅游、住宿费用以及日程安排等事项。31How much will a couple probably pay if they want a double room for 2 nights?A285. B330. C410. D490.答案Cks5u细节理解题。根据文中的“125”以及“Twin/Double(40 per person per night)”可知,需要的费用为12524022410。32Tourists will travel

48、 on their own in _AEdinburgh CastleBYork MinsterCthe Museum of ScotlandDthe Queens Palace答案Cks5u细节理解题。根据文中的“In the afternoon we have free time to visit the Museum of Scotland and shops in Princes Street,before returning to our hostel”可知,在苏格兰博物馆游客可自行参观。33Which of the following statements is TRUE?ASti

49、rling is a city famous for its amazing battlefields.BThere stand many beautiful castles around York.CThere are many great stories around Loch Lomond.DYork Minster is the largest medieval cathedral in Europe.答案Cks5u细节理解题。根据文中的“We take a drive along the shores of Loch Lomond and hear about the heroic deeds of Rob Roy,Mary Queen of Scots and lots more”可知,在Loch Lomond有很多英雄故事。版权所有:高考资源网()


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